MTL - The King-Chapter 321 Earl of Wrightshire

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   After the dust settled, the farewell banquet was extremely lively. Crown Prince Caesar came to Bloodmoon Castle in person to practice for the nobles of the kingdom.

   It can be seen that Caesar III also tried his best to pave the way for his son.

  According to the usual practice, after the end of the war, the celebration banquet should be held in the palace, but this time it was directly changed to the border.

   Nominally said: In order to commemorate the officers and soldiers who died in battle. In fact, everyone knows very well that it is nothing more than creating more opportunities for Crown Prince Caesar to appear on the scene.

  Emotions are always communicated. The more contacts you make, the more you will always meet like-minded friends.

  As the crown prince, as long as he wants to win people's hearts, he doesn't have to worry about no one going to him.

  Frankly speaking, the performance of Crown Prince Caesar is actually not bad. Apart from suffering a big loss in the last expedition to the Principality of Moxi, he did not do anything that angered people.

   Even if you have a problem with someone in your heart, you will greet him with a warm smile on your face. Being able to "hide" the true inner thoughts well is also an essential element for a king.

  Looking at the Crown Prince Caesar who was constantly shuttling through the crowd, Hudson gave way to the stage tacitly, stepped aside in a low-key manner and let him perform.

  Unfortunately, with the entry of the five dukes of New Northland, the atmosphere quickly changed. Hudson, who was supposed to come out to smooth things over to ease the atmosphere, disappeared in the venue long ago.

  The great nobles of the kingdom are not too serious to watch the excitement, as if they are waiting for a conflict between the two sides.

  A group of nobles who are close to the royal family can only worry about it on the sidelines. This is a test unique to Crown Prince Caesar, and the help of others will only help more and more.

   "Torsten, Rodriguez, Angel, Pedro, Hiro haven't seen each other for a long time, how are you doing?"

   I don't know if it was intentional or a coincidence. When Crown Prince Caesar called the five Dukes of the North, he deliberately disrupted their order of appearance.

   They are both in the same political group, and they also have internal rankings. Whose speech is weighty and whose speech is light can be seen from the simple order of appearance.

   But this kind of tacit understanding is left by the previous generation. Now that the older generation of people in power has passed away, the new generation has obviously not adapted to the original rules of the game.

   After all, the five major families in the Northland are equally powerful. The internal ranking has never been fixed. Basically, whoever is in power is more capable and has higher prestige, the greater the right to speak in the alliance.

  The seemingly inconspicuous title of Crown Prince Caesar is actually full of discord. The only problem is that the means are too immature, and people can see the purpose at a glance.

   "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your concern. The few of us are having a bad time these days!"

   Duke Hero responded angrily.

  100% truth, their few recent days were really hard.

  Sudden death of the older generation, the internal problems were not arranged at all, and their heirs were pushed to the shelves and pushed to the top by force.

   Internally, they couldn’t convince the public, and their parents left a lot of problems waiting for them to deal with; external troubles were even bigger, and the hostility of the kingdom’s nobles kept the five of them awake at night.

  This kind of complicated situation has never happened in the history of the northern aristocracy.

  In the past, even if there was a change of power, there were no five families rushing together.

  Even if there is a change, it is only a turmoil in one family, and the help of allies can completely stabilize the situation.

   This wave all rushed together, and all the allies who hugged each other to keep warm were all overwhelmed at the moment.

   Not only are the leaders of the five families in trouble, but most of the small and medium nobles who depend on them have also had successor changes.

  After all, the boss has died because of reselling military supplies, how can the younger brother who follows the boss be alone?

   It's luck not to be caught by the investigation team. Once you are found out, then wipe your neck yourself!

  The entire power group has experienced serious internal turmoil, which is also the core reason why the northern nobles did not jump out to **** the spoils.

  Choose to show up publicly after the dust settles, not only to sell everyone well, but also to sell everyone badly.

  People can't help sympathizing with the weak. As a member of the noble camp, the more pitiful and helpless the northern nobles are now, the more they can arouse everyone's sympathy.

   This kind of sympathy is worthless in front of interests, but when it does not involve self-interest, it is another situation.

  In order to make the image of "poor and helpless" more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, now he does not hesitate to touch the crown prince Caesar, deliberately portraying a poor aristocrat who was suppressed by the royal family.

   "Yes, that's really too bad! But my brother Hero, I believe this little trouble will not trouble you!"

  Crown Prince Caesar said sincerely.

   Obviously, he also discovered the schemes of the northern nobles. He simply acted with him, and just told everyone directly: They have a deep brotherly love.


  Both sides are dramatists, and the exciting meeting made Hudson roll his eyes.

   I have to admit that nobles are really precocious. He is obviously only in his teens or twenties, but he has the mentality of an old fox in his fifties or sixties.

  If they grow up in this state, it is estimated that after twenty years, these guys will be old foxes in the political arena again.

   As for now, the show is so violent that it has been seen through by all the old guys. It is estimated that among the younger generation, some politically incomprehensible people will be fooled.

  These are minor problems. As long as the northern nobles stay in their fiefs and do nothing, no one can do anything to them.

   No matter how turbulent the interior is, the strong military strength will still be there. Normal people will not be interested in their tough bones, nothing more than losing their right to speak in politics for a period of time in the future.

  After today, Hudson's coaching position will be over. Without the identity of the coach, he is just an ordinary earl of a kingdom.

  As a new great noble, at this time, it is necessary to keep a low profile. If you are too active, you will be easily beaten by society.

  Fortunately, the kingdom’s cake has been enlarged this time, and his rise only impacted the status of the Dalton family, and did not touch the interests of other nobles in the kingdom. Otherwise, Hudson’s small life would definitely not be so comfortable.

   "Today we all witnessed the unity of the Kingdom, and in the days to come, we will work together to create a great Alpha Kingdom!

   Now please, His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Caesar, read to you the list of heroes in this war, as well as the changes of titles and fiefdoms..."

   Watching the drama come to an end, Hudson also appeared in the banquet center. All the rewards for military exploits have been determined early on, and even the notifications have been distributed to everyone.

   At this moment, making such a move is purely Hudson's campaign for Crown Prince Caesar, or in other words, reciprocating the king.

  Welcoming the fiery eyes of everyone, Crown Prince Caesar walked slowly to the middle and small halls of the venue, and read aloud: "With everyone's joint efforts, after untold hardships, we have finally expelled the evil orcs.

  In order to demonstrate the fairness and justice of the kingdom and the clear rewards and punishments, the great Caesar III decided to reward meritorious ministers.

   After everyone agrees, the first person to contribute in this war is the commander-in-chief of the army—Earl Hudson.

   Expedition to the Principality of Moxi, save the allies from the fire and water; accept orders in the face of danger, quell the disaster of the rioters, and save the safety of the southern provinces; rescue the northern provinces to turn the tide...

  Now the Earl of Hudson canonized as the Earl of Wright County, and the fiefdoms are Dardir City, Xueyue City, Time Town, and Teren Cos Town..."

   "All political moves that cannot be understood have a price tag behind the scenes."

  —Hudson Quotations

   A series of fifty-six fiefdoms is the reward Hudson received. Although the area is very small and the distribution is still somewhat scattered, Kesheng's fiefdoms are all in the southeastern province with fertile land.

   Simply calculating the territory area, the fifty-six fiefdoms add up to a total area of ​​more than 7,000 square kilometers, which belongs to the younger brother among the counties in the kingdom.

   In terms of product resources, there is absolutely no difference.

  Looking at the envious eyes of the nobles, you can tell that Hudson's harvest is definitely rich. It is estimated that apart from the royal family, his income this time can be ranked in the top three.

   As for why not the most, it involves the essence of loot distribution. In addition to the obvious military exploits, an important factor must also be considered-strength.

  It is also customary for powerful nobles to share a big cake as long as they don't behave too badly.

  The distribution of spoils this time can be relatively harmonious, mainly because the nobles of the Northland are out of the game.

   Otherwise, according to the past practice, the northern nobles alone could take more than one-third of the cake, and it's no wonder that the rest of the people didn't grab their heads.

  Looking at the final result, Hudson discovered that there were ruthless characters among the nobles of the kingdom. The two companies whose income is higher than his are from beginning to end: they don't show their mountains and don't show their water, and they just make a fortune in silence.

  This time, the Viscount Oran also got his wish, and successfully became the earl of the fief, but the price he paid behind the scenes was a bit high.

  As far as Hudson knows, in exchange for this canonization, the Holliser family gave up many fiefdoms in the southeastern province. In the process of public relations, more money and favors are spread out.

  There is no way, if you don’t pay now, even if you want to pay in the future, there will be no such opportunity.

   None of the mid-level nobles who crossed the threshold did not pay the price. As the only exception, Hudson's rise has no reference value at all.

  One step at a time, after several generations of accumulation, waiting for an opportunity to explode is the most conventional operation.

  Some people succeed and some people fail. Not being able to go further is nothing, the worst thing is to watch the family decline.

   Regardless of the fact that everyone can still sit together, eat, drink, and talk about the world, if these families that have been severely injured in the war do not improve in the next few years, their future prospects will be slim.

  The **** of affection is time-limited. The greater the interests involved, the weaker this binding force will be.

  The network of contacts is extensive, and you usually do a good job in dealing with people in the world. Occasionally, relatives and old friends will help you, and the process of decline is slower.

  If the relationship between people is bad and enemies are all over the world, they will disappear from this world soon.


  The banquet was over, but Hudson still couldn't relax. As the victors of this war, the Koslow family is undoubtedly one of the big winners.

  In addition to Hudson, the leader of the family, who became the real earl, there are also many descendants who stand out.

   It's just that they didn't get what they wanted and stayed in the hinterland of the kingdom to enjoy peace, but were forced to go north to start a business.

   It's not that Hudson is unwilling to help out, it's really restricted by the rules of the political game, and the benefits cannot be fully exploited.

  The children of other big families have all gone to Northern Xinjiang to start businesses, and the Koslow family is no exception.

   At this time, the benefits of a thriving population are highlighted. More than 20 of the children who followed Hudson in the scuffle all the way won the title.

  The only regret is that the title level is not high, and he has little right to speak in the northern Xinjiang area. Fortunately, they can hug each other to keep warm, so as not to be bullied.

  Looking at the most outstanding children of the family in front of him, Hudson was filled with endless sadness. Fortunately, the talents cultivated through hard work are now running out to start businesses.

   But he couldn't do anything to hinder the future of the tribe. Although it is not easy to start a business outside, the victory is that there are unlimited possibilities.

  Staying in the family is indeed comfortable and comfortable, but the prospects for development are also limited.

  When the children of a family are greedy for ease and enjoyment, it is time to decline. Only by constantly forging ahead can we have a more brilliant future.

   "Everyone sit down!"

   "You are all elites of my Koslow family, being able to stand out from the crowd is enough to prove your ability.

   You have all received the canonization documents. From now on, you are the new nobles of the kingdom, and you must learn how to live as nobles.

   As for the specific content, you have all received training before. But what I want to tell you is: if you want to gain a foothold in the Northland, the content of the family training alone is far from enough!

  Strength, strength, strength!

  In this world, what can really allow us to live and work is always strength.

  Rules are important, but the rules are also made by the strong. While you abide by the rules and make use of them, you must always keep in mind that there are no hard and fast rules in this world.

  Tomorrow I will leave with the team. Whether you can take root in the northern land in the future, only you can rely on yourself.

  The foundation of the family is too shallow, and the help that can be provided to you is very limited. As the head of the family, I can only personally sponsor each of you with three thousand gold coins and weapons and equipment for one hundred people.

   How much help other branches can provide you is up to you to fight for it from the elders, and I will not interfere. "

   Hudson said earnestly.

  It's sad to think about it, the Koslow family's public account is actually empty. The industries are all owned by each branch, and the family collective industry is directly 0.

  As the new head of the family who just took office, there is no time to develop the family business, so that Hudson can only pay for it himself.

   Fortunately, during this war, he made a huge fortune. Otherwise, he, the tragic patriarch, would not even be able to afford the entrepreneurial sponsorship for his clansmen.

   "Patriarch, please rest assured! We will not let you down!"

   As soon as Evola's voice fell, Hudson was a black line at one end. Don't worry, he will be a ghost if he can rest assured.

  The others are fine. Anyway, he is completely worried about Evora, the second brother of the direct relative.

   Originally Hudson wanted to keep him in the family, but the young people were full of fighting spirit, so they almost wrote "pretentious" on their foreheads.

   In order to be able to come out, Baron Redman personally wrote letters as a lobbyist: asking for a chance to exercise Evora.

  It is always easy for fathers to place high hopes on their children, especially after Hudson's emergence, Baron Redman's requirements for his sons have also been raised a lot.

  Perhaps in his father's view, they were all born to the same parents, and it's not much different after thinking about it.

   Anyway, there are many sons, so they can stand the toss. In the struggles within the kingdom, few people were killed. There was a problem with the tossing, and Hudson, the younger brother, was responsible for the aftermath.

  In order to reduce follow-up troubles, Hudson deliberately chose a fief for them that was not in dispute. The only downside is that it is a little bit out of the way.

  Since it's exercise, it's not a big deal. The left and right are the baronies, and there is still a chance to move in the future.

  Looking at his second brother Evola in high spirits, Hudson couldn't help laughing. Next, I greeted the care from my younger brother. I don't know if he can still be so happy.

   "Very good, you must continue to maintain this fighting spirit!"

Read The Duke's Passion