MTL - The King of Special Warfare-v7 Chapter 569 : New Tianjiao (2)

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In fact, in a sense, Li Tianlan's most enviable thing is not at all the invincible martial arts strength that he once had, but gave Dela Tu just now.

Even if people are envious of the strength gained in exchange for personal talent and countless life and death injuries, they will not lose all reason.

Li Tianlan is the most enviable thing. Even today, it is his beauty that makes people gnash their teeth and wish to kill him.

Even if you don't talk about Wang Yuetong, don't talk about Dongcheng Rushi, and don't talk about Huangfu Qiushui.

Just a Qin Weibai is enough to make people feel jealous.

Li Tianlan had the most beautiful woman in the dark world, and then abandoned it.

There is no child between them, let alone a son.

But now, in front of Dela Tu, Li Tianlan casually said that he had a son.

This sentence is very common.

But combined with the current situation of the banquet hall, it seems very unusual.

Li Tianlan created countless Wang Tianzongs but failed to kill Dela Tu, countless problems that Wang Tianzong did not solve, what about Li Tianlan's non-existent son?

Li Tianlan even said something even more exaggerated.

a sword.

All it takes is a sword.

Dratu didn't believe it, but he didn't relax his vigilance either.

His whole person is now completely connected to this empty banquet hall, and has involved all the seeds here.

The darkness around the banquet hall began to fluctuate slightly.

Chaotic rules are roaring and brewing.

From Li Tianlan, all the strength and sword energy are continuously condensed.

This is his strongest state.

There are no accidents brought about by Wang Tian's chaos, no unexpected, fully prepared peak state.

He stared at Li Tianlan, his eyes became more and more wary.

He was sure that Li Tianlan had no son, but Li Tianlan who had lost his martial arts strength was obviously shameless, even Wang Tianzong could become his younger sister, who knew what his son would be?

"One son, not enough..."

He smiled in a low voice, with extremely strong greed and resentment in his voice.

Li Tianlan glanced at him.

There was no hostility in his eyes, and he even looked very gentle.

This kind of aura is calm in the true sense, not impatient, not indifferent, calm and calm, but everything is under control.

"One sword is enough."

Li Tianlan said slowly.

All around was calm.

Li Tianlan's son did not appear, nor did the sword.

Dratu waited for a second, then laughed, his dark facial features were completely distorted: "Where is the sword, where is your sword?"

His huge figure suddenly exploded, like a black bear.

An extremely sharp roar exploded in the banquet hall.

A white ring exploded at Delato's position, and his figure had passed through the sound barrier and rushed directly in front of Li Tianlan.


There was a smile in Li Tianlan's voice.

The attack with violent force and fierce sword energy directly penetrated Li Tianlan's body.

Delatu returned to the ultimate position, looking at Li Tianlan with a gloomy look.

Li Tianlan was sitting there, but the moment the attack came, he seemed to suddenly become a painting.

It is a picture imprinted in the air.

All the attacks passed along his body, like passing through the air, without causing him any damage.

"What kind of ability is this?"

Delato asked slowly, Li Tianlan still has so many tricks after losing his martial arts, which is totally unexpected by Delato, and now Li Tianlan seems to be more troublesome than before losing his martial arts, and his mentality is getting more and more unstable up.


Li Tianlan said with a smile.

Delatu frowned, and the moment he opened his mouth, he turned his head suddenly.


"Ding ding ding..."

In the quiet banquet hall, there seemed to be an inexplicable sound of wind.

There is no draft of any kind into the ballroom.

But all the wine glasses started shaking and colliding at the same time.

The darkness around the banquet hall seemed to be stirred by an invisible force, and the darkness continued to spread like ripples.

The sound of the wind became louder and sharper.

Delato stood under the lights of the banquet hall, I don't know if it was an illusion, but there seemed to be a touch of paleness on his dark face.

He is not afraid of the wind, nor will he be frightened by the wind outside the banquet hall.

But the problem is...

This banquet hall does not exist, there is no so-called outside at all, so where is the so-called wind?

Li Tianlan listened attentively.

This time he really didn't lie to Delatu.

Because he really has a son.

Now his eyes can't see the outside world either, but his perception is getting clearer.

The night sky is shattering.

The sword energy is overwhelming, getting closer and closer.


Outside the banquet hall is the banquet hall.

Thor, who kept pacing, had become more and more restless.

The way his anxiety manifests itself is not panic, but ferocity.

The world has always said that the members of the Dongcheng family are bloodthirsty.

Dongcheng Invincible is even called the God of Death.

Raytheon grew up in the Dongcheng family, and he has been influenced by his ears and eyes, and some choices are completely instinctive.

He raised his hand again and looked at his watch.

The time here is obviously different from the time in the illusory banquet hall. After Li Tianlan disappeared, less than ten minutes had passed here. If there were no accidents, the Yuxue King's Group should be about to enter the city by this time.

"It should be fine."

Ma Si looked at Thor, whose face was getting more and more ferocious, and his heartbeat was also accelerating: "The missing red wine and wine glasses may be evidence. Li Shuai's current situation may not be so special, but it is obviously beyond our understanding. so you..."

He wanted to tell Thor not to be impulsive, but he stopped when the words came to his lips.

Thor gave him a cold look.

"Twenty minutes."

Thunder God didn't respond to Ma Si, but looked at Li Songping, who was pale and sluggish: "In twenty minutes, my people will be here, next... depends on luck.

If Tianlan can come out before then, everything is easy to talk about.

If not..."

He didn't continue talking, but the ferocity on his face seemed to have explained the answer.

"Old Ray."

Marth couldn't help but let out a cry.

Lei Shen turned his head back suddenly, his eyes were fierce: "Shut up for me..."

He stopped suddenly in the middle of his words, his eyes froze, and he looked straight behind Ma Si.

Behind Ma Si is a huge French window.

Outside the window is the brightly lit capital of Annan.

The night is shrouded in lights, a bustling scene.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Matt asked subconsciously. </p>

Thor swallowed hard.

His eyes were wide open, and his eyes seemed a little desperate, a little surprised, and there was also a trace of self-doubt.

Marth turned his head.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, a spot of light seemed to appear in the blurred night sky illuminated by lights.

In the line of sight of Marthe and Thor, the light spot was very subtle, but the light that bloomed was unprecedentedly dazzling.

The light spot did not know where it came from, but it was approaching here at an unimaginable speed.

In just the blink of an eye, that spot of light has been magnified tens or hundreds of times, and the light has become more dazzling.

The moon has completely disappeared under the blinding light.

The entire Annan country could see that spot of light, getting bigger and bigger, like a shooting star, like a falling star, with endless light, tearing apart Annan's long night in an instant.

It was still a blip.

But the surrounding halo is comparable to the scorching sun.

The increasingly dazzling glare seemed to be burning completely, moving forward unscrupulously and straightly in the dark night, like a long rainbow passing through the sky.


outside the city.

After receiving the order, the Yuxuejun regiment almost effortlessly swept away the City Defense Lord who tried to block their progress.

The Maharaja's queue rushed into the street neatly.

And then...

Everyone can't see it.

Almost without any warning, the night sky was scattered, torn, and shattered.

The flying glare enveloped every corner of the city.

All the elite subconsciously closed their eyes.

My ears are full of wind.

The sudden gust of wind seemed to howl in despair.

The sword light all over the sky illuminated the capital from night to day.

The brightness of the day increased endlessly, and the whole city turned into an invisible snow-white at this moment.

Under the light that no one can look directly at, there are more and more bright lights.

It was light, but it was also a sword.

Above the sky, there are one after another, tens of thousands, even tens of millions of swords.

There are endless lightsabers with different shapes, but each one is thousands of meters long.

Every light, every ray of light, is a sword.

Overwhelming, mighty.

An indescribable despair and majesty penetrated almost everyone's soul.

Inside and outside the city, the majesty who entered the city, the broken city defenses, the pedestrians on the street, and the sleeping people, all of them were fully awake in an instant.

The brilliant sword energy filled every corner of the city, with a chill and a sharp edge.

Winter came suddenly.

Everyone knelt down almost simultaneously.

This is not awe.

Instead, the body instinctively went limp under tremendous pressure.

At this moment, there was no sound in the city anymore.

Everyone closed their eyes and knelt on the ground, letting the sharp edge pass by their bodies, trembling unceasingly.

Thor, Masi, Li Songping...

Bloody Kings, city defense, ordinary people, men, women and children...

No one in the whole city was spared, and everyone knelt on the ground instinctively.

Because it can't stand at all.

The endless sword light swept across the entire city.

The lights went out in an instant.

The vast sword energy swept across the street, and the flat street was instantly shattered.

Sword Qi passed through the building.

A series of high-rise buildings, communities, hospitals...

Everything was pierced with countless holes by the dense sword energy.

All buildings are riddled with holes.

The glass in the whole city shattered in an instant.

Nothing is spared.

Because sword energy is everywhere.

The more fierce did not kill anyone, but as the sword energy passed by, cracks appeared on almost everyone's body.

The surrounding wind became more and more sharp and rapid.

The sword energy of the whole city appeared from all directions, with only one target: the banquet hall!

Sword Qi continuously gathered in the banquet hall with fierce wind.

The entire hotel is passed through by countless sword lights from the first floor to the top floor.

A large amount of sword energy suddenly disappeared.

More sword energy continued to gather, centering on the hotel, directly forming a bright beam of light that connected the night sky.

The beam of light rushed up to the clouds, and the wind was surging.

The next moment, the sword fell like rain.

There is no longer any momentum that can describe this sword.

Sword twenty-four?

Six paths of reincarnation sword?

Both, and neither.

This is the sword, pure sword.

Li Tianlan borrowed Li Dongcheng's sword with his own ability.

But even he himself didn't know how terrifying this sword was.

Two pieces of time and space, different speed of time flow.

Li Tianlan had seen Li Dongcheng who was about to leave.

And now Lee Dong Sung...

on the way.

This sword is just Li Dongcheng's casual sword, but it is far beyond the limit of the real environment.

So this sword was disassembled countless times.

An ordinary sword turned into endless sword shadows, turned into densely packed sword lights, and then continued to decompose.

Above the sky, every sword shadow, within the beam of light, every particle of light...

They have truly reached the upper limit of the capacity of the City of Miracles.

That is...

Eternal Sword!

It's not twisted.

It is the self-decomposition of the real environment against external pressure.

Li Dongcheng has already left, but the borrowed sword is equivalent to countless Li Dongcheng in extreme states swinging swords towards the city.

Every sword, every ray of light, every particle of light.

They are all eternal swords.

Overwhelming and overwhelming.

An Nanguo couldn't bear the sword.

The entire Annan couldn't bear this sword.

Li Tianlan couldn't borrow this sword in the first place.

But at this time, he was in the chaotic nothingness, and with the help of the chaotic power, he borrowed the sword from the nothingness and slashed towards the nothingness.

This was enough to destroy the entire Annan, and even a small half of Central Continent. The swords poured into the banquet hall incessantly, and then tore apart the empty space that seemed to not exist.

Li Tianlan glanced at Dela Tu again, and said seriously: "I really have a son."

He put down the wine glass, stood up, and walked towards the darkness in front of him: "So, goodbye."

In an instant, it seemed as if a round of stars erupted directly in the banquet hall.

Infinite light shines on everything.

The darkness is completely torn apart in a most savage way.

All the sword lights found Li Tianlan, and then continued to spread around him centered on him.

The chaotic breath on Dratu was consumed at an unimaginable speed, and then dried up in an instant.

The banquet hall surrounded by darkness was completely blown up.

Dark shards flew in all directions.

The dazzling sword light continuously tore the darkness, tore it again, and tore it again and again.

Undead Seeds disappear completely.

Dratu also completely disappeared.

When the sword really came, he didn't even have time to speak or react.

Under the sword light, there is no death at all.

But the most complete destruction.

The wind is still howling, and the sword light is still flying.

Li Tianlan closed his eyes and walked forward in the direction of the wind.

One step, two steps, three steps...

The sound of the wind suddenly disappeared.

Li Tianlan opened his eyes.

He appeared in the real banquet hall lounge.

The sword light of Annan Capital has disappeared with the destruction of the illusory banquet hall.

In the lounge, Thor, Ma Si, and Li Songping slowly got up and opened their eyes cautiously.

They saw Li Tianlan at the same time.

Li Tianlan stood in front of the window, with his back to them, looking at the dim moon outside the window.

Under the moonlight, the Annan Kingdom is like ruins.

The endless sword light penetrated the buildings. Although no buildings collapsed, it was obvious that all the buildings were riddled with holes and needed to be demolished and rebuilt.

Destroy the city with one sword...

This sword can even be said to have destroyed the world with one sword.

It's a pity that Li Tianlan has no way to copy this sword now without the chaotic breath to use.

He looked out the window, was silent for a while, and then said leisurely: "Mr. Speaker, I'm sorry, your city no longer exists.

But this sword is really beautiful..."