MTL - The King of Special Warfare-v7 Chapter 537 : end of the world

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Li Tianlan lowered his head and watched quietly as the plane flew over a rolling mountain forest.

The verdant forest, the continuous mountains, and the fertile plains in the distance, everything is very small, and everything is very clear.

The continuous fertile soil seems to be plated with a layer of gold under the sun, which looks extraordinarily alluring and enchanting.

"After today, everything here will belong to Tiannan."

Bai Qingchao, who was sitting next to Li Tianlan, wanted to reach out to pat his nephew's shoulder, but he stretched his hand halfway, and he took it back, just asked with a smile: "How is it, is it a sense of accomplishment?"

"Not to mention."

Li Tianlan shook his head slightly: "If decades later..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but everyone understood what he meant.

Li Tianlan has been to Beihai Province.

At the very beginning, there was a huge gap between the rich and the poor in the south and north of Beihai, Annan's economy was very backward, and the northern part of Beihai, which originally belonged to Snow Country, was not much better.

But now, Shengzhou City has become one of the most prosperous cities in the north of Central Continent. Among the seven cities in Beihai, none of them are backward.

Of course, this has experienced a time span of hundreds of years.

But Li Tianlan naturally has some ambitions.

Although he has nothing to do with the East Palace now, he still hopes that the fertile land he took down can be truly developed in a few decades and become the southernmost pearl in Central Continent.

"Who can tell what will happen decades later?"

Bai Qingchao smiled and said, "Put more pressure on Han Donglou, and the construction of Tiannan will be faster."

The East Palace is really not short of money now.

In a sense, as long as the current Qin Weibai is willing, she can even burn the money as paper.

And this is also the most important thing for the development of Tiannan.

How fast the construction of Tiannan is has the most direct relationship with how much money the East Palace can give.

Ma Si had secretly prepared Tiannan's development plan a few days ago. Without Qin Weibai's opening, once the signatures of Ma Si and Ning Qiancheng took effect, more than one trillion yuan of funds could be mobilized. Of course , the premise is that this fund can only be used to build Tiannan.

And Zhongzhou will also give great support, manpower, material resources, various resources, and various technologies can be said to be everything.

When Beihai Province was established, Central Continent and Beihai were in the game stage, so naturally there would not be much support in this regard.

But now, with Li Tianlan leaving Tiannan and Ma Si entering the East Palace, the stage of the game has been skipped. With the background of Central Continent, every aid from the council will never be stingy.

In this way, the first construction fund of Tiannan Province will exceed at least two trillion yuan.

two trillion...

Putting this money on the vast majority of people, it is estimated that it will only be a pure concept, a concept that money is no longer money.

But if it is used to build a province, the money is really not that much compared to the ambitions of the Eastern Palace and Zhongzhou's expectations for Tiannan.

After all, Tiannan is different from other places in Central Continent.

Judging from Annan's situation, the construction of Tiannan can be said to be a construction from scratch.

All existing cities were overthrown.

Existing railways will be re-upgraded.

At the same time, there will be several new railways that run through the entire territory of Tiannan and connect with Central Continent.

There should be highways, airports, and provincial subways leading to Zhongzhou.

The basic buildings of each city are also essential.

Once this kind of construction from scratch starts, money will be burned every minute and every second, so as the plan starts, there will inevitably be a second tranche of funds.

However, what Li Huacheng said about the second tranche of funds was very clear. Most of the money needed to be paid out by the Shengshi Fund. No matter how much Zhongzhou bestowed, it was impossible to give endless financial assistance.

The amount of the second tranche of funds will depend on whether Han Donglou is generous enough, or in other words, whether Li Tianlan puts enough pressure on Han Donglou.

"Let's see and talk."

Li Tianlan thought for a while, then shook his head in a complicated mood.

He didn't know what mood he was in now. There must be regrets and regrets, but he was also a little awkward.

He didn't regret leaving the East Palace and Tiannan.

But in fact, after he left Tiannan, everything in front of him really made him feel less involved. The feeling of being a little excited but not excited at all was strange and extremely uncomfortable.

"what's the topic?"

A voice with a smile sounded.

"Let's talk about Nan's future, how about it? If Minister Aoba has any suggestions, Tiannan will definitely attach great importance to it."

Bai Qingchao laughed.

The woman who spoke was Li Qingye, who was in charge of the defense department. She was also the first top figure who broke away from the veterans of the Li family.

It's not an exaggeration to say that Li Tianlan grew up under her watch.

In fact, in Li Tianlan's life from childhood to adulthood, although he has always called Aunt Qingye, most of the time, Qingye played the role of mother in Li Tianlan's life.

It is also because of this that Li Tianlan has the best relationship with Li Xiangsheng in Li's camp.

"Tiannan's future development will not be bad."

Qingye looked at Li Tianlan and laughed, her voice was very gentle, not in a hurry: "A few days before I passed away, I said that Tiannan is suitable for retirement, and he plans to spend time in every city here. Buy a house and take me over to take care of me when I retire.”

"Auntie can still work in this position for at least 20 years. It's too early to be filial in the next life."

Li Tianlan didn't seem to understand the hint in Qingye's words, and spoke in a calm voice.

Li Xiangsheng is the son of Qingye, one of the four spirits of Central Continent. Twenty years later, he will be at the prime of his life. Unsurprisingly, he will be at least an invincible. At that time, he can only stay in the Youzhou, if you want to come to Tiannan, you can only think about it.


Qingye shook her head, didn't say much, she stretched out her hand to tidy up Li Tianlan's epaulettes: "Have you memorized the speech script by heart?"

"Just say a few words, it's okay."

Li Tianlan said, looking down again.

The special plane that has attracted the attention of the whole world flew over the land that belongs to Annan but will soon belong to Central Continent, getting closer and closer to the capital of Annan.


Kill Li Tianlan!

Even between Jiang Shangyu and Jiang Shangyu, this is a very exciting topic.

Reinhardt was right and wrong.

Jiang Shangyu is indeed a very proud person, but as far as Jiang Shangyu himself is concerned, his ambition is not to annex the whole world.

If there is no other self in another time and space.

Then his greatest ambition in this life is probably to lead his family to become the top wealthy family in Central Continent, with enough freedom and enough capital to protect himself, and to ensure the future inheritance of the family. It is probably enough to achieve this step. up.

But under the influence of another self, everything changed.

The other Jiang Shangyu himself didn't seem to want to dominate the world either.

But Reinhardt was right, he really couldn't coexist with Li Tianlan.

The memories of the two Jiang Shangyu are completely shared, and similarly, the hatred is naturally shared.

He wanted Li Tianlan to die, wanted to kill Li Tianlan himself.

This kind of hatred has been buried for many years. He thought about it when he was a child, and he still thought about it when he was recuperating. Even now that Li Tianlan is the so-called invincible, he still hasn't given up.

This kind of obsession and killing intent has been completely out of hatred. As time went by, Jiang Shangyu felt that he had killed Li Tianlan completely for the sake of killing Li Tianlan.

The hatred in another time and space is naturally the reason, and the reason is sufficient.

But there was also an inexplicable desire that made him want to kill Li Tianlan.

This desire completely transcends the hatred of another time and space.

Jiang Shangyu didn't know why, but his intuition told him that if he could kill Li Tianlan, he would definitely get the biggest surprise in his life.

Hearing the topic of killing Li Tianlan mentioned by himself, Jiang Shangyu suddenly felt extremely excited.

"What do you mean, when will you kill Li Tianlan?"

He took a deep breath, and through his thoughts, passed on his doubts immediately.

"It can't be killed now."

The black robe said softly: "So what you said to Reinhardt, there is a high probability that you said it a little too early."

"I do not quite understand."

Jiang Shangyu frowned.

"We lost something."

The black robe said calmly: "You should also feel it now, as long as we can find that thing, we will probably have the strength to kill Li Tianlan.

But even with that strength...

We can't kill him either. "

Jiang Shangyu was silent for a while, and asked, "What exactly did you remember?"

"It's not a question of what I remembered, to be precise, it should be a question of what I understood."

The black robe smiled: "The night when we besieged Li Tianlan was actually the best opportunity. In that state, if Li Tianlan fell, no one would stop him, but it's a pity that we missed that night. "

"You mean, if we go to kill Li Tianlan now, someone will stop us?"


The voice of the black robe was very sure: "It's a pity that you don't remember, the whole world has forgotten the three higher beings that appeared that night, but I still remember.

And what I can be sure of is that even if we have the strength to kill Li Tianlan, there is no way to kill him.

At critical moments, there will definitely be higher beings who will jump out, and at that time, maybe we will be the ones who will die.

At this stage, there is nothing that can threaten Li Tianlan, and he is truly invincible. "


Jiang Shangyu was expressionless.

"Wait. Wait."

The black robe leader let out a long breath: "I finally understand what I'm waiting for..."

Jiang Shangyu didn't speak.

The black robe responded to his doubts: "We need to wait for an opportunity, or... when the end of the world comes, when everyone is unable to take care of Li Tianlan."

On the isolated island, Jiang Shangyu, who had changed into a pair of pants, stood on the shore, looking up at the starry sky at night.

"It's not the world you know, the so-called end of the world..."

He looked up at the shining stars and laughed: "It will be soon, it has even happened."