MTL - The King of Special Warfare-v7 Chapter 520 :sluggish

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Hearing the footsteps in the corridor, the knight frowned slightly.

In the entire East Palace, there are very limited people who can get close to here on weekdays, and as a master at the peak of the Thunder Realm, she can naturally recognize everyone's footsteps very clearly.

The footsteps were getting closer.

Just as the knight expected, Marthe's figure appeared in her sight again.

The knight frowned, but his tone remained calm: "What are you doing here again?"

Strictly speaking, her identity is just Qin Weibai's bodyguard and driver. Although Qin Weibai no longer needs bodyguards at all, this is how she is positioned.

And Ma Si is the deputy lord of the East Palace. No matter what, the knight should give the other party enough respect.

She is also very well-behaved and uses honorifics, but her tone is a bit impolite.

"The palace master hasn't woken up yet?"

Matt asked bluntly.

The knight shook his head. The food was delivered by someone just ten minutes ago. Naturally, the catering department of the East Palace attaches great importance to Qin Weibai's diet.

Perhaps because Qin Weibai consumed very little food and water in the past few days, the chef in the catering department obviously panicked. As time went by, some meals were prepared in different ways, and the ingredients became more and more high-end. From the food box at the beginning, it has developed into a food truck now.

There are more than 20 dishes in the dining car that the knight just pushed in. The portions are small and exquisite, and they are paired with more than ten kinds of drinks. The knight estimates that if this continues, maybe tomorrow, no, even today, the food and beverage department will The person in charge is about to come to the door to plead guilty.

But the problem now is that Qin Weibai still has no signs of fully waking up.

When she pushed the dining car in just now, she felt carefully that Qin Weibai was still sleeping in the bedroom, breathing evenly. The only change seemed to be that his sleeping position changed from lying on his side to lying on his back, making him more peaceful.

The knight was sure that her boss was fine, but she was not at ease. She could sense that Qin Weibai should wake up for a short time every day, but such a short time obviously couldn't support her to complete her daily life as the palace lord. Work.

Moreover, Qin Weibai's current thoughts don't seem to be on work at all, which directly caused Han Xinyan and Ma Si to directly bear the work for these few days.

Secretary Han could vaguely feel the resentment knight in private, but there was nothing he could do, so he could only delay it temporarily.

But the problem is that procrastination like this is no way at all.

The attitude of the food and beverage department has begun to change, and as time goes by, the strange silence of the Palace Master will sooner or later make the entire East Palace pay attention. At this critical moment, if the rhythm of the East Palace is chaotic, it means infinite variables. As long as he thinks of these, the knight is a little upset.

"I'm almost ready to go to Annan now."

Ma Si smiled: "Old Xiao will go there with me."

The knight nodded, absent-mindedly perfunctory: "I wish the Vice Palace Mistress a smooth trip."

The current East Palace headquarters can be said to be extremely empty and extremely safe.

The three deputy palace masters were not in Tiannan, Li Tianlan left directly, and the recalled young high-ranking officials quickly returned to their places. At present, there are actually not a few masters above the thunder-shocking level in the entire Xuanyuan City .

But a Qin Weibai who is in a transcendent state staying here is enough to make the entire East Palace impenetrable. If there is an invasion by a foreign enemy, under the cover of the spiritual power of the transcendence, it will be extremely difficult for the enemy to destroy every flower and grass in the East Palace. things.

However, if such an East Palace is exposed to the outside world, it will inevitably appear a bit shabby.

Xiao Mohai, who is the chief executive, is now barely close to the peak of the Jinglei Realm. He followed Masi to Annan this time, and it can be said that he served as a temporary guard. Judging from the current momentum of the East Palace, this guard is indeed a bit shabby Fortunately, there will be Li Tianlan there, and most of the others dare not have any contempt.

"I just communicated with Youzhou."

Ma Si said softly: "And reported the situation here to His Majesty Li Tianlan in the communication."

The knight raised his eyebrows suddenly, his eyes became extremely fierce.

Qin Weibai made it clear that she could not tell Li Tianlan about her state during this period.

And she also told Marth that.

Ma Si reported to Li Tianlan?

Report what?

"Of course, I didn't say anything about the Palace Master's deep sleep."

Feeling the knight's sudden cold gaze, Ma Si's tone was still unhurried: "But I conveyed the meaning of the Palace Master, and I told His Majesty that the Palace Master does not want to see him."

After a pause, he said slowly, "Your Majesty doesn't seem very happy."

The corner of the knight's mouth twitched.

After all, she is not burning fire, not Wangyue Xiange.

If she was Wangyue Xiange, and the boss inside was the real boss, she might have completely turned against Li Tianlan after encountering such a thing.

For her, she was too lazy to care about the truth, and she didn't want to understand Li Tianlan's heart. Everything the boss did was right, and what was wrong was also right.

But the knight obviously didn't have such courage. Regarding the current deadlock between Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai, she instinctively didn't dare to participate, and she didn't even dare to have any thoughts in private.

She nodded expressionlessly, and said calmly, "I see."

After hesitating for a while, she took the initiative to ask: "Will Your Majesty pass by the East Palace during this trip?"

She didn't know that Li Tianlan would be the host of the signing ceremony, but whether she knew about it or not, Li Tianlan would definitely go to Annan today, that was for sure.

The most convenient way to pass by the East Palace is naturally to fly directly from Youzhou to Annan by special plane.

But if Li Tianlan is unhappy...

Will it suddenly kill you?

At that time, he doesn't even need to get close to the East Palace. No, with his current level of sword energy, even if he can't show it in actual combat, his perception is unlimited. He doesn't even need to get close to Xuanyuan City to directly Feel everything about the East Palace...

"Your Majesty should go directly from Youzhou."

Marth's voice was calm.

In fact, he wanted to invite Li Tianlan to Tiannan, and he had already done so.

After all, he still didn't dare to fully trust the Cavaliers.

After all, the information the knight gave him was unbelievable. The dark world knew who Qin Weibai was. At least Ma Si did not believe that someone like Qin Weibai would do nothing when the East Palace was facing such a critical moment. Go to sleep, and even sleep for several days.

If it weren't for the fact that Qin Weibai had no security threats, Ma Si really couldn't help but doubt the knight's motives.

He invited Li Tianlan over just to try. If Li Tianlan passed by here and noticed Qin Weibai's abnormality but didn't express anything else, it means that Qin Weibai is really fine, and he didn't reveal anything himself. After all, this is Li Tianlan himself. proactively discovered.

But unfortunately, Li Tianlan rejected his invitation.

The knight breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes stayed on Marthe for a moment, and he said in a low voice: "The boss has specifically explained that the things here should not be known to His Majesty for the time being."

Ma Si sullenly said nothing.

He took a deep look at the door behind the knight, nodded to the knight, turned and left.

The knight stood there quietly, like a silently guarding statue.

More than ten minutes later, the whistling sound of helicopter rotors sounded above the castle, and the whistling sound became farther and farther away.

The knight hesitated, turned around, and carefully pushed open the closed door behind him.

She tried her best to maintain the quietest posture and walked into the living room.

The surrounding area was still very quiet.

But in the knight's perception, in the bedroom, Qin Weibai's breathing rate seemed to be getting faster, as if he had been stimulated by something.

In the next second, her pupils shrank slightly, and her whole body froze in front of the dining car.

In her line of sight, was an empty dining car.

Yes, empty.

At this moment, the knight couldn't help blinking, and even suspected that there was a problem with his memory.

This dining car was pushed in by her.

In her memory, she seemed to remember clearly how much food was in the dining car.

A small bucket of rice.

Two different porridges.

Several different steaks.

There are nearly thirty dishes with a very reasonable combination of meat and vegetables.

Soups with different flavors.

Seven or eight desserts.

Dozens of drinks...

The people in the food and beverage department really put their minds to it. They don't have the guts yet to come over and ask Qin Weibai what he wants to eat, so they simply serve Chinese and Western food, rice and clear porridge together, and then wait for the feedback, as long as the dining car is pushed back , the people in the catering department will definitely study carefully which foods have been reduced, so as to judge Qin Weibai's appetite, and make more next time.


But now...

What about food? !

The knight looked blankly at the dining car in front of him.

Everything in the dining car is eaten clean, Chinese food, Western food, desserts, rice, porridge, all kinds of drinks...

Nothing left!

There really isn't any left.

The knight was completely dumbfounded.

She has been with Qin Weibai for a long time, so she knows her living habits very well, especially when she looks at the empty dozen of drinks...

Qin Weibai only drinks a small glass of wine before going to bed at night, and most of the time, she only drinks water.

And wipe out a food truck's food...

The addition of these foods, based on Qin Weibai's appetite, is enough for her to eat for half a month.

This is Li Tianlan's appetite.

The knight stayed where he was, without moving for a long time.

In the bedroom, Qin Weibai's breathing seemed to become gentle again, and even the rhythm was several times slower.

It seemed that every time she took a breath, she became a little cautious.

The knight subconsciously looked at the bedroom door and hesitated for a while. Although she was puzzled a lot, she didn't have the courage to disturb Qin Weibai after all.

With a sullen face, she pushed the dining car, carefully, and slowly left without making a sound.

At the same time, in the bedroom, Qin Weibai, who was wearing silk pajamas, was sitting in front of the dresser beside the bed, quietly looking at himself in the mirror.

She subconsciously hugged her head with both hands, or grasped her long hair, opened her big beautiful eyes to the maximum, opened her small mouth, and looked at herself in the mirror in disbelief, with the same dull expression.

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