MTL - The King of Special Warfare-v7 Chapter 506 :ask

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Reinhardt froze.

A fear that could freeze the soul exploded in his brain, his mouth grew wide, and his heart even temporarily stopped for a moment.

Lucifer has been outside?

After leaving the office, he hasn't left, and he still maintains such an exaggerated eavesdropping posture?

Reinhardt's scalp was a little numb, and this kind of Lucifer was simply a neurotic pervert in his eyes.

No, that was a more complicated feeling than facing a pervert.

"Where to..."

Lucifer continued to ask, with a smile all over his face, looking very happy and extremely weird.

"Next... It's time to get off work."

Reinhardt responded with a smile, his heart began to beat at an unprecedented frequency after a brief pause, rapid and frequent.

He was suddenly glad that he was sensible enough.

At least after Lucifer left, he didn't say anything against Lucifer, let alone test the person he wanted to test, otherwise he would doubt whether he could leave this building alive.

This was originally his building.

He should be the absolute master here.

But because of Lucifer's existence, Reinhardt couldn't find the so-called sense of security at all, he just wanted to leave quickly and meet Jiang Shangyu.

Reinhardt knew that his current state was actually very wrong, and he shouldn't be so excited when talking to Jiang Shangyu, but he couldn't control the urgency in his heart at all.

So even if he knew that Jiang Shangyu would definitely open his mouth in the next meeting, but it didn't matter, if he had to go or go, if he had to talk, he still had to talk, even if it really cost a lot, he still wanted Jiang Shangyu to really stay in Xingguo .

This is a cooperation, and it is also a transaction. The next negotiation should be settled tonight.

Because something is really wrong with Lucifer.

This was originally a huge breakthrough for them in life transformation, the most proud achievement in this field, and the strongest super weapon.

But it's different now, the so-called super weapon seems to be out of control.

The current Lucifer, in the eyes of Reinhardt, is completely a devil, a devil, and an unknown monster.

The only good thing is that this monster admitted not long ago that he is not Li Tianlan's opponent in a face-to-face life and death fight.

Reinhardt believed he was telling the truth.

Otherwise, with his greed for the so-called 'food', if he is sure to kill Li Tianlan without relying on Xingguo, there is no need for him to submit applications to the parliament several times.

Li Tianlan has now represented the limit of individual destructive power in this era.

No matter how unknown Lucifer is, at least for now, his strength is below that of Li Tianlan.

Coincidentally, Jiang Shangyu's strength was also inferior to Li Tianlan's.

So it was just right for him to take the initiative to contact Reinhardt.

Reinhardt hopes to stabilize Jiang Shangyu in the shortest possible time and use him to check and balance Lucifer. Relatively speaking, this is the best situation.

"Where are you going..."

Lucifer asked a question repeatedly.

His eyes were not human-like, and his pupils turned randomly, as if scanning Reinhardt's whole body.

Every pore of Reinhardt's body was emitting cold air, and his body was barely leaning against the door frame to maintain his balance: "I'm have dinner..."

He tried to calm himself down, but his voice kept trembling.

He had an intuition that if he really angered the monster in front of him, the so-called death might be the lightest price to pay.


Lucifer's pupils rolled faster: "You have something delicious, right?"

Reinhardt's teeth trembled violently.

For a moment, he didn't know how to define what was delicious.

If he guessed right...

Jiang Shangyu himself seems to be the delicious food in Lucifer's eyes?

Reinhardt's brows twitched, and he became a little anxious.

He didn't want Jiang Shangyu to fight Lucifer on the first day he entered Xingguo.

If this kind of thing happened, let alone being sincere, Jiang Shangyu would even think that this was an ambush by Xingguo.

The point is that Reinhardt can't even explain clearly, and the situation will undoubtedly get worse.

Although individual invincibility is not truly unsolvable, but people who can cooperate happily, why bother to be hostile?

Xingguo can come up with something that can kill Li Tianlan, and naturally it can also come up with something that can kill Jiang Shangyu, but this is the core trump card. If possible, who would want to provoke Jiang Shangyu's level of individual combat power?

Reinhardt looked at Lucifer intentionally or unintentionally, feeling a little awe-inspiring in his heart.

No one in Xingguo is willing to provoke Jiang Shangyu.

But Lucifer is definitely willing.

If Lucifer really lost control, then from his position at this time, he should be the person who least welcomes Jiang Shangyu, not one of them.

As long as the rain on the river does not come, he is here, almost no one checks and balances the unscrupulous situation.

"Do you want to use Jiang Shangyu to test it?"

A thought flashed instinctively in Reinhardt's heart.

Take Lucifer there, and if there is a conflict between the two, let's see what the specific attitudes of those on Jun's side are.

If they support Lucifer, it means that those giants have really become puppets of this monster, and the situation will be very clear.

If they support Jiang Shangyu, it at least shows that the situation is not so bad.

But after all, this was just a thought, and it was completely suppressed by Reinhardt as soon as it surfaced.

"Let's go, eat delicious...uh...delicious...hehehe..."

Lucifer has already started tugging on Reinhardt's sleeve.

Reinhardt hesitated, and finally said: "Your Excellency Lucifer, this is probably inconvenient."

Lucifer paused and looked at Reinhardt.

All the weird light in his eyes disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented clarity: "You eat delicious food, don't you want to take me?"

The tail of his voice raised slightly, which was obviously Lucifer's original voice, but at this moment, to Reinhardt's ears, it sounded like a dissatisfied woman.

He became more and more uncomfortable, but he tried his best to maintain a serious expression: "This time I want to invite one of my friends to a banquet. It's really inconvenient. If you don't mind, I can invite you alone tomorrow." How about dinner?"

"That's it..."

Lucifer muttered to himself, seemingly a little disappointed, and then he suddenly laughed brightly: "Well then, don't forget your promise, I won't bother you."

Reinhardt was stunned, as if he didn't expect Lucifer to accept it so easily, he hesitated a little.

"Hey, why don't you go? Go, go, go."

Lucifer began to urge.

Reinhardt forced a smile, and walked towards the elevator from the corridor.

The elevator doors opened.

Reinhardt walked in pretending to be calm, intentionally or unintentionally, he glanced at the direction of his office at the end of the corridor.

At the end of the line of sight, Lucifer was still standing outside his office door.

He was no longer in an upright posture, but bent over, putting his head on the door of the empty office room, with a strange smile, as if he was listening to something.

His eyes were also fixed on the direction of the elevator.

Staring at Reinhardt.

staring at.


The voice-activated lights in the hallway went out.

The hallway was dark.

"Bang bang bang..."

Reinhardt's arms were trembling, and he frantically pressed the door close button of the elevator.


"Do you want to?"

Another self's inquiry kept echoing in his mind, chattering endlessly, like a repeater.

Jiang Shangyu did it in silence and didn't answer for a while.

Because there is no answer.

Not only did he not say anything, but he also had no answer in his heart.

He and he are both Jiang Shangyu, if Jiang Shangyu has a clear answer in his heart, no matter whether he agrees or refuses, the voice in his head will silence.

But there was no yes or no, so the voice in my head kept asking: "Would you like it?"

Jiang Shangyu felt that he should be very angry.

The other self actually asked himself to accept the transformation of Xingguo and become a super weapon.

In a way, this is a betrayal of myself.

But the problem is that he can't feel his anger at all.

Because the other self thinks it's okay to do so, and he himself thinks it's okay to do so.

But he still instinctively resisted.

"It's not really a big deal."

The voice of the black robe echoed in his mind: "In the field of super weapon transformation, their technology is better than that of Central Continent, because they are ruthless and cruel enough, and dare to pay the price. This kind of technology originally requires a lot of Life is accumulated, Xingguo is successful, and the current technology is considered mature. If it is specific to you, the risk is very small, or even negligible.

And after the transformation, you can still live a normal life, only when necessary, activate the command, you will become a super weapon without emotion.

And I will personally watch over your transformation process, and I will personally control your instructions. If I die, no one will be able to control you anymore. As for me, there is no need to talk about trust issues. "

There is really no need to talk about the so-called trust between him and him.

Because no one will distrust themselves.

Let yourself control yourself, this statement can be accepted by both of them at the same time.

But Jiang Shangyu still had no answer in his heart.

On the one hand, he felt that this was nothing, but on the other hand, he felt that something was wrong.

Eating silently, he calmly said: "After undergoing the transformation, how far can my strength reach?"

"You are now half-step invincible, and you are top-notch. After undergoing transformation, the worst result is not weaker than Lucifer, and when our connection exists, your comprehensive combat power can even vaguely surpass the peak invincible state. .

This is the worst possible outcome.

The best result is that Xingguo has made a huge breakthrough in technology after transforming Lucifer. In this way, your destructive power can even reach my level, but... this kind of thing is okay if you think about it It's impossible, even if there is such a technology, they won't use it for you, so the worst result is the best result. "

The black robe smiled.

"Peak Invincibility..."

Jiang Shangyu muttered to himself.

This used to be the pinnacle of his desire for a certain period of time.

At that time, Wang Tianzong, Lin Fengting, and Li Kuangtu were all at this level.

And Gu Xingyun is only close to this level.

This level is the highest peak of the dark world.

But since when did this realm become so worthless, and he felt a little dissatisfied when he heard that he could approach or even truly match this level after undergoing transformation.

"Because of Li Tianlan."

The black robe said calmly: "He has raised the upper limit of the martial arts level in the dark world. If we look into the details, even if Wang Tianzong was able to break through in the Snow Country, he borrowed Li Tianlan's original sword intent. At the same time, Situ Wanjie let him experience He was able to stand in that field after he had to fight for life and death. Without Li Tianlan, the current dark world would not be like this.

But having said that, although he raised the upper limit of martial arts, the peak invincibility is not worthless. You can't think that the whole world is a billionaire just because you see the richest man in the world.

In fact, in today's dark world, not to mention the pinnacle of invincibility, even the peak of the thunder realm can be regarded as a big shot, provided that the rules and order to be formulated by the East Palace are followed. "

He was silent for a while, then sneered: "And what we have to do is to replace the East Palace and formulate our own rules."

"It requires your dedication, but it's also worth it."

Jiang Shangyu was expressionless: "Even if I accept it, a peak invincible may be a so-called big shot, but he can't face Li Tianlan.

Facing Li Tianlan, what do you and I have to do? "

"Didn't you understand?"

The black robe frowned: "What I want is not only for you to accept the transformation, in fact, what I want is to control the entire group of angels. But Xingguo will not agree, so I will change my request and ask Xingguo to tailor it for me. Create a group of angels, and you will become the master of the new group.

At that time, Xingguo will give us not only a batch of super weapons, but also their standard equipment, such a monarchy... I can say that if I am allowed to train for a period of time, at the right time, I even have the confidence to kill Li Tianlan.

Even if it can't be done, with such a monarchy in hand, the East Palace will not even think about establishing a new dynasty in the short term. "

Jiang Shangyu frowned, and was about to say something when there was a knock on the box door.

Reinhardt is here.

Jiang Shangyu looked at the similar food in front of him and said calmly, "Please come in."

The black robe in his mind suddenly fell silent.

The door of the compartment was pushed open.

Reinhardt, whose face was a little pale and whose mental state seemed to be a little abnormal, walked in.

He forced an ugly smile and said apologetically, "Sorry, Jiang, I'm late."

After he left the building, he didn't rush over immediately. Instead, he asked the driver to walk around for five or six times, and after repeatedly confirming that Lucifer was not following him, he came here cautiously.

"It's ok."

Jiang Shangyu smiled very gently: "For me now, time is not valuable, we can have a good talk, wait a minute, I will order again."

"No need."

Reinhardt waved his hand wearily, saw the white wine on the table, hesitated, poured himself half a glass, and drank it down.

He let out a big breath, stimulated by the acrid smell of alcohol, and his pale face became more rosy.

"There is no need to order food. I have no appetite. We can have a good talk, but we need to change the place."

Reinhardt took a deep breath and said softly: "But before that, I would like to make a small request.

Jiang, I have my responsibilities. From my point of view, this request is a prerequisite for us to continue talking. If you don't agree, there is no need for us to talk. "

Such a request, is he going to fight for Xingguo immediately? Or even go to Central Continent to assassinate Li Tianlan?

Jiang Shangyu was silently thinking about various possibilities in his mind, but the smile on his face did not change at all: "Tell me, what is your request?"

Reinhardt took a deep look at him, solemnly said, "Jiang, I hope you can take over the Angels! And the sooner the better!"


(The content of chapter 503 has been revised about 600 words, so it is a bit fragmented, and I will try to fill it up in other ways later)