MTL - The King of Special Warfare-Chapter 5 : Sky Academy

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The campus of Sky Academy is located between the Wudong New District of Huating and Sogo Island. The international situation was stable and peaceful decades ago. When Sky Academy was not yet established, there is also an official name for it, known as Chang Qingdao. , Is the best natural environment of Huating, and one of the most developed places in tourism.

It's just that all of this has become history with the ongoing outbreak of infighting in Central China.

Zhongzhou, once trapped in the quagmire of war, is particularly sensitive to the turbulent international situation. In the early years of the outbreak of dark wars in various countries, high-level executives directly decided to set up the Sky Academy under careful consideration, and set the campus in Changqing.

120,000 residents on the island were quickly relocated within a month, and compensation payments were issued immediately. The entire 160 square kilometers of Qingdao land became the first special war college in Zhongzhou almost immediately. A heavily guarded military base.

Sky Academy's position on the Zhongzhou map is very delicate. With the entire Long Qingdao as the school site, the high-level nature is not only the political status of Huating, but also the strategic significance of Huating Qingdao.

Offensive, westward can be directed at the East Island country, Takayama country, and southward can shock the treasure island that has been trying to stand on its own. It can also enter the South China Sea directly from the most convenient route.

Shou, Huating, Wu Yue, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, southern Fujian, Beihu, Jiangnan, and the Central Plains are also in the guardianship of the Sky Academy.

The Sky Academy can be said to be a sharp sword inserted in the southeast of Zhongzhou. It can be attacked and retreated, and it is almost innately invincible.

Li Tianlan has long yearned for the Sky Academy, and he has imagined countless times how magnificent this special warfare school can be. You can board this island and see the tip of the iceberg of the Sky Academy with his own eyes. Live a bit lost.

Sky Academy has no gate. Every inch of land in Qingdao can be said to be the site of Sky Academy.

There is only less than 3,000 teachers and students in the sky academy on such a happy land that can live for more than 100,000 people. It is obvious how high-level Zhongzhou is for this special warfare school with a history of five years before the establishment of the deep sea college. Value.

The island's teaching and dormitory buildings occupy only a small area, and most of them have been built as training venues of various uses. In addition, the island has two military airports and A military port is as large as a fighter warship and as small as a speedboat parachute.

From time to time, fighters and helicopters whistled and took off and landed. On the distant sea, the faint outline of warships became clearer and clearer. More than a dozen figures fell from the air, the umbrella bag opened during the rapid landing, and the crash suddenly eased. More than a dozen skydiving students landed slowly in the depths of the island.

"The Sky Academy's courses are very rich and complex, but it can also be said to be very simple. Here, proficiency in driving various transportation is the most basic skill. Secondly, it is proficient in shooting, easy-to-capacity, tracking, lurking, assassination, protection, etc. Skills, these things almost include more than 90% of the courses of the Sky Academy, and the other 10% is the core, which is to improve combat effectiveness. "

Qin Weibai stood beside Li Tianlan and whispered: "This is a place where you can control or even change your own destiny. It is amazing, but also cruel. Every student here may face the threat of death during the training. The country The casualty index given is 30%. How much shocking is behind this index, you will never understand without being a player. "

"It takes a price to change your destiny."

Li Tianlan whispered softly, carefully trimmed hair, white shirt, black trousers and leather shoes. Today, he and the soil buns who entered Huating early yesterday can be described as two people. It is true that people rely on clothes and take off a coarse cloth. Li Tianlan's temperament was still clean and mild, but it gave him a look of thin body and a strong, upright and tough taste.

Standing on this piece of land belonging to the Sky Academy, his eyes only glanced at the fighters in the air and warships in the distance. Most of the time, his eyes remained on a boulder in front of him.

This boulder is the big guy he saw at first glance after landing on the island.

The boulder is 100 meters high and is a standard rectangle. It stands like a monument standing on the ground. In the sky academy without a gate, this is almost equal to the facade of the sky academy.

The stone monument is engraved with countless dense names. Among the countless names, the six blood red characters look strong and glorious under the sun.

Heroes are born!

"In the ninth month of the establishment of the Sky Academy, an important figure in the Zhongzhou Special Warfare System fled Hengguo with a large amount of confidential information. Sixty students from the Sky Academy sneaked into Hengguo and pursued it. It took a week to successfully kill the major general who escaped And all the materials were destroyed. During the process of evacuating Hengguo, sixty students fought against Hengguo's special warfare and killed nearly three hundred enemies. Of the sixty students, only five of them eventually returned to Zhongzhou alive and five survivors. Two of them retired after serious injuries, and the other three were promoted to major general after World War I. "

"In the fifth year of the establishment of the Sky Academy, six hundred graduates of the first class graduated. Colonel Gao Changfeng graduated with the first place with honors and personally created a special war force storm. In the third month of the storm's establishment, foreign mysterious armed forces sneaked into the border of China. One hundred and two elites of the Storm Organizing Group fought, annihilating nearly 500 foreign armed forces, and then the Storm Organizing team pursued and penetrated behind the enemy. They stormed into the headquarters of the overseas armed organization codenamed Giant Rock overnight, flattening the Giant Rock Organization 1,300. Many people, the storm organization then encountered a local special war siege, 102 people, the entire army was wiped out! "

"In the eighth year of the establishment of the Sky Academy, five outstanding agents who went out of the Sky Academy and lurking in Annan took the risk because of a very important military document. They successfully assassinated Ruan Jingsheng, the core figure of Annan ’s special warfare system, and were subsequently exposed and trapped. Annan State, the Sky Academy sent four batches of elite 260 people to rescue them in three days. Only three people returned to Nakasu with the information! All other soldiers buried their bones in other places, and even the bones were left! "

"The then President Nakasu personally came to the Sky Academy to set up the stone monument, and personally mentioned these six words."

"Since then, after every fighter and agent who graduated from the Sky Academy died, the principal of the Sky Academy will personally engrav their names on it. Boy, see no, this stone monument in front of you, almost carved The names of all the victims of the Sky Academy. For decades, only the name of a student who went out of the Sky Academy did not appear on it after death, but instead became a shame for the Sky Academy, boy, do you know if he is Who?"

Yu Donglai, who came here with Qin Weibai and Li Tianlan, asked suddenly.

The old man was also followed by a girl who was similar to Li Tianlan's age, and even smaller, in a pure white dress with bright eyes and teeth, looking quiet and quiet, like a pure and flawless white lotus flower.

She felt the sharp tone of Yu Donglai's tone, reached out her hand and gently pulled Yu Donglai's cuff. Yu Donglai was unmoved, but looked at Li Tianlan calmly.

Qin Weibai's expression changed, after all, he still didn't speak.

"I know."

Li Tianlan said calmly, never again.

His father, who was a student of Sky Academy at that time, and a student who graduated from here with the most perfect grades, the man who should not have unexpectedly become one of the giants of the dark world after leaving Sky Academy, brought great glory to Sky Academy, Yin Under the fault, it has become the only treason since Sky Academy was established. This is the shame of Nakasu, and it is also the deepest scar of Sky Academy.

If there is only one name missing on this stone monument bearing the words "The Place where Heroes Come From," then Li Tianlan need not know who the missing name is.

"If it was n’t for the damage caused by the insider treason case to Zhongzhou, Sky Academy will certainly be more glorious today. At least it will not be suppressed by the Deep Sea Academy. Words, it will be even more true. "

Yu Dong glanced at Li Tianlan and said in a tone.

He paused and continued: "It won't make some people so crazy."

Li Tianlan turned violently, and his bland eyes were suddenly sharp like a sword, and shot directly at Yu Donglai: "Yu Lao, who are you talking about?"

Yu Dong came blankly, but just waved his hand and said to the girl next to her, "Qing Yan, go report with your brother Li, I'll go to your grandpa with your little white sister, and wait for us. Go find you in the dormitory. "

Yu Qingyan, who struck a white skirt, gave a good promise, but looked at Li Tianlan and shouted Brother Li.

She, like Li Tianlan, is also a student of this year ’s Sky Academy. She is pure and kind, but she has good roots. After leaving for lunch in Yu ’s private kitchen yesterday, Qin Weibai specifically mentioned Yu Qingyan to him. Evaluation The potential is endless. If her personality can be changed, this is definitely a right arm that has been used as much as a fire.

Li Tianlan has a near-instinct emphasis on Qin Weibai's words, and he has no contempt for Yu Qingyan, who met for the first time today. He never thought about trying to subdue Yu Qingyan as his pawn. At least now, Li Tianlan does not think he This qualification.

But when he first entered Huating, he never minded having a good relationship with anyone. Not to mention that Yu Qingyan and Yu Dong are such a grandfather, he is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't want to offend for no reason.

"Someday, my light will cover up the shame my father brought to the Sky Academy, and then I will personally engrav his name on this stone monument, the highest place."

Li Tianlan stopped looking at Yu Dong. He took a deep breath, looked at the stone monument in front of him, and suddenly said.

"There is no lack of energy."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "My elderly people don't say anything against young people, but boy, you are going to talk about this topic after you have entered the four worlds of martial arts? It's too early to talk about this now."

Li Tianlan smiled indifferently and said directly to Yu Qing, "Let's go."

He didn't want to explain to Yu Dong.

Explain that it was originally a manifestation of lack of energy. Li Tianlan looks calm and gentle on the surface, but the pride in his bones is not worse than anyone. Some things, especially those that need to be carried out seriously, require only action. doing what?

Fearing that Brother Li Qing and his grandfather quarreled, Yu Qingyan quickly nodded, and the two passed the tall stone monument in front of each other and walked towards the freshman reception not far away.

"Old man, Tianlan is not as simple as you think. This time I can guarantee that you've seen it."

Qin Weibai looked at Li Tianlan and Yu Qingyan calmly and distantly back, with a calm tone.

"No matter how simple it is, isn't he a guy who hasn't entered the martial arts realm at the age of nineteen? Is it even more terrible than His Royal Highness?"

Yu Donglai's eyes flickered, but on the surface there was still an expression of disapproval.

"Maybe this is the case. If I were you, I would be willing to take a gamble. You followed Li Honghe to fight the world. The name of the poison doctor is famous throughout the dark world. Now your granddaughter, this one is taught by you. What ’s wrong with my little poison doctor who continues to fight with Li Honghe's grandson? "

Qin Weibai smiled slightly.

Yu Donglai's eyes flickered and he was silent.

"And over the years, you also know that some people have become more and more crazy, don't you want to do something?"

Qin Weibai continued to bewilder, her voice was sweet and soft, with a strong penetrability and aggressiveness, in line with her dreamlike appearance, such a woman, even if she said a nonsense, everyone who heard it would be subconscious Think hard.

"The other party is powerful, what can I do?"

Yu Dong laughed and said lightly.

"You can't help it, it doesn't mean that Tianlan can't do it either. Old man, when you meet President Zhuang Huayang of Sky Academy, I hope you can help Tianlan once, even if you help me?"

Qin Weibai said looking at Li Tianlan's back.

Yu Dong came silent, in fact, from his heart, he really didn't want to help.

It is not that he does not intend to help Li Tianlan, but in Yu Donglai's heart, let Li Tianlan stay peacefully in the sky academy. Graduation of An An is the best protection for him.

If Li Tianlan is truly amazing, even if Yu Donglai is desperate, he will use all available resources to help Li Tianlan rise to the top and say hello to Zhuang Huayang, the president of the sky college.

However, it turns out that Li Tianlan does not have this potential at all, but he has not touched the threshold of martial arts at the age of twenty. This talent is really ordinary and cannot be ordinary anymore. At least in a place like Sky Academy, Li Tianlan is not even considered Not so prominent. In this case, it would be better for him to graduate steadily, and suddenly brought him to the president of the sky college, which is definitely not a good thing for Li Tianlan.

Yu Dong said that Li Tianlan's immortality didn't seem to matter, but in light of the 30% mortality rate of Sky Academy, it was actually quite enough.

After Li Tianlan graduated, as long as Yu Donglai did n’t enter the coffin, he would arrange a new course for him. Without being a dark giant or a top agent, he still had the confidence to let Li Tianlan run smoothly, at least with his energy. It is entirely possible for Li Tianlan to enter the regular army as a grass-roots officer.

"Old man, don't think I don't know your mind, but I can tell you with certainty that you don't know Tianlan yet. Some of your thoughts may be to protect him, but you think he is too simple. What about Li Honghe? He is also a peerless powerhouse who once entered the invincible realm. If he is not confident about his grandson, he will let Tianlan come to Sky Academy? You ca n’t believe in Tianlan, and you wo n’t even believe Li Honghe? Disrupted his deployment. "

Yu Dong came to hold it.

"What do you want me to do for you?"

After a long time, Yu Donglai turned to look at Qin Weibai, and asked in a constrained voice.

"It's simple."

Qin Weibai's tone was flat: "One year later, I hope Tianlan can get a place to play on behalf of the Sky Academy."

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

Yu Donglai was ridiculed: "Where would the two court exercises be? You do n’t know? The contradictions between the two special warfare colleges have been growing over the years. Which exercise is not all bloody? Can they represent their respective colleges? They are all elites. Li Xiaozi didn't even enter the four borders of martial arts. He was asked to participate in the exercise. Is it to death? "

"Besides, when you go to Billy this time, don't think that I don't know what you want to do. If you can come back, come back. If you can't come back, you will never come back. For the time being? When you have two Fate? "

Qin Weibai shook his head and said, "I didn't fool you. I will definitely come back when I say that, sooner or later. Rest assured that I will definitely not die in the country of Billy. Within a year, I will definitely return."

"Oh shit."

Yu Dong screamed angrily: "I can't figure it out, how can you like such a low-powered kid? Will you take such a big risk for him, why?"

"I don't like him."

Qin Weibai's tone was indifferent. She didn't wait for Yu Dong to speak, and continued: "Old man, go to President Zhuang Huayang, Tian Lan must participate in the two-house exercise one year later, which is very important to him."

"He will die."

Yu Donglai calmly said: "Even if he can grow in one year, his strength will not be too high. In that kind of place, he can only be regarded as a ant."

"He can't die."

Qin Weibai sneered, his eyes sullen: "At that time, I had already returned from Billy Country. Then I would go to the exercise site in person. Whoever dares to kill him, I will kill anyone!"

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