MTL - The Immortal Taoist-v5 Chapter 632 Cynicism

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"You lost!"

Ling Dao grasped Tu Longbao's sword in one hand, clenched his fist in the other, and hit the shadow of Veng Ying's head fiercely. Don't look at the fact that he hasn't been fighting this phantom for a long time. In fact, he has figured out the law of this phantom's shot. The test is ultimately the test.

Each shot of this phantom has a very short time interval. As long as you seize this fleeting opportunity, Ling Dao can pass the test of 699 steps. The holy level real dragon fist strikes again, the real dragon roars, the aura riots, the violent fist is like a hungry tiger rushing to eat, open the big mouth of the blood basin, and swallow the ghost's head.

Tu Long Bao Dao shakes again and again, trying to get rid of Ling Dao's big hand, but unfortunately, Ling Dao's power far exceeds the warriors of the same realm. At the same time, the Holy Dragon Fist performed by Ling Dao has already destroyed the ghost's head. This is his first strong shot in the sixth heavy fantasy.

In the tests of the previous steps, Ling Dao either rushed past with the advantage of speed, or took advantage of the hands-on gap and forcibly boarded. It's not that he doesn't have the strength to destroy the phantom on the 599-story steps, it's just unnecessary. Can he easily pass the tests of the steps in front, why should he work hard?

"His...he actually passed the test of 699 steps? Am I dreaming?"

"You sizzle me, did he do it? Does it mean that 799 steps is his limit?"

"Don't sizzle, I can't breathe anymore. He can't pass the test of 799 steps no matter how powerful he is. Didn't see that he was injured?"

The samurai warriors underneath took a breath of air and sucked the surroundings into a vacuum. It’s not that they are making a fuss, it’s really Ling Dao’s performance, which is overkill. The martial arts power exerted by Ling Dao in the early stage of the Saint King Realm was enough to compete with the Peak Saint King. If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would not believe it.

Fortunately, Ling Dao was injured on the 699th floor. The test of 799 steps will only be more difficult than the test of 699 steps. Even if Ling Dao is evil again, the test of 799 steps will stop Ling Dao's footsteps.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Feng Lingyue asked with concern, how strong Ling Dao's body was, she had seen it with her own eyes. Even so, Tu Long Bao Dao still easily penetrated into Ling Dao's shoulder, which shows that Tu Long Bao Dao was sharp. She stood behind Ling Dao, and even saw the tip of Tu Longbao's sword penetrated Ling Dao's shoulder.

"If you are too injured, there is no need to continue to go up. Anyway, everyone has not passed the test of the sixth illusion." Feng Lingyue used the voice of the will to comfort, "Moreover, your performance has exceeded us a lot. It’s only for you to laugh at us, we are not qualified to laugh at you."

"Sister and sister, rest assured, I will not be brave, but this injury is really nothing to me."

Ling Dao's recovery ability is comparable to that of the Phoenix family. The warriors of the demon clan can't see his shoulders, just take it for granted that the injury on his shoulder has a great impact on him. In fact, when he reached the 799th step, the injury on his shoulder was almost healed.

Feng Lingyue did not continue to persuade Ling Dao. Since Ling Dao had already made a decision, all she could do was pray in her heart. The holy king realm warriors present, I am afraid that only Feng Lingyue hopes that Ling Dao can pass the test. Other holy king realm warriors may even wish that Ling Dao died at the 799th level.

"He hasn't given up yet? Sure enough, the coffin doesn't shed tears, he must die on it, is he willing?"

"Normal, a genius like him always thinks he is invincible. There is nothing he can't do, no test that he can't pass. If he could recognize himself, he wouldn't get hurt."

In their view, there is no difference between passing the test of 699 steps and passing the test of 199 steps. Ling Dao can only shut them up unless they can pass the test of 999 steps. They are not looking at the number of steps, but whether they have passed the test of the sixth illusion.

Failure to reach the two-hundred-level staircase is to fail the test of the sixth level of illusion, and to the eighty-level illusion is also to fail the test of the sixth level of illusion. Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for Ling Dao to pass the test of 999 steps. This is not that they deliberately belittled Ling Dao. In fact, after all, the test of 699 steps can hurt Ling Dao.

"I'm waiting to see his joke now. If he can make it through and pass the test of 799 steps, I will be convinced of him."

"Don’t worry about him, don’t you see that he has been injured? The ghost on the 699 steps can hurt him. Wouldn’t the ghost on the 799 steps be able to kill him? He split in half?"

The two Saint King Realm Warriors of the Dragon clan successively sneered, Ling Dao had enmity with the Seven Palace Saint King of their dragon clan. Of course, they stood on the side of the Seven Temple Saint King. In their identity as the Seven Kings of the Dragon Clan, they couldn't hold their faces to satirize Ling Dao. Of course, they had to take the opportunity to express their performance, maybe they could win the appreciation of the Seven Kings of the Clan.

"I said you guys, you can't expect him to order something? Anyway, he is also a warrior of your dragon clan. Do you hate warriors of the same clan like this?"

"The more powerful he is, shouldn't you be more proud? How do I feel that you don't want to see him pass the test of 699 steps? What is your heart?"

"You are warriors of the dragon race, he is also a warrior of the dragon race. Are there two dragon races that fail in the 3,000 territory?"

Saint King Realm Warriors of other races did not continue to laugh at Ling Dao, but ridiculed those Dragon King Realm Warriors. No matter how Ling Dao said, they were better than them. With their courage, they did not dare to climb 799 steps. With a little carelessness, they may die on the 799th floor.

Of course, with their strength, they can't reach 799 steps. To be precise, 300 steps are enough. The performance of the Seventh Temple Saint Kings of their major races in the sixth level of illusion is inferior to Ling Dao, not to mention them.

"Our Kunpeng family may only have a few princes to compare with Longling."

"If you say this, you may underestimate the princes of our Kunpeng family. I think those princes must be stronger than Longling."

"That is, there is no need to grow other people's ambitions and extinguish their own prestige. If Long Ling started fighting with the princes of our Kunpeng family, he would not know how to die."

The Dragons have geniuses like Ling Dao, and they are not surprised, because in their eyes, the true genius of their Kunpeng family is no worse than Ling Dao. It's a pity that those geniuses of the Kunpeng family are not here, otherwise they will definitely be able to kill the majesty of Ling Dao.