MTL - The Heavens of Online Games Are Coming-Chapter 9 Build a medical center

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A series of system prompts highlighted Cheng Mu's huge profits this time.

Levels, titles, treasures, mission rewards...

Cheng Mu's title has reached the rank of Duke, which means that he has left the white body.

Duke (Ninth Class)

Title effect: resources in the subordinate territory increase by 2%, the upper limit of command troops increases by 500, and the skill * Public Fury is obtained.

Public Fury: Within a certain period of time after the skill is activated, the combat power of the troops under his command will increase by 5%.

Commoners, officials, doctors, pavilions...

The higher the title, the higher the status in the Divine State.

The number of soldiers led by the lord player is not only related to the command value, but also has an important relationship with the title.

For example, Cheng Mu was a civilian at the beginning, so he can only have a maximum of 500 soldiers under his command.

When the title reaches Duke, the total strength of his troops can reach 1000.


Exterminate the giant ax village, and the current task has also been successfully completed.

Blueprint * Residential (reusable):

Effect: low-level fire protection, low-level solidity, and the popularity of villagers will increase by 1 point after they move in.

Construction requirements: wood 10, stone 20.

With this blueprint, the villagers don't need to live in the self-made simple huts.

The living standard of [Tianqi Village] will be raised to a higher level.

Suddenly, a militiaman under his command came to report that a dungeon was found in the village.

Inside, there seemed to be several people imprisoned.

"Go, go and have a look."

Cheng Mu took Li Shishi with him and followed the militiaman towards the dungeon.

Guan Hai and Zhang Wanlong were already waiting by the dungeon.

"My lord!"

"My lord!"

Noticing Cheng Mu's arrival, the two immediately saluted.

Cheng Mu waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to salute, and asked, "How is the situation?"

"The dungeon is a bit deep."

Guan Hai replied: "Yi Dao has already gone down to investigate."


Cheng Mu nodded and looked into the dungeon.

This dungeon is like a deep well, so dark that the bottom cannot be seen.

If it weren't for the cry for help coming out from below, everyone would have thought it was just a dry well.

After a while, Liu Yidao climbed up from the bottom of the well.

Behind him are two people tied with rope.

"My lord, there are two living people. I brought them up!"

With that said, he pulled the two of them up.

"Thank you for saving my life!"

As soon as an old man came up, he immediately knelt down and thanked everyone.

"You are?"

Cheng Mu asked curiously.

What kind of identity is it, to be imprisoned in such a deep dungeon by bandits.

"The old man, Gu San, accidentally fell into the hands of these bandits while collecting medicine on the mountain."

"This is my apprentice, Liu Pei, who was accidentally injured while protecting the old man."

As he spoke, he also introduced the young man next to him who had almost fainted.

"Picking medicine?"

Hearing Gu San's self-introduction, Cheng Mu hurriedly asked, "Are you a doctor?"

"I'm old and not talented, and I've been practicing medicine for half my life, and I'm just a mid-level doctor."

Gu San nodded and admitted, a little ashamed in his words.

"Intermediate doctor, okay!"

Hearing the good news, Cheng Mu slapped his thigh excitedly.

"If the old man has nowhere to go, join our village! Our village urgently needs talents like you, old man!"

He was still worrying about how to improve the medical value of the village.

Unexpectedly, a mid-level doctor appeared now, completely dozing off and giving pillows.


When Cheng Mu invited him into the village, Gu San suddenly hesitated.

But when he saw the weak disciple Liu Pei beside him, his eyes became firm again.

"Okay, since a strong man looks down on old age so much."


Cheng Mu was very happy to get an affirmative answer.

He immediately ordered Liu Yidao: "Take the old man and his disciples back to the village to cultivate first, be careful on the way!"

Gu San is a mid-level doctor, so his disciples must also be doctors.

Looking at their backs as they went away, Cheng Mu was extremely thankful for his wisdom in attacking Juax Village this time.

Then through the inventory, the damage and income of Tianqi Village came out.

Since the strength of the militia in the village is higher than that of the bandits, the casualties of the militia in this battle are not many.

Only one person died, and he still died under the hammer of Wang Huo.

Five other people were injured, but not seriously.

In terms of harvest, the Gu San master and apprentice who were rescued just now can be regarded as the biggest harvest.

Of course, there are also some rice and cabbage seeds, which are also urgently needed by the village.

In the treasure house in the village, Cheng Mu also harvested some treasures and two blueprints.

Tianqi Village now has 1 gold, 12 taels, and 56 coppers, but there is no business channel established, so it cannot be spent temporarily.

The conversion ratio between gold, silver and copper is 1 gold = 100 silver = 1000 copper.

A bandit usually only has 20 to 30 copper coins.

One drawing is a low-level fence drawing.

The fence built according to the drawings has a certain solid effect.

The threat to Juax Village has been lifted, so Cheng Mu is not in a hurry to build a new wall.

The other drawing was actually an architectural drawing of a medical center.

Blueprint * Medical Hall (one-time use):

Effect: After construction, the medical value of the village will be +5, and the people's hearts will be +1.

Construction requirements: Healer 1, Wood 10, Stone 20.

It was a real surprise.

In this way, the medical attributes of the village can quickly meet the requirements for upgrading to a second-level village.

Cheng Mu immediately threw the blueprint into his backpack.

It is safest to throw this kind of precious thing into his backpack.

There are still a few swords in the treasure house, which should be treasured by Wang Huo.

The attribute is not high, the highest is the green excellent weapon.

Cheng Mu rewarded them to Guan Hai and Zhang Wanlong, they really needed a handy weapon.

The recovery rate of weapons is very high, and now there are 100 ordinary-grade broadswords in the village.

The militiamen had enough weapons.

The bronze swords and swords made by blacksmiths are relatively fragile, UU reading, so currently blacksmiths mainly manufacture farm tools and living utensils.

With rice and cabbage seeds, a lot of farm tools are needed to clear the land.

After counting the trophies, Cheng Mu called everyone to dismantle the walls of Juax Village.

In his eyes, the entire giant ax village is a free resource.

All the wood and stones needed to build houses can be disassembled here and brought back.

In just half a day, the entire Juax Village was dismantled, leaving only a foundation.

The booty was almost transported, and Cheng Mu escorted the last stone away slowly.

Zhang Zhushan led the villagers to welcome them on the way, and everyone cheered and celebrated the destruction of Juax Village.

The first thing Cheng Mu did when he returned to the village was to build residential houses and a medical center.

In Juax Village, 200 wood and 100 stone were dismantled, just enough to meet the construction requirements.

There are several good house builders in the village. After reading the blueprints, they immediately started to build.

It's just that after the dwellings were completed, only a ray of light flew into the dwellings from the architectural drawings.

The medical hall is different. After the construction is successful, the entire drawing of the medical hall is absorbed.

Then a system prompt sounded in Cheng Mu's ear:

"Ding! Successfully built a medical center*1, and the medical value of Tianqi Village is +5."

Without further ado, Cheng Mu immediately welcomed Gu San in.

From then on, Gu San and his disciple Liu Pei settled down in the medical hall.

Moreover, Cheng Mu once again arranged two miscellaneous disciples for Gu San, and when he went out to collect medicine, there would be a special militia to send them to each other.

And from the moment Gu San stepped into the medical hall, a golden light suddenly shone from his body.

"Ding! Congratulations to your subordinate, Gu San, who has been promoted to senior medical doctor."

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!