MTL - The Heavens of Online Games Are Coming-Chapter 1110 gate of hell

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Underworld, underworld.

Beyond the gate of hell, the dark plain.

This is Cheng Mu's second time here.

Unlike the first time he was alone, this time he brought 500,000 Beifu ghost soldiers!

At the same time, Li Bai, the sword fairy, and Sun Wu, the soldier saint, accompanied him.

As the current peak combat power of the human race, Li Bai and Sun Wu are the main force in this battle.

Of course, Hei Ling and Fat Da also came.

After his strength improved to half-step big Luo, Hei Ling once again gained the upper hand in the battle with Pang Da.

After being beaten several times, Pang Da also learned to behave.

It has learned to spur Cheng Mu now, and I hope Cheng Mu's strength can become stronger, so that it can have a chance to revenge!

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"

At this time, Ao Shang and Ao Guang also arrived with the elite dragon clan.

They are finally going to fulfill their promise, to fight side by side with the human race for the planet Earth!

"Two dragon kings, you have worked hard!"

Seeing the elite dragon clan behind Ao Shang and Ao Guang, Cheng Mu nodded.

It was at this time that he saw the hidden power of the Dragon Clan.

Dragon heirs, at this time Ao Shang and Ao Guang are leading the dragon heirs behind them.

The strength of these Dragon Heirs, the weakest is the Taiyi True Immortal.

Plus thousands more.

It seems that these years, the Dragon Clan is also fighting hard!

"Your Majesty, this is my son Ao Qing."

Ao Shang introduced to Cheng Mu his beloved son, Dragon Crown Prince Ao Qing, who is also Ao Yinyin's older brother.

"See His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ao Qing now looks like a human male in his thirties. Wearing blue armor, he looked extremely handsome.

"Thanks for your hard work."

This was Cheng Mu's first time meeting his uncle.

But considering his current status, it is impossible for him to really call Ao Qing uncle.

Even Ao Shang, he can't be called father-in-law anymore.

He is the contemporary emperor with a lofty status.

He has the same status as the Lord of the Dragon Clan, and Ao Shang has not allowed Cheng Mu to call him father-in-law!

As Cheng Mu's father-in-law, wouldn't that mean that he, Ao Shang, also became the elder of the Dragon Lord?

"Your Majesty, this is my son Aoji."

After Ao Qing came out, Ao Guang hurriedly pulled his son Ao Ji out.

As his eldest son, Ao Ji is stronger than Ao Qing, and his expression is more handsome.

A silver armor, even in the dark underworld is dazzling!

"Thank you, Dragon!"

Cheng Mu patted Ao Ji on the shoulder.

He felt that Ao Ji's strength had actually reached the realm of the Golden Immortal.

This is the foundation of the Dragon Clan.

Although the immortals and gods all over the sky tried their best to suppress the Dragon Clan and prevent the Dragon Clan from rising.

But amid oppression, the Dragon Clan has been working hard!

If it weren't for the small population, the offspring would not be prosperous.

Otherwise, the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas would have already become the overlord of the world!

"Your Majesty the Emperor."

Afterwards, Ao Guang told Cheng Mu the goal of this battle.

"The Six Paths of Reincarnation are in Fengdu Mountain. Only by conquering Fengdu Mountain can we solve the problem of being blocked!"

The six realms of reincarnation are the godly realm, the human realm, the Asura realm, the **** realm, the hungry ghost realm, and the animal realm.

Those who follow the good will enter the way of the gods, the way of the world, and the way of Shura.

Those who do evil will fall into hell, evil ghosts, and animals.

The so-called Heavenly God Dao, entrants will be born in the Heavenly Court Immortal Realm, and they will be immortals at birth.

Human world, reincarnated as a human.

Shura Dao, incarnated as a demon.

As for the hell, it is naturally the eighteenth level of hell, where you will suffer from eternal hell.

Evil ghosts, reincarnated as ghosts, live in the dark underworld all their lives.

The last animal way is to become an animal at the mercy of others.

Now that the world is sealed, souls who want to be reincarnated cannot be reincarnated as humans.

This is a genocide-level blow to the human race.

So in this battle, Cheng Mu must attack Fengdu Mountain and undo the sealed human way!

"How far is it to get to Fengdu Mountain?"

Cheng Mu glanced at the boundless dark plain.

This underworld is even bigger than he imagined!

"One hundred and eight thousand miles!"

Ao Guangsu said: "Fengdu Mountain is the center of the entire underworld, guarded by the central ghost emperor."

"If you want to reach Fengdu Mountain, you must fight all the way there!"

After entering the gate of hell, it is considered the real underworld.

And from Guimenguan to Fengdu Mountain, there is a distance of one hundred and eight thousand miles.

Those with strong strength can fly through the clouds and arrive in the blink of an eye.

But this is war, and it needs to be swept all the way!

"Where is the Ksitigarbha?"

Hearing Ao Guang's words, Cheng Mu suddenly thought of Ksitigarbha.

Now that Lingshan Buddhism has fallen into the demon clan, he is a little worried that Ksitigarbha will intervene.

As the only strong man in the underworld, Ksitigarbha can crush them to death with just a raise of his hand!

"Ksitigarbha lives in the eighteenth hell."

Ao Guang explained: "Please rest assured, His Majesty the Emperor, as long as the **** is not empty, it is impossible for Ksitigarbha to come out of the eighteenth hell!"

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After the Ksitigarbha King yelled out the words "Hell is not empty, I will not become a Buddha", he trapped himself to death in the 18th hell.

This is a paradox.

Even if Ksitigarbha saves all the dead souls in hell, he himself is also in hell.

As long as he is there, **** will never be empty.

Since **** cannot be empty, he will never be able to become a Buddha!

So as long as Cheng Mu doesn't take the initiative to provoke, Ao Guang believes that Ksitigarbha will not make a move!

"That's good, ready to go!"

Cheng Mu nodded.

Now that the army is assembled, it's time to march.

Their first battle is the gate of **** lying in front of them like a moat!

Countless wandering souls of the human race died here that day.

But today, Cheng Mu came to avenge the people under his command!


But soon, the sentry sent back a message: "Your Majesty, the gate of **** has been broken!"

They haven't reached the ghost gate yet, but the ghost gate has already been breached!


Hearing the news, Cheng Mu stood up in shock.

He wanted to spread his divine sense unbelievably.

But soon, the chaotic secrets and various auras suppressed his consciousness.

Even with the blessing of the Human Sovereign's power, his consciousness can only spread out ten thousand meters.

And just within the range of 10,000 meters, she saw countless dead souls and countless corpses.

Outside the gate of hell, there are tens of thousands of monster corpses lying!

"The Yaozu actually got there first!"

After seeing this scene, Cheng Mu's expression became heavy.

He thought that the enemies this time were just a group of evil spirits.

But he didn't expect that the enemy this time would actually have the demon clan from the demon world.

"But... it doesn't have to be an enemy."

Suddenly, he changed his mind again.

An enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Now they all came with the purpose of capturing the underworld.

Since the purpose is the same, it can become a partner.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, you said it was a demon clan?"

At this time, Ao Guang who heard Cheng Mu's words asked aloud.

His face was a little dignified, and he said slowly: "If this is the case, then there will be some trouble."

Yaozu, that's not so easy to get along with!

"Trouble? Can't we join forces with the Yaozu?"

Cheng Mu was a little puzzled.

Everyone's enemy is the same, and they should be able to fight together.

"Your Majesty, the monster clan is powerful. There is no need for them to unite with us!"

This is what Ao Guang is worried about.

In front of the monster race, the human race is a group of ants.

Who will join forces with the ants?

"And this time, all the powerhouses of the Yaozu must have come."

Ao Guang suddenly thought of retreating.

Meeting the Yaozu here was something he never expected.

"Could it be that the monster race wants to take a fancy to the land of the underworld."

Cheng Mu saw the seriousness of the matter from Ao Guang's expression.

If so, wouldn't the other race be oppressed by the monster race again?


Ao Guang nodded and said: "In the eighteenth floor of hell, there are two ancient demon emperors sealed."

"This time the monster clans are out in force, probably because of these two demon emperors!"

If Cheng Mu was going to Mount Fengdu, he would definitely meet the Yaozu.

At that time, I am afraid it will be a battle to the death!

There is not so much harmony between the human race and the monster race!

"Hiss, sure enough, Emperor Fengdu was suppressed, and all the forces jumped out."

Cheng Mu actually has no ambition to conquer the underworld.

He just wanted to go to Mount Fengdu and unlock the sealed passage to the world.

Other races need heirs, continuation, and happiness.

Although he made a ten-year agreement with the people.

But the sooner this kind of thing is resolved, the better!

Even taking advantage of the chaos, you can fish in troubled waters!

"Your Majesty, for now, we can only go on."

But at this time, Ao Shang spoke.

His thinking is different from Ao Guang's.

Ao Guang was suspicious, worried that there would be an accident.

But Ao Shang believes that since we are here, we should go forward bravely!

"Well, let's take a step first and take a look!"

Cheng Mu nodded. Now that you're here, you can't just leave in despair before stepping into the gate of hell.

"Set off!"

Subsequently, under the leadership of Cheng Mu, the three armies continued to advance.

Under Cheng Mu's command, Xie Xuan led 500,000 Beifu ghost soldiers.

And under Ao Guang's command are the three thousand dragon heirs led by Ao Ji, the Dragon Prince of the East China Sea.

The weakest of the three thousand dragon descendants is Taiyi True Wonderland. The strength of most of its dragon descendants has also reached the realm of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal!

There are even more than a dozen strong people in the Golden Immortal Realm.

Ao Shang also brought a thousand dragon elites.

However, apart from Dragon Crown Prince Ao Qing who is from the Golden Immortal Realm, Ao Shang has no other Golden Immortal Realm heirs under his command.

Moreover, most of the strength of his dragon descendants is still in the realm of Taiyi True Wonderland.

This also shows that although Ao Guang has been cowardly over the years, he has been secretly accumulating strength.

Soon, the gate of **** is closed.

Cheng Mu stepped on the corpses of the monster races and came to the gate of hell.

At this time, the originally dilapidated ghost gate was closed again.

A big demon closed his head and asked sharply, "Who is here?"

Now the Ghost Gate Pass is already the territory of their monster clan!

"Human Mu!"

"Dragon Clan, Ao Guang/Ao Shang!"

Cheng Mu and Ao Guang Ao Shang were not stingy.

They declare themselves home.

Now that they have come today, they will not hide it.

"Human Cheng Mu? I don't know."

However, the big demon guarding the pass did not know Cheng Mu's identity.

It was Ao Guang's name that made him tremble in fright.

"Dragon King, please wait a moment!"

The big demon hurriedly began to deliver the message.

Bai Ze just asked him to guard the gate of hell, but he never thought that the Lord of the Dragon Clan would knock on the gate now!