MTL - The Heavens of Online Games Are Coming-Chapter 1090 Earth Star promotion, Haotian Li Jing

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way home.

Pang Da and Hei Ling have been floating in the air, really like two balloons, one black and one white.

The speed of the fairy boat is very fast, and they are miserable with their sealed strength.

They collided again and again in the strong wind, leaving their screams along the way.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, they are just unintentional words."

Sun Wu and Confucius couldn't bear it, so they pleaded for Pang Da and Hei Ling.

What kind of bad intentions can such simple two cats have?

"Let them increase their memory, and if they don't know how to chat, don't force them to chat!"

Cheng Mu's face was cold.

What does it mean that his gun is short and soft?

Obviously long and hard!

He took out the Chi gun.

Not a single shot penetrated the Heavenly King Chiguo, because the Heavenly King Chiguo was huge, that's why he couldn't reach it!

"Yes! Yes! This old man will teach them a few more days!"

Confucius loved talent.

Although Fat Da and Hei Ling are not human races, what he abides by is teaching without discrimination!

As long as he can teach, he will not refuse Confucius.

What's more, starting from teaching two cats, he can teach more groups in the future.

Those who fly in the sky, those who run on the ground, those who swim in the water, those who are within the stars of the earth, and those who are beyond the stars of the earth...

As long as we move forward with this grand goal, Confucius is not only a saint of the human race, he is also a saint of all races!

This is the real education without discrimination! Saint mood!

"Well, you must teach well."

"If you are stubborn, beat them to death!"

Cheng Mu nodded, Kong Sheng still had to give him face.

However, when he saw Confucius' 1.9 meter and Kong Wu's powerful body, he had an illusion in his heart.

Did Kong Sheng go the wrong way?

Everyone's stereotype of scholars is that they have no strength to restrain a chicken, they are weak and weak, and they cannot carry their hands or lift them.

But Confucius was not like that.

Those explosive muscles and casserole-sized fists could crush Hei Ling Fat Da flat with one punch!

This should be the real convincing people with 'virtue'!


Soon after, the triumphant army returned to Earth.

At this time, the vast land of the ancestors began to fall.

Under the eager anticipation of hundreds of millions of Earth Star people, the two worlds began to merge!

The sun, the moon, and the stars appeared together, and the celestial spirit gushed out rapidly.

Under the washing of the strong fairy air, the vegetation and animals on the planet earth began to advance.

The entire planet Earth is also rapidly expanding.

Hills become mountains, streams become rivers.

After completely merging the land of the ancestors, the entire planet Earth expanded by more than ten times.

The original barriers of the world that were riddled with holes were repaired again, and became thicker than before!

Countless hidden races began to reveal the mountain gates, and all the hidden small worlds on the planet Earth were also opened.

Earth Star, which was already prosperous, has become even more lively!

"Congratulations, Human Emperor! Congratulations, Human Emperor!"

Envoys of various races came from all directions to congratulate the promotion of Earth Star.

There are also countless hidden races who came to surrender in person and worship Cheng Mu.

At this time, Earth Star is no longer a newborn small world.

The strong power of the fairy spirit solidified the earth, and even the strong Jinxian couldn't break it.

The consciousness of the world has begun to awaken, and it will become the real patron saint of the earth and star world!

"From today on, our human race will never live under the gods!"

"Don't be enslaved by the gods, and don't be oppressed by the gods!"

"But anyone who deceives our human race will be punished no matter how far away!"


The moment Cheng Mu's voice resounded through the earth and stars, the power of the human race was completely awakened.

Everyone proudly raised their heads and straightened their backs.

Cheng Mu's words will become the eternal pursuit of every human race.

All races are created equal.

No one can live in the nine heavens forever, aloft.

No one can enslave and trample the human race.

Human race, we must work hard for our own rise!


The awakened consciousness of the human race rushed up to the sky, into the void outside the territory, and into the nine heavens!

In the endless void.

The empress, who was fighting with Jiang Ziya and others, felt this breath.

She smiled with relief.

"Human Race! Daxing!"

This is the goal she has tirelessly pursued since she came down.

But now, this grand goal is finally going to be realized in Cheng Mu's hands!

"Presumptuous! How can the human race prosper, the only way is to perish!"

Jiang Ziya also felt the strong intention of the human race.

He is angry.

Filled with anger, he threw out the real whip.

The human race cannot prosper.

If the human race prospers, the heavens and the world will fall into chaos!

"Hmph! Even if you are the avatar of that lord, we cannot keep you today!"

Zhen Yuanzi roared angrily, and used the most powerful move: "The universe in the sleeve!"

Rumble! In an instant, the entire void was under his sleeve.

"I am Yun Zhongzi, fellow Taoists, please go on the road!"


All kinds of devastating spells rushed towards the empress.

In just a few breaths, the void they had killed shattered.

This is a battle that must be divided into life and death.

If the female emperor wins, then the human race will rise, and all races will fight.

If they win, they will destroy the human race to keep the peace of all races!

"Hmph! Since you know that I am that clone, are you ready to die?"

The Empress snorted coldly.

Although both are quasi-sacred realm strength.

But as the avatar of the sage Nuwa, how can her strength be compared with that of Jiang Ziya and other younger generations?

Even if she was surrounded by four people, she still has the strength to fight back!

"Plunge into chaos!"

Under one move of the empress, the surrounding void was completely annihilated.

And they also fell into chaos together!


Above the nine heavens, the fourth heaven.

This is where the immortals live and where the heavens are located.

When the strong power of the human race rushed to the Hall of Lingxiao, Haotian, who was sitting in the Hall of Lingxiao, was shocked.

"Li Jing!"

He hastily summoned Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Tota, and asked sharply, "I told you to send troops to flatten the land of the ancestors. Could it be that you have failed?"

The fighting spirit of the human race he felt was obviously the result of the human race's just reaping a big victory!

"Back to the Jade Emperor, all the four heavenly kings under my command died in battle, and none of the millions of immortal soldiers survived!"

Although Li Jing really wanted to hide this news.

But how could it be possible to hide such a heavy battle loss?

"You! Presumptuous!"

Hearing such bad news, Haotian was furious.

Those four heavenly kings and millions of immortal soldiers and generals are all his roots!

But he didn't want to fight in the land of the ancestors, he even lost his money!

"Jade Emperor calm down, Jade Emperor calm down!"

Li Jing was also very panicked at this time.

According to the news he got, the strongest person in the land of the ancestors is the empress who is a saint.

And the second strongest is Xingyue, who is far less powerful than the Empress. And just to be on the safe side, all the four heavenly kings will be dispatched in this battle.

It is impossible for a mere strong person in the initial stage of Xuanxian to survive in the hands of the four heavenly kings.

But now, the Four Heavenly Kings have all died in battle, and not even a million immortal soldiers and generals have survived.

At first, Li Jing was thinking of destroying the Earth Star!

It's a pity that he lost, a crushing defeat!

"How do you make me calm down?"

The Jade Emperor roared angrily: "Now the battle situation in West Tianmen is urgent, the demon clan in Beitianmen is watching fiercely, and Emperor Qingxuan in East Tianmen is suppressing the witch clan."

"If there is something wrong with the Nantianmen, then this Jade Emperor, you come to sit?"

Since Wutian Buddha led the Western Lingshan into the demon camp, Xitianmen has become the main battlefield for the demons and Buddhas to attack the heaven.

In the north, the monster race knew about the rise of the human race, so the wicked monster race began to move again.

In the east, the Wu clan that was defeated at the beginning did not perish.

They were suppressed under the abyss of the East, and suffered eternally.

It's just that after the rise of the human race and the monster race, these witch races are not reconciled.

So when the three Heavenly Gates in the east, west, and north cannot send troops to help, who will help Li Jing guard the South Heaven Gate?

If a strong enemy enters the Heavenly Court through the Nantianmen, then Li Jing will be given the position of the Jade Emperor!

After all, no one could tell if there was an enemy coming, did Li Jing let it in on purpose?

Haotian also couldn't tell whether the four heavenly kings and the million immortal soldiers and generals were Li Jing deliberately letting them die in the lower realm.

They are immortals, lofty and powerful immortal gods.

Facing the mere land of the ancestors and the earth and star race, how could they fail?

Haotian couldn't figure it out, so he couldn't help thinking more.

"Jade Emperor, spare your life! Jade Emperor, spare your life!"

Haotian's words instantly pressed Li Jing to the ground, and he was trembling.

Let him be the Jade Emperor, isn't that letting him die?

"Please rest assured, Jade Emperor, even if my Li family dies, I will stick to Nantianmen!"

Although the Four Heavenly Kings died in battle, Li Jing is still alive, and his good son Nezha is still alive.

They can stop the golden immortals and the enemies of the Mythical Great Luo Realm.

If it is above the myth, in the quasi-sage realm, whether the position of the Jade Emperor is still secure or not, that is Haotian's own business!

"What about the earth star race?"

The Jade Emperor was annoyed and laughed: "Could it be possible that this Emperor should take action to personally deal with that earth-star human race?"

He is the Jade Emperor.

If he is allowed to make a move, what are so many generals in the court used for?

"Report to the Jade Emperor, we can ask Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun to take action!"

A good idea that Li Jing thought of.

After all, only Erlang God is the only one that can be used by Heavenly Court.

Although Haotian is the emperor of heaven, there are many big bosses in the heavenly court, most of whom do not listen to the tune and do not listen to the announcement.

Now the only one who listens to the tune but not the announcement is Erlang God in Guanjiangkou.

"Him? My good nephew's wings are hardened now, I'm afraid he won't come again?"

Haotian had a cold face.

After tens of thousands of years of rapid development in Tianting, everyone's strength has been significantly The original four heavenly kings of Taiyi True Wonderland have been promoted to the Mysterious Immortal Realm powerhouse, and Li Jing who was originally from the Mysterious Immortal Realm is now also the Golden Immortal Realm powerhouse By.

And the **** Erlang, who was a golden fairy in the beginning, is now in the realm of mythology.

As an uncle with quasi-sage strength, he might find it difficult to mobilize his nephew!

"I report to the Jade Emperor that my son, Nezha, has some friendship with Xiansheng Zhenjun, and I asked Nezha to invite Xiansheng Zhenjun himself!"

Li Jing made a guarantee.

He may not be able to invite Erlang God, but Nezha may be able to.


Haotian closed his eyes.

He didn't want to say any more, he only had a death order: "If Erlang God doesn't go, then you will descend to the realm yourself."

"If you can't wipe out the human race, there will be no place for you in the heavens in the future!"