MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 93 (Spy on (10)...)

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Ji Mingxia basically quit social software because of Yu Ning, and uses a fixed app to surf the Internet every day. .

Although the people in the class and Ji Mingxia gradually became familiar with each other, they were not friends, and they knew that he knew Ye Tian, ​​so they deliberately avoided him when talking about gossip.

Others did not say to his face that Ji Mingxia would not come forward on purpose, but only a few words occasionally made Ji Mingxia realize that something had happened to Ye Tian.

She is an idol star, and it is normal to be riddled with scandals. It is reasonable for someone to secretly discuss her, but Ji Mingxia doesn't take it to heart.

Until the last two classes in the afternoon, Ji Mingxia's class was taking common classes with classes from other departments.

Although Ji Mingxia has been famous in school for a while, he is not a celebrity after all. After a long time, many passers-by have long forgotten his appearance.

The students in his class will be a little scruples in front of him, and students from other departments will naturally not think so much, and will just talk about it together.

The public class classroom is very large. The teacher speaks with a microphone in the front row. In order not to be discovered and to hear each other gossip, the students in the back chat loudly while the teacher is talking.

In this way, the teacher's voice is very loud, and their voices are also very loud, so that they will not be detected, and the voice can be heard by a group of people.

Ji Mingxia was forced to listen to the speculations of those people. At first, he didn't take it seriously, but after listening, his expression gradually became serious.

The matter of Ye Tian is not too big or too small. The most strange thing is the series of reactions after the incident, which has aroused the curiosity of the public.

The cause of the incident will start from the art class in the afternoon.

The art teacher taught the class as usual, pointed out the matters for the students, and then assigned the homework. The homework of Ye Tian's class was "self-portrait".

This is a very common art assignment, and everyone doesn't take it seriously. Most people just paint and deal with assignments. One afternoon is more than enough for them to play.

Everyone was chatting, drawing, playing with mobile phones from time to time, or taking a peek at Ye Tian.

Although Ye Tian is a freshman, she has a special status. She had discussed with the school long before she entered the school. She could not be present in every class. The school also agreed that as long as Ye Tian took the final exam It is easy to discuss things such as being eligible, arriving late and leaving early and asking for leave.

One month after the start of school, Ye Tian’s class time was all added up, and the total time did not exceed a week. Finally, she was free. She was still thinking about Ji Mingxia, so she only mixed with the students in the class. The face is familiar, and everyone is not familiar with her.

At this moment, taking advantage of the class, many people are secretly paying attention to Ye Tian, ​​wanting to see how the artist's art level is and what she looks like in her eyes.

As a result, I gradually found something wrong.

Everyone peeked at Ye Tian, ​​not only wanted to see more of the female star, but also wanted to take a look at how she painted.

In the end, Ye Tian seemed to be playing tricks on everyone. She picked up the pen and doodled, clenched her hands into fists, like a child, smeared randomly on the paper, and finally drew The eyes are crooked and the mouth is slanted.

On the white paper, the black paint occupies most of the page, like a hole, which rolls people's eyes into the center of the painting.

And in the most central position, stood a crooked thing, which at first glance looked like a monster, but upon closer inspection, it looked like a child.

It has four eyes in total, two eyes are tightly closed, one eye is looking at its own body, and the other eye is looking straight at the outsider.

Anyone who sees this painting at first glance will be startled. It is hard to believe that such a dark and terrifying painting is by Ye Tian.

Is this the self in Ye Tian's heart?

Although it looks very scary and gloomy, and the style of painting is completely different from her previous works, it has to be said that it is very powerful.

Especially the one staring at the outsider's eyes, which is like reality, so that everyone dare not take a second glance.

The classmates guessed like this, because they were surprised by Ye Tian's work, no one dared to talk to Ye Tian.

Until the bell rang, everyone got up and prepared to rest. At this moment, Ye Tian, ​​who had been immersed in the paintings, was like waking up from a big dream and was frightened by her "self-portrait" Jump, point to that eye, and scream!

"What did you say? After Ye Tian finished painting the terrifying self-portrait, she pointed at her self-portrait and screamed?" In Ji Mingxia's class, after listening to the gossip, a classmate asked incomprehensibly, "What? What do you mean, she was also frightened by her own work?"

"Who knows? My fellow is in the same class as Ye Tian. He has always liked Ye Tian very much. He watched the whole process, and there is absolutely no possibility of lying." classmate said.

Seeing that everyone was getting their appetites and looking a little scared, he improvised, deliberately lowered his voice, and said slowly: "He said, Ye Tian was frightened by that painting. Enough, if he hadn't watched Ye Tian finish painting the self-portrait, just looking at Ye Tian's reaction afterwards, he would have felt that this painting was not painted by Ye Tian at all... In layman's terms, it was like a ghost possessed , drew a ghost picture, and after the drawing, the person woke up and was frightened."

"Shit, it's true or false, don't be scary."

"What horror stories are you talking about in the daytime, looking for death."

"Ye's entire network deleted posts just for this shit?"

Sure enough, the students who looked around were a little frightened.

The time to gossip is very precious. At any time, the teacher will find them gathering to chat, and someone will rush to ask.

News, there are a lot of discussions about Ye Tian on the Internet, and none of them mentioned self-portrait, because what happened in the back was so exciting, everyone just looked at the back..."

"Why so much nonsense, hurry up and say it, the Ye family deletes the post and bans them, and does this kind of thing even if they provoke public anger, why?" a classmate urged.

Ji Mingxia also pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

"Okay, okay, I said it's not enough." The classmate who was sitting in the center passing on the gossip said: "After finding that her self-portrait is so scary, Ye Tian's whole person is not right. At the beginning Everyone comforted her with kind words. Even the teacher thought that she was under too much pressure from work and was too tired, and suggested that she go back to rest... As soon as Ye Tian heard that she was going to go back to the dormitory alone, she was even more frightened. The teacher said that someone was following her, peeping at her, everywhere and everywhere."

"Stalking, peeping?"

"Damn, the treatment of stars is good. When I had a headache, I didn't see the teacher take the initiative to comfort me and let me go back to rest."

"The problem is that Ye Tian is not willing to go back, is there really a voyeur?"

"Yes, there is." The classmate who was sitting in the center said, "Ye Tian doesn't know what's going on, obviously the whole class didn't speak, but she just felt that everyone didn't believe her. , on the spot, she said that she had found a clue, and then in front of the whole class, she found a website and opened it... It was densely packed, all of which were her private photos."


The classmate sitting in the center said: "Yes, you heard it right, Ye Tian found a website by herself, and it was densely packed, all of which were her private photos. She shared this website with Photos, posted in front of the class, told everyone that someone peeked at her, followed her, took her private photos…”

Everyone looked at each other, a little unable to keep up with their thoughts: "Then what?"

"Then it's what you see." The student said, "Their class is taking elective courses, and the entire large class has dozens of people. Ye Tian is in front of everyone, I made it public, and those who responded slowly were like you. Those who were sluggish could not recover, but those who responded quickly should have grabbed their mobile phones and took pictures of Ye Tian’s crazy appearance and her private photos, and posted them on online..."

After listening to everyone, the expressions on their faces are a little difficult to describe.

"What kind of mess is this, how does it feel like it's so confusing?"

"Is Ye Tian really stressed and crazy?"

"I don't think I'm crazy, the entertainment industry is in a mess, maybe I'm on drugs."

"No way, she's not yet twenty years old, and her family has money, so she can be involved in the darkness of the entertainment industry with a lot of it."

"Stupid you, the richer you are, the dirtier and messier you are. Don't look at Ye Tian's purity..."

The person sitting in the center, seeing that everyone was talking more and more, said quickly: "Hey, hey, the Ye family is all staring at it. Ye Tian just went crazy in the afternoon, and this matter is returned. In less than an hour, the people from the Ye family came. They deleted the posts and banned them immediately, and took Ye Tian away. My fellow villager is now signing a non-disclosure agreement... You can gossip, don't spread rumors. , just gossip and brag verbally, don't talk nonsense on the Internet, don't leave written evidence, in case of 500 retweets, you will be responsible."

"Are you still signing a non-disclosure agreement?" Some classmates exclaimed in surprise. While everyone was surprised, they were also slightly dissatisfied.

Although the Ye family is rich, why do they treat ordinary people like this?

However, the classmate who told the gossip had a completely opposite expression to everyone's, and said with envy: "It is said that Ye Tian's brother Ye Chen came forward to do it. He hopes that everyone will try not to spread today's events. , you must say it, but please respect the objective facts. In addition, Ye Tian's private photos are never allowed to be distributed, otherwise it is illegal... Besides, the Ye family is very rich, and they have given a lot of benefits... I cry with envy woohoo..."

As soon as they heard that having money is good, everyone's indignant expressions disappeared, and their attention quickly shifted to how many benefits Ye Tian's classmates got.

When they learned that the sealing fee was only five figures, many students couldn't help biting their handkerchiefs. They were all Ye Tian's classmates.

The topic has gradually shifted from Ye Tian to how rich the Ye family is. For many students, the Ye family is so rich, and Ye Tian's naughty performance is not a problem at all, no What disease cannot be cured by money.

Ji Mingxia thought so too.

From the time he saw Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian seemed to be deeply harassed by peeping and stalking.

In Ji Mingxia's view, Ye Tian has no ghosts or mysterious objects. Although she has encountered ghosts, it is just an accident.

Her nerves seem to be weakened, and she is always troubled by being followed and peeped. The last time I saw her, it seemed that she hadn't slept peacefully for a long time.

If it is not a supernatural event, the rest can only be solved by science.

However, according to the current situation, Ye Tian not only did not improve, but intensified, directly in front of the whole class, unable to control her emotions...

Ji Mingxia picked up the phone unconsciously.

He has not added Ye Tian, ​​but he is friends with Ye Chen.

Ever since he added a friend, Ye Chen has always taken the initiative to poke Ji Mingxia. Ji Mingxia is forced to deal with it every time, and has not contacted him.

But this happened... Ye Chen might not have the time to reply to him now.

Ji Mingxia thought so, and finally closed WeChat.

At the moment when it was about to close, a new message came, Ji Mingxia hurriedly opened WeChat again, and found that it was from Yu Ning.

Ji Mingxia's public class was held in another teaching building. Yu Ning asked Ji Mingxia to send him the exact location of the classroom. He picked Ji Mingxia back after school.

Although Yu Ning didn't say it clearly, and even gradually expressed his acceptance of Ye Chenlei's untouchable lunch box and Ye Tian's various gifts, Ji Mingxia always felt that Yu Ning probably didn't like Ye Chen very much. and Ye Tian.

Seeing that Yu Ning was coming, Ji Mingxia quickly calmed down, at least don't get distracted in front of Yu Ning and think about Ye Chen and Ye Tian.

But his idea was very good, but when the two walked towards the dormitory together, even if Ji Mingxia tried to pretend not to know, the students' discussions could be heard everywhere along the way.

The gossip about Ye family and Ye Tian has already swept the whole school, and it is the hottest topic at the moment.

Ji Mingxia glanced at Yu Ning secretly, seeing that Yu Ning was also looking at him calmly, he seemed to have seen through everything.

Ji Mingxia smiled dryly, and finally said, "Yu Ning, something happened to Ye Tian, ​​did you know?"

"Slightly heard." Yu Ning nodded.

Ji Mingxia recalled the gossip he heard in the afternoon, frowned and thought: "I think this is a bit weird."

Read The Duke's Passion