MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 69 (Awakening (ten)...)

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Ji Mingxia was caught off guard and was held in Yu Ning's arms, and the whole person was stunned.

He stretched out his hand, but didn't know whether to give it a hug or not.

At this moment, Pei Yuan, Yanguang and other staff were ready to start the security check.

A staff member of the special department called Yu Ning.

After Yu Ning finished speaking beside Ji Mingxia's ear, she turned around and walked towards the entrance with her ID.

People came and went in the airport, and Yu Ning quickly disappeared from the crowd.

Ji Mingxia only felt that her whole body was suddenly empty, and she saw Yu Ning disappear from sight.

It wasn't until she was sure that Yu Ning could no longer be seen that Ji Mingxia came back to her senses.

There was a faint red light at the end of his eyes.

Ji Mingxia was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand quickly, and saw a ring hanging loosely on his finger.

When Yu Ning put a ring on Ji Mingxia, Ji Mingxia was all on Yu Ning's hug, and didn't feel anything unusual on her hand.

Seeing the ring at this moment, the ring seems to be conscious.

In the end, it was perfectly worn on Ji Mingxia's ring finger.

There is a faint surging of dark light between the blood-red ring, which is in sharp contrast with Ji Mingxia's skin.

When this ring is worn on Yu Ning's hand, it has a strong chromatic aberration, which impacts people's vision.

After wearing it on Ji Mingxia's hand, it looks inexplicably delicate.

Ji Mingxia was originally white, and the ring made his fingers more slender and delicate.

Feeling the icy cold touch of the ring, Ji Mingxia thought she was dazzled.

Isn't this Yu Ning's blood red ring, why is it on his hand? !

Ji Mingxia was startled, and her first reaction was to take it off and return it to Yu Ning.

However, after the ring was tightened, it fit perfectly with Ji Mingxia's finger, no matter how Ji Mingxia slid it, the ring would not move and could not be taken off at all.

"What did Yu Ning tell you?" At this time, Bao Guangyuan approached with some gossip.

When Yu Ning turned around and hugged Ji Mingxia, he almost caught everyone's attention.

No way, Yu Ning's appearance is too special.

He is tall, good-looking, and has weird eyes.

Most people are attracted to him at the first time, and dare not approach him, but they can't help but look at him more.

In addition to Ji Mingxia's good looks, the inseparable and ambiguous hug before the airport farewell is simply too interesting!

However, Bao Guangyuan knew the horror of Yu Ning, so when Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia hugged, Bao Guangyuan took a look and quickly looked away.

Until it was confirmed that Yu Ning entered the security check and could not see them, Bao Guangyuan couldn't help but approached and asked.

Seeing Ji Mingxia staring at his finger, Bao Guangyuan followed Ji Mingxia's gaze.

When he saw a blood-red ring on his hand, Bao Guangyuan couldn't help exclaiming: "Isn't this Yu Ning's ring, Yu Ning confessed to you ?"

When Ji Mingxia saw Bao Guangyuan looking over, he quickly hid his hands behind him: "No, no, you read it wrong."

Bao Guangyuan saw Ji Mingxia's veiled and flustered appearance, and quickly said with understanding: "It's okay, I understand."

"You don't understand." Ji Mingxia said.

"Okay, then I understand." Bao Guangyuan said clearly again.

"You don't understand." Ji Mingxia hurriedly said.

The voice fell, seeing Bao Guangyuan still looking at him with a deep smile, Ji Mingxia realized that Bao Guangyuan had already seen it, so it was ineffective to cover up.

Ji Mingxia put his hand back and continued to try a few times.

Until the fingers were a little red and swollen, and the ring remained motionless, Ji Mingxia could only give up struggling temporarily.

He found his mobile phone from the bag, and wanted to call Yu Ning while Yu Ning had just passed the security check and hadn't taken off.

However, after several consecutive presses, the screen of the phone is always black.

Ji Mingxia just remembered that his cell phone had long been dead.

Not only his cell phone was out of power, but Yu Ning's cell phone was also out of power.

Pei Yuan's cell phone had power, but Ji Mingxia didn't remember his phone number!

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia reluctantly put down the phone, seeing that Bao Guangyuan was still looking at him, Ji Mingxia said: "I didn't confess, you think too much, maybe Yu Ning accidentally made a mistake."

With a complicated face, Bao Guangyuan shut his mouth wisely and said no more.

When leaving the airport, Ji Mingxia bought a power bank with cash, and then took a taxi back to Quanzhuang with Bao Guangyuan.

All the way, Ji Mingxia stared at the ring in a daze.

He was ready for Yu Ning to go to the capital and go through the plot with Pei Yuan, but unexpectedly, before leaving, Yu Ning actually stuffed him with a ring. , on the ring finger!

Thinking of Yu Ning's "see you at school", Ji Mingxia couldn't help but think, Yu Ning won't be back in a few days, right?

Think about it carefully. Although they have finished the college entrance examination, they have not filled out their volunteers, have not attended the graduation ceremony of the third year of high school, and have not obtained the high school graduation certificate...

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia felt annoyed, but a secret joy rose up.

Realizing that he had just separated from Yu Ning, and looking forward to seeing him again, Ji Mingxia quickly suppressed the joy.

Yuning sat with him for a long time before the security check.

At that time, Ji Mingxia was full of thoughts that he and Yu Ning would have to deal with each other in the future. He didn't ask about Yu Ning's next plans and plans at all.

You should have asked at that time, to understand Yu Ning's thoughts, and not to think wildly now.

After charging for about ten minutes, Ji Mingxia's phone could finally be turned on.

The phone was not turned on for a few days, and the phone was suddenly filled with countless messages, whether it was missed calls, unchecked text messages, QQ messages, WeChat messages, etc., all popped up together.

Ji Mingxia ignores it all, finds the address book first, and immediately dials Yu Ning's number.

It didn't get through, Yu Ning's phone was still turned off.

The plane took off in half an hour, and it was night after arriving in the capital. Just arrived at a new place, Yu Ning might not remember to charge his phone.

Just wait until bedtime and try again.

Ji Mingxia thought so, and the left hand wearing the ring unconsciously swiped the phone.

He is a boy, except when he was one year old, he wore a bracelet, and he has never worn jewelry since.

There is a ring on the ring finger of the left hand. Even when I swipe my phone, I can feel the sudden extra touch.

The thought of the ring Yu Ning put on him made Ji Mingxia's heart beat faster.

Until he saw the phone call log, which showed dozens of missed calls.

In the beginning, Ji Mingxia thought it was his roommates, so he didn't rush in.

After he had read all the QQ, WeChat and other news, Ji Mingxia clicked into the call log, but to his surprise, in the address book, the person who called him the most these days turned out to be grandmother.

Ji Mingxia was startled and sat up straight, staring at the call log on the phone screen.

Ji Mingxia and the original body are equivalent to interpenetrating parallel spaces. For Ji Mingxia, except for the characters related to the plot of the novel, everything else is similar to his original life.

Ji Mingxia's parents died, and the original body also died.

Ji Mingxia's grandmother is his only relative in this world, and the same is true of his original body.

The time Ji Mingxia traveled through was the eve of the college entrance examination.

Because the college entrance examination is approaching, in order not to distract the children, many parents of students who stay in the school dormitory are relieved to hand over their children to the school without much interruption, as does the original grandmother.

As for the Spring Village vacation, before Ji Mingxia came across, the original body had already paid for it.

Grandma Yuanshen also knew that Yuanshen had finished the height test and went to relax at a nearby scenic spot. She didn't contact him until she returned home after her vacation.

So it is equivalent to, after Ji Mingxia came to this world, she never had contact with her original grandma.

Actually, according to Ji Mingxia's actual situation, the contact between him and his grandmother is obviously much more frequent than that between the original body and his grandmother.

For example, on the eve of the college entrance examination, although parents will not disturb students, they will usually give some blessings.

Before Ji Mingxia's college entrance examination, she chatted with her grandma all night.

Because her parents were away, her grandmother lived in the country again. Ji Mingxia didn't want her old man to be too lonely, so during school, she often called her grandma. Once the college entrance examination was over, Ji Mingxia couldn't wait to return Grandma went.

But in the face of the current grandmother, Ji Mingxia felt a little guilty.

The mobile phone Ji Mingxia is using now is the original one. He has seen it before. There is very little contact between the original and the grandmother. Telephone.

The call time is only about three or four minutes each time. Obviously, it is over after reporting to each other safe, and there is no more chat.

The original grandmother did not take the initiative to contact him, and Ji Mingxia did not dare to contact him, for fear that a phone call would directly reveal the secret.

For Ji Mingxia, grandma is the closest person in the world.

According to Ji Mingxia's thinking, if one day his grandmother interpenetrates with the grandmother in a parallel time and space, Ji Mingxia thinks that he should have a high probability of recognizing it.

Since he can recognize it, the original grandmother will definitely be able to see through his situation at the moment.

So Ji Mingxia always maintains an ostrich mentality in the face of this world's original grandma.

Yuanshen's grandmother knew about the fact that Yuanshen went to Quanzhuang for a holiday, so Ji Mingxia and everyone went to Quanzhuang for a holiday with confidence.

But he forgot that the vacation date reported by the original body and grandma was only three or four days.

Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning, after encountering the bronze mirror in Quan Zhuang, immediately found Li You going to the forest. In order to get the ring back, they also entered the forest and stayed in Quan Zhuang and the forest The time in between was extended considerably.

During this period, Yu Ning used the bronze mirror to make Zhao Zhuoyue and others not aware of Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning's departure.

But the original grandmother, thousands of miles away, was not affected by the bronze mirror.

Seeing that the vacation is coming to an end, and the time is coming, Ji Mingxia still has no news, and the original grandmother took the initiative to contact Ji Mingxia.

Since the day before yesterday, the original grandmother has made a total of twelve calls.

Because Ji Mingxia's mobile phone was turned off, all these twelve calls were not answered.

Ji Mingxia couldn't imagine the mood of the original grandmother at the moment!

If Ji Mingxia's grandmother in his own world, she would be so anxious to go to school and beat Ji Mingxia's head!

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia couldn't even think about Yu Ning and the ring, so she quickly pressed the address book and called back the original grandma.

"Hello." As soon as the phone got through, the old man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Ji Mingxia was stunned when she heard this voice.

He is very familiar with grandma's voice, even if grandma calls him from an unfamiliar number, he can recognize it just by hearing the voice.

But the voice coming from the other end of the phone was a little strange...

"Hello, Mingxia." The old man on the other end of the phone said again.

Ji Mingxia listened carefully, but it was still grandma's voice, but it was countless times older and hoarer than the voice he remembered.

Hearing the old man calling his name, Ji Mingxia quickly came back to his senses: "It's me."

"When will you be back?" the old man asked.

"I... I'll go home tomorrow." Ji Mingxia said.

"Okay." The old man said, "That's dead."

"Goodbye..." Ji Mingxia said.

He was worried about exposing himself, so he didn't dare to say more. As a result, just after he said goodbye, the old man hung up the phone.

Ji Mingxia stared blankly at the phone that ended the call, almost thinking she was dreaming.

It's grandma's phone number, and it's grandma's note. This person is the grandma who was originally in this world.

But why... everything is completely different from what Ji Mingxia remembered? !

Read The Duke's Passion