MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 64

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When Ji Mingxia learned that Pei Yuan and Yu Ning might not live to be fifty years old, her face turned pale.

After listening to Pei Yuan's words at this moment, the whole person is even more shaky, and he almost can't sit still.

Pei Yuan did not expect that his words would give Ji Mingxia such a serious blow.

He hurriedly said, "Are you all right?"

"I..." Ji Mingxia shook his head, just about to deny it, but when he shook his head, there was a sudden tingling in his ear canal.

Ji Mingxia gasped, and immediately covered her ears and frowned to endure the sting.

The stinging pain came so quickly that Ji Mingxia was unprepared and only felt black in front of her eyes.

Fortunately, the stinging pain is not constant, and disappears after a while, leaving only the lingering pain that makes you lingering in fear.

Ji Mingxia patiently said: "I'm fine, but the ear canal is a little inflamed. When I get off the mountain tomorrow, I'll go to the hospital to have a look."

"Inflammation of the ear canal?" Pei Yuan heard the words, thought for a moment, and took out a bottle of eye drops from his bag, then he rummaged through and found a bottle of erythromycin ointment, "You Try this."

Ji Mingxia hurriedly said: "I'm fine, just a little inflammation, not serious, I have anti-inflammatory medicine, and Yu Ning will help me dig my ears in a while, and use a cotton swab to put the medicine in it."

Pei Yuan insisted: "This is ofloxacin eye drops, which can be dropped into the ear for relief, no need to dig the ear, the liquid is cool and soft, which is more suitable for your current situation."

Speaking, Pei Yuan handed the eye drops and ointment to Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia's ear canal tingles from time to time, which does affect his actions. Seeing that Pei Yuan has handed it over, this is what he urgently needs now, so Ji Mingxia is not polite, took it, and said gratefully: " thank you."

"You're welcome." Pei Yuan said, "The way I handled it back then... I didn't handle it properly, I should apologize to you."

What year?

Inappropriate handling?

Ji Mingxia understands that Pei Yuan is talking about the past between him and the original body. Ji Mingxia has no knowledge of this matter and has no way of guessing, but he also wants to understand, Pei Yuan and the original body Between the original body, what happened.

With Pei Yuan's character, it is absolutely impossible to do bad things to Ji Mingxia.

They didn't know each other back then, but Pei Yuan said that he didn't handle it properly. Ji Mingxia guessed that the biggest possibility was that Pei Yuan planned to help Ji Mingxia, but the way was not suitable.

This time, Pei Yuan didn't recognize Ji Mingxia at all, indicating that they met at least two or three years ago.

At that time, Pei Yuan was less than twenty, and Ji Mingxia was still in junior high school. Adolescence was the peak of human growth and development. Within a few years, the appearance of a baby's fat and grown into an adult could be eliminated. To explain, Pei Yuan said that he looked different and almost didn't recognize him.

Confirming these points in her heart, Ji Mingxia considered the language and said, "I know, you are kind, it should be me thanking you."

Pei Yuan didn't expect to receive Ji Mingxia's thanks, he laughed in surprise: "I just thought at the time that you are young, you shouldn't decide your future so early, thinking about it now, then It was really too impulsive for a while, I should communicate with you well, are you still together now?"

Pei Yuan said, looking at Ji Mingxia inquiringly.

Ji Mingxia was still thinking about what Pei Yuan meant when he was suddenly asked, and he was a little stunned. Ji Mingxia opened his mouth, but did not dare to answer.

When you don't know the specific situation, speaking rashly may have the opposite effect.

Seeing Ji Mingxia staring blankly at him, Pei Yuan didn't answer, he quickly said: "I'm talking too much, you are already an adult, I believe you will handle it well. "

He said, full of encouragement to Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia inexplicably received Pei Yuan's eyes of trust and blessing, so she could only laugh and nodded randomly.

Pei Yuan said this vaguely, he couldn't extract useful information.

Yu Ning is much better at this kind of thing than him, so he should let Yu Ning come...

Thinking of Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia couldn't help but turn around and glance in Yu Ning's direction.

It was getting dark now, Yu Ning was standing in the distance, Ji Mingxia looked at him, but couldn't see what he looked like, only a vague figure could be seen, still standing by the tree , did not move.

"Pei Yuan, if Yu Ning is really contaminated, is there a solution?" Ji Mingxia asked softly.

This question, he wanted to ask for a long time, but was afraid of getting a negative answer.

After all, professionals don't live to be more than fifty years old, which means that with their current abilities, they have no way to take advantage of this unknown energy.

He believed that as long as Pei Yuan had a way, he would definitely help them.

Sure enough, the next moment, Ji Mingxia heard Pei Yuan say: "I can take him back to try."

"Take him back?" Ji Mingxia looked at Pei Yuan suspiciously.

"My elders and teachers are all in the capital, and they are more experienced than me in this regard." Pei Yuan said, "The bronze bell gave a severe warning, which led me to be very wary of Yu Ning. As you said just now, your time in contact with mysterious items is actually very short, maybe my judgment is wrong, and Yu Ning's situation may not be that bad."

Speaking of this, Pei Yuan said to Ji Mingxia: "When dealing with mysterious objects, it is inevitable that they will be affected by them. Almost everyone will be slightly polluted. This is a very common phenomenon. After a while of treatment, you can come back.”

Ji Mingxia couldn't help but said: "Then what if, instead of minor pollution, it is seriously polluted, and even according to what you said, Yu Ning has become a mysterious object? What will be done?"

Pei Yuan was silent for a few seconds, then slowly said: "I don't know. According to previous experience, such people often go crazy before they are discovered or brought back for treatment. dead."

When Ji Mingxia heard the words, he immediately understood.

This thing is like cancer. Either it is found early and treated in time, or it is directly advanced to the late stage. Before it can be sent for treatment, it will die on the road.

Yuning's current situation is that he is suspected of "cancer". If it is mild, it is best to come back after treatment.

I am most afraid of severe cases. If they are sent to the capital for treatment, not only will they not be cured, but they may become experimental products.

If it was someone else, Ji Mingxia would definitely persuade him to go for treatment. After all, survival is the most important thing, but Yu Ning is different.

Yu Ning is the protagonist, even if it is really "late", he will most likely not die, then his ultimate fate can only be a test product to old age...

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia's heart was pulled.

Yuning in the original book has no such trouble at all.

The current situation is entirely due to the butterfly effect caused by Ji Mingxia's crossing.

From a certain point of view, he caused Yu Ning to this step.

"I see." Ji Mingxia whispered, "I will find a chance and talk to Yu Ning."

Seeing that Ji Mingxia was in a low mood, Pei Yuan introduced his work unit to Ji Mingxia after thinking about it.

They are officially recognized full-time personnel, affiliated to the Mysterious Items Research Department.

However, due to the special work content, most of the time, everyone is an explorer from all over the world, and they rarely meet and communicate with each other for a long time.

In the past, it was difficult for colleagues to meet each other for several years. Now, with the Internet, it is much more convenient.

If Yu Ning intends to go back with him, he will contact the headquarters and send special personnel to take them back when there is a signal down the mountain.

When Ji Mingxia was reading, he had no interest in these background settings, and usually skipped it at a glance.

Now that you are in a book, background knowledge is essential.

So Ji Mingxia listened very carefully, and while listening, he hooked up with the plot in his mind, trying not to miss any important detail.

Ji Mingxia and Pei Yuan were chatting happily, and turned around inadvertently, and was surprised to find that Yu Ning was still standing in the same place, and Bao Guangyuan saw Ji Mingxia turn his head and quickly waved to Ji Mingxia for help .

Yu Ning stood for so long without moving, Ji Mingxia was a little worried, he just said to Pei Yuan: "Bao Guangyuan is looking for me, I'll go over first."

"Okay." Pei Yuan said.

Ji Mingxia just walked in front of Bao Guangyuan, Bao Guangyuan said with a bitter face: "Between you and Pei Yuan... are you okay?"

"Me and Pei Yuan? It's okay." Ji Mingxia said strangely, "What's wrong?"

"Then why have you been chatting for so long, and Pei Yuan keeps smiling at you." Bao Guangyuan muttered, "Don't talk about Yu Ning, I can't watch it anymore."

Ji Mingxia was full of question marks: "Didn't you say you didn't want to talk to Pei Yuan and asked me to communicate?"

Bao Guangyuan was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that there was still such a thing, Ji Mingxia was on a mission to communicate with Pei Yuan!

Bao Guangyuan hurriedly said, "It's my fault, it's my fault, so are you finished talking now?"

"It's almost there." Ji Mingxia said.

"Otherwise, you can also chat with Yu Ning, he stood there for a long time." Bao Guangyuan said weakly.

Ji Mingxia glanced at Yu Ning not far away: "It's been a long time... you can ask him to come over."

"I don't dare." Bao Guangyuan urged, "Go and go."

Ji Mingxia looked at Bao Guangyuan's cowardly face and was speechless.

He already felt that he was useless enough, and this bag Guangyuan was a million times more useless than him.

However, as a passerby without a name in the original book, it doesn't matter if he is a waste of wood.

Which is like Ji Mingxia, he is also a waste, and he has to shoulder a mission.

Thinking of this, an inexplicable light flashed in Ji Mingxia's mind, and an idea flashed quickly, but Ji Mingxia didn't grasp it for a while.

Bao Guangyuan urged: "Mingxia, Yu Ning is watching you."

"Okay, okay." Ji Mingxia tried hard to get nowhere, and in desperation, he had to walk in front of Yu Ning first.

Yu Ning stood where he was, and when he saw Ji Mingxia approaching, he lowered his eyes slightly to look at him.

As soon as Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning looked at each other, they thought of what he told Yu Ning not long ago.

His face was a little red, but fortunately it was already dark at this time, and it was hazy everywhere, and Yu Ning could not see his embarrassment.

Ji Mingxia tried to pretend to be the same as usual, and briefly talked to Yu Ning about the conversation between him and Pei Yuan.

It mainly explains the role of Pei Yuan’s coat of arms, the role of bronze bells, and the research department of mysterious objects…

Ji Mingxia did not mention the possibility of Yu Ning being contaminated.

Yu Ning didn't trust Pei Yuan. Telling Yu Ning about this possibility at this time would not only not convince him, but might have the opposite effect.

And Ji Mingxia himself didn't think about what choice he should make.

Yu Ning listened to Ji Mingxia's explanation quietly, and said, "Do you believe him?"

This question was asked by Yu Ning just now. Just now, Ji Mingxia didn't know how to answer it, and he faltered and defended. Now, Ji Mingxia doesn't want to escape.

He is still willing to believe Pei Yuan.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia made a "hmm" and nodded.

He thought that Yu Ning would be disappointed by his choice, but unexpectedly, this time, Yu Ning was very calm: "Okay, then I also believe him."

Ji Mingxia didn't expect Yu Ning to be so easy to talk all of a sudden, and looked up at him in surprise.

Although it was already dark, the stars were shining and the moon was bright.

The cold moonlight reflected Yu Ning's delicate and clear face.

His eyes never left Ji Mingxia.

Seeing Ji Mingxia raised her head, Yu Ning looked at him tenderly and whispered, "Because, I believe in you."

Read The Duke's Passion