MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 59

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On the eve of the college entrance examination, Lin Siyun, who had been beautiful for three years, suddenly passed away in a car accident.

At the beginning, Ji Mingxia guessed that Lin Siyun's abnormal changes were related to this blood-red ring.

Looking back now, I'm afraid that after Lin Siyun got the ring, she couldn't resist the temptation, made abnormal choices again and again, and gained the beauty and glory that should not belong to her, and finally took her life. , sacrificed to the ring.

In addition to Lin Siyun, Li You's life has also undergone a lot of changes.

She went from a little-known video blogger to today's Internet celebrity with a huge number of fans and countless money.

Compared to Lin Siyun, Li You is naturally beautiful and has good academic performance. Maybe she did not get so many things in this choice, so the blood red ring was not harvested immediately her life.

When she realized that there was a problem with the ring, with Li You's cleverness, she should have immediately thought of her six friends who had been with her for many years.

Since playing that game and sending two rings to Li You and Lin Siyun, her six friends have become more and more fortunate in their careers, and they have become more prosperous in recent years.

They don't have a ring, but they have such a fortune. Obviously, everything is based on the sacrifice of the two of them.

As soon as Lin Siyun died, Li You planned this forest vacation.

In just one night, death has already occurred.

The first to die was Lu Liang, followed by Shi Wei.

Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning did not witness the death of these two people with their own eyes, so there is no way to judge the truth.

The third person who died was Zhou Li who was killed by Song Yuelin.

Until Zhou Li died, but only five days had passed.

At this time, Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning came to the forest and met Song Yuelin by chance.

Song Yuelin introduced to Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning the rules of the game of hide and seek in the forest: every time when the monsters meet at dusk, monsters appear and play hide and seek games with humans. The first person to be found will be killed by the monsters Carnage away.

As dusk came, Song Yuelin took Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia to hide together.

Song Yuelin seemed to have good intentions, but in fact he was ambitious. After the three of them hid, they deliberately exposed Ji Mingxia to the monster's eyes.

However, people's calculations are not as good as heaven's. The monsters are not interested in Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning at all. In addition, there are two mysterious items in Yu Ning's hands to protect themselves. In the end, Song Yuelin was clever and misunderstood, not only did he not guide him The monster killed Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning, but instead caused him to be targeted by the monster.

In order to save her life, Song Yuelin sacrificed Zhou Li's body to the monster and ran away.

So far, there is at least one loophole in Song Yuelin's words.

There are seven people in the forest, monsters appear every evening at dusk, and at least one must be killed.

But it was the fifth day that Song Yuelin entered the forest, even if you add Zhou Li who was killed by humans, and Li You who mistakenly thought he was dead, the monster killed a total of four people.

Five days to kill four people, so what are the monsters doing in the free day?

After Song Yuelin fled, only Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia were left at the scene.

They have too little information to speculate on the truth.

At that time, it was certain that in addition to Song Yuelin and Li You, Meng Xinyi and Bao Guangyuan were also alive, so Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning walked into the depths of the forest, maybe they could get along with them. The two meet.

They were lucky, they joined Bao Guangyuan and Meng Xinyi on the sixth day. In the afternoon, when Bao Guangyuan and Meng Xinyi were planning supplies for Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia, the monsters did not play cards according to common sense and appeared early .

The time rule of monsters is broken again.

In other words, the theory that monsters kill one person every day is not valid.

Monsters appear on time at dusk, which is also not true.

The rules of the game in Song Yuelin's mouth were completely overturned, but they still couldn't find the law of monsters.

Until today, the monster appears again.

This time, not only did it not appear at dusk, but even when it appeared again, it killed two people in a row.

However, the strange thing is that when facing Bao Guangyuan who was going to die, the monster just avoided it as if he didn't see it.

Li You was hiding among the monsters, she wanted to kill Bao Guangyuan, but she could not violate the rules of the game.

At this moment, Yu Ning's words completely awakened Ji Mingxia.

The real rules of the game are not killing at dusk.

The game of hide-and-seek a few years ago is the same as the game of hide-and-seek now, and the right of choice, from start to finish, is in the hands of the parties.

If you have evil thoughts in your heart, you will attract monsters and stimulate their bloodthirsty killing intent.

The first time Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning met the monster was when Song Yuelin wanted to kill them;

The second time they met the monster was when Bao Guangyuan and Meng Xinyi wanted to steal their resources...

In addition, at other times, if there is no evil in their hearts, the monster will not appear.

Until last night, Meng Xinyi stole Yu Ning's backpack and went down the mountain. Perhaps, she encountered a monster as soon as she got off the mountain; perhaps, she met Song Yuelin at the foot of the mountain...

Whatever the outcome, these two end up at the hands of the monster.

Today is the seventh day that Li You, Song Yuelin and others entered the forest.

Among the seven people, apart from Li You, only Bao Guangyuan was left.

In the absence of evil thoughts, Li You forcibly appeared with a monster, and there was no way to activate the power of the mysterious item, so she was vulnerable, and fell to Yu after a few rounds Ning's subordinates.

The blood-red ring, even after Li You failed, couldn't wait to leave it and find a new owner.

Li You at this moment did not lose to them, but to the rules of the game.

"Why is that so, what do you mean by Yu Ning's words?" Bao Guangyuan saw that after Yu Ning finished speaking, Ji Mingxia had a completely clear expression, hid behind Ji Mingxia and hurriedly asked.

Ji Mingxia saw that Li You was not a threat for the time being, so he relaxed a little and explained to Bao Guangyuan: "We all thought that Li You was dead, and after his death, he was affected by the ring and turned into a monster ghost to take revenge Killer, but she is still alive now. Although she doesn't know how to get the energy of the ring, the power obtained is limited. This game of hide and seek, including Li You, also needs to abide by the rules of the game.

"The more dark and harmful thoughts in your hearts, the easier it is for monsters to appear, the easier it is to kill people, and vice versa. When you decide not to harm people, this monster, whether it is Li You or a monster, There's nothing you can do about it."

Ji Mingxia said to Bao Guangyuan: "In short, you are completely safe."

Bao Guangyuan was confused in front of him, but he understood the last sentence immediately, and he immediately widened his eyes: "Really?"

Ji Mingxia looked at him like this, saw Li You's face pale again, and looked like he was dying, he sighed and said, "When you were playing games, you were a junior high school student. , I have no right to speak. After the game is over, you lose your memory and fall into a coma. You didn't decide to give the ring to Li You and Lin Siyun. In this case, you are quite innocent-"

Ji Mingxia was talking, but before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Li You.

"What do you know, one by one, you intervene in our affairs, what do you know?!" Li You shouted.

Although she is still alive, she seems to have only a few breaths left. Although she shouted with anger and anger, her voice was not loud, but very sharp: "The most innocent person is me , it's Siyun! We originally made an appointment to go to high school together, go to college together, and after college, support each other, and be together forever! Just because of your greed for profit, you ran to the suburbs to play a game regardless of the danger. If we lose, Siyun and I will be responsible for all this, why?!

"Before playing the game, we persuaded everyone that this invitation letter is very strange, it came unexpectedly, it could not have been arranged by the hotel, but you still went for the excitement.

"If there is no ring, Siyun will not be tempted, and will not exhaust her luck in order to become beautiful and excellent.

"She won't die, and I won't sacrifice my body and soul to the ring for revenge, and be a monster that is neither human nor ghost..."

Kill them all... When they killed us, no one ever helped us.

"Siyun died so tragically, she had nightmares every night, dreaming that she was sacrificed as a sacrifice, she hid for so long, hid for so long, and struggled It's been so long, but that day has come.

"When she died, the car ran over her body, she dragged her intestines, crawled far and far, her blood was all over the ground, at that time, who would help us , who is here to save us?"

Li You said, looking at Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia with hatred: "When innocent people were killed, you didn't lend a helping hand, and now innocent people want to fight back, you are one by one , can't wait to jump out and stand on the moral high ground, why? Why do you stop me?!"

After she finished speaking, she panted violently and coughed a few times. The next moment, Li You vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

The blood spit out from her mouth. The dark red blood was mixed with blood clots and minced meat, which looked shocking.

Combined with her thin and pale appearance, Ji Mingxia and Bao Guangyuan were shocked.

Contrary to everyone's reaction, it was Li You's expression.

When she saw that she vomited so much blood, Li You not only did not get angry or panic, but laughed on the spot.

She stuck out her tongue, licked the dark red blood at the corner of her mouth, smiled and raised her head to look at Yu Ning: "What if you take it away, the curse has already begun..."

Curse? !

These two words are not good words.

Even in an ordinary world without supernatural events, everyone would turn pale when they heard the curse, let alone in this special world.

Ji Mingxia immediately thought of the blood-red ring that had just been taken away by Yu Ning, thinking that Li You had manipulated the ring.

He didn't care about his fear of Li You anymore, he rushed forward and said, "What curse, who do you want to curse?"

"Whoever hurts me so far, I will curse whoever." Li You was very satisfied to see Ji Mingxia's panicked appearance, her mouth covered with blood, her eyes confused and her expression crazy, she said to Ji Mingxia: "You gave me the ring, don't you want to sacrifice me to the ring? Siyun is too stupid, she feels that she is paying the price for her greed, she would rather die than harm others, I don't Same."

Li You said slowly: "I made a deal with the ring, and the ring gave me energy to drive. If it wants sacrifices, I will kill and sacrifice all blood to it; For a soul, I offer myself, I sacrifice myself, and curse all those who harm me..."

The color of the blood is getting darker and darker, and the minced meat is mixed with internal organs, which looks horrible and disgusting.

Curse his soul to rot, his body to rot, to live forever and never to be superborn."

As she spoke, the triangular coat of arms on her head faded and disappeared.

Without the triangular coat of arms, Li You seemed to have lost all her strength, her body softened, and she fell to the ground.

All will not die, and I will finally sleep with the people I love..."

Her voice got lower and lower, and finally closed her eyes slowly.

The moment she stopped breathing, the enchantment around the forest, like shattered glass, cracked with a "bang" and completely shattered.

The surrounding scene did not change much, but when the barrier was broken, there was still a gust of breeze blowing through the entire forest.

A fine dust was rolled up wherever the wind blew.

Without a trace.

Li You, the only one with a complete body, has also undergone great changes at this moment.

When the wind blew through her body, the mummy was like dust, rolled up little by little and carried away, and finally washed to the surface of the water.

The spring water of Qingshan Spring flows quietly, taking away the ashes turned into powder, and also taking away all the love and hate.


Li You used her soul and blood to curse the previous holder of the ring, and the curse took effect from the moment she died.

The forest barrier was broken, a new curse took effect, and Li You died in front of everyone.

Seeing her body shrink into a mummified corpse, and then dissipate in front of her eyes, this scene is simply poignant and terrifying, for a while, no one spoke.

Among the three, Ji Mingxia and Bao Guangyuan were both frightened by Li You's death.

Having experienced so many things, they have seen many ghosts of monsters, but at least for Ji Mingxia, it was the first time he saw a person with his own eyes, and he just died in front of his eyes of.

Watching the other party turn from a living person to a corpse dissipated, this shock made him feel chills.

Only Yu Ning looked calm and unaffected.

After noticing that Ji Mingxia's face was a little pale, Yu Ning walked up to him and called him: "Mingxia."

When Ji Mingxia heard Yu Ning's voice, her heart warmed and she suddenly recovered.

The next moment, he quickly grabbed Yu Ning's hand and said, "Yu Ning, this ring is too evil, and it has the function of curse, which is unheard of... Do you feel anything? I feel uncomfortable, is there anything unusual about this ring?"

Ji Mingxia said, and anxiously wanted to check Yu Ning's situation.

Yu Ning quickly took Ji Mingxia's hand: "I'm fine, don't be nervous, I'm fine, and the ring is normal."

He knew that Li You's death scared Ji Mingxia a little, Yu Ning said, spread his palms directly, and showed the two rings in front of Ji Mingxia.

The two rings seemed to be sensing something, and immediately floated out of Yu Ning's palm, and firstly spun around several times.

Seeing that Ji Mingxia did not respond, one of the rings floated up like a ring with the other ring.

They revolved around Yu Ning's hand for a while and Ji Mingxia's hand for a while, swaying back and forth like living things, and occasionally rubbing against Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning's hands.

Looking at the two rings that were performing hard, and then looking at Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia instantly woke up.

I almost forgot, Yu Ning is the protagonist.

As for the two rings…

Looking at this dog-legged flattering look…

Ji Mingxia is completely relieved!

Yu Ning let the ring perform, and said to Ji Mingxia: "In the whole thing, the cause was the man who issued the invitation letter and organized the game, the promoters were Song Yuelin and the others, and the ultimate victim was Li You and Lin Siyun.

"After Lin Siyun's death, Li You started killing people for revenge. What she wanted to kill was her former companion, and what she wanted to curse was the mysterious man who sent the invitation letter."

Bao Guangyuan had no evil thoughts in his heart, Li You's murder plan was not executed perfectly, so he was full of ill-will before he died.

She has lost her mind at this moment. Seeing Ji Mingxia, Yu Ning and Bao Guangyuan standing together, she treats Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning as villains.

But in fact, Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning never participated in this matter from beginning to end.

They did not deliberately hinder Li You, nor did they deliberately protect Bao Guangyuan, Song Yuelin and others.

The reason why they came to the forest was because Lin Siyun turned into a ghost and killed people indiscriminately. Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning got the ring by chance, and entered the forest in order not to be affected by another ring.

Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning are outsiders in the whole thing, Li You can't kill them, and the curse after Li You's death can't hurt them.

In Ji Mingxia's view, that mysterious man dominated the whole game and caused this series of tragedies. Li You was justifiable to curse him before he died.

On this matter, Ji Mingxia even stood by Li You and agreed with her.

Now, Lin Siyun, Li You, Lu Liang, Shi Wei, Zhou Li, Song Yuelin, and Meng Xinyi are all dead.

That mysterious man was also cursed by Li You, and he will definitely end miserably in the future, and he will not die.

After the whole thing, the only living Bao Guangyuan, was a minor at the time, and now he has no intention of harming others. He is alive, one is because his heart is not bad, and the other is luck good.

With the death of Li You, the forest barrier was broken, and this incident finally came to an end briefly.

From the time Ji Mingxia came to this world, the first night she saw Lin Siyun's ghost, it has lasted for nearly a month until today.

Thinking of the countless dangers she experienced during this period, and now it is finally over, Ji Mingxia breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although this process is difficult, it is not without reward.

He and Zhao Zhuoyue and other roommates became good friends; he and Yu Ning shared weal and woe and trusted each other.

Yu Ning has also harvested several very special mysterious items: a pair of rings, and a bronze mirror.

Zhao Zhuoyue and others were still waiting for them in Quanzhuang, Ji Mingxia said to Yu Ning: "Then we can prepare to go back now?"

"Hmm." Seeing that Ji Mingxia was not interested in rings, Yu Ning put away the ring that was still trying to show off her style.

The rings flashed red light twice unwillingly, but as Yu Ning put them into his pockets, the pair of blood-red rings finally lay down quietly and did not move.

Bao Guangyuan still stopped in place, staring blankly at the ground.

The shredded flesh and limbs that were all over the ground just now have all disappeared, and the ground is empty, except for dust and weeds, there is no other debris.

For Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning, although everything that happened in the forest was terrifying, it was the life and death of strangers after all. There is no emotional entanglement between people.

It was not the first time for Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning to see ghosts. After a little adjustment, their mentality returned to normal.

But for Bao Guangyuan, these dead people are all his friends who have been with him for many years.

From childhood to now, several years, those people and things, but when the wind blows, in the blink of an eye, all are gone, and only he is left standing in place.

He stared blankly at the ground for a long time, until Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia started to pack up, Bao Guangyuan came back to his senses in a daze: "Then can I... also go? "

"Of course." Ji Mingxia said.

Bao Guangyuan felt a little incredible: "Then I'll leave now?"

"Let's go." Ji Mingxia said.

"I'm leaving." Bao Guangyuan confirmed again.

"No one is keeping you, really." Ji Mingxia saw his silly appearance and couldn't help but said, "But if you go down now, you'll be sleeping at the foot of the mountain tonight."

"Ah?" Bao Guangyuan was stunned when he heard the words, "Can't I go home yet?"

Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning don't have much to do, they don't plan to leave now, they just need to rectify a little.

Ji Mingxia finished collecting his things, walked up to Bao Guangyuan, and said, "It's three o'clock in the afternoon, and we are halfway up the mountainside of Qingshan Spring."

"Mmmm." Bao Guangyuan nodded.

"When you go down the mountain, it will be dark. From Qingshan Spring to the edge of the forest, it will take another day to walk. Even if you don't sleep and travel all night, you will not be able to reach the edge of the forest until tomorrow." Ji Mingxia said, "Can you drive in the dark all night?"

Bao Guangyuan shook his head.

Ji Mingxia said: "We can't either, so we decided to go down the mountain at dawn tomorrow."

Bao Guangyuan understood this time, and quickly hugged Ji Mingxia's thigh: "I'll be with you—!"

Ji Mingxia was suddenly hugged by his thigh, and his whole body was almost unsteady.

When others swayed, the ear canal burst into pain, Ji Mingxia quickly covered her ears and said, "Don't shake me, don't shake me, it hurts..."

As soon as Ji Mingxia finished speaking, Bao Guangyuan was taken away by Yu Ning.

As soon as he saw Yu Ning coming over, Bao Guangyuan instantly became honest. He shrank aside, trying to reduce his sense of existence, fearing that Yu Ning would find fault.

Yu Ning devotes himself to Ji Mingxia. Seeing his frown covering his ears, Yu Ning gently took Ji Mingxia's hand away, and then took a closer look at Ji Mingxia's ears.

Ji Mingxia's skin is very healthy white, the skin on the ears and neck is relatively thin, and the light blue blood vessels are clearly visible.

Compared to ordinary people, Ji Mingxia's ears are slightly smaller, and the thin ear bones are as delicate and delicate as white jade.

Yu Ning touched Ji Mingxia's ear, and Ji Mingxia only felt as if electricity was passing through his hand.

This suddenness made Ji Mingxia's entire reaction slow for half a beat.

Don't wait for him to jump away, the next moment, Ji Mingxia listens to Yu Ning: "I'll help you take a look."

"No, no..." When Ji Mingxia heard the words, the whole person felt a little bad.

Yun Ning touches him, and he becomes numb like this. If he really starts to help him pierce his ears, then he...

Yu Ning said: "I'll take a look, I won't go in."

Ji Mingxia: ...why does this sound a little familiar?

Although he was embarrassed to let Yu Ning look at his ears, the tingling in his ear canal was really uncomfortable.

The blood red ring has finally come to an end. Tomorrow they will go down the mountain back to the hotel, and they will have to walk for at least a day.

Ji Mingxia shakes his head now, and his ears hurt. It is best to solve the problem of ears as soon as possible, and it will be convenient for him to travel tomorrow.

He didn't want to delay everyone's trip because of himself.

There is nothing in this mountain, and it will be painful to stay for one more day. Everyone wants to go home early and return to normal life.

Although she was extremely embarrassed, at Yu Ning's request, Ji Mingxia finally nodded.

"I'll get a cotton swab." Yu Ning said.

Ji Mingxia lowered her head and watched Yu Ning open her backpack, feeling extremely nervous.

At this moment, Bao Guangyuan, who had been shrinking in the corner, suddenly came over and whispered: "Mingxia, is there someone there?"

"Huh?" Ji Mingxia was taken aback.

Seeing Bao Guangyuan's small eyes, staring not far away, he quickly followed Bao Guangyuan's line of sight.

At this moment, Ji Mingxia and others are located on the halfway of Qingshan Spring. Due to the high terrain, they can see farther.

The location that Bao Guangyuan pointed to was the location of a dense forest somewhere downstream of Qingshan Spring.

It was quiet at the moment, there was nothing but mountains and water.

Bao Guangyuan whispered: "I just saw a figure walking inside."

"How could it be possible... Li You, in order to kill people, introduced you to this area, and then used a barrier to block it, and ordinary people couldn't get in at all. It's been less than half an hour since Li You died. It is the central area of ​​the barrier, no one can come here." Ji Mingxia murmured, and after a few seconds, the conversation changed again, "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Bao Guangyuan hurriedly asked.

Yuning's voice came from behind: "Unless, this person has always been in the enchantment."

"What do you mean, besides us, there are always other people in this area?!" Bao Guangyuan was shocked, his whole person was not good, "This person Who is it, it can't be another monster, murderer or something like that..."

He managed to survive, and he wanted to return to the normal world every moment. He wouldn't have risked something at this critical moment, and wanted to kill him?

Compared to Bao Guangyuan, who was trembling, Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning's expressions were much more serious.

There are still people in the forest, there are always signs of this.

First of all, in addition to the blood-red ring, the monster Li You transformed into has a golden triangular coat of arms, which has always been engraved on her head.

Ji Mingxia thought it was another mysterious item before, but after Li You died, no extra mysterious items were dropped, and the triangular coat of arms just disappeared.

Until Li You died, she did not clarify the origin of the triangular coat of arms.

Secondly, before Li You died, she had been blaming Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia, treating them as the perpetrators.

You must know that Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia never interfered in Li You's affairs from beginning to end. Why did Li You have such great hostility?

There is only one possibility. Before meeting Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia, Li You met other people.

When she saw Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia, Li You immediately acquiesced in her heart that Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia were in the same group as others.

Because Li You was already on the verge of death at the time, she had been thinking about the curse before she died, Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning didn't have time to ask, so she just went.

These mysteries have become unsolved mysteries.

Because he wanted to leave here quickly, Ji Mingxia didn't think about it.

He never imagined that in such a short time, someone would come in their direction.

The terrain of Qingshan Spring is dangerous. They are in this position halfway up the mountain. It is absolutely impossible for normal people to climb the mountain at this time.

The only possibility is...that person, looking for them.

Looking back at this whole thing, so far, the only one whose identity is a mystery and has not revealed his true body, only the mysterious man who sent an invitation letter to the **** red ring.

Thinking of that mysterious man, Ji Mingxia's back felt chills.

Behind an understated game, there are seven lives.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this man is a wicked man.

So, now... is he about to show up?

Both Bao Guangyuan and Ji Mingxia were all nervous.

Yu Ning also changed positions unknowingly, walked in front of Ji Mingxia, and stared vigilantly in the direction of the approaching person.

In his hands, the ring and the bronze mirror are all ready.

No one dares to despise this mysterious man who is about to appear, and the three of them are all facing enemies.

As time went by bit by bit, the figure shuttled through the jungle, approached with strides, and appeared in Ji Mingxia's field of vision.

This is a tall, grown man.

He was dressed in black, with wide shoulders and narrow waist, and a black backpack.

Under her short black hair, her face was as deep as a knife.

The man took a step.

His eyes were dark, his eyes swept across the three people present, first fell on Bao Guangyuan, then slowly moved away, and finally stopped on Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia.

When Ji Mingxia saw him like this, his whole body stiffened.

This man, this appearance, this body type... Most importantly, this bronze bell——

The content of the novel reeled in Ji Mingxia's mind, corresponding to the man in front of him one by one.

A name slowly emerged, Ji Mingxia stared at the man with wide eyes, and because he was too surprised, he could barely control his words.

"Pei, Pei Yuan...?"

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