MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 141 Extra

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Ji Mingxia hugged Yu Ning, and just wanted to ask him how he found him, when he heard a hesitant voice coming from the side.


Ji Mingxia turned around and saw Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan standing aside, looking at him in shock.

Not only these two people, but there are also many classmates around, who are secretly watching them both.

In addition, Yu Ning looks so good-looking, most people can't help but look back after watching it. As a result, Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning are in a posture of being watched at the moment .

Ji Mingxia: …the scene of the death of the society_(:з」∠)_

Although it is a little embarrassing, but in front of the joy of reunion, these are nothing.

Ji Mingxia, who has experienced strong winds and waves, has a lot of skin. He wiped the corners of his eyes, pulled Yu Ning aside, and introduced Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan: "This is Yu Ning."

Ji Mingxia said, and said to Yu Ning: "Yu Ning, they are here... Lin Cheng, and Luo Zixuan."


"Is he Yu Ning?"

Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan looked at Yu Ningdao in surprise.

Ji Mingxia didn't stay home for a week, and the name Yu Ning was naturally written down by the two roommates.

However, after searching the whole school, there is no one like Yu Ning. Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan are just curious, how did this Yu Ning hook Ji Mingxia's soul away? Saw a real person.

So handsome, so tall, the eyes that looked at them were obviously not hostile, but Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan just felt an indescribable sense of oppression.

Is it a star or a big man?

Although she looks young, she looks different from ordinary college students. Standing on the campus, it is not an exaggeration to say that she stands out from the crowd.

For some reason, Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan were a little scared, but Yu Ning said hello first, "Hello."

"Hi hello."

"We are Ming Xia's roommates."

Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan responded nervously.

Ji Mingxia saw that they were still a little unfamiliar, and it happened that Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan had not eaten, so he said to Yu Ning: "Let's have a meal together, let's chat while eating."

Yu Ning's appearance was too conspicuous, just embracing outside the dormitory for a moment, Ji Mingxia felt that he was being photographed secretly.

Although the food in the cafeteria is delicious, it is also crowded.

It happened that Ji Mingxia was in the book world and was fed by Ye Chen for a long time, and knew all about the food near the school.

Now that Yu Ning is here, Ji Mingxia is also in the mood to eat delicious food, and immediately pulls everyone out to eat together.

In the process of waiting for the dishes, Ji Mingxia actively communicated. At first, Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan could not let go, but after discussing the problem of learning, they saw that Yu Ning understood very well, and the two gradually changed from shock to shock. Turning to admiration, after a meal, they have changed their names to "Xue Shen" and "Big Brother".

When Ji Mingxia heard this, he couldn't help but look at Yu Ning.

In the book world, Yu Ning and him were admitted to H University together and are students of H University.

But now...he has entered the normal world from the book world, isn't that a black person, a homeless person?

When Ji Mingxia came over, he and Yu Ning were only freshmen.

Seeing Yu Ning's appearance at the moment, it is no different from when he left. Obviously, in the book world, he didn't stay long.

Yuning has not graduated from university yet, and has no graduation certificate, which will have some influence on his future development.

Ji Mingxia was worried, and the next moment she heard Yu Ning say, "I will transfer to H University next semester, and we will be roommates from now on."

"Roommate?!" Lin Cheng was pleasantly surprised, "Okay, okay, just one bed is vacated in our dormitory, you and Ji Mingxia have such a good relationship, and the two of you sleep opposite us together, That's right!"

Luo Zixuan was originally happy, but after listening to Lin Cheng's words, he always felt that there was something wrong, he gave Lin Cheng a strange look, quietly stretched out his foot, and kicked Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng thought Luo Zixuan had accidentally bumped into him, so he turned his head and smiled at Luo Zixuan, "You're happy too."

Seeing that he was so stupid, Luo Zixuan could only change his hand to poke his waist hard, and whispered, "Light bulb."

Lin Cheng looked at Luo Zixuan inexplicably and read out his mouth shape: "Light bulb?"

After saying those words, Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and looked at Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia in embarrassment.

The dining table fell into silence for a while, Ji Mingxia was looking at Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan like this, her face blushed for some reason, and quickly explained: "Don't worry, I and we have more in the dormitory. Proper, it won't mess up..."

He was talking, for some reason, he remembered the image of being held by Yu Ning to sleep from time to time when he was staying in the dormitory.

Although they were all operated late at night, and they didn't disturb Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan, but now that I think about it, my face turns even redder.

Luo Zixuan grabbed the point immediately and said in surprise, "You...have you already slept together?"

Ji Mingxia was thinking about it in his mind, and was surprised when he heard Luo Zixuan's words, he quickly waved his hand: "No, no, we haven't made it to the last step."

"Huh?" Luo Zixuan was even more stunned, and his face turned red unconsciously, "I mean, you both slept in a dormitory...I didn't ask about that..."

God, he is just a pure male college student! He and Lin Cheng have never even had a girlfriend, let alone a boyfriend, why are they eating dog food like crazy here.

I didn't go to the last step, didn't that mean... Except for the last step, everything else was done? !

Ji Mingxia looked at Luo Zixuan and Lin Cheng's shocked faces, and suddenly realized that he was getting darker and darker!

"Me, me and Yu Ning, we, that..." Ji Mingxia struggled for a few seconds, but finally chose to give up the treatment, blushed and said, "Then me and Yu Ning, we should move Go out, let's go out and live together."

It is self-evident what the subtext of this sentence means.

Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan only felt embarrassed and funny, although they were shown a wave of affection, but seeing Ji Mingxia finally restored to his former lively appearance, they were still happy for him from the bottom of their hearts.

Yu Ning, who had never spoken, said very positively at this time, "Okay."

Ji Mingxia blushed, glared at him quietly, and then he couldn't help laughing.

When checking out, Ji Mingxia got up to pay for it as a matter of course, but unexpectedly, Yu Ning had already paid first.

While Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan went to the bathroom, Ji Mingxia pulled Yu Ning to the corner and said, "Why did you pay for it."

In Ji Mingxia's view, Yu Ning just came through, how could he have money to pay.

Yu Ning saw Ji Mingxia nervous, he opened the bank APP and showed Ji Mingxia the account balance.

Ji Mingxia took a closer look... There are many 0s! Countless!

Seeing that Yu Ning's name was written on the username, Ji Mingxia's eyes widened: "All this money is yours?"

Yu Ning didn't plan to hide it from him: "I earned it from investment a few years ago."

His eyes were full of Ji Mingxia, and he was not keen on making money, as long as it was enough.

But after all, after thousands of years of precipitation, he came to the real world a few years ago. With his ability, coupled with Tong Jing, who is keen to open a hotel and be the owner, even if there is no money If you just invest a few times, you can make a lot of money. Today, the working capital alone is enough for ordinary people to spend a lifetime, not to mention there are many property rights patents, fixed assets, etc. that can preserve their value.

Ji Mingxia didn't feel surprised when he looked at the money. What he cared more about was another thing: "You came here long ago, why didn't you come to me?"

"I'm afraid it will affect you." Yu Ning said.

He was locked in the cage of time for a long time, and then came from the low plane to the high plane, no one knows if there will be any sequelae.

At that time, Ji Mingxia had just graduated from junior high school, and his wonderful life had just begun.

Yu Ning saw it in his eyes, and became more and more afraid to approach Ji Mingxia, fearing that his appearance would change Ji Mingxia's fate and bring bad influence to Ji Mingxia.

He once thought that if Ji Mingxia didn't remember him for the rest of his life, then he would guard Ji Mingxia in secret.

Ji Mingxia listened and listened, so angry that the whole person was not good: "How can a person who is usually so smart become so stupid at this time?!"

Yu Ning was stunned, as if he did not expect Ji Mingxia to be so angry.

He looked at Ji Mingxia almost at a loss, and said, "Mingxia, don't be angry..."

"I'm not angry!" Ji Mingxia said.

Seeing him like this, Yu Ning wanted to reach out and hug him, but stopped in mid-air, not daring to touch Ji Mingxia.

Seeing him like this, Ji Mingxia only felt sour and sweet, angry and distressed.

Seeing Yu Ning still at a loss, Ji Mingxia finally couldn't hold back, turned her head and hugged Yu Ning actively, and then kissed him hard.

What a fool!

They stood in the corner, the light was dim, only the distant light was cast dimly.

Yu Ning, who was immersed in happiness, only felt a trance for a while, and suddenly she was unable to determine whether she was hallucinating in the time cage or really found Ji Mingxia.

He looked at Ji Mingxia blankly, and didn't react for a long time.

Seeing that he had been in a daze, Ji Mingxia felt a little strange.

"Yuning?" Ji Mingxia called.

Yu Ning heard Ji Mingxia's voice, her eyelashes trembled slightly, her eyes that were originally out of focus gradually stopped on Ji Mingxia's body: "Mingxia..."

"I'm here." Ji Mingxia asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"Are you real?" Yu Ning said again.

Ji Mingxia was also stunned.

Yu Ning just mentioned to him that he locked himself in the cage of time for a long time, and finally let Tong Jing open the door of space.

Because it was an understatement, Ji Mingxia's attention was once again when Yu Ning came to this world, but he didn't look for him for the first time, so he didn't pay too much attention.

Until now, seeing Yu Ning's reaction, Ji Mingxia suddenly realized that Yu Ning must be hiding a lot of things and didn't tell him.

Only that time cage, even Yu Ning can say that it has been locked for a long time, so how long?

One year, two years, even ten years, twenty years?

Yu Ning didn't want to mention it, and Ji Mingxia didn't want to ask questions, for fear of causing a haze in his heart.

He could only hold Yu Ning's hand tightly and said to him over and over: "Yu Ning, I'm real, I'm Ji Mingxia..."

Listening to Ji Mingxia's voice, Yu Ning slowly woke up, and gradually returned to her usual calm appearance.

Seeing Ji Mingxia looking at him worriedly, Yu Ning explained: "I just had some hallucinations, but it's okay."

Ji Mingxia said: "Before you found me, did you often have hallucinations?"

Yu Ning nodded.

After being locked up for so long, Yu Ning's condition is actually very bad.

Tong Jing was afraid of him and didn't dare to speculate on him, so she couldn't see it.

But Ji Mingxia is his lover, sooner or later he will see the problem of his mental state, Yu Ning did not hide it, and explained his symptoms one by one.

After listening, Ji Mingxia said slowly: "That is to say, your hallucinations are usually repeating the past of me and you, making you indulge in it, and it is difficult to break free?"

"Yes." Yu Ning said, "But now I have found you."

The hallucinations have caused Yu Ning a lot of trouble, and several times, he even nearly died in the cage.

Every time he escaped from the hallucination, it was extremely painful, because he was about to leave the illusory world with Ji Mingxia, and turned to face the reality without Ji Mingxia.

But it's different now.

The real Ji Mingxia is right in front of you.

He will no longer be addicted to it.

Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning, only felt like a needle was pierced in his heart, the pain was so delicate, it almost made him breathless.

He couldn't help hugging Yu Ning again and kissing him.

"I am real, I am here now." Ji Mingxia said.

Yu Ning's ear was slowly reddened by his kiss.

Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning's shy appearance, sweet and distressed, kissed deeper, all the way down his neck, and finally "tweeted" a little strawberry at the collarbone.

The soft touch on the neck made Yu Ning's body tense and his back straightened.

"Mingxia!" Yu Ning gasped slightly, his voice was a little more hoarse than usual. The redness on his face spread all the way from his ears to his neck, which made the little strawberry stand out even more.

Ji Mingxia didn't expect Yu Ning's reaction to be so big, so she couldn't help but knowingly asked with a smile: "Well, what's wrong?"

"This is a public place, and there are people passing by at any time outside." Yu Ning stared at Ji Mingxia and said hoarsely.

Under the dim light, Ji Mingxia's skin was as white and greasy as enamel. Because of the kiss, her lips were a little rosier than usual, with a touch of water.

Yu Ning tensed all over, aware of his change, he unconsciously stepped back a little.

Although they are still embracing Ji Mingxia, they will not reach Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia was unaware of this, he didn't expect Yu Ning to be so shy, he couldn't help leaning on Yu Ning's shoulder and snickering: "But I just want to kiss you."

"I've never done this to you, I did today, so I'm real."

Ji Mingxia said, looked at Yu Ning seriously, and said word by word: "Yu Ning, from now on, all me is real."

Yuning looked at his black and white eyes and nodded slowly and firmly.


A week later, Yu Ning became a student of H University.

Just as Ji Mingxia was expecting the two to live together and go to school and get out of class together every day, at this moment, Ji Mingxia received a call from Grandma Ji.

For Grandma Ji, she didn't talk to Ji Mingxia for only a week, but for Ji Mingxia, he hadn't seen Grandma Ji in this world for a year.

The phone was connected, Ji Mingxia just wanted to act coquettishly to express her miss, but she heard Grandma Ji say to Ji Mingxia in an unprecedented serious tone: "Ji Mingxia, are you in love?"

"Huh?" Ji Mingxia was waiting on the side of the road for Yu Ning to buy him ice cream. Hearing Grandma Ji's words, he shook his hand and almost lost his hold on the phone.

He glanced at Yu Ning in the distance, and smiled shyly: "You old man, the news is too well-informed..."

Yu Ning has just returned for a week, Ji Mingxia is thinking about when to bring Yu Ning home, but she didn't expect Grandma Ji to find out first.

Grandma Ji snorted coldly: "You think I'm too old to know anything? If I don't ask, how long will you be hiding from me?!"

The world where Ji Mingxia lives has no Ke Chengxuan and no supernatural events, so Grandma Ji is far more open-minded than the Grandma Ji in the book world. Ji Mingxia has absolutely no need to hide Grandma Ji.

"I originally planned to bring Yu Ning back over the weekend to give you the palms and eyes of the old man. I gave you a surprise. I didn't expect that your old man was wise, wise, wise, and insightful..."

Listening to Ji Mingxia's nagging, Grandma Ji said in disgust, "Stop, stop, come back tomorrow, okay, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Yuning returned from buying ice cream, saw Ji Mingxia standing in a daze, and said strangely: "Mingxia?"

Ji Mingxia raised her head and looked at Yu Ning with a bitter face.

Yu Ning saw a little sweat on his forehead and said, "Did you wait too long?"

"Yuning." Ji Mingxia said, "We are going to see the parents."

Yu Ning was slightly surprised.

"Also, it's the second time." Ji Mingxia said.

Yu Ning immediately reacted and said clearly: "I will try my best to perform."

"I've never had a boyfriend, and compared to that idiot Ke Chengxuan, grandma is very demanding!" Ji Mingxia said, "You have to work hard and try to sleep next door at night."

"Okay." Yu Ning replied, handing the ice cream to Ji Mingxia.

Yu Ning didn't have any luggage, so he followed Ji Mingxia back to school to pack up, and the two went straight to the airport.

This time, there are no Ke Chengxuan fans and no supernatural incidents. In the afternoon, the two returned to Jiaoye Village and met Grandma Ji in this world.

The grandma Ji in this world is much younger than the grandma Ji in the book. She is a very fashionable old lady who loves life.

After Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia got home, when the door opened and saw the much younger Grandma Ji, Yu Ning was slightly stunned.

When Grandma Ji saw Yu Ning's face, her eyes widened.

The sunlight reflected on Yu Ning's face, and it was plated with a layer of light and delicate gold, which more prominently outlined his delicate and straight outline.

The opposite of his fair skin are his eyes.

Even if the sun falls between his eyebrows, it cannot be reflected in the bottom of his eyes. Those eyes are like two deep pools of water, as mysterious and unpredictable as the stars.

White is extremely white, black is extremely black, the collision of two minimal colors, a strong visual impact, people can't take their eyes off.

"Where is this fairy coming to my house?" Grandma Ji said dumbly.

Standing beside Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia said, "Grandma, I'm back."

Grandma Ji heard Ji Mingxia's voice and reluctantly looked away from Yu Ning's face.

When she saw Ji Mingxia's mortal face, Grandma Ji instantly came back to her senses.

She always felt that although her grandson was not a peerless handsome guy, he stood out in the crowd.

However, when she saw Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia, who was always handsome, was stunned to be an ordinary guy.

If Ji Mingxia hadn't spoken, Grandma Ji would have been able to ignore him the whole time...

Thinking of this, Grandma Ji felt a trace of guilt in her heart.

Well, her grandson went to college for several months, and she finally went home, but she almost didn't see anyone.

It's all because of the boy in front of him that he looks so good-looking, he's guilty.

Grandma Ji coughed dryly and motioned to Ji Mingxia: "You are..."

"Grandma, this is my boyfriend, Yu Ning." Ji Mingxia introduced.

"Yuning?" Grandma Ji heard this and looked at Yu Ning again.

This time, it was no longer to admire Yu Ning's appearance, but to look at Yu Ning up and down with the mentality of an elder looking at a younger generation.

On a closer look, the gloomy and gloomy temperament on his body is almost impossible to hide.

As a stranger, Grandma Ji admires Yu Ning's appearance very much, but as an elder, a child with such temperament is not their first choice.

Grandma Ji was in a conflict in her heart. On the one hand, she thought that this boy was good-looking, but on the other hand, she was worried that such an excellent person would definitely put her heart on her silly grandson.

Although her heart was tangled, the visitor was a guest after all, so Grandma Ji quickly invited Yu Ning into the house.

After the three of them had dinner, Grandma Ji immediately called Ji Mingxia upstairs to clean up.

When Ji Mingxia heard the words, she immediately understood that Grandma Ji was going to talk to Yu Ning alone. He gave Yu Ning a wink before going upstairs.

Yu Ning and Grandma Ji chatted for a long time, during which Ji Mingxia didn't think about going downstairs to eavesdrop, but Grandma Ji in this world really knew him too well.

Two hours later, Grandma Ji finally released her and allowed Yu Ning to go upstairs to see Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia was waiting anxiously in the room. When she saw Yu Ning coming in, she immediately stood up and said nervously: "How is it, what does grandma say?",

Yu Ning looked serious, sighed slightly, walked to Ji Mingxia's bookshelf and said, "Grandma asked me to come up and help you clean the room together."

"What are you doing, I have already done it." Ji Mingxia asked, "Can you sleep next door tonight?"

Yu Ning straightened a few shaky books and shook his head: "No."

"Ah, no." Ji Mingxia said disappointedly.

Unexpectedly, Grandma Ji, who seems unconvincing in the book, can let Yu Ning sleep next door, and Grandma Ji in her own world will not even stay in Yu Ning!

Ji Mingxia stayed for a few seconds, and suddenly became anxious: "It's getting dark, there's no reason to drive you out, I'll go tell my grandma, I must let you stay tonight! "

He said, and hurriedly walked towards the door.

Just as Ji Mingxia was about to open the door, Yu Ning suddenly reached out and grabbed him.

Ji Mingxia was full of thoughts on how to convince Grandma Ji, and was suddenly pulled by Yu Ning. He just wanted to encourage Yu Ning to beg Grandma Ji with him, but in the next moment, he suddenly saw another one of Yu Ning Several books in hand...

Huh? These come they look familiar...?

…This is not what he collected over the years, carrying Grandma Ji, and the boys in the class quietly…

Ji Mingxia's eyes widened: "You, you, what are you doing with these books, put them back quickly!"

When Yu Ning heard this, not only did he not put it back, but he opened the book instead.

I saw these books. The covers were written with serious words such as "World History", "How to Learn Mathematics", "Good Words and Sentences", etc. However, after opening... Assorted…

There are all kinds of comics with color, real life photos, and the middle of several books, which were simply hollowed out and several collector's edition CDs were hidden.

Compared with the serious text on the cover of the book, these comic photos and the cover of the CD are very straightforward. Just looking at it can make people blush and heartbeat.

Ji Mingxia didn't expect that Yu Ning had just come in for less than five minutes, and actually dug out his "treasure house" that he had treasured for many years!

After finishing all this, seeing Yu Ning standing there, looking at him with a half-smile, Ji Mingxia stumbled and said: "These, not all of them are mine... Some of them were given by others... Most of them are mine. have not seen…"

He said, and felt that his respect was a little weak, and quickly added: "I'm an adult, these... It's human nature. Men, you have to face your heart..."

After finishing speaking, in order to alleviate the embarrassment, Ji Mingxia decided to leave this question to Yu Ning.

He said to Yu Ning, "I'm right."

"Yeah." Yu Ning nodded, walked to Ji Mingxia, lowered his head and approached him.

Ji Mingxia's mind was full of those messed up discs just now, and his face was red, but Yu Ning was so close to him, making Ji Mingxia shy and flustered.

Ji Mingxia couldn't hold back and whispered, "Why did you leave me like this."

"I'm looking at my heart." Yu Ning whispered, his voice was lower than usual, it fell beside Ji Mingxia's ear, like a feather down his ear, fell into the collar.

Ji Mingxia only felt hot all over. He just raised his head and wanted to say something. The next moment, Yu Ning's kiss fell.

This kiss was hotter than any moment, burning every inch of Ji Mingxia's skin, until the button of the neckline was unbuttoned, and a slight coolness came in, Ji Mingxia only reacted and hurriedly He pulled Yu Ning and said, "I... I'll go and persuade grandma first to let you stay..."

Yu Ning kissed his earlobe: "Grandma let me sleep in your room tonight."

What? !

Ji Mingxia was startled and felt that Yu Ning's kisses kept going down, Ji Mingxia hurriedly said: "I, I...Yu Ning, I haven't practiced it yet, I'm not sure if my skills can satisfy you. …”

Yu Ning said beside Ji Mingxia's ear, "I'm ready."

"Really?" When Ji Mingxia heard this, he was in a dilemma.

As the one below, Yu Ning is ready, so if he refuses at this moment, won't it hurt Yu Ning's self-esteem?

Ji Mingxia hesitated and said, "Then...let's start...but, Yu Ning, the sound insulation in my house is not good. If you can't help calling later, please be quiet."

Yuning heard the words, stopped for a while, and then let out a low laugh.

He kissed Ji Mingxia more deeply.

"Okay, I'll bear it."

Ji Mingxia was so dizzy when he kissed him, all the bones were brittle, and the feeling of cold and heat came together. Ning led away.

Until a strange feeling came from her body, Ji Mingxia suddenly reacted and struggled softly: "No, why am I still lying down?"

Yu Ning raised his head after hearing this.

wolf that looks sharp and sexy.

Ji Mingxia had never seen such Yu Ning before, and was immediately stunned.

Yu Ning said slowly: "Do you want to be on it?"

Not waiting for Ji Mingxia to react, the next moment, Yu Ning picked him up.

After the world was spinning, an indescribable feeling swept through Ji Mingxia's body, as if his soul had been penetrated, and he was forcibly integrated with Yu Ning.

Ji Mingxia's eyes widened, he panted violently, and just wanted to ask Yu Ning for an explanation, but before he could say anything, he was deeply kissed by Yu Ning.

"Shh, grandma is next door." Yu Ning whispered in his ear.

When Ji Mingxia heard this, she was immediately angry and anxious, she couldn't help but stare at Yu Ning: "Then you should slow down... lighten up..."

"Okay." Yu Ning said dumbly.

How gentle he kissed Ji Mingxia, how fierce he was elsewhere.

The indescribable feeling spread from Ji Mingxia's body, and even his fingertips were numb and unable to move.

Ji Mingxia only felt like a small boat, floating in waves in the turbulent sea, but all the exits were controlled by Yu Ning, making him unable to hide, constantly swaying and rippling in the waves , wandering until dawn...

The next day, Ji Mingxia woke up with two dark circles under her eyes.

He originally planned to be very angry today, and Yu Ning must see his power and let Yu Ning know that he is not easy to fool!

However, when Yu Ning was found sitting beside him early in the morning, when he woke up, he was handing towels and clothes.

Looking at Yu Ning's low-brow and pleasing little daughter-in-law, Ji Mingxia looked at it, and finally lost her temper.

Although my body was sore for a while, I have to say that last night was quite stimulating and comfortable...

Yu Ning is talented after all...and loves learning...

Real materials, hardware clearance, technically excellent…

Ji Mingxia was originally worried that he would not be able to satisfy Yu Ning, but now... it seems not bad?

Of course, he would never take the initiative to say such a thing!

Ji Mingxia washed and changed under Yu Ning's service, and the two went downstairs together.

Grandma Ji had already woken up. She was making tea while watching a sadomasochistic drama. When Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning came down, she poured Ji Mingxia a bowl of honeysuckle tea, and then gave Yu Ning a bowl of honeysuckle tea. Pour a glass of water.

Ji Mingxia secretly observed Grandma Xia Ji's expression, and seeing that she looked normal, she should not have been disturbed by the two of them last night, so she felt relieved.

He was tossed by Yu Ning for a night last night, his throat was sore, and a bowl of clear tea entered the mouth, the whole body was cool, and it was cool to the bottom of my heart.

Ji Mingxia immediately flattered Grandma Ji: "Grandma is amazing, the tea you brewed is delicious."

Grandma Ji glanced at him: "This is Shengjin throat tea."

"Mmmm, thank you grandma." Ji Mingxia smiled.

Seeing Grandma Ji turned her head silently and continued watching TV, Ji Mingxia was feeling a little baffled, until after seeing Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia immediately realized what Grandma Ji meant.

Throat tea, before he went downstairs, Grandma Ji had already brewed throat tea for him early in the morning...

Look at Yu Ning, a glass of water, nothing.



Could it be…

Ahhh, did they move that loudly last night? !

Looking at Ji Mingxia's appearance, Grandma Ji snorted twice and finally called Yu Ning upstairs.

Let Yu Ning wait outside the door, Grandma Ji entered, took out the treasured family heirloom jewelry, and handed it to Yu Ning.

"Mingxia likes you so much, and I trust his vision." Grandma Ji said, "Don't let us down."

A long time ago, Yu Ning received this gift from another grandmother Ji. At that time, he didn't know Ji Mingxia's true origin.

When Ji Mingxia disappeared and Ji Mingxia from the book world returned, Yu Ning once found an opportunity to return the family heirloom jewelry to Grandma Ji and explained everything clearly.

Grandma Ji has lived for a long time, she has long been transparent, and quickly accepts the reality, and wishes Yu Ning to find Ji Mingxia as soon as possible.

After all, to her, no matter who Ji Mingxia is, she is her grandson.

Now, this is the second time Yu Ning has received Ji family heirloom jewelry.

This time, it is a gift that truly belongs to him and Ji Mingxia.

Yu Ning solemnly accepts this precious blessing.


A few weeks later, Ji Mingxia moved out of the school dormitory and officially started living together with Yu Ning.

Three years later, Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia graduated from college together.

In the same year, Yuki’s grandma proposed to arrange a wedding for the two of them.

Ji Mingxia thought that if two men were together, cohabitation would be over, but did not expect that they could get married?

"Why, you don't want to get married?" Grandma Ji asked immediately after hearing this.

The voice fell, not only Grandma Ji stared at Ji Mingxia, but even Yu Ning looked over.

"How is it possible, I'm very, very, very looking forward to it!" Ji Mingxia quickly said with interest, "It's just that grandma, you are old, you don't have to do everything yourself..."

When Grandma Ji heard this, she was not happy and asked, "Have you ever been married?"

Ji Mingxia shook her head.

"Have you been to the wedding of two men?"

Ji Mingxia continued to shake her head.

Grandma Ji despised: "Then you have no right to speak."

Ji Mingxia was speechless.

After Grandma Ji left, Ji Mingxia realized it later.

The old lady means...she has attended the wedding of two men?

No wonder he told Grandma Ji that he was **** and that after he liked Yu Ning, Grandma Ji quickly accepted it.

As expected of a grandma, she is well-informed!

Under the supervision of Grandma Ji and the assistance of Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning's wedding was held on Qixi Festival.

As the summer vacation, Ji Mingxia invited many students to participate.

When the two of them appeared in formal clothes, the audience was silent, and almost everyone's eyes could not help but stay on Yu Ning.

Seeing this, Ji Mingxia couldn't help laughing.

Having a boyfriend who is too good-looking is also a sweet trouble (~ ̄ ̄)~

Yu Ning saw Ji Mingxia turn her face away, so she quickly pulled Ji Mingxia tighter and whispered to him, "Don't be nervous."

"I'm not nervous." Ji Mingxia said.

He knows all the people present, they are all old acquaintances, so there is no need to be nervous.

He couldn't help whispering to Yu Ning: "Yuning, I'm married to you."

Yu Ning looked at him intently: "We are married."

"Then we can be together..." Ji Mingxia said.

Yu Ning lowered her head and kissed him lightly.

"We will always be together."

【End of full text】

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