MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 136 Secret (twenty-seven)

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A red light flashed, and Ke Chengxuan avoided him reflexively.

His physical fitness is very good, and he subconsciously makes difficult moves to dodge.

Although I avoided the key point in time, I still managed to get scratched on my cheek.

Ke Chengxuan touched the wound on his face with his hand and calmed down slowly.

He looked up and saw Yu Ning walking slowly from a distance, the red light wrapped around his hand like a snake, Ke Chengxuan clenched his teeth and leaned down slightly.

The next moment, several translucent objects similar to darts attacked them.

Yu Ning stood in front of Ji Mingxia and quickly used the ring to resolve.

While Yu Ning was dealing with the darts, Ke Chengxuan stepped back.

When he was about to leave the basketball court, Ke Chengxuan stopped his eyes and landed on the wound on Yu Ning's hand.

He looked at Yu Ning's arm, and at Ji Mingxia's, a vague idea flashed in his mind.

Before he could think clearly, the next moment, several darts were all cracked by Yu Ning.

I feel that Yu Ning's eyes are falling on him, the gray pupils are lighter than before, the ice is dyed with blood, and the yin is full of ill-will, Ke Chengxuan's heart is cold, no longer staying, leaving soon Crossing the corner, he used an unknown method to pass through Yu Ning's barrier, left the basketball court, and teleported to another place.

Ji Mingxia saw that Yu Ning was going to continue chasing, and quickly grabbed him: "Yuning, stop chasing, I'm fine."

Because Ke Chengxuan is the original official with CP, Ji Mingxia has always had a good impression of Ke Chengxuan.

It's not that he likes Ke Chengxuan, but the original one likes this person. Ji Mingxia tries to make himself like this person as much as possible.

With this idea, Ji Mingxia will take the initiative to come to Funan County to check the situation after learning about Ke Chengxuan's incident, trying to find him.

But Ji Mingxia never thought that Ke Chengxuan was completely different from what he imagined.

He thought Ke Chengxuan was just an ordinary star, but now it seems that Ke Chengxuan has a suspicious origin.

He not only knows mysterious items, he has successfully refined them into spiritual tools, and knows many mysteries of the world. What is even more terrifying is that when the area is blocked and everyone is in crisis, Ke Chengxuan His first reaction was to **** other people's supplies, disregarding the life and death of others, just to live in peace for himself.

Ji Mingxia accidentally rescued Ke Chengxuan, and Ke Chengxuan also gave him clothes and medicine in return.

Although he found out that Ke Chengxuan had deceived him, Ji Mingxia still thought in good faith that since he could repay his gratitude, he might be able to make amends.

The results were completely unexpected.

Ke Chengxuan not only refused to hand over his supplies, he even thought of killing people.

Until now, Ji Mingxia has not figured out how that thing got close to him, and how it failed and turned into powder.

Not only that, but more importantly, how did Ke Chengxuan see through his identity and confirm that he was not the original?

Because it is worn in parallel time and space, when Ji Mingxia wears it in the book, it is like a fish in water, very comfortable.

Although the individual details are not quite the same as the original, Ji Mingxia has read the original and made up for this defect.

In the past six months, Ji Mingxia almost revealed his secrets several times, and he was fooled by him in the end.

He never expected that Ke Chengxuan would see through everything without warning.

He was full of horror just now, and what he blurted out was not a question, but an affirmation.

Indicates that he is confident enough to confirm that the Ji Mingxia at this time is not the original Ji Mingxia.

Yu Ning turned his head to confirm that Ji Mingxia was safe, and the stern expression on his face lightened slightly.

Seeing that Ji Mingxia lowered her head and looked at her stomach doubtfully, Yu Ning reached out and helped Ji Mingxia organize her clothes.

"It's cold, don't catch a cold." Yu Ning said.

Ji Mingxia looked around, Ke Chengxuan's departure, although it attracted the attention of a small number of people, but everyone's faces were numb, and they didn't really care about it.

After all, Ke Chengxuan hasn't appeared in the past few days and has no friendship with everyone. They are living a luxury now, and there is no time to pay attention to Ke Chengxuan's news.

Taking advantage of no one around Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia took the time to secretly tell Yu Ning that he was teleported to the mysterious item.

After finishing speaking, Ji Mingxia told Ke Chengxuan's supplies again.

After listening, Yu Ning was silent for a few seconds, then slowly said: "So he killed you for this."

Yu Ning's complexion was heavy, and when he looked at the people around him, they were all yellow and thin.

Ji Mingxia thought about it for a while, but in the end she didn't tell Yu Ning about her wearing the book.

As of now, there is no need for him to hide more from Yu Ning.

It's just that everyone is trapped here at the moment, the lives of a large group of people are at risk, and there will be monsters attacking at any time. For everyone, the top priority is to survive first, and then get out of here.

As the most powerful person in the audience and the invisible leader, the pressure on Yu Ning can be imagined.

The fact that Ji Mingxia wears a book has nothing to do with the current predicament, but it is likely to overwhelm Yu Ning's worldview.

Saying it now will only distract Yu Ning, so let's wait and tell him one by one.

As for Ke Chengxuan, so many people gathered at the scene, he stole everyone's supplies, and now he is injured again, it is expected that he will not dare to appear in the short term.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia said to Yu Ning, "Ke Chengxuan's supplies are all stolen from others, I know where one of his rooms is hidden, or we can find them together and distribute them to Everyone?"

"No." Yu Ning said, "I have found a way out."

"You found it?" Ji Mingxia said in surprise, "When did you find it, it's great!"

Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia deeply: "When you appeared, you found it."

Actually, Ke Chengxuan is right, there are thousands of mysterious objects guarding this area. They can come in because something deliberately releases water, and it can even be said that they are invited to enter.

It is almost impossible to go out.

Like a group of ants, locked in a blocked maze, both the exit and the entrance have long been closed.

They keep fleeing, dodging, and slaughtering monsters, but it's just a battle of trapped beasts.

Everyone thought that Yu Ning could find a way to lead them out, but only Yu Ning knew that he was stationed on the basketball court, and his only purpose was to find Ji Mingxia.

As for leaving here, he has no hope.

Until Ji Mingxia appears.

day of birth.

Coincidentally, the starting point was nowhere else, it was the red classroom.

It's like two huge Rubik's cubes, even if others find the red classroom, the Rubik's cube is messy, they will never find the exit.

The road that Ji Mingxia traveled was like twisting the Rubik's cube a little bit. When they stood in the red classroom, the color of the Rubik's cube was uniform on all sides, so they could go out. .

The mysterious item hidden in the dark can prevent anyone from finding the correct way to unlock the Rubik's Cube, except Ji Mingxia.

Seeing Ji Mingxia's face full of joy, Yu Ning didn't say more, just said: "There should be few monsters next, let everyone take a good rest, recharge, and then leave here together."

"Yeah." Ji Mingxia nodded, then grabbed Yu Ning and said, "Then you have to accompany me to do something now."

Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia suspiciously, and let him pull himself to an inner corner.

Under the dim light, Ji Mingxia's whole person is soft.

Yu Ning looked at him, his eyes resting on his lips, just about to lower his head, Ji Mingxia immediately started and took off his clothes: "Apply the medicine!"

Yu Ning looked away in disappointment, sat down and let Ji Mingxia play.

The wounds of the two of them are the same, but after Yu Ning was injured, he continued to fight and was soaked in blood and infected, so the injury would be more serious.

Alcohol sterilization, then sprayed with medicinal powder, let it sit for a while to absorb, and Ji Mingxia asked Yu Ning to put on the clothes.

Before leaving, Ji Mingxia couldn't hold back, "haha", and kissed the corner of Yu Ning's mouth.

Ji Mingxia smiled: "Reward—"

Before he finished speaking, Yu Ning lowered his head and kissed his lips deeply.

Half an hour later, Ji Mingxia followed Yu Ning out of the corner, feeling that everyone was looking at them. Although everyone might not know what they were doing in the corner, Ji Mingxia couldn't help but feel hot in her cheeks .

"Mingxia, where have you been, I've been looking for you for a long time..." At this time, Wei Zhen stepped forward and said, "Hey, what's wrong with your mouth."

When Ji Mingxia heard this, he quickly covered his mouth with a guilty conscience: "Nothing, what are you looking for from me?"

"It's Xiao Qi..."

Wei Zhen asked a few questions about Xiaoqi, and saw that Ji Mingxia covered her mouth the whole time and left with doubts.

It wasn't until she met other people and someone whispered a few words in her ear, Wei Zhen looked at Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia, and then she suddenly realized.

Ji Mingxia's eyesight is too good, he can see Wei Zhen's expression clearly.

Seeing Yu Ning standing beside her innocently, Ji Mingxia endured and endured, and finally pinched him.


Although there are not many people in the basketball court, most of them are old, weak and sick.

Yu Ning is in charge of defense and is always ready to meet the enemy. Ji Mingxia is not idle. He and Wei Zhen, who are still somewhat physically fit, form a team and communicate with the people at the scene one by one , first allocate a small number of materials, arrange for everyone to rest, and then calculate the time and gather everyone to set off together.

Everyone was overjoyed when they learned that they were expected to leave here, but soon returned to calm.

They have been disappointed too many times, gradually become numb, and no one can relax and celebrate unless they leave here completely.

Ji Mingxia saw it in his eyes, and didn't say much, just told everyone to rest well, and when it was time to leave, they would organize and arrange.

After half a day, Ji Mingxia was also a little sleepy.

He and Yu Ning rushed to Funan County early in the morning. After a day of investigation, they sneaked in late at night. Since entering this blockade area, Ji Mingxia's spirit has been tense.

Until now, with Yu Ning, there are no monsters, everyone is ready to go, Ji Mingxia relaxes a little, and also finds a corner to rest for a while.

He just fell asleep when a dart carrying a note flew towards Yu Ning.

Yu Ning glanced at him and raised his hand to attack without waiting for the dart to approach him.

The darts, along with the note, were burned on the spot.

Ke Chengxuan, who was hiding in the dark, did not expect Yu Ning to be so cruel. He sent the letter with goodwill, but Yu Ning didn't even look at it.

He gritted his teeth and cursed for a moment. Seeing that Ji Mingxia was still resting, he would not come again when the time was right. In the end, he endured the pain and sent out another dart.

This time, his note was no longer rolled up, but hung long, with clearly written on it: "If you don't come, I will tell everyone Ji Mingxia's secret. people."

The note was sent to Yu Ning, and before Yu Ning could be damaged, Ke Chengxuan hurriedly manipulated the note and took the dart back.

Yu Ning looked at the burning place of the note, and after a while, he got up and walked straight to Ke Chengxuan's hiding place.

Ke Chengxuan didn't expect Yu Ning to see through his hiding position long ago, he was surprised at first, but when he thought of the hole cards in his hand, he felt a little more at ease.

In the basketball court lounge, after Yu Ning came in, he closed the door and looked at Ke Chengxuan who was sitting in the corner.

In the past few days, everyone has been trapped in the blockade area, and others have been starving and fearful, but Ke Chengxuan is very comfortable.

Until just now, his spiritual weapon was destroyed, and he was defeated by Yu Ning, which greatly damaged his vitality.

In just a few hours, at this moment Ke Chengxuan looked no different from the ordinary people who looked like refugees outside.

Ke Chengxuan also knew that he didn't seem to be in good shape now, but time was tight and he couldn't allow him to rest, so he took the risk of finding Yu Ning.

In the past few hours, not only did he not cultivate well, but he also tried his best to inquire about the situation, observed Ji Mingxia's every move, and finally confirmed his guess.

Seeing Yu Ning looking at him blankly, Ke Chengxuan twitched the corner of his mouth and said politely, "Sit down."

"Speak straight." Yu Ning said.

"It really doesn't give you face." Ke Chengxuan sneered, "Then I'll cut to the chase. That Ji Mingxia outside is a fake, not a human, but a monster."

After Ke Chengxuan finished speaking, he found that Yu Ning didn't lift his eyelids, as if he didn't hear him, he still looked at himself calmly and indifferently.

"I know you don't believe me." Ke Chengxuan continued, "Introduce myself, my name is Ke Chengxuan, I'm Ji Mingxia's junior high school classmate and Ji Mingxia's boyfriend, I mean, the real Ji Mingxia , I'm not interested in monsters, I only fall in love with people."

Ke Chengxuan briefly told the story of himself and Ji Mingxia.

He wants to fall in love, just like choosing a concubine, basically anyone he wants can take the bait.

Ke Chengxuan finally chose Ji Mingxia.

"I am born with the ability to predict and can see part of the future." Ke Chengxuan nodded his head, and said arrogantly, "I saw the future, and Ji Mingxia is my partner, so I chose he."

After being together, Ji Mingxia became the focus of the whole school.

In such a big environment, even if Ji Mingxia wanted to refuse, it would be difficult.

Adolescent boys are ignorant of sexual orientation and love.

Ke Chengxuan is so good, Ji Mingxia naturally won't reject him, in tension and at a loss, Ji Mingxia quickly agreed to be with Ke Chengxuan.

"Until high school, I had to go abroad with my family, and then I separated from Ji Mingxia. During the period of being with him, between me and him, except for the last step, what should have happened, It has already happened." Ke Chengxuan said to Yu Ning, "I remember very clearly that there is a scar on Ji Mingxia's waist and abdomen, and this scar was left for me..."

When she graduated from junior high school, Ke Chengxuan's cousin was diagnosed with lupus erythematosus and needed a kidney transplant.

The origin of Ke Chengxuan's grandmother's line is mysterious, and this aunt is the core figure of the family. Although Ke Chengxuan has never seen her, her aunt is ill, whether it is her grandmother's family or Ke's family. very nervous.

My cousin's disease has led to organ failure and requires a kidney transplant. At that time, both the grandmother's family and the Ke family were extremely nervous. In order to show sincerity, all the family members Everyone went to the hospital to check the matching type, and once it was suitable, they would try their best to treat the cousin.

Ke Chengxuan had just graduated from junior high school at that time. He was ignorant about this kind of thing. Seeing that his family was so active, he took Ji Mingxia to go for an examination. He wanted Ji Mingxia to show it well in front of his family. , In the end, everyone in the family was not suitable, but Ji Mingxia matched.

At the request of Ke's family, Ji Mingxia agreed to donate a kidney.

Yu Ning, who had never spoken, couldn't help but said, "He was still a minor at that time."

"I wasn't very old at that time, how do I know this, I just thought that a person has two kidneys, and one can still live. The aunt's status is special, and Ji Mingxia became a cousin My aunt's savior will be the savior of my Ke family in the future, so my parents can accept him to be with me." Ke Chengxuan said indifferently, "Besides, Ji Mingxia didn't donate in the end."

Ji Mingxia is a minor, this kind of surgery is impossible for a regular hospital to accept.

So the Ke family found a relationship. After a friend's introduction, they met the Ye family who opened a private hospital. This operation was performed in the Ye family's hospital.

When Yu Ning heard the word "Ye Family", his expression changed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal.

"In the middle of the operation, the two were given anesthesia, and the skin of Ji Mingxia's waist and abdomen was cut open. Just when his kidney was about to be taken out, a sudden change occurred. He suddenly woke up, escaped from the hospital, never showed up again, and disappeared completely." Ke Chengxuan said to Yu Ning, "Do you understand what I mean, when Ji Mingxia graduated from junior high school, he had a kidney transplant, although in the end he had a kidney transplant. The kidneys were not removed, but the scars remained, and the scars from this kind of surgery would never be removed by normal people in their lifetime.”

Although the operation was not successful, the Ke family did their best for this matter, and the people in my grandmother's line were especially grateful, and they gave the Ke family a lot of benefits afterwards.

Ke Chengxuan was able to study abroad, and he successfully inherited many mysterious items, and even cultivated the spiritual weapon of his life, all of which were the repayment of his grandmother's lineage to them.

The grizzled old woman blocked the door of Ke's house and yelled at them, asking them to explain, Rao is that Ke's family is rich and can't stand the neighbor's discussion.

So Ke Chengxuan's family went abroad overnight. Ke Chengxuan didn't even have time to say goodbye to Ji Mingxia, so he left in a hurry.

When he went abroad and wanted to contact Ji Mingxia, he found that Ji Mingxia had changed his phone number.

Including QQ, WeChat and other social accounts, all of them have been replaced.

Ke Chengxuan couldn't contact Ji Mingxia, so he was not in a hurry. While cultivating abroad, he contacted their junior high school classmates and asked them to help him deliver news to Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia's temperament is soft, as long as the outside world can see his deep affection for Ke Chengxuan, and after he returns to China after cultivating, he will coax him well, and if there are other students who coax and testify, he will be able to coax Ji Mingxia back sooner or later.

The old woman didn't want him to contact Ji Mingxia, so he fulfilled her wish.

He did not contact Ji Mingxia directly, but the story of him and Ji Mingxia kept circulating in the junior high school. As long as the old woman paid attention to the news of the junior high school classmates, she would find that Ji Mingxia and his Ke Chengxuan always bundled together.

Of course, Ke Chengxuan did not need to tell Yu Ning all the details of these past events.

Ke Chengxuan said: "Now this Ji Mingxia, his waist is smooth and delicate, without any traces... He is not the real Ji Mingxia at all, he is impersonating."

He said, thinking of Ji Mingxia's performance on this day, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and said, "Although I haven't seen him for three years, our looks haven't changed much. This Ji Mingxia, When I saw me, I didn't recognize who I was, and when I saw that I was wearing the school uniform of a student named Zhuo Cheng, I thought I was Zhuo Cheng."

"He has a soft temper, has always been easy to talk, and doesn't know how to reject others, but now this Ji Mingxia is mean, yin and yang, and his temper is completely different from before."

"After he separated from you, he always wanted to find you, from the dormitory to the basketball court, stationed countless monsters all the way, under normal circumstances, don't talk about him, even if it is the strongest contemporary, All have to avoid three points. But Ji Mingxia's journey is unobstructed, and no monster dares to stop him, isn't it suspicious?"

"The most important thing is, my spiritual tool, bypassing your ring defense, just touched his skin, all the energy was sucked up by him, the spiritual tool was completely destroyed, and my vitality was also Hurt..."

Speaking of this, Ke Chengxuan couldn't restrain his hatred.

Ke Chengxuan was shocked and at the same time, scared and angry.

Ke Chengxuan looked at Yu Ning and said, "I don't know when you were with this Ji Mingxia, but since you have a mysterious item in your hand, you and I are of the same kind, so you should understand this matter. seriousness.”

"The real Ji Mingxia, I do not know when to disappear, there is a fake who can absorb mysterious items and make monsters fear. With you intimately..."

Ke Chengxuan is quiet and authentic.

The lounge is dead silent, only his voice is constantly echoing, combined with what he said, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a horror story.

After all, the deterrent of this fake Ji Mingxia is too strong.

The more people who hold mysterious items, the more they rely on the power of mysterious items, the more they are afraid of monsters like Ji Mingxia.

This is also the reason why Ke Chengxuan doesn't mind showing himself in front of Yu Ning with the appearance of being depressed and seriously injured.

As long as Yu Ning sees his lessons, he will not believe that Yu Ning will not be suspicious of Ji Mingxia!

After Ke Chengxuan finished speaking, he observed Yu Ning's expression.

To his great disappointment, Yu Ning was not shocked by his story as before.

Ke Chengxuan felt that he was carefully planning a game, all playing the piano on the cow and hitting the cotton with one punch.

The other party didn't respond, instead he looked like a jumping clown.

Ke Chengxuan suddenly couldn't understand, he couldn't help but said to Yu Ning: "Don't you feel terrible?"

"Are you finished?" Yu Ning asked rhetorically.

Ke Chengxuan clenched his fist unwillingly, he thought for a while, and sneered: "I know, the one who slept with me is the real Ji Mingxia, and this fake is still a fake to you. No one has taught me the white paper, you think you two are in love, although he will deal with me like this, he will let you go, right?"

"You think you can control him, you think he loves you very much, and will come to the basketball court to find you at the risk of exposing your identity for you?" Ke Chengxuan sneered, "Yu Ning, you are too much Naive."

Speaking of this, Ke Chengxuan stretched his back and said, "There is one more thing, considering your mood, I didn't want to say it, but you are still so stubborn, then No wonder I."

Ke Chengxuan said, his eyes resting on Yu Ning's hand: "Your left arm and right back are all injured, right? The back wound is about ten centimeters, and the wound is diagonal. A lot of blood was shed on your body, right?"

Although what he said was a question, the expression on his face was extremely determined.

Yu Ning was covered in blood and fighting monsters. Although many people knew that he was injured, no one except Ji Mingxia knew his specific injury.

Seeing that Ke Chengxuan could tell such details, Yu Ning finally looked up at him.

"Are you curious, how can I know your wounds so well?" Ke Chengxuan laughed mockingly, "Because, I saw the exact same wounds on Ji Mingxia's body!"

Yuning, who had been expressionless, finally changed slightly after hearing this.

Ke Chengxuan saw that Yu Ning finally had a reaction, he was overjoyed, and quickly shared the events after he and Ji Mingxia met.

"He fought with that little Qi's monster, and there was no scar on his body. Suddenly, his hands began to bleed. Then he stood up and murmured, Yu Ning I'm injured." Ke Chengxuan said, "He turned around and wanted to get out of the room, but suddenly he seemed to be pushed by someone he couldn't see. Then, a scar appeared out of thin air on his back. His clothes were stained red, and it hurt so much that he didn't speak for a long time..."

Ke Chengxuan said, thinking of Ji Mingxia's painful appearance, he couldn't help but sigh.

This is the reason why he took the initiative to Yu Ning, and it is also the biggest reason why he dared to call Yu Ning over.

He is not a fool either, he naturally sees that Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia have a very good relationship.

So when he found out that Ji Mingxia's wounds appeared out of thin air, exactly the same as Yu Ning's wounds, he used these few hours to inquire and determined that Yu Ning's injury time was exactly the same as Ji Mingxia's, Ke Chengxuan only got this card.

Yu Ning thought that he and Ji Mingxia were in love with each other and that Ji Mingxia cared about him, so he desperately ran to the basketball court to find him.

However, in fact, the reason why Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning are together is not love at all!

Ji Mingxia finds Yu Ning as soon as possible, not because he is worried about Yu Ning, but because he is afraid that Yu Ning will get hurt and implicate him!

What could hurt more than this?

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