MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 134 Secret (twenty-five)

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Ji Mingxia snorted, and instinctively stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder. When he saw the blood donation dripping from his hands, he was startled, and his eyes were slightly sour.

Yu Ning has always been smart and cautious for so long.

They encountered so many dangers. Not only was Yu Ning not injured, but even Ji Mingxia was under his protection, and there were no dangers every time.

Although this blocked space is strange and dangerous, in Ji Mingxia's view, as long as you avoid monsters in advance, you can survive in it with ease.

He thought, as long as he protects himself and finds Yu Ning as soon as possible, with their ability, they will be able to go out soon.

I never thought that Yu Ning would be injured.

The wound was so deep and painful that Ji Mingxia's face turned pale. The thought that Yu Ning might still be fighting the monster to the death made Ji Mingxia feel even more heartbroken.

He blinked quickly, restrained his emotions, gritted his teeth and supported the wardrobe, and slowly stood up straight.

Zhuo Cheng looked at Ji Mingxia in disbelief, not understanding how the wound appeared.

Could it be that the monster girl was injured just now, and it happened now?

He had a slightly suspicious look on his face, but seeing Ji Mingxia leaning against the cabinet in pain, he quickly suppressed his doubts and stepped forward: "You are bleeding, don't move around, in case of wounds It's troublesome if you lose too much blood."

He said, his eyes fell on Ji Mingxia's face unconsciously.

Ji Mingxia was anxious and flustered, his body was injured again, and his face was much paler than usual. Because he endured the pain, he bit his lip, but it turned a little bloody.

Seeing this, Zhuo Cheng's heart beat a few times, and he could hardly move his eyes.

It wasn't until Ji Mingxia gasped to look over that Zhuo Cheng regained his senses, he stretched out his hand to support Ji Mingxia, approached him and whispered: "You go out like this, you will lose too much blood within a few steps. Fall down, I will help you bandage the wound first, nothing is more important than your life."

When Ji Mingxia heard this, he immediately looked up at him: "Bandage? Do you have medicine?"

"Of course there is." Zhuo Cheng felt Ji Mingxia's urgency, which was the complete opposite of his neglect.

He smiled smugly, and helped Ji Mingxia to the chair beside him, then walked to the wall and pushed slowly.

This place, at first glance, used to be a wall, but after pushing it open, I found that it turned out to be an invisible cabinet.

The cabinet is not big, two meters high and about one meter wide, filled with various materials.

Ji Mingxia has a rough look, everything from food, daily necessities, to medicines, etc., although the number is small, but the variety is complete, covering a wide range, just the materials in this cabinet, It's enough for a person to live here for a few days.

Zhuo Cheng was very satisfied with the surprised look on Ji Mingxia's face, he packed alcohol, cotton swabs, Yunnan Baiyao and other medicines one by one, and said to Ji Mingxia: "These are what I usually accumulate, not only here, There are many rooms where I have hidden things, so that even if I encounter monsters and escape from this room, I can find the next stronghold and survive safely for several days."

Seeing that Ji Mingxia has been staring at the medicine, Zhuo Cheng said, "Your hands and shoulders are injured, let me give you the medicine."

"No." Ji Mingxia immediately refused, "I can do it myself."

"You were injured to save me, and it is my duty to help you with medicine." Zhuo Cheng said, seeing Ji Mingxia's indifferent face, he added, "You are not shy Well, we are both men, there is nothing to hide."

"I just don't like others approaching me." Ji Mingxia said, took the medicine, and walked towards the screen behind the sofa.

"I don't like others approaching..." Zhuo Cheng murmured and repeated Ji Mingxia's words, and couldn't help laughing.

Although the screen can block his body, it cannot block the shadow.

Zhuo Cheng watched Ji Mingxia take off the layers of clothes, revealing the curves of his body.

Ji Mingxia is a typical southerner. He is not as burly as northerners, but has a slender neck and a perfect curve from the shoulders to the waist. He has the stretch of a man, but also has a softness that southerners have.

When the alcohol was sprayed on the wound, Ji Mingxia was obviously in pain, but he made no sound at all, only his body trembled slightly.

Looking at his forbearance, Zhuo Cheng's eyes brightened, and he couldn't help but quicken his breathing, and whispered: "Although it looks a lot more difficult than before, the essence is still the same. Change, think I'm a stranger, don't let me see..."

He said, as if thinking of something in the past, he couldn't help laughing.

He has seen this body countless times for a long time. In the past, Ji Mingxia was always attached to him, and it was a bit boring to watch too much. It made him a little intrigued.

When she grew up, Ji Mingxia looked much more attractive than when she was a child.

Ji Mingxia, who was spraying, naturally didn't have time to pay attention to Zhuo Cheng's movements.

For him, this is just a stranger who met by chance. As long as he confirms that he is not close to him and will not pose a threat to himself, Ji Mingxia will leave it alone.

Zhuocheng has plenty of medicines. After Ji Mingxia used a part of it, he still had more than half of it. He cherished it and saved it for a while to find Yu Ning for him to use.

When he came out from behind the screen, Zhuo Cheng had already arranged the mineral water and food on the coffee table.

Seeing Ji Mingxia coming out, Zhuo Cheng immediately greeted: "Come here to eat something, and add a little energy."

After a night of tossing, Ji Mingxia was indeed a little hungry. If it was before, he might have accepted the invitation, but now, he is really not in the mood to eat.

The injury on his body always reminded him that Yu Ning was in danger, and he had to get to Yu Ning's side as soon as possible and give him the medicine.

"Thank you for the medicine, I'm leaving." Ji Mingxia said, walking straight towards the door.

Zhuocheng didn't expect Ji Mingxia to see the food, but he didn't move, he got up quickly and stopped Ji Mingxia: "There are toast, chocolate, mineral water, orange juice, these things usually look ordinary , but in this hellish place, sometimes it's worth more than a human life."

"Thank you, but I really don't want to eat it." Ji Mingxia said.

After he finished speaking, he continued to leave. Seeing that Zhuo Cheng was still blocking him, Ji Mingxia looked up at him coldly.

Zhuo Cheng couldn't help but ask, "Are you so anxious because of that person named Yu Ning?"

Ji Mingxia looked at Zhuo Cheng speechlessly: "We just met, we are not even friends, do you care too much?"

"I'm not trying to stop you... Let me tell you the truth, I have super powers that ordinary people don't have." Zhuo Cheng said.

Ji Mingxia frowned slightly and looked at him suspiciously.

"After being trapped for so many days, not only did I live well, I didn't have any wounds all over my body, but I also hoarded supplies. You wouldn't think that I survived purely by luck, right?" Zhuo Chengdao, "My sixth sense is very accurate. When danger comes, I can predict it immediately, and if I want something, my sixth sense can also lead me to find it."

After finishing speaking, Zhuo Cheng thought of the scene where Ji Mingxia rescued himself, and added: "Of course, today is an accident. Under normal circumstances, when you are about to come in, I can sense it in advance, from the dream I woke up inside, so my phone light was always bright, so I could dodge and escape.

"I didn't feel anything this time. This is obviously abnormal. I also judged from this. You are new here, and the threat is not as strong as those old monsters."

Zhuo Cheng said, looked at Ji Mingxia sincerely and said: "Fortunately, you stopped her in time and saved my life. Mingxia, I can feel that it is very dangerous outside now, it is not suitable to go out, I don't want anything to happen to you."

Ji Mingxia said: "Thank you for your kindness, it's really dangerous outside, you can stay here and see you again."

He said, no longer wasting time, and walked directly around Zhuocheng towards the door.

Zhuo Cheng kept trying to persuade him with kind words, but Ji Mingxia repeatedly rejected him, and his heart suddenly felt a little nameless anger.

However, the more angry he became, the more Zhuo Cheng suppressed his emotions. He immediately grabbed two coats from the sofa and rushed in front of Ji Mingxia. With one hand, he stopped at the door frame.

Seeing Ji Mingxia looking at him with a bad expression, Zhuo Cheng handed over one of the clothes and said, "If you must go, I will accompany you."


"Don't be in a hurry to reject me." Before Ji Mingxia's rejection was finished, Zhuo Cheng immediately said, "My ability is very useful to you, with me, you can avoid it to the greatest extent possible. Risk, it will be much easier to find someone.”

He said, and gestured to the clothes in his hands again: "Your clothes are stained with blood, which is easy to attract monsters. Wearing clean clothes can reduce the risk and save a lot of time. "

Ji Mingxia heard the words, recalling the appearance of monsters eating people, and going out with blood may indeed cause unnecessary trouble.

The time is short, and what Zhuo Cheng said is also reasonable, Ji Mingxia finally thanked, took the coat, and quickly put it on.

When Ji Mingxia was wearing it, Zhuo Cheng also took off his school uniform and put on a down jacket of the same style as Ji Mingxia.

The style of their clothes is the same, but the color of the pattern on the back is different. At first glance, it looks like a couple's outfit.

Ji Mingxia also noticed this, and just thought about it.

The situation in the blocked area is special, it is not bad for Zhuocheng to find new clothes, and Ji Mingxia is favored by others, so naturally it is impossible to pick and choose.

"You gave me medicine, and you gave me a piece of clothing. The life-saving grace is over, so there's no need to go out on adventures with me." Ji Mingxia said.

"I have made a decision, don't persuade me, let's go together." Zhuo Cheng said, extending his hand to Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia looked at him for unknown reasons.

"As soon as we go out, the space will change. We must be closely connected so as not to get lost."

Ji Mingxia heard the words, bent down, took off the other shoelace, held one end in his hand, and handed the other end to Zhuo Cheng: "Just hold this one."

Zhuo Cheng looked at the shoelaces and then at Ji Mingxia, with a speechless look on his face.

Ji Mingxia ignored him and walked out.

Being interrupted by Zhuo Cheng like this and delaying him for several minutes, he couldn't wait any longer.

If Zhuo Cheng can accept it, he will go with him. If he can't accept it, it is best to stay. Ji Mingxia has no time to care about him.

Seeing that Ji Mingxia went out without looking back, Zhuo Cheng had to swallow the Tucao back, then tightened his shoelaces and shuttled with Ji Mingxia.

As soon as they walked out the door, as soon as the scene changed, the two came to a room in the hotel.

The room was empty, not to mention supplies, even the furniture seemed to have been removed.

Make sure there is no one here, Ji Mingxia immediately walked out the door.

"Wait, there may be danger outside." Zhuo Cheng reminded.

Ji Mingxia paused, listening to the movement outside.

A small whimper floated loomingly through the crack of the door, as if a woman was standing outside the door singing, her voice was delicate, the tune was gentle, and the sultry sound like a spring breeze continued in the corridors Echoing, listening to a few more words, you can't help but be intoxicated.

It may be a pleasure to hear such singing in a concert or concert hall.

But in this case, it's just creepy.

No one knows what it is singing.

Is it a human being, a ghost, or a monster with beards all over its body?

Although Ji Mingxia was a little frightened, she quickly calmed down.

No matter how terrifying the monster is, it will not be more serious than the fact that Yu Ning was injured.

At this moment, he was restless and just wanted to find Yu Ning quickly, and even his fear was suppressed.

When he thought that there was such a thing outside the door blocking his time and delaying his time, Ji Mingxia felt a wave of anger in his heart,

——These things, can you, don't get in his way!

As if layers of mist appeared in front of her eyes, Ji Mingxia struggled to break free and opened a way of life.

Zhuo Cheng's hearing is at the level of ordinary people, and he is standing behind Ji Mingxia, so he can't hear the movement outside at all.

He relied on his sixth sense to sense, and said: "My sixth sense tells me that it is very dangerous, and it should be a big boss. Enough is enough, we…”

Ji Mingxia interrupted him expressionlessly: "She left, let's go."

"Huh?" Zhuo Cheng was taken aback.

Ji Mingxia has opened the door and walked out.

The aisle was empty, and the monster who had just squatted here left at some point.

Zhuo Cheng looked back blankly, and the next moment, the two moved to a multimedia classroom.

The classroom is very large, and there is no half-person figure.

But the scary thing is that there are countless slender figures walking back and forth on the glass outside the classroom.

When Zhuo Cheng saw this situation, he immediately forgot what happened just now and reminded Ji Mingxia: "I have encountered this thing, it is very dangerous, we must pay attention later, we must Don't act rashly."

"Every room is a random shuttle, why can they linger outside?" Ji Mingxia asked.

"Because there are many such monsters, after a few days, they have gathered together and developed a sense of territory." Zhuo Cheng explained, "They have learned to consciously hunt in groups, so once It is very dangerous to encounter, even if you escape in time, you must be careful to be entangled in the future..."

After he finished speaking, seeing Ji Mingxia's ugly face, Zhuo Cheng comforted him: "The blockade area is not too big or too small, it is not so easy to find someone, you must be patient and slow. slow down..."

Before he could finish his words, Ji Mingxia suddenly said again, "Let's go."

"Ah?" Zhuo Cheng was stunned for a moment. He followed Ji Mingxia's gaze and looked out. He was shocked to find that those slender shadows had disappeared without knowing it!

"Are they... gone?" Zhuo Cheng was shocked.

How possible!

Those things have not been moved much since they occupied the multimedia building. Even if they were moved, they would try their best to come back and gather together.

This group of monsters is not very aggressive, but they are very flexible. They are a force that cannot be underestimated. The number of people who have died in their hands these days is countless. It really can't be helped. In Zhuo Cheng's heart, the multimedia building has long been listed as a dangerous area.


However, everything in front of him was displayed brightly in front of Zhuo Cheng, and the slender shadows outside the classroom were all gone, not a single one remained.

The bright lights in the hallway reflected through the glass, and even the whole classroom became warm.

Ji Mingxia seized the time and immediately opened the door and walked out.

Zhuo Cheng was still immersed in shock and followed Ji Mingxia's footsteps in confusion.

The scene changed again, and they changed to the student dormitory.

And Zhuo Cheng gradually had a hunch that they were indeed getting closer to the person named Yu Ning.

There was a blur in front of me again, and in the next moment, Ji Mingxia and Zhuo Cheng stood on the basketball court together,

Different from other places, there are bright lights shining on the basketball court. As soon as Zhuo Cheng stood firm, what caught his eye was the bright red all over the ground.

He would simply mistake himself for thinking that he was standing in **** at the moment.

At this moment, a roar came from the side, and before the monster rushed towards them, the next second, a sky-high red light directly split the monster in half.


Zhuo Cheng sensed the surroundings carefully, and only felt a dangerous and safe feeling lingering in his heart, just when he was unpredictable, suddenly, Ji Mingxia next to him exclaimed: "Yu Ning! "

Zhuo Cheng couldn't help turning his head to look, and saw Ji Mingxia, who was gloomy, suddenly come to life, his eyes instantly brightened, he stared in one direction in surprise, and rushed straight away past.

But just two steps out, Ji Mingxia's figure was stunned, and something caught his steps.

Ji Mingxia looked back and found that his hand and Zhuo Cheng were tied together.

He hurriedly stretched out his hand and undid it impatiently.

Look in this direction.

The first thing they saw was Zhuo Cheng standing beside Ji Mingxia.

"Ke Chengxuan, is that Ke Chengxuan?"

"It seems so."

"It's him! It's Ke Chengxuan."

"He's still alive, no one has seen him these days, and I thought he was dead."

"Not only alive, but alive..."

In the beginning, there was only a whispered discussion, but after attracting attention, five or six people gathered in an instant, and some people couldn't help but scream.

Their voices are not really loud, but the basketball court is too quiet and empty, and their voices are transmitted all at once.

After killing the monster, Yu Ning turned around and saw the picture of Ji Mingxia and Ke Chengxuan standing together.

The two men tied their hands together and wore the same couple's jacket. Ji Mingxia's face was much paler than usual, and it seemed that something bad had happened.

Yu Ning was overjoyed at first, seeing that Ji Mingxia seemed to be trapped, then his face sank immediately.

His eyes have long turned silver, and he looks neither human nor ghost, just better than alienated monsters.

The people standing beside Yu Ning were all frightened by his **** means, and they were very afraid of him. They are all silently lighting wax for those who annoy Yu Ning.

Ji Mingxia is trying to untie his shoelaces.

He remembered that when he was tying it, it was obviously a slip knot, but at some point it became a dead knot, and it was tied so tightly that it took a long time to untie it.

I was anxiously dismantling it halfway, and at this moment, Ji Mingxia also heard the voices of those behind him.

In the beginning, all his thoughts were on Yu Ning, and all the surrounding voices were blocked by him.

But when he overheard a name, Ji Mingxia suddenly realized something and looked back.

A dozen people stood in the audience, all looking at Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia was taken aback.

No, not looking at him, but at another person.

He followed the eyes of those people and looked beside him.

Ke Chengxuan was looking at the crowd with a smile, and when he saw that some of them seemed to be his fans, he also raised his hand and waved it.

When the people in the audience saw his reaction, some were very excited, some looked on indifferently, and some were full of vigilance.

Ke Chengxuan saw it in his eyes and didn't take it seriously. After confirming that although the surrounding blood was bloody, but the monsters were all dead, Ke Chengxuan smiled at Ji Mingxia: "I didn't expect that after so many things, I would still encounter my fans."

Ji Mingxia looked at him in astonishment: "Are you Ke Chengxuan?"

After knowing that the original ex-boyfriend was Ke Chengxuan, Ji Mingxia searched for Ke Chengxuan's photos.

But because he is an idol actor, he wears relatively heavy stage makeup most of the time.

Ke Chengxuan, who is standing in front of Ji Mingxia at this moment, is completely plain.

The contrast between the two is too great, and with Ke Chengxuan wearing Zhuocheng's school uniform, Ji Mingxia naturally thought that this was a stranger he didn't know.

In the end, I never thought that he was actually the real boyfriend, Ke Chengxuan!

Recalling the little things along the way since I met Ke Chengxuan, Ke Chengxuan actually revealed flaws, but Ji Mingxia was attached to Yu Ning and didn't pay much attention to him, and all of them were ignored...

Ke Chengxuan looked at Ji Mingxia's surprised expression with satisfaction, and smiled at him: "I haven't seen you for a few years, only you didn't recognize me, Xiaoxia."

He said, raising his hand as if to touch Ji Mingxia.

At this moment, a red light flew over and cut off the rope tied by the two at once.

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