MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 113 Secret (4)

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"Mingxia, Mingxia, it's here, wake up..."

In a daze, Ji Mingxia heard Luo Zixuan's voice.

He opened his eyes slowly, and suddenly woke up when he found himself sitting in the car with his head against the glass window.

His mission!

Ji Mingxia hurriedly turned her head and found that the seat beside him was empty. Luo Zixuan stood aside and said to him, "Get out of the car and gather, let's go."

"Where's Yu Ning?" Ji Mingxia said, turned to look at the whole car, and found that everyone was still there, only Yu Ning was not in the car.

"He and the staff went to pick up the clothes. Let's get off the car and gather for the roll call. We will go over together when they come back." Luo Zixuan said.

Seeing Ji Mingxia's annoyed expression, Luo Zixuan said strangely: "What happened to you?"

Ji Mingxia shook his head: "Nothing."

Get out of the car in advance to collect clothes, this is the fifth task in Ji Mingxia's plan.

It turned out to be good, not only did he not take care of Yu Ning in the car, but he slept all the way, and even lost the fifth task.

Ji Mingxia quickly took out his mobile phone and opened the memo, and counted it carefully.

There are not many performance opportunities left, he must hurry up!

He and his classmates got out of the car with things. After a while, Ji Mingxia followed the staff to meet the animals.

According to Ji Mingxia's plan, he has experience in caring for small animals. Next, he can form a team with Yu Ning to teach Yu Ning how to communicate with small animals, how to feed them, and how to do cleaning work etc.

During this process, he will show his rich experience, long-lasting patience, and carefully lead Yu Ning and the Gougou Miaozi to live in harmony. The picture of cats and dogs playing together made Ji Mingxia feel better and looking forward to the next work.

In the end, I didn't expect that this stray animal shelter on the outskirts of the city was much larger than the one Ji Mingxia went to in his last life. In order to facilitate the arrangement, the staff directly designated an area for each person.

After Ji Mingxia received the volunteer clothes, he was taken away by the student union before he could even say a word to Yu Ning.

When he saw Yu Ning again, it was already night.

After a busy day and New Year's Eve, people from the Student Union have already reserved a box and invited everyone to have a dinner together.

There are not many good restaurants in the suburbs, but there are quite a few old shops on the roadside.

A dozen young people sat together chatting and playing, although Ji Mingxia was sitting next to Yu Ning, there was a lot of noise and bustle around, even if the two lowered their heads and talked, they might not be able to hear each other clearly what.

During this period, several classmates came over to make a toast. Fortunately, everyone drank mainly beverages, and the lively wine was just beer.

After Ji Mingxia drank a bottle, although he would not be drunk, he also calmed down and did not want to speak or move at all.

At twelve o'clock, a group of people gathered together to set off fireworks for New Year's Eve, and it was not until sooner that everyone finally dispersed and went back to the hotel to rest together.

The hotel was ordered by the student union at the expense of the student union. Ji Mingxia had already prepared for the general conditions.

However, when he opened the room and saw the layout inside, Ji Mingxia was still stunned.

Although it is called a big bed room, the room is much smaller than Ji Mingxia imagined.

The bed, which was about 1.5 meters in the past, was placed against the corner of the wall. In the whole room, except for a bedside table, there was no other redundant furniture.

The toilet was obviously added to the room after the renovation. Because the room does not occupy enough space, it is made of glass, and a small area is formed along the wall. It is installed opposite the toilet A shower facility is barely a toilet and shower in one.

"This..." Ji Mingxia's eyes widened, looking at the humble bathroom.

In a room like this, it's fine for him to live alone, but adding Yu Ning would be too... too inappropriate?

At this time, a classmate's voice came from behind Ji Mingxia: "Mingxia, what's wrong?"

Ji Mingxia turned his head, only to find several students from the student union standing behind him.

This hotel has a long corridor, and there are several rooms in the left and right rows. Ji Mingxia lives next door to Luo Zixuan, and the opposite is the student union classmates.

At this moment, these students from the Student Union are also preparing to enter the room, seeing that Ji Mingxia opened the door, but did not enter, and even Yu Ning was waiting behind Ji Mingxia, and said: "This room may be a little rough, However, the membership fee of the student union is everyone's money after all, and we don't dare to spend it arbitrarily, so we can only arrange for everyone to live in such a room, can you and Yu Ning get used to it?"

The classmate's voice fell, and many people's eyes fell on Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning.

When Ji Mingxia heard this, he dared to dislike it, and hurriedly said: "Yes, of course, this room is very good. Yu Ning and I both came from small places, and the previous accommodation environment, It's 10,000 times worse than this. We can all live there, not to mention this, we must be used to it. Please help to book a room, thank you. "

Lin Cheng had given Ji Mingxia a vaccination before, saying that the accommodation was relatively poor.

The reason why Ji Mingxia agreed to live together was that he did not want to specialize.

Forget it, just an ordinary little guy, but Yu Ning is different.

Yu Ning is not only well-known, but almost everyone in the school knows about his past. Therefore, the more occasions like this, the more careful attention must be paid, and no one else will catch the braid, otherwise it will gossip Constantly, it is more difficult to clarify than to ascend to the sky.

Originally, Ji Mingxia did have the idea of ​​quietly adding money to change rooms, but now that so many people are paying attention, Ji Mingxia naturally dare not do anything else. After saying hello to all the classmates, Ji Mingxia He took Yu Ning and entered the room together.

Yu Ning stood outside the door just now and couldn't see the scene in the room. After entering now, when he saw the glass shower room and a bed less than one meter five, he understood Ji Mingxia almost instantly Why did you hesitate to come in?

As the door closed, only Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia were left in the small room.

Feeling Yu Ning's gaze falling on him, Ji Mingxia felt uncomfortable all over. He coughed dryly, avoiding Yu Ning's gaze and said, "Then... are we going to take a shower?"

"We?" Yu Ning raised his eyebrows slightly.

Ji Mingxia drank a little wine tonight. Although he was not drunk, his mood swings were obviously bigger than usual.

He was stunned for a moment. Originally, his face was a little red after drinking the wine, but now it became even redder, and hurriedly said: "I mean... we two, take turns to wash!"

Although he has coveted Yu Ning's beauty for a long time, he has not yet reached such a wild level.

Not only can not implement, but also restrain yourself!

Ji Mingxia thought so, secretly clenched his fists, and warned himself not to lose his mind!

"Do you wash first?" Yu Ning asked again.

Ji Mingxia glanced at the glass shower room, hesitated for a moment, then looked away and said, "You wash first, I promise not to peek!"

Ji Mingxia still remembers the Haikou he boasted to Yu Ning a long time ago, and lied to Yu Ning that his size was about the same size as Yu Ning!

Usually Ji Mingxia hides it hard and doesn't give Yu Ning any chance to find clues. I never expected that one day, it will be planted in the hands of this glass shower room!

When he thought that his secret was about to be discovered by Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia was not in a good mood. He turned his face slightly, and refused to look at Yu Ning.

Yu Ning looked at his escaping appearance, did not expose Ji Mingxia, and walked into the glass shower room with his clothes.

The light in the bathroom was turned on, and then, the sound of running water came from inside.

For Ji Mingxia, this is tantamount to torture.

He had to endure, not allowing himself to peek at the picture of Yu Ning taking a bath, and at the same time he had to worry about how to end if he was seen by Yu Ning for a while.

The weather was cold, and it shrunk by accident?

No, the bath water is hot, which makes no sense.

Or... I have grown taller recently, but there is no growth there, so it is small?

No...the same **** size doesn't make sense.

Ji Mingxia was fascinated and worried at the same time. After Yu Ning finished washing, Ji Mingxia took the clothes and was about to go to the ground, and then she was pleasantly surprised to find that because Yu Ning had just taken a bath, she took a shower. The glass in the room was covered with a hazy layer of water vapor, and when you looked from the outside, you couldn't see the scene inside at all.

In order to prevent the water vapor from disappearing, Yu Ning just wrapped in a bath towel and came out, Ji Mingxia slipped in with his clothes.

After taking a quick shower, Ji Mingxia quickly put on his pajamas, and even buttoned the top one.

This is not only hiding his little secret, but at the same time, it is also a warning to myself that you must not lose your mind and shoot Yu Ning on impulse!

After Ji Mingxia was dressed in the bathroom, she slowly walked out. She thought that Yu Ning had already gone to bed, but she saw Yu Ning standing in front of him, all over his body. Wrapped around a towel.

Although this hotel is in average conditions, the lights are very bright, reflecting on Yu Ning, and even the abdominal muscles can be clearly seen.

Ji Mingxia glanced over and only felt that Yu Ning's figure was better than the last time they were in Quanzhuang Hotel. Not only did the skeleton stretch, but also had very distinct muscle lines.

It is said that the shape of a man's abdominal muscles is set at birth, and most people's abdominal muscles are asymmetrical, but Ji Mingxia found that Yu Ning's muscles are thin, obviously uniform and symmetrical. Look at it this way In the past, at least it was six dollars. As for the bottom... I was wrapped in a bath towel, so I couldn't see it clearly...

Ji Mingxia was counting, when he looked up, he found Yu Ning staring at him.

Being caught on the spot like this, Ji Mingxia froze all over. In a hurry, he subconsciously said: " have been taking a bath for so long, why haven't you put on your clothes and are ready to sleep."

Yu Ning said helplessly: "Mingxia, my clothes are still inside."

Ji Mingxia turned around and saw that Yu Ning's pajamas were hanging inside.

He turned around quickly, took out Yu Ning's clothes, and handed them to Yu Ning: "Hurry up, hurry up and get dressed!"

Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia blushing and dodging, walked up to him, took the clothes, and whispered.

"Mingxia, what are you nervous about?"

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