MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 110 Secret (1)

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Ding Jialin is the owner of this golden mask. Because of the fact that he has already cultivated a life-saving tool, the golden mask has mutual inductance with him and exists like an arm.

He can sense and control the mask from a long distance, and in the same way, Ding Jialin can also feel the same when the mask is in trouble.

The golden mask held by Ji Mingxia trembled wildly with fear.

Ding Jialin couldn't help but stand up with hair on his body. He was shocked and angry, and yelled at Ji Mingxia: "What have you done!"

Ji Mingxia was still immersed in the illusion, and could not hear Ding Jialin's voice at all.

The light of the golden mask reflected on Ji Mingxia's face, coating him with a bright golden light.

His expression was empty, his face neither sad nor happy, holding the mask in his hands, like a tiny insect, in Ding Jialin's opinion, Ji Mingxia at this moment has a quiet and strange terror sense.

The energy in the golden mask is constantly oscillating, and it is about to collapse.

At this moment, Ji Mingxia turned his finger slightly.

Under Ding Jialin's terrified eyes, the golden mask slowly twisted like a piece of paper blown by the wind.

All the energy was drawn out, turned into a golden light, and drifted into Ji Mingxia's body little by little.

Ding Jialin only felt a dull pain like scraping bones swept through his body, causing him to tremble unconsciously.

This will be the undead skins.

Fortunately, he is carrying many mysterious items and constantly draws energy to maintain his vitality, which has allowed him to survive until now.

Among them, this golden mask is even more important to Ding Jialin.

This golden mask, as a top-level mysterious item, has two major abilities.

First: Can perform simple hypnosis on all living beings;

Second: Absorb the energy of all things and transform it into vitality for your own use.

Ordinary mystery items, mostly aimed at people, but this golden mask is different.

Everything in the world is within its hunting range, whether it is the lifespan of people and animals, or the power of other mysterious items, it can extract.

The curse and resentment on Ding Jialin is very strong, ordinary energy extraction can only make him barely alive, but cannot recover.

He must find someone who is deeply implicated in him and whose strength is comparable to his, and will take that person to work.

A large amount of energy rushed into the body, and the curse was crushed. Only then could Ding Jialin get rid of the curse and return to life in the sun.

Yu Ning is undoubtedly the best candidate.

In his current situation, facing Shang Yu Ning, he has no chance of winning, but if he uses the people around Yu Ning, he will have a great probability of success.

For this reason, he spied in secret for several days, and finally found an opportunity to start with Ji Mingxia.

In Ding Jialin's view, Ji Mingxia is just an ordinary person.

In the whole thing, the only thing to worry about is if Ji Mingxia is clumsy and is discovered by Yu Ning when he puts on a mask for Yu Ning, then Yu Ning may have bad thoughts and want to make this happen. Gold mask snatched away.

For this, Ding Jialin made a lot of preparations to strengthen the connection between himself and the golden mask, and was afraid that the mask would be taken away.

In the end, Ding Jialin never thought that Yu Ning didn't see him, and he capsized in the gutter of Ji Mingxia!

If the mask was taken away in the past, he would quickly find another mysterious item to replace it, and hope to escape.

However, before he came, he strengthened the connection between himself and the mask.

After the mask absorbs the power of Yu Ning, it will feed back to Ding Jialin as soon as possible.

But correspondingly, when the power of the mask is taken away, Ding Jialin will also be attacked.

He relied on the energy of the mask to maintain his vitality. At this moment, not only was the energy of the mask taken away, but his body was like an overturned river, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, he quickly wilted.

Golden energy floated into Ji Mingxia's body. Due to the huge disparity in strength between the two sides, the golden mask didn't even struggle. It was almost a sacrifice, giving all the energy to Ji Mingxia.

When the last golden light embedded in Ji Mingxia's body, Ding Jialin only felt a suffocation in his throat.

The minced meat fell on the ground, whether it was blood or carrion, it was black and red, and between the pieces of meat, white maggots could be faintly seen crawling.

Ding Jialin was sweating profusely, staring at the ground with red eyes, looking at the minced meat he spit out with almost fear, when he found that the skin around him was gradually darkening, becoming more and more corrupt. , Ding Jialin screamed, bent down, quickly picked up the minced meat, and stuffed it into his mouth again.

"I can't die, I can't just die like this..." he murmured, his voice dry and hoarse, and gradually became silent.

Feeling that the internal organs were surging, and a few mouthfuls of flesh and blood rushed to the throat, Ding Jialin quickly covered his mouth, he did not dare to look at Ji Mingxia, did not have the courage to take back the golden mask, turned around and fled the scene in embarrassment...

Ji Mingxia blinked and slowly woke up.

For him, less than a second passed, and he was stunned for a moment.

But the amazing thing is that the whole body is like having just taken a bath, the pores of the whole body are opened, and the whole body is warm and comfortable.

It was the coldest time of the year, Ji Mingxia felt like a small stove, with gusts of cold wind blowing, not only did she not feel cold, she even felt the gentleness of the spring breeze .

Is the clothes too thick today?

Ji Mingxia thought a little strangely, looked down at the golden mask again, I don't know if it was his illusion, when I saw the mask for the first time, I just thought it was very mysterious, it was unbearable I want to see it again and again.

But now it seems like it has lost its aura, that mysterious and penetrating feeling has disappeared for no reason, and it has become an ordinary gold tool.

"Is this a mysterious item? Or is it an ordinary gold tool?" Ji Mingxia asked.

Ding Jialin had long since disappeared.

Ji Mingxia was stunned for a moment, but when she found a pool of dark red blood on the ground, she was even more frightened.

He can be sure that he is not bleeding, so this stall looks a bit disgusting and smells of blood, was it left by Ding Jialin?

When did he spit blood beside him and then ran away, Ji Mingxia didn't notice!

Ji Mingxia glanced around in shock and determined that Ding Jialin was not at all.

At the same time, passers-by also walked around as if nothing happened, and no one noticed the situation on his side from beginning to end, just like Ding Jialin, who did not exist from beginning to end similar.

"Hello, is this Mr. Ji?" At this moment, a little brother in work clothes asked.

Ji Mingxia came back to his senses, and then remembered that the reason why he was standing at the school gate was to send parcels.

"I am I am." Ji Mingxia hurriedly said, handing over Ye Tian's gift.

As for the mask that Ding Jialin gave, it looked interesting at first glance, but now it looks more ordinary, and there is no threat to it, Ji Mingxia still decided to show it to Yu Ning.

Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan both went out, only Yu Ning was in the dormitory.

Ji Mingxia had just returned, and before he had time to speak, he saw Yu Ning's expression condensed, suddenly stood up from the chair, and asked Ji Mingxia, "Who did you just meet?"

"Uh, I did meet someone just now." Ji Mingxia didn't expect Yu Ning to be so powerful, so he guessed at a glance that it was unusual. He put the box sent by Ding Jialin on the table, then opened the box, The golden mask appeared in front of Yu Ning, "Ding Jialin said thank you for saving Ye Tian and Ye Chen. I want to take this as a thank you gift and ask me to give it to you."

"Ding Jialin?"

"It's the family friend of the Ye family..." Ji Mingxia briefly explained the relationship between the Ding family and the Ye family, and then told Yu Ning everything that had just happened.

Seeing Yu Ning's dignified expression, Ji Mingxia cautiously said, "I'll bring this golden mask back, will it be okay?"

Yu Ning picked up the golden mask, looked at it carefully, and put it back.

This top-level spiritual tool has now become an ordinary gold ornament, and there is no more energy.

Yu Ning said: "Don't worry, it's all right."

Ji Mingxia's thinking was extraordinarily sharp at this time: "So, he really wanted to harm you, but because of an accident, the conspiracy could not be implemented?"

Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia and nodded slowly.

"Is it because of me?" Ji Mingxia guessed, "He wanted to use me and use this mask to harm you, but I didn't expect that I also have mysterious items on me."

Ji Mingxia said, looking at his hand.

The ring that Yu Ning gave him, Ji Mingxia has been wearing it for self-defense, and this time, Ji Mingxia has been saved three times!

Yu Ning glanced at the ring, did not say much, but said solemnly: "Mingxia, when Ding Jialin sees you, don't mention it to the outside world."

"Okay." Ji Mingxia agreed, and then asked curiously, "Why? I don't think he's normal. I wanted to remind Ye Chen and Ye Tian."

"He was attacked. Even if he was lucky enough not to die on the spot, he would not live for long, and he would not come out to do evil again." Yu Ning said, "He came prepared this time, see you Time will definitely erase your traces, so as long as you don't say it, no one will know that you have met him."

Ji Mingxia thought that when he was at the school gate, Ding Jialin's strange appearance did not attract any passers-by. Among the people present, it seemed that only Ji Mingxia could see him. .

Ji Mingxia touched the ring with some fear, looked at Yu Ning admiringly, and said, "Fortunately, you are more powerful, and you didn't let him succeed."

"He is cursed and has nothing to do with me. Do you remember Li You?" Yu Ning asked.

"Li You?" Ji Mingxia was taken aback.

This name is already far, far away from Ji Mingxia's life, but after all, he spent that unforgettable journey in the forest. The ring Ji Mingxia is wearing now is also related to Li You, Ji Mingxia Of course she will not be forgotten.

"Ding Jialin and Li You...are they related?"

"Ding Jialin's face is like a corpse, and his flesh is rotting, which is a symptom of being cursed. The conditions for this curse to take effect are very harsh. Half a year ago, Li You slaughtered several people. Blood and soul are sacrifices, and I once cursed a person." Yu Ning said, "Li You's curse and Ding Jialin's symptoms can be perfectly matched."