MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 8 ambush

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Nowadays, there is no price for gold coins, but the trading platform is hanged with 1:1500. Even if it is calculated at 20%, this skill book is handed over to Xingyue Labor Union. Lu is also able to get nearly 25,000 real money.

The money is enough for him to rent a small suite in the nearby garden community and find a decent school for his sister.

As for sad wine alone?

The root number is higher than the price given by Hongtu, and it can offset this week's gold-splitting task. There is really no reason to refuse it. After all, he and the wine have no relationship.

However, the glass of wine is not frustrated, but still enthusiastically said: "Lu Lui brother, add a friend, if you have good equipment in the future, don't forget to look for me, I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Lu Yi also felt very embarrassed and quickly confirmed his friend.

The proud sword and the grandfather are so much money that they have no face, and they just found an excuse to go. The root number is responsible for trading the skill book with the land, and the financial line is transferred to the land.

25,000 real money!

This is almost a month's salary for the social elite class.

In addition, the ground equipment that was obtained from the treasure chest was given to the root 叁 one. When he was completely equipped with the light, he was sent a dagger and a supply. At that time, he promised to return a property weapon. Naturally, it would not Lost faith.

Monte's sickle (bronze): damage 15-23, strength +1, demand level 4, durable 12/18.

This weapon damage is very high, and it has a huge effect on the previous leveling. As calm as the root number, you can't help but move.

After the transaction, Lu is off the assembly line. The proper rest is very important for professional players. Lu is not wanting to ruin his body in three or two months like the previous life.

Woke up the next day, my sister has gone to school.

Lu can only wait for her to come back and tell her to make money, and finally can move out from this low and small dilapidated small tile house.

First, I went outside to run around, checked the money in the bank card, and then came back to eat breakfast. When I was on the line, it was already dawning in the game.

The game and the actual time is 1:1, but the night in the game is very fixed from 12:00 am to 8:00 am. At other times, no matter whether it is windy or rainy, it is still at least during the day.

It’s raining when it’s raining, and when it’s off the line, it’s really raining.

The rain is drifting, overwhelming, and endless.

I repaired the equipment, bought a few pieces of bread, and someone who had just made a small fortune once again embarked on the journey of leveling.

Up to now, high-level players have estimated that there are at least four levels, and some begin to work toward five levels. It’s wasted a lot of time to get a slogan, and it’s wasted a lot of time. It’s wasted a lot of time to sneak into the lake and open the treasure chest. Plus the thieves themselves are not a serious class, not backward. Blame it.

Already three levels, it is not efficient to continue to brush the night, so he plans to brush the four-level jungle baby wolf.

While walking, Lu Li suddenly found that there was a grass in front of it that was unnaturally depressed.

Have a thief!

In the process of centrifugation, he quickly took two steps and planned to enter the stealth state.

Unfortunately, I haven't waited for him to launch his skills, and he heard the wind behind his head.

A short scorpion emerged from the void, and the edge of the dagger was white, apparently using the thief's birth skills.

Players who use smart mode will not be dizzy when using the shadow attack, but it will cause 100% damage. Before the wolf has a tiger, the land is really fierce.

I don’t want to think about it, but I turn it to the side, and I turn as much as I can.

Even if you can't hide this blow, you should be able to avoid being attacked by thieves.

After the game is long, even the rookie will understand, it is best not to leave your back to the thief, 30% of the damage behind the professional characteristics of the thief is not a joke.

The dagger was tied to the shoulders of the land and killed more than 30 drops of blood. For now, this attack is terrible.

System: You are attacked by "lawlessness" and have a ten-minute counterattack time!

He rolled over and ran away.

Nonsense, in the absence of any skills, the two thieves are paying attention to each other, not to mention another thief has not yet appeared, once the sneak attack skills dizzy, it is a dead place.

"Hey, intercept him!" The person who attacked him did not hesitate, followed him and chased it up, while chasing, while squatting with a small dagger.

Because stealth will reduce the movement speed by 30%, another thief does not sneak, run like a fly, waving a dagger and chasing it.

As a result of the attack, the speed of the land has been reduced, and both thieves can immediately attack him.

He began to despair, thinking about this lawless why to kill him, and whether there is any chance to retaliate back in the future.

At this time, brushing, a figure whizzing, slamming into one of the thieves, the momentum is very fierce, but the thief who was hit not only did not fly out, but was dizzy in place.


This is the warrior's charge skill!

After two knives, before the end of the dizziness, the shield of the soldier’s brother patted the thief’s face again.

Oh, continue to stun!

There are two knives, and the attacked thief has fallen.

At this time, Lu and another thief reacted.

But the next thing is completely suspenseful, two dozen, and there is also a warrior master, the surviving thief soon hangs.

Then, Lu Li looked at the warrior man with a stunned look.

It's not because the night elf warrior is rare. Well, the night elf warrior is really wonderful. The agility and intellectual attributes of this race are relatively high, but the strength and physique are very general, so few people play the night elf warrior.

Nor is it because the warrior man shows two rare skills.

The reason for Lu’s stunned is simple: he knows the warrior.

Ok, it’s the past life.

Azure sea breeze!

It is the unlucky one who knows the past and has the supreme ring.

"I said brother, stupid, is this?"

"You are stupid."

This is the first dialogue after the "Difficult Brothers and Difficults" brushed the gold duo again.

"I said, how can you save your life and recognize me as a big brother?"

"In the future, you will have a life, yes, this is for you," Lu said, raising his hand and throwing a ring.

Solid Ring (Bronze): Damage 2-6, Constitution +3, Equipment requires Strength 8, Durable 20/20.

Lu left this ring not sold, it is left to the guy in front of him, after all, take the Druid God ring of others, how to compensate a bit, although this guy has been unlucky since getting the ring.

The blue sea breeze took over and looked excited at first sight. "No, brother, bronze ring, really give it to me!"

He is not a person who has never seen a good thing. The weapon in his hand is in bronze, and he is exchanged for a Master skill "Ice Gun". In addition, he also learned "Arush" and "Shield".

Those who have scored three skill books have few games.

But he has never seen the ring equipment, and it is a ring with such a good attribute.

"Thank you for saving my life," Lu said with a smile. "When you have any good equipment, I will be the same."

A life in the game is only 10% of the experience, when the level is low, dozens of minutes, where is worth the best bronze equipment.

Lu is obviously planning to make a good friend of this past life.

"Well, you have made this friend, I am called the blue sea breeze, the warrior, the fifth grade," the blue sea breeze took a very bold shot of the shoulders of Lu, and did not say anything to push the nonsense.

"You are actually five levels," Lu was shocked. "My name is Lu, the thief, just three."

"How to mix only three levels, no wonder the two little thieves are pressing and playing, go, brother to take you to upgrade," this is the blue sea breeze, once you identify a friend, you will be very familiar, otherwise, Lu Li The past life will not know the secret of his legendary ring.

Speaking of it, the ring is really a fool.

In a sense, Lu has been a friend, but it is not entirely true. After all, the ring did not make the blue sea breeze strong, but let him mix it to brush gold.

Some people take it for granted, but since the blue sea breeze has been level 5, Lu is not going to brush any jungle young wolves.

"You are all five, it is better for us to go to the copy."

PS: The author is the snail's brain powder. This book has many places to learn from the snail's online game system. I hope everyone can tolerate it and can like it. If there is a recommended ticket, please fill in the word.