MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1947 Assassin*3

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"Battle, my people, the sons of the king of the mountains, Sargus, will lead you to victory!" The dwarf leader shouted loudly.

In fact, if the dwarfs practice hereditary system and let this Sargus Anweimar become the king of the new dwarf, maybe the three-hammer dwarf will be more brilliant, and the infighting will exhaust the dwarf's vitality.

The prestige of Sarges in this group of dwarves was unparalleled. Under his encouragement, the dwarves rushed to the fallen families with fearless riding on the sheep.

The origin of this race is neither an aboriginal like a troll and an elf, nor an alien immigrant like an orc and a draenei.

The dwarves were created by the versatile Titans using stones when the world was still in the cradle stage.

This race seems to always be as tough as a stone, whether it is the "good guys" who are inspired by the leaders, or the "bad guys" who are bewildered by the Twilight believers. They are like stones.

One by one lives fall in this collision.

Lu was alone in the face of the attack of three black iron dwarves, their huge hammer, wanting to turn the land into a meat.

In the face of such an enemy, Lu is very hopeful that he is a grandfather.

Even if the dwarf's magic resistance is high, but how the law's output is resisted is also better than the thief to take a small knife to clean.

"Snow, come over with us." The water elf's situation is no better than him, so he shouted the water elf and planned to take care of each other.

This kind of task, when dead, is equivalent to a mission failure.

So they must save their lives, and they can't be found in the waters on their own NPC.

Two people cooperate with the attack, and the pressure is much smaller.

Three black iron dwarves, two were controlled, one was besieged, three, five, and two were killed, and then new targets were reached.

"You two, don't waste time with these wastes here!"

The land and the water elves are playing on their side, and suddenly they hear that Valera Sangnar calls them.

"What advice?" Lu asked.

"Come with me to go with Golosh to kill the other commander, that is Agmanchi, if you are not afraid of death, come together," said Valera Sangunal.

The water elf immediately followed.

Hey, my sister, people are in a radical, how can you be so easy to be fooled?

My wife went, and he naturally could not lag behind. Now the following is followed. The three thieves all entered the sneak, rushing forward in the scuffle, and soon approached Golosh.

With the cooperation of the Druid Bear, Golosh has already entered the other's commander.

Agmanchi is the commander of the Blackrock Abyss. He is rumored to have created a magical substitute for his own appearance with his quest for immortality. There are rumors that he even used some form of dark magic, and when the scorpion's flesh and blood body was destroyed, his new creation could become a container of his soul.

The one presented in front of everyone is obviously his flesh and blood.

Just don't know if he was killed, he still has no chance to inject the soul into the container and get reborn.

Golosh finally played against Agmanchi. He should have been able to gain the upper hand. Just because of the assistance of the surrounding black iron dwarves, Agmanchi barely supported the situation. He only had to wait for more black iron dwarves to come to support. Manci felt that he could kill this **** human.

The three thieves are all waiting for the opportunity.

The thieves are similar to the assassins of other games. They are good at lurking and assassinating. They are not simply stealing things to reflect their professional characteristics.

"It is now, judging the timing and attacking direction!" Valerella Sangunal attacked first. Her goal was Amaganche's eyes, and Agmange forced a arm block.

Lu was almost shot with her colleague, and the land attack was under the arm of Agmanchi’s other arm.

Feel the new attack coming, Agmanqi tried to use his arm to clamp the dagger, whether he took the initiative to do it, or subconsciously to clip, Lu Lu is considered to complete his combat mission.

The water elf attacks Amaganche's temple, but her purpose is actually more of a disturbance.

It is not them who are really deadly, it is Golos.

In the situation created by the three thieves, Golosh's big sword squatted from the left to the right and slammed on Agmanchi's neck.

One hit kill!

Only NPC can achieve this effect for NPC. Regardless of how the land and water elves attack, they actually judge the damage according to the amount of BOSS blood.

So they willingly act as green leaves and create opportunities for Golosh and Valera.

Poor sergeant Agmanic, he did not wait for the rescue, so he was given KO by three assassins and a Berserker.

Three BOSS killed one.

Four people began to face the crazy counterattack of the Black Iron Dwarfs. After all, Agmanci is their foreman, and such a light box lunch is also an insult to them.

"Here, there are me, you go to other places!" Golosh was so imposing, he sworded a black iron dwarf from head to toe into two halves, and then passed through the fountain-like blood, stepping forward and squatting Broken three black iron dwarves behind.

For a time, the Black Iron Dwarf was killed by him and retreated.

Broll Bearskin can not only become a bear, but also become a small sapling to give Golosh blood. The three assassins have no use.

"Follow me!" Valera Sanguna is very satisfied with the performance of Lu and the Water Elves. They continue to look for opportunities. They not only have ideas for the three BOSS, but also the grassroots commanders. Let go.

Those dwarves who look a bit identifiable are basically spiked by the Assassin.

In addition to a large number of prestige, the harvest of the land and the water elves also has a very amazing equipment harvest. Just now, the commander of the squad Agmanchi lost a 70-level legendary equipment mold.

At the time of the Blackrock Depths, 60-level equipment was lost, and a copy of the 70-level thing was immediately released.

What a good understanding.

"Retreat!" A roar, attracting the attention of three assassins.

When I heard the sound, I found that the descendants of the King of the Mountain were drinking the soldiers who had retired. It was not that he occupied the upper hand and wanted to be singled out. Instead, the interrogator Gestaan’s technique was different and he had killed several Sargers in succession. Warrior.

Sargus was very intolerant and he decided to rush to solve this woman.

The interrogator Gesta is a legal system, but she is not afraid of the siege. She has a ball of slavery in her hand. This is a piece of equipment in the hands of the player, and it is in the hands of Gestaan. A powerful prop that can control the opponent.

And she also uses group fear, and her warrior is like a flies with no effect on the effect of this spell. She can only run around and be killed or controlled by her.