MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1933 Congratulations (new book for support)

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In fact, I didn't wait until he got to the small square, and he already understood what was going on there.

A few young girls screamed and ran to the other side.

"I heard that there are a lot of candles and balloons on the side of the small square. Some people ask for marriage, and go to see the fun."

"Oh my God, what time is it, there are still people who use this old-fashioned way."

The water elf twisted his head in surprise.

Lu Yi stunned, and then he laughed. He understood what Lu Xin was secretly doing, but he did not explain it at all.

It's like all this is what he has laid out.


"it is good."

The small square has no square dance today. I heard that some people are going to propose marriage here. The aunts who have always kept pace with the young people are not allowed to rush to the side.

Perhaps this reminds them of things that have been around for a long time.

At that time, there was also a boy who was filled with flowers in front of himself. He wanted to hold hands and walk with himself. The arrogance of the moment refused him, and then the boy became a memory. Now I can’t remember what the man grew like. But never forgot the feeling of the moment.

Heart-shaped candles, bright red roses, and lanterns entwined in trees.

Very retro kind of confession scene.

The crowds were very, very crowded. There were people who were originally in the square. They walked around to join in the fun, and the group of martial martials who just drank, but also climbed.

"Brother, I brought the ring you bought."

"Thank you, Xinxin." Lu took the ring and looked at the water elf.

"Is it really you bought it?" The water elf certainly sees that these were not arrangements before, and this person may never be romantic.

"This is true. After eating at your home that day, I went to buy it. I have never found a chance." Or I dare not take this step because I have to take on too many things after taking this step.

I am just a little punk from a slum, what to take a white swan.

Originally, I was planning to wait for my career to be successful, worthy of her, and then take her home, but did not expect her family to be much better than herself.

"What are you waiting for?" The water elf suddenly blinked.

"That is, you are still waiting, if you can't, let me come!" I don't know who screamed, and then all the people in the circle followed, and the scene was a mess.

Lu Yi smiled, kneeling down in front of the water elf.

I have only been loyal to myself in this life. All the choices I have made are the result of willingness and free will. I have never been enslaved by anyone, anything, and I can't even do it! I can bow to others because of worship and respect, but I will not bow because of the bend!

"Snow, marry me, okay?"

"Emmmm~" must first pretend to hesitate, this is the way to a good girl.

"Promise him! Promise him!"

In exchange for seeing similar scenes in general, Lu is likely to spit on the crowd, people confessed to marry, shut your ass, the days are people, you stand up and talk and talk.

But now he is very grateful to the people who are eating them, even if they are just joining in the fun.

Probably think it's almost the same, the water elf finally reached out.

Lu Lijun held her hand and took a while to think of it to bring her a ring.

Not too big or small, just right.

The great joy that came from this moment made him understand that he liked this girl and had been unconsciously enjoying it for a long time.

When the hand holding the water elf stood up, the water elf threw himself into his arms.

They moved themselves and moved the people who eat melons. The people who eat melons are applauded as if they are the parties.

"I am moved, I want to fall in love."

"Although I was fed a dog food, I hope they will always be so good."

"Yeah, if there is no way to be together, it will be too cruel, and it will make me wonder if there is any true love in this world."

Bringing a ring doesn't mean they can prepare for the wedding right away.

According to the statement of the water elf, she must first set up a wedding banquet, and the father of the water elf should be invited to the situation.

Otherwise it would be too much.

Difficult to negotiate and hold a wedding party for the daughter of the family, is this not too much?

Lu has no special opinion on this. In his impression, it seems that he is the bad side of President Shen. President Shen is busy working and changing diapers every day. He will not check for a while, and his daughter will be Turned away.

Whether it is a marriage proposal or a marriage, it is like a ritual.

At this time, Lu Licai finally had a feeling that he was not a lonely man.

On the second day, almost everyone in the game knows that the dogs and men in the game are about to make a positive result in reality.

Knowing that Lu was on the line, there were a lot of people who congratulated the world on the World Channel.

Do not forget Maple: Congratulations to Lu Lie and Water MM, when will you have a big fat boy?

Qingqi Liquor: Haha, congratulations Lu Luxiong became our son-in-law, if you dare to be bad for our Miss, our unparalleled city and Weiyuge hundreds of thousands of brothers will not let you go.

Very afraid of wood: Congratulations to Lu Lie, a hundred years of good.

Xingchen Yinhui: Congratulations to the water MM, finally brought home to Lu, the man conquered the world, the woman conquered the man.

Eleven: Hey, Lu, ah, better for the water sister, if you don’t want her any day, there are men in the sky.

Wendly Ann: The water sister must be happy.

Not a primary school student: Wow, this is probably a rare event in the game circle of a hundred years. Ask for a bridesmaid position.

Flower Dance Meier: Oh, if you go, people will think that the newlyweds are married after they have given birth to a child.

Not a primary school student: I curse you can't find a boyfriend.

Flower Dance Meier: I am a man, I have never been able to find a boyfriend, it will not be the problem of your last curse.

Not a primary school student: Hey, demon girl, I am a famous crow mouth.

Xiao Mo: Congratulations to Lu Lingxiong, congratulations to the water MM, there should be lovers, Lu Lui, you said right?


Lu Li: Thank you, I don't quite understand what Xiaomo God means.

Xiao Mo: The Ming people don't say slang words... If the water elves have been in our glory capital, what I think in Lu Ling's heart.

Lu: Oh, you said your ex-girlfriend.

Xiao Mo: What ex-girlfriend, we didn't really break up!

Lu Li: No way, we can't do without her, she is the first milk ride in our club.

Xiao Mo:...

It seems that I feel that this is not quite the same on the World Channel. Xiao Mo soon died down.

Read The Duke's Passion