MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1906 Battle of face

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The busiest people in these days are those who are equipped. Although the ruling sword has many people who specialize in equipment, and the life professional league has also established a stable cooperative relationship, but some high-end equipment still needs special people to deal with. .

For example, the tailor is in March rain, the blacksmith is in the land, and the special props are not so good.

A large number of equipment came out to fight the super club.

In the final battle of the top 100, they encountered a **** battle flag, a very strong opponent. When the ranks of the Jiangnan nobles fell, the ranks of the **** battle flag rose by a seat, becoming the second only to the capital of glory. The strongest club.

As for the ruling sword, although it has won two championships, the ranking is not so good. After all, there are many factors in the club ranking.

The **** battle flag also has a record in the first copy of the copy. Although it is not comparable to the sword of the ruling, it is not worse than the glory. In the wild BOSS, it may not be as good as the number of glory, but the quality is It’s even worse.

The large-scale group battle in the wild, the courage and the glory of the capital are positive, only the **** battle flag!

Other Seventh Heaven, Wings of Dawn, etc., unless several are united together, otherwise they will avoid confronting the glory capital. As for the sword of ruling, they are not afraid to make a loss. The club went back three months.

The biggest impression of the **** battle flag is that the record is strict and there is no escape.

When fighting in the wild, the players with **** battle flags are like soldiers. Under the command of the commander, even if they die, they do not hesitate to execute. The commanders like Lu are actually dreaming of commanding such teammates. It’s totally impossible. Everyone is playing games. No one is better than anyone else. Only by treating them equally can the club be maintained.

This time, the two clubs were arranged to be the same as the last encounter before the top 100.

"This is the information of their new team members." Before the war, the things collected by the people on their own side were taken out and distributed to everyone. On the thin A4 papers, the new **** battle flag in this league was recorded. Racer.

After leaving the land, I flipped through it and my heart was not shocked.

He knew these people in his last life. They are all new players in the second professional league. One is very, very powerful. They have no potential to fatten them. However, he has never tried to contact this person and has included him. The system of the sword of ruling.

It is not the other party’s high price, but the situation is special.

The game ID is called the thief who eats the cake boy. It is the most dazzling thief profession in the dawn of the new dawn. If the land is not reborn, his highest record is that he is afraid of wood and chrysanthemum. .

It is said that after he joined the **** battle flag, he gave an annual salary of 300,000 yuan - lower than the group of newcomers who gave the trial spear!

It’s cheap, it’s just cheap.

The reason why he couldn't pull him in, it was because the other side only recognized the **** battle flag, and the **** battle flag did not give him money. The other clubs could not do much.

The game circle is not surprising.

It’s okay to eat the boy’s brain. He is a veteran.

Just retired in August this year, before the soldiers were the little talented genius boy in the game circle, he was concerned by the major clubs, and was preparing to wait until he reached adulthood. As a result, he did not want to be a soldier.

After retiring, he was directly announced to join the Scarlet Battle Flag.

People with **** battle flags can't be robbed by others, especially such high-end talents.

The two people are also the type of situation, and the **** battle flag is newly added to the three masters. This is the theme of today’s meeting, analyzing the characteristics of these three people, exchanging information, understanding them, and summing up Take precautions.

The ruling sword does not require more points to advance, but if you lose, you can't get through.

The **** battle flag is not needed, but they don't mind launching their three newcomers through this game, let the three newcomers know the whole game circle in the process of killing the gods.

The flower jade jade has now replaced Dragon Dust as the manager of the Scarlet Battle Flag Club, and Long Chen only manages the guild activity.

If Long Chen is still a simple soldier, then the flower jade can be regarded as a combination of merchants and military personnel. The merchant family is born, graduated from economics, but ran to be a soldier for many years. After returning, I became addicted to the game and joined the **** battle flag, step by step to today's position.

There are irons of soldiers in the bones, as well as the traitors of businessmen.

It is said that the founder of the Scarlet Battle Flag is also a rich second generation of a merchant family. Inexplicably, he became a soldier. Later, under the attention of certain forces, he set up a **** battle flag, and began the centuries-old glory of the **** battle flag.

There is not much information in the hands of everyone. Although these three new players have been shot several times, they are faced with opponents who are weak and scum, and others have no way to discover their true strength.

"The **** battle flag over there hopes to eat a cake teenager challenge you, do you face it?" asked the cat dad.

"What is your suggestion?" Lu Li asked for advice. In fact, he did not want to accept this kind of challenge. He is not the time to win the name. It is no good to win. If you lose, you will become someone else. Stepping stones.

"My suggestion is to fight with him. The name of the war is not good. Do you have confidence?" asked the cat dad.

Others do not know the specific attributes of the Supreme Ring, and the hidden effect is increased by 35 percent. This alone can be invincible in the thieves' civil war.

"I won't lose," Lu nodded.

"That's a fight, it's a **** battle flag. If he can't beat you, it's their own business," said the cat dad with a smile. "And this **** falls, if the competition can meet Moonlight, they will be more satisfied."

"What can this person change?" Lu is puzzled.

"You can owe it first. Gentlemen can deceive them. They don't want to pay taxes. Even if they are rewarding flowers, they are no exception. They are too proud." Cat Dad is a veteran gamer, mixing this line for decades. I am very familiar with the urine of these famous clubs.

"I was the first to play, the second moonlight, want to meet the moonlight, let them come with the ability," Lu made a decision.

In fact, even if it is not a war, the ruling sword must be sent to other people, and the ruling swordsman is already a famous person. Any one who is defeated can make the players of the **** battle flag famous.

Unless the shameless first promised to go down and eat the pie youngsters, and then secretly let the moonlight start.

In the current version of the profession, the thief who can promise the moonlight this mad warrior has not yet been born.

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