MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1901 Opportunity

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Such a mighty BOSS, he will actually be violent.

It is not the kind of violent violent violent death. He is half-blooded and violent, or called anger is more appropriate. Not only is the attack power and attack speed increased, he will also lose his own voice.

Thunder and old mother, killing people directly.

Then this BOSS will also fear the group, although the scope of fear is not large, but MT can not run away, so the protection fear enchantment must always be maintained, and other melee occupations can only ask for more happiness.

Don't be too happy to be afraid of it. Mogar will use the charge for targets that are not affected by fear.

The MT pulled back in time and was okay. If you don’t go back, the group will be destroyed.

This is some of the mechanisms of King Mogal, which is more difficult to play.

But this is not all the difficulties. If you play this BOSS, you can't ignore the four younger brothers he took with him - the wizard's professional Cross fireman, the warlock's professional summoner Omo's professional prophet blind eye shaman occupation. The madman Chikler.

These four younger brothers have different occupations. Together with BOSS, they are a superb monster team.

With the strength of the current players, even the core elites of the Super Club are all kinds of dark gold equipment and legendary equipment mix and match. Some of them even have less than 70-level equipment, and it is impossible to beat the Mogaer King. And his four younger brothers.

At a stage where everyone is not well equipped, the difficulty of King Mogal is even more difficult than Gruul.

In fact, the mobs at the door are also very powerful. The team of twenty-five minutes is killed by the mobs in minutes, and the only advantage of this copy is that it can escape. After all, it is a copy of the door, and you can’t see it. Then, Lu Yi came to a retreat, so the rest of the fish were fleeing with their own skills.

After all, the mobs are mobs, able to block most of the team, but they can never block a team like the ruling sword forever.

The Sword of Judgment Most of their squadrons were created here by King Mogal.

"Dream dream, try to mislead a mob out," Lu did not want to destroy after a few times, so began to take advantage of rebirth - yes, this copy has BUG - in the earliest time, Grull The nest is a copy of Martha Ritton's lair and even Karazhan. In addition to its BOSS itself, it is not as high as Matherington. Another reason is that BUG can be used here.

Of course, BUG is not misleading mobs.

So everyone again went out.

"Well..." Lu was mused for a moment, then pointed to another mob and let the dreams try again.

This time and again, it was destroyed four times. On the fifth time, Lu Yi pointed to BOSS and said to the dream: "Change him to try, you mislead to give less wind, then fake death, don't mess up."

Although the dream is not very reluctant, but still faithfully completed the order of the land.

In fact, such a group did not lose much. Others saw that the situation was wrong and they fled with their feet. Only the dreams and the blue sea breeze were too close to the BOSS, and they were directly responsible for hatred.

This time, everyone is still ready to escape, the combination of BOSS, the inevitable attempt to let the hunter to mislead to try, so the land commander has no opinion.

Just no one thinks this has worked.

Just as everyone was ready to sneak away again, a surprising scene appeared.

"The sand sculptures, don't run, he came, you see, he came, this time there is only one person," the screaming screams, and the blue sea breeze almost cried.

Every attempt at land reclamation was basically at the expense of the death of the blue sea breeze.

If everyone dies together, then don’t say it. The blue sea breeze doesn’t feel that it is specialer than others. The key is that everyone can now escape, and he will die alone – people’s dreams can be suspended, as long as they don’t die. Get up, BOSS will be when she is a corpse.

In this way, his heart is not balanced.

Now, Lu Li has finally tossed out a little, and when he saw that everyone still wants to run, he suddenly became anxious.

Everyone took a closer look, BOSS really came over.

This BOSS is difficult, but it is not difficult to let everyone be afraid of the point, the polished veteran is particularly good to kill, so everyone began to return to their position.

The land commanded the blue sea breeze to pull the BOSS to the copy door not far away, so that the distance would not be provoked to the four younger brothers of BOSS, but also convenient for everyone to escape when the group was destroyed, so the new battle mode began.

Without four younger brothers, King Mogar is a stronger ordinary boss.

The first 50% of the blood volume is finished without pressure, that is, after 50% of the blood volume, BOSS is furious, and this time everyone can feel the pressure of this level of BOSS.

After the violent, Mogar will continue to release the whirlwind, and sometimes it will be unlucky to meet Mogal after a slamming immediately after a whirlwind, which will cause a certain number of casualties.

"Don't panic, isn't it just hanging two people," Lu said with a loud voice: "Fat monkey, if you dare to flash at the copy door, I will buckle your DKP."

"Yes, it’s too shameful to kill him and escape without fighting," the blue sea breeze echoed.

"If you don't run, you won't run," the fat monkey turned and continued to attack BOSS.

"The wind is not dead, no one should relax. Before I speak, the first person who runs is deducted 20, and the second person is deducted." Lu is a little regretful, and should not let everyone have a back road. I just want to run.

Under the threat of deduction, everyone finally dared not run casually.

Dead is to lose some equipment durable, psychologically a little uncomfortable, compared to twenty DKP is nothing, 20 DKP can sometimes get a piece of equipment.

After three times, the king of Mogar fell.

The loss from the land was also very heavy. There were few people who could stand in the end. After all, the king of Mogar lost one of the scorpions and was thrown to the second.

After the fall of King Mogal, two of the twenty-five people in the team got the skill points.

Very powerful ratio, this is probably the charm of the first kill, the equipment is actually indifferent, good and good limited, the most important is the skill point, a BOSS to two points, in addition to the first kill or wild BOSS, other want to be different miss you.

The gem has two pieces of the best, and the land is not taken. He took a skill book that BOSS dropped.

This skill book called "Awaiting for Opportunity" is not an intensive skill, but it is very effective. It belongs to the new skill of the 70th level. After five points, the skill effect is - so that you can use the backstab from behind, Increases the damage dealt by the sniper or ambush spells by 20%.

Increase the damage by 20%, this effect has already been against the sky.

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