MTL - The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child-Chapter 1759 : Obsession, something happened in Zuixian Tower

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Li Chengfeng accepted the letter, and sat alone in the room practicing the Demon Art.

I sat there from the morning till the afternoon when the sun was slanting towards the west, and then I got up and went to the courtyard to break off a tree branch and practice Xuanyuan Sword Jue.

At his level, he can send and receive internal energy at will.

Whether it is a tree branch or Xuanyuan sword, his swordsmanship can be displayed.

Sword Qi shot out from the tips of the branches, and the invisible sword Qi quickly filled the entire courtyard.

The thick bluestone floor was torn apart by the sword energy, leaving several sword marks, and the bluestone floor was full of sword energy gullies.

The big tree in the courtyard was shaken by the sword energy, and countless fallen leaves fell down. The sword energy was like a breeze blowing by without hurting the slightest bit.

If a swordsman saw this scene here, he would be shocked.

If the weight is lifted lightly, the sword energy can be sharp and vertical, and it can also be like a breeze, which is not achieved overnight.

Many people's sword energy is only as sharp as going forward, and they can't make it to the next step in their whole life.

"Huh..." After practicing a set of sword formulas, Li Chengfeng let out a long breath, and the branches in his hands were already torn apart.

"This thing is still not enough after all, I don't know when I can get the Xuanyuan Sword back!" His eyes were full of regret.

After all, the branches are just branches, and it is difficult to bear the powerful internal energy of Li Chengfeng's Taoist realm.

In addition, Xuanyuan Sword Art is a first-class sword art, and the branch can withstand it for so long, which is already the result of his utmost control.

As for other ordinary soldiers, it is estimated that it is not much better than this tree branch. He has to get back the Xuanyuan Sword to bring out his swordsmanship to the extreme.

However, the whereabouts of the symposium has not been found out yet, and the strength of the venerable of the symposium is even more unpredictable.

Even if he wanted to get back the Xuanyuan Sword that he had taken, he had no way to do it, so he could only sharpen his sword skills with a branch instead of a sword.

"We take note of this malignant tumor, sooner or later I will completely eradicate them!"

Thinking of this, Li Chengfeng clenched his fists, thinking again of the scene of the attack on Chang'an in the Communist Party Note that day.

At that time, if he had the strength of Dao Realm, he wouldn't have just watched that person take Xuanyuan Sword away.

It has almost become his obsession to have his personal weapon taken away, that's why he attaches so much importance to the joint note.

Just as his thoughts were drifting away, there were soft footsteps outside the yard.

Li Chengfeng frowned, and a sword energy appeared in his hand, pointing directly at the direction where the voice came from.

"Feng... Brother Feng'er, it's me..." Li Lizhi's timid voice came from beside him.

Just now, when she was playing hide-and-seek with Wu Xu, she remembered the martial arts that Li Chengfeng had given her earlier.

That's why he didn't go through the main entrance and wanted to come over from the roof, to give Wu Xu a surprise, and to show off his martial arts by the way.

Unexpectedly, Li Chengfeng was almost misunderstood. If this sword energy hit her, she might already be decapitated at this time.

The powerful murderous aura on Brother Feng'er is really scary. If she hadn't often traveled with him before, she might have been scared to tears.

After seeing who was coming, Li Chengfeng quickly put away the sword energy on his body, came to Li Lizhi's side and stroked her head.

"Sister Changle, don't tell me when you come, so that my brother can prepare food for you in advance."

Xuanyuan Sword Jue is famous for its fierceness, and because he separated from God just now, he almost subconsciously hurt Li Lizhi.

After all, Li Lizhi was still a child at heart, looking at the smiling Li Chengfeng, the fear in her heart could no longer be contained.

She hurried forward, hugged Li Chengfeng, and cried loudly.

Just at this moment, there were footsteps at the door again, and Wu Xu poked his head out to look into the courtyard.

"Princess Changle, you can lose this time..."

"Are you okay? Next time, if you are so reckless, what if you get hurt?"

Li Chengfeng looked at the two girls sitting in front of NS, dumbfounded.

Even though he was so frightened just now, he was able to have fun in front of the game console just by turning his head.

"It's okay, I didn't know that Brother Feng'er practiced sword so seriously!"

Li Lizhi stared at the screen in front of her, with happiness written all over her face.

"That's right! Your Highness, the way you looked just now is really terrifying!"

Wu Xu, on the other hand, seemed a little terrified. Just now Li Lizhi said that she was almost killed by the sword qi.

If something happened to Li Lizhi, he might as well be to blame.

While the few people were chatting, Fan Meng hurried into the courtyard of the palace and went straight to the living room.

"Young master, I have something to tell you!"

Looking at Li Chengfeng who was playing around in the living room, Fan Meng's eyes were full of anxiety.

Li Chengfeng was taken aback for a moment, Fan Meng has always acted safely, and is also gentle and intellectual in character. When was it so eager?

"What happened? Don't worry, just tell me slowly." He walked out of the living room.

"Yes, son!"

"The thing is like this, these few days, I'll get 20% off the drinks in Zuixianlou to celebrate His Highness becoming the crown prince."

"At first everything was safe and sound, but today a table of guests suddenly came and ordered two altars of drunken wine."

"It didn't take long for their people to foam at the mouth and passed out on the ground. Now the trouble has gone to the government office!"

Fan Meng's tone was anxious, Zuixianlou is the property that the young master manages for him.

For her, it is not only a business, but also a sustenance of her affection for Li Chengfeng.

Now that something like this happened, even if Li Chengfeng was the current crown prince, Zuixian Tower would inevitably be closed for ten days and a half months.

After Li Chengfeng listened carefully to the cause and effect, he gently took Fan Meng's slender hand and brushed away her frowning brows.

"This matter was deliberately obstructed by someone, and you are not to blame."

"Since someone dares to hit me with crooked ideas, let me see who is so daring!"

Li Chengfeng led Fan Meng straight out of the palace, and rushed to the Chang'an mansion.

In the government office of Chang'an Mansion, the governor of Chang'an Mansion looked at the few people in the audience with a headache.

Originally, he didn't intend to intervene in the affairs of Zuixianlou, but the two diners have completely lost their breath, which is completely different.

If the life lawsuit is not investigated by himself, let alone Li Chengfeng will really be satisfied, it will be difficult for Dali Temple to settle the case.

After all, this time it was a disturbance, and so many people were watching.

If you don't find out the reason, it may have a great impact on the reputation of His Royal Highness the Prince.

After careful consideration, UU reading www.uukanshu. com He still picked up the gavel and beat it hard.

"Who is in the hall, and what to tell quickly!"

Under the stage, a middle-aged man like a thin monkey lowered his eyebrows, but his eyes kept looking around.

Next to him were two people who were foaming at the mouth and had lost their breath.

Hearing the questioning from Governor of Chang'an, the thin monkey kowtowed three times, his face full of sadness.

"Also ask the adults to decide for us!"

"The three of us are newcomers. We heard that Zuixianlou is famous, so we went to drink in Zuixianlou."

"But I didn't expect my two brothers to be unconscious and out of breath just after going in and drinking for a while."

"It must be that conscientious proprietress who served fake wine and asked the elder to make the decision."

After the thin monkey finished speaking with snot and tears, his eyes were already bloodshot, as if he had been wronged by the sky.