MTL - The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child-Chapter 1743 : Meet Yuwen again? h, the difference between cloud and mud

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"Li Chengfeng, I didn't expect that we would meet here!"

"Today we should also do the math, all the old and new grudges before!"

Looking at the familiar refined iron mask and robe, Li Chengfeng opened his mouth slowly.

"Yu Wenyue, I thought you died in that rat's nest?"

Li Chengfeng's whole body shook with internal strength, he clenched his fists and prepared to strike.

Yu Wenyue acted extremely insidiously, and the other party was involved in all the conspiracies of the previous joint notes.

It's just that the other party suddenly disappeared during this period of time, and there is no trace anymore.

I didn't expect to meet the other party again in Ezhou, and he was with a group of people.

Those bad people around were shocked when they heard Yu Wenyue call Li Chengfeng's name directly.

They thought Li Chengfeng was just a member of the shadow guard just now, but they didn't expect that the other party was actually the eighth prince of the dynasty!

Now in the entire Tang Dynasty, there should be no one who does not know the name of the Eighth Prince Li Chengfeng, and he is actually in front of him.

"Guard!" Without any hesitation, Gu Wang immediately raised his knife and shouted.

Those bad people quickly protected Li Chengfeng, and at the same time Yu Wenyue who was standing on the eaves also moved.

He has been doing dirty work in the photo conference, so that one day he can personally solve Li Chengfeng.

We met here today, and it's time for the two to decide the outcome.

"Kill without pardon!" Standing on the roof, Yu Wenyue looked at those bad people, and rushed over with the blood slaves beside him.

A black-purple inner energy field gradually appeared around him, and he flew up into the air, rushing towards where Li Chengfeng was.

"Stay away, these people are not something you can deal with!"

Li Chengfeng watched the blood slave and Yu Wenyue come to kill him, and shouted to the bad people around him in a low voice.

"The eighth prince! But..." Gu Wang turned to look at Li Chengfeng.

"No, but, this is an order! Do you want to disobey the order?"

After Li Chengfeng finished speaking, he shot forward and met the blood slave and Yu Wenyue who were flying in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Gu Wang could only greet the bad people around him: "Get out!"

Only then did those bad people disperse, and Li Chengfeng also went to war with those blood slaves.

The four blood slaves in the Heaven-Human Realm were beside Li Chengfeng, and they slashed at Li Chengfeng with various weapons, their energy surged for a while.

And Chi Bu was wandering among them, shooting from time to time, heading straight for Li Chengfeng's vitals.

Facing the siege of five people, Li Chengfeng just moved around between attacks at first.

Soon he had a general understanding of the strength of these people.

Those four blood slaves are all the strength of the early days of the heaven and man, while Yu Wenyue is probably the strength of the late heaven and the man.

Dodging Yu Wenyue's surprise attack, Li Chengfeng's body was full of stars, and he let go of all his internal energy and rushed forward.


He punched Yu Wenyue's long sword with a punch, and the whole body leaned forward, and the punch went straight to Yu Wenyue's heart.

Yu Wenyue hurriedly moved aside, quickly retracted the domain on her body, and swung the saber forward again.

The blade of the black long knife trembled slightly, and it seemed to let out a low howl like a fierce tiger. A phantom of a vicious tiger condensed on the tip of the knife, and flew straight towards Li Chengfeng.

"Die to me!" Yu Wenyue looked at Li Chengfeng's figure, her eyes were bloodshot, full of madness.

Originally, he had a chance to be reused by that lord.

But it was because of Li Chengfeng's defeat last time that he was sent to Ezhou to do these things.

As long as he can severely injure Li Chengfeng, maybe he can return to the headquarters of the Communist Party Note and get a way to break through the Dao Realm.

The light on Li Chengfeng's fist was even brighter, and he directly met the phantom of the knife light flying towards him.

The fist shining with stars collided with the fierce tiger, the light of the knife collided with the shadow of the fist, and the ferocious tiger quickly turned into a phantom of internal force all over the sky.

But the fist still didn't stop, and hit Yu Wenyue's chest with one blow, causing a cloud of blood mist.

He flew upside down, and when Li Chengfeng was about to continue chasing him, those blood slaves in the Heavenly Human Realm rushed over.

But how could they resist Li Chengfeng who was already fully fired.

His Heavenly Demon Decision Fist is full of firepower, every punch is devastating, and those warriors who are blood slaves in the heavenly realm are not his opponents at all.

Soon those celestial and human domains were all torn apart by him, and every punch could kill a celestial and human blood slave.

"That's the fluctuation of the Dao realm, has he taken this step?"

Yu Wenyue, who was in a mess, got up from a pile of rocks, and looked at Li Chengfeng who was showing his might, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He had tried everything to improve in the joint note, but no matter what, he still couldn't keep up with Li Chengfeng's pace.

Even though Gongzhao provided him with a lot of heaven-human realm pills, he still couldn't completely defeat Li Chengfeng.

Yu Wenyue's heart is full of frustrations, in this arena of warriors, only strength is the biggest reliance.

I haven't seen each other for a long time, and he and Li Chengfeng are already far apart.

Before he could get out of his lost mood, Li Chengfeng appeared in front of Yu Wenyue again.

"I found you! Little mouse!" Li Chengfeng swung his blood-soaked fist again, striking Yu Wenyue with a forceful blow.

Yu Wenyue could only barely mobilize the internal force in her body to resist. The internal force barrier in the human realm rose slowly that day, but it was quickly smashed to pieces by Li Chengfeng's punch.

"Tell me, what are you arresting these people for?"

Li Chengfeng grabbed Yu Wenyue who was exhausted with one hand, and spoke slowly.

"Do you want to know these things? Just give up on that!"

A trace of hesitation flashed in Yu Wenyue's eyes, but she still didn't follow Li Chengfeng's words.

If it falls into the hands of Li Chengfeng, it may be death at worst, but if it falls into the hands of the group of people in the symposium...

"You want me to kill you? Don't worry, I won't let you die too easily."

"I will dig out all the secrets in you bit by bit, and sooner or later you will take the initiative to tell me!"

Seeing Yu Wenyue like this, Li Chengfeng also understood what the other party was thinking, so he punched Yu Wenyue's dantian.

Although he is interested in the secrets of the other party, UU Reading does not want to leave the other party with a chance to make a comeback.

When the time comes to Chang'an, even if Yu Wenyue wants to die, it will not be so easy.

The golden inner force hit Yu Wenyue's dantian, he only felt that the dantian seemed to be burning with fire, and fresh blood gushed out of his throat.

His eyes dimmed completely, Dantian is the most important place for a warrior.

His dantian was destroyed, no matter how much revenge he had in mind, he would only be a useless person in this life.

But there was still hope in him.

After all, he has been working for the photo session for so long, and he knows a lot of secrets, so the lord shouldn't abandon him like this, right?

Maybe they will have some secret pills to restore themselves, not necessarily?

Yu Wenyue could only keep silently chanting in her heart, hoping that the people she shared the note with would come to save her.