MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-v2 Chapter 542 Unblock

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Genius 壹 second remember "』,.

Now, there is only one enemy left.

And Zhang Wei here, there are blood vines.

Standing one by one and one right, the ghosts watching the opposite will not speak.

The current blood vine, also has infinitely close to the fourth-order late strength, all this is shared by Zhang Wei.

However, the energy of the era is unique. That is to say, the tattoo is only on the body of Zhang Huan. There is only one flower in the forgotten river, and there is only one flower on the other side. Therefore, he cannot obtain the blessing of the time of the Van Gogh.

But the two together, dealing with the same four-stage early or even worse than their ghosts, will only show absolute crush.

Finally, the ghost will open.

"What do you have to do with the Netherland, why do you have the power to be free from the Holy River?"

Zhang Wei looked at the person in front of him and slowly said, "I don't want to be an enemy of you. This battlefield has nothing to do with you. Where do you come from, go back to where."

The ghost will stare at Zhang Wei for a while, and suddenly smiles. From the point of view of others, the smile is the same as the convulsion. His smile is really ugly.

"For a long time no one has said this to me. I have traveled all over the plane. Under the iron ride of my undead army, your indigenous people can only tremble. When I want to go back, I will go back.

However, listening to your tone seems to be threatening me, is it? ”

The present Zhang Wei’s expression is very calm, and he simply answered two words.


The ghost will pull the reins of the ghosts and the ghosts on the neck, and calm down and say, "Although I can detect that your breath has increased a lot, is this why you want to confront me positively?"

Zhang Wei still only answered his two words.


I noticed that Zhang Wei was serious, and the ghosts shivered slightly in the voice, which seemed to be a little excited.

"Now it may be that the most precious congenital treasures and acquired spiritual treasures in this plane are in your hands, but it is worthy of my hands."

The congenital Lingbao is the blood vine, and the celestial spirit treasure is the corpse poison bead that is controlled by Zhang Wei with the mental power to suspend in the air. If this is the case, it really gives the reason that the ghost will have to do it.

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However, what is the card of the ghost?

Zhang Hao has no way of knowing, but no matter what, he can only face it with the blood vine.

The Nether Ghost held the slashing knife in his hand horizontally on his hand. The knives began to emit black air, and he kept rushing into the ghost and slid into his body.

Zhang Wei and Satoshi immediately realized that something was wrong and rushed up to hope to interrupt his movements. However, even Zhang Jian’s power of time and space failed.

Ghostly, like alive, the ghosts will be happily coiled around, and then all will be absorbed by the ghosts, a relaxed low-pitched sound in his throat.

What is he doing?

Zhang Yi and the blood vine's head also raised this question at the same time, but the next second ghost will give them the answer, so that two people suddenly feel the thorns in the back.

"You should know that my current strength is because of the suppression of this low-level plane, but it is not stripped away.

I sealed my strength, for what time I can stay in this low-order plane.

As for those strengths, I sealed them in my knife. ”

These ghosts are all the power of ghosts?

After the baptism of the other side of the flower, this is the first time Zhang Hao’s expression of shock.

Since the ghost will say that he sealed these forces in order to be free from the exclusion of the plane, now that he releases them, is he not afraid to be completely driven out by the plane?

It seems that I have seen through Zhang’s thoughts. The ghosts will answer them patiently. It is like the last goodwill to the death row. Is it necessary for them to make an understanding and bring them back?

"Exceeding the limit power of this plane, I will naturally be excluded, but as long as I do not expose my full strength, this rejection is slight. In terms of the power I am releasing now, killing you and taking away the dead spirit. Phoenix, although it takes a little effort, time is more than enough."

Ghosts stopped pouring, and in the eyes of Zhang Wei, this means that the strength of the ghost has not been completely opened.

However, his strength has already surpassed both of them!

Fourth-order late!

Business. The sneaked sighs are very relaxed.

Only the fourth stage late?

Zhang Wei and the blood vines suddenly became nervous. Their current strength is a step away from the fourth-order late stage, but this step has not crossed out.

What does this natural way mean in the end, especially Zhang Wei, who has not entered the fourth-order late stage for so many years in later generations, and the shadow of it is very great, and also knows between the early and late stages of the fourth order. difference.

This ghost will actually be able to upgrade his strength to the late fourth stage, and it is not his full strength.

So, is his total strength the fourth-order peak?

The blood vine who realized this was suddenly taking a breath of cold air and whispered to Zhang Wei, "Our field is the world of blood and wood. When I connect the power of our field, I should be able to stop his attack." As long as he is completely excluded from this plane, we will still win."

Dragging the word?

I can only do this.

Under the guidance of the power of the blood vine, the blood-wood community shared by Zhang Wei and him suddenly opened twice, twice as long as the blood vine was released by a person, and with the addition of Zhang Wei, I do not know that the coverage area has doubled. The field's robustness and stability have also increased significantly.

"The power of the **** world is in regeneration, so we take turns to release energy against his attacks."

Zhang Hao nodded and he was eager to try for the first time in the field.

This is the field!

He has never had a future generation. Without this talent, the ranks are not promoted, and the special ability of the field has always been an insulator. He realized the beauty of this power.

But the ghost will, it seems that he will not continue to taste the wonderful feelings of the new power, and drive the ghosts and gods to rush toward Zhang Jie’s **** world!

The ghost gods also seem to feel the power transmitted by their masters, and the black flames on them are dyed.

There are ghosts to bless the power of the fourth-order late stage, and the ghost gods step on the hooves of the ghost flames and step on it!


The whole **** world is shaking!

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