MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-v2 Chapter 521 Soul phoenix

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The reason why the Orc wants to transform the human form is to save energy. The Qing Emperor is now doing his best to Zhang Wei, not because he pays attention to Zhang Wei, but that anger has burned to the extreme.

The lack of dragon gas greatly stimulated his animal nature, and Zhang Yan must be crushed.

However, even a woman took two people to escape!

The green dragons were witnessed, and the huge beasts were crushed toward Zhang Hao.

The scope of the space movement of Luo Yuxun is gradually narrowing, because she has to take into account the other two, her speed is simply not open, and the Tree Corps has been completely dispersed.

After the grassroots elves discovered Zhang Wei's predicament, they quickly shot, and all kinds of elements swayed in layers on the surface of the water curtain field.

However, the gap between the third-order peak and the fourth-order field powerhouse is not one-and-a-half-point, and the volley of the three thousand grass wood elves is directly disintegrated by the field of the Qing Emperor.

The toughness of the field itself is extremely strong, and the water curtain field of the Qing Emperor is inherently of a very viscous category, because with the entire field, these elemental attacks only block the power of the water curtain field, but therefore Reduced the shackles of falling scent, let Zhang Hao once again escaped.

However, the good times did not last long. The Qing Emperor couldn’t catch Zhang Hao and began to consciously narrow the scope of the field. Although he still had some difficulties for him now, there are fewer and fewer areas for them to dodge. .

At this moment, there were two clear and clear sounds in the sky that penetrated the clouds.

Two huge black shadows collided on the top of the crowd, including the Qing Emperor, all stopped the movements in their hands, looking up at the sky, with a hint of jealousy in the words.

"I don't think that the demon moon is really being pushed by the white phoenix."

The phoenix, the male bird is the phoenix, the female is the phoenix, and its stalking front deer, snake head fish tail, dragon man turtle back, swallow jaw chicken scorpion, is auspicious in the myth.

However, the fierce killing on the top of Zhang Jian’s head is the two phoenixes.

A light to the light, pure white, with a holy radiance.

The other one, a black feather, like a jade, the tail feathers are extremely long, as if dragging the darkness of the abyss, giving people a feeling of shocking heart.

Everyone's eyes are placed on the top of the two giants above the head, there is still a section of the distance, but it feels like it is really on the top of the head, showing the wide coverage of its wing feathers.

It is the white phoenix that Ha Chimu mentioned just now!

There is another one, it should be the will of Wang Liang, the demon moon demon!

It turned out that they have been fighting in the sky above Zhang Wei and others!

But everyone did not find it because they were in the distant sky.

But I don't know what the reason is, let their battles drop to a height, until now they are in the eyes of everyone.

"How can you grow to such a point!"

The Qing Emperor probably estimated the size of the two giant beasts. When comparing the whole animalization, he could not help but stay straight to the original place.

Although I don't want to admit it, he knows that even if he reveals the body of the dragon, compared with them, he is destined to be eclipsed.

Yuan Rui's white phoenix is ​​completely condensed by energy, which can be understood, but the demon moon is the real body.

He had known the situation of his companion, the demon moon, but he did not expect that when the demon moon really took that step, there would be such earth-shaking changes.

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At the same time, including Hachimu and the Emperor, all stopped the battle in their hands.

It’s too shocking!

The black and white intertwined phoenix feathers are falling and falling in the sky, and it is spectacular in this world.

A white feather fell on Zhang's forehead, and he inexplicably felt a sense of familiarity.

But it is energyized. When it is detached, it has lost its energy. After being exposed to Zhangye, it turns into a white powder and disappears.

Although I don’t know who the two gods on the top of the head are, Zhang Wei finally relieved.

Anyway, the attention of the blue-colored human dragon is not on his own.

The two black shadows above the head, Zhang Wei is also a fog, it seems that one is the strong of the Terran, the other is the demon moon demon.

But how can they have such a powerful force?

This power is even far beyond the current Hajimu and the Emperor! More than the strongest of the two races of the Terran and the Zombies.

Although Zhang Xin’s heart was puzzled, he quietly pulled the two women away from the battlefield.

After they left, a golden light burst out from the corpse of poison, apparently Hachimu. After seeing Yuan Rui and the demon moon demon became like this, he did not want to re-do it with the Emperor.

Meng Yi feels that it is a pure respect for the level of power.

Yuan Rui’s opponent, the Queen of the Moon, is the female madman of the Yaozu, even more than the name of his Hachimu.

Of course, all this is after the incident.

But Ha Chimu never imagined that the demon moon will go crazy to this point!

Fear of these forces, there are deep concerns.

Yuan Rui’s current change should have been told by him about this illusory card. At that time, he thought it was Yuan Rui’s speculation, but he did not expect it to be true, and it seems that it has been implemented successfully.

Soul phoenix!

Her soul and the blood of the body merge into one, supported by herself, turned into a white phoenix, a pure energy body.

Normally, their current strength is not something that can be touched at this point in time.

Therefore, it must pay a huge price!

The demon moon is completely mad, she does not want anything, this situation should be to pay homage to the darkness.

The one who doesn't want anything, the most terrible!

Yuan Rui seems to have been forced to a desperate situation, but among the Terran, only one of her has the qualification for this overdraft.

It seems that the Emperor did not lie to him.

That step, how could it be so terrible?

Ha Chimu felt the evil power of the demon moon, so strong that even he could only look up to the point. He originally thought that Yuan Rui was only fighting with the normal demon moon.

However, I did not expect that under the mind of the demon madness to extermination of human beings, it has evolved into this situation, forcing Yuan Rui to crush his final potential, soul phoenix!

Once the soul has turned into a phoenix, it shows that Yuan Rui has been forced to the point of being a last resort.

Because, when the phoenix is ​​gone, it is a no return, and it will not come back.

Ha Chimu's hand holding the giant axe tightened, his eyes were red, and deep self-blame and powerlessness came from his heart.

This level of combat is not something he can participate in.

How can things develop to this point!

Zhang Wei is no longer there. Even his girlfriend, he has no ability to protect himself?

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