MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-v2 Chapter 498 Human status

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Looking at the green hustle and bustle that merges with the jungle, Zhang Wei always feels somewhat unreliable.

Zhang Wei was brought to this place by the Qing Dynasty. It was a blank area of ​​three forces. It was found around a large circle. She meant places where exotic creatures might emerge.

In fact, Zhang Wei is not convinced, because later generations have already made a conclusion, and exotic creatures are randomly placed.

However, in order not to cause doubts about the youth, Zhang Hao had to follow.

But in this remote place, Zhang Wei of the later generations has really never come.

He is only able to play soy sauce on the front of the battlefield. Only the Terran camp is his range of activities.

As for the activities he runs, nature and buying and selling can't be separated.

Exotic creatures don't know where they came from, but it is said that as long as they are outside the tested racially-targeted areas, there is a possibility that they will appear, so most people don't dare to wander around.

But they flooded into the passage of the epoch battlefield, and in the latter discovery, they came to the conclusion that their source did not have a fixed position.

According to high-level analysis, these exotic creatures are called to give them as experience.

Zhang Xiao’s small business was between the battlefield and the stationed land. He used the convenience of the epoch merchant ring to run the transportation business, but the scale was not great at the time. One was that he did not dare to go deep, and the other was the epoch businessman. The size of the ring is limited and can't accommodate too much cargo.

But fortunately, there is a war with business, and with his wide network of contacts, it is easy to find his position in the epoch battlefield.

"I said green, your intelligence is reliable, how can it be the base camp of exotic creatures?"

Now the green barley has been integrated with the surrounding environment. If it is not a voice, even Zhang can not find her position. I can imagine how terrible her hiding power is.

Although no one could be found, the sound of the green singer rang softly.

"In fact, I am not sure, but I have seen exotic creatures coming out of a cave before, but the cave will disappear after half an hour, and there are heavy guards.

I have been monitoring for two days in a row, but I have never been able to get in, so I am looking for someone to help me lead them.

Otherwise, I have already slipped in alone. ”

Even if she can't see the green, she can feel the excitement in her speech and discover the source of the exotic creature. If it is true, it is a great credit.

The duration is only half an hour, and the continuous monitoring time is only two days?

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei, who was hiding in the shadows, looked seriously for the first time.

In this case, the words that Qinglan said should be true!

Zhang Yan stared at the empty woodland, which is now empty, and there is a sense of excitement that comes out immediately.

Later generations, he did not dare to leave the place of human beings for self-protection, but now it is different. Even if he has been in a coma for so long, he has the power of self-protection.

Unknown things, who have curiosity, Zhang Wei is no exception, especially after having the cost of self-insurance.

"Green, when you monitor each time, when will they come out?" Zhang Hao did not turn his head and whispered.

Qing Yan replied affirmatively, "After five minutes, the law of the first two days is like this. I don't know if it will change today."

After hearing five minutes, Zhang Wei relaxed. He suddenly thought that it was not his main purpose. The problem of exotic creatures is important, but whether the crisis facing human beings can be spent is the basis of everything.

Looking at the green piece around him, Zhang Hao suddenly had an idea. He was ready to slap from the barley and put some useful information out.

"You know, I only entered the battlefield yesterday. You can tell me something specific. I don't know anything about it now."

Qing Lan asked in a strange way, "Is your guide not telling you?"

Zhang Wei thought about the fire unicorn that pulled his own name to discuss the name, and suddenly shook his head.

When Qing Biao saw it, he chuckled. "I really sent a girl to come over. Also, the fire unicorn uncle seems to be happy because he wants to stay in our family yesterday. It is estimated that this thing will be forgotten. There is still time, let me tell you."

"This era battlefield should be arranged by the person who made a sound at the end of the last days or that made us start to evolve. Although we don't know what it is, once we enter the third-order peak, we are forcibly summoned in. You should be clear about this, you can’t control it at all, it’s the power that rules us.”

Zhang Wei did not interject, indicating that the Qing dynasty continued to speak.

"When we entered the epoch battlefield, we were told that this was a game. The winning race could gain the hegemony on the original planet, and the loser would become the stepping stone for the winner.

It all seems to be a game, and we are like the plaything in the hands of the person behind.

Although we are not willing to be the playthings of others, we are unable to compete and can only follow his instructions.

According to him, it is necessary for us to decide a winner and defeat with these exotic creatures, and then rank the winners among the four races we entered into the epoch battlefield.

There is no way to get involved in the ethnic group. ”

This information is known to Zhang Wei, but Zhang Wei is something that some people are surprised to know, but think about her identity, Zhang Hao will be clear.

"So, are the four ethnic groups in the epoch battlefield consistent with the outside world? How can they be said to be a planet?"

The most crucial thing is coming!

The look on Zhang’s face was extremely relaxed, just like a casual question, but the two ears were erected to wait for the answer.

Qing Yan did not put it in his heart. His eyes gazed at the open space and replied casually. "Which is so simple, now the foreign creatures are not very stressed on us. We are okay, it is no match for the world, but the other three communities themselves. It is a natural enemy, the zombie family, is to use the dead people to expand their ethnic groups, how do you say this kind of hatred?

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But the worst thing is not this. After the Terran entered, it was besieged by the Orcs. It coincided with the zombies and suppressed the Terran. It was said that the Orc was a fourth-order demon.

It’s awkward, saying that it’s going to kill the Terran! ”

Zhang Wei is not surprised. After all, the original deputy city owner of Luoyang City forced Wang Liang to die. Now the child of the female demon is also missing.

There is hatred between ordinary people of two races, and only a small number of people are affected. But if there is hatred of the two ethnic groups, it is normal to rise to the absolute opposition of the two ethnic groups.

"Is the Terran now unable to hold it?"

Zhang Wei tentatively asked, this is the question he most wants to ask.

However, after the meeting, the answer was so relieved that Zhang Hao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is not the case. It is surrounded by people. It is impossible to hunt foreign creatures. It is a good luck for the Terran. There are a few fourth-order powerhouses in the soil system. Actually, an inexplicable array has been created, and the last one is held. A line of defense."

The fourth-order soil system is the strongest who does not know Zhang Wei, but it is impossible to defend against the fires of the two ethnic groups.

However, when Zhang Wei heard that Qing Biao said that there was an inexplicable formation, his heart was probably clear.

It may be that the junior agent businessman has an epoch!

The items that he exchanged were matched with the strength of the strong soil, and the enchantment was laid.

Fortunately, human beings also have a group of agent agents, and Zhang Wei feels a bit gratified.

At this time, Qinglan continued, "I will conduct a meeting of various ethnic groups immediately, that is, to discuss this matter, but the opinions are not very uniform, so I am going to gather the strongmen of the fourth or higher order to discuss how our family should respond."

Zhang Hao’s eyes flashed a fine light. This is a good opportunity to save the human race. As long as you convince the plant family to send troops, the pressure of the two races on the two races and the human race will be greatly reduced.

However, to convince a group of plants, Zhang Wei thinks that he is big.

One, to prepare the rhetoric, it must be analyzed from the perspective of the interests of the plant family.

The other is to make enough achievements to enter this conference. Otherwise, suddenly speaking to the Terran will definitely lead to doubt.

When Zhang Wei looked at the scene, it was possible to change the open space of the cave in the Qinglankou. The eyes were very hot.

Can you break into the core of the plant family, it will be this time!

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