MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-v2 Chapter 489 Promotion is successful!

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Qi Wei was temporarily stunned because of the memory being drawn. Zhang Wei ran out of some good incense from a coffin shop. He was facing Luoyang City, and worshipped him. He inserted the three musk in a small one. On the mound.

"Wang Liang, in fact, my memory is only a few days away from Luoyang City. I didn't expect you to end this game. These three scented scented you, after the epoch battlefield has passed, I will have a chance to help you discuss it. ”

After worshiping Wang Liang, Zhang Wei released the illusion and shrouded himself. Now there is no evolutionary person beyond his rank, so all the way is unimpeded and directly enters Luoyang City. The people passing by him are not aware of it. of.

After delivering the mission to the epoch store, he must quickly enter the epoch battlefield.

The addition of a senior era agent merchant will bring unlimited possibilities to mankind.

Sure enough, the Jiyuan store here also has heavy guards, but now they simply find that Zhang Wei, who has not traveled all the way, has eclipsed their five senses, and even when Zhang Wei entered the era store, the space fluctuations were well concealed. Still like no one is close.

Taking a deep breath and looking at the era store that opened his arms, Zhang Yan’s eyes steadily crossed in.

Sure enough, it was a good time for his own shop, and when he entered this star, Zhang Wei felt inexplicable peace.

Because Zhang Wei belongs to this era store, the stars around him have passed the breath of closeness.

"You are finally back."

The faint sound sounded, and the thirty-seventh step came from the distant Milky Way and looked at Zhang Wei in front of him.

Now on the 37th, the breath is even more mysterious!

This is Zhang Jian’s first instinct to see him again. It’s not that the thirty-seventh progress, but his advancement has brought himself closer to him.

Zhang Wei looked at the thirty-seventh in front of him and smiled and said, "Do you know that I am not dead?"

On the 37th, I gently squeezed the goblet in my hand and shook it a little. I took a sigh and said, "Although you can't contact your epoch businessman ring, you are my epoch dealer. If you are really dead, I am Why don't you know?"

Zhang Wei was shocked when he heard this. He blurted out and said, "Where are you in the capital of Hohhot?"

"It’s just to find a more reasonable excuse. Originally I was ordered to clean up the shameless guy, just bring him back to the caravan, but I suddenly had an idea to use your death as an excuse to flatten it there. The era store."

Zhang Wei vaguely guessed what he wanted to say on the 37th, but if this is the case, the thirty-seventh in front of him is really terrible.

"So, that idea is"

Zhang Wei was not finished, he was interrupted by the 37th. He used his energy in his hands to open a spherical shield, and Zhang Hao and him were covered in it. He smiled and said, "Now I have blocked the era. Supervision of the store."

"As you think, I have laid the era store there for you to complete this era mission that is impossible to complete. Now you should have three hundred gold leaves on your body?"

The latest chapter b2 section n on the cool smith network

Zhang Wei nodded subconsciously and said, "Yes, there are now a total of four hundred and thirty."

No. 37, nodded thoughtfully, "four hundred and thirty, it seems that you earn a lot, no loss I used a price of an era store to create you.

Because I know that if an epoch store is taken back, the escaping regional goods in it will become the best in the transaction, not subject to market price fluctuations.

I don't know how long you will lose contact. Although the time is still a long time, I have finally caught up with your race. This is a good luck and my preparation is not in vain. ”

Zhang Wei now confirms that his idea was true. It turned out that all this was a stepping stone for him on the 37th.

Use a epoch store to accomplish him, a big hand!

After a moment of silence, Zhang Hao looked up and looked at the thirty-seventh questioningly. "Why do you help me?"

The look of the thirty-seventh did not change, and said faintly, "In fact, I did not help you much. It was nothing more than resisting the pressure of some people to let the caravan recover the Era store there.

But it's okay, after all, you are the first pick in this proving ground. My first quarter results are also because of you, and you are also eager to be the only junior agent. I am so angry for you. Reasonable.

The most crucial thing that you are involved in the cracks in space is that the news goes to the ears of those who oppose me, and you don't care. It is impossible to live in the cracks of space at your current level.

So only me, knowing the news of your survival, has been waiting for your return today. ”

Zhang Hao looked at the thirty-seventh in a dignified manner.

"You still haven't told me why you want to help me?"

On the 37th, I put away a smile on my face and said slowly, "I am trying to save you."

help me?

What do you know on the 37th?

"What do you mean?"

Just on the 37th, I just wanted to answer. The voice stopped suddenly, and my look suddenly changed. It seemed that I had suffered a lot of pain, and even the goblet in my hand was crushed.

After a few seconds, I recovered as usual and my eyes were extremely calm.

"Thirty-seven, what happened to you?"

"These are not the current ones you are qualified to know."

Forgot to tell you that the epoch agent above the primary authority is eligible to enter the epoch battlefield directly. You will now hand over the epoch businessman task as soon as possible, let me complete the promotion of your senior agent businessman.

Now your ethnic group faces the demon and the zombie, and the plant family is also observing the situation, so you have to enter the epoch battlefield as soon as possible, and the loss to you is also great. ”

In the face of the sudden turn of the wind on the 37th, Zhang Wei has a strange feeling that can't be said, but he heard that the situation of mankind is very dangerous now. He didn't care much, he said quickly, "That hurry. Well, I need to enter the era battlefield."

"Is there a regional cargo?"

"No, I am afraid of losing money, I dare not enter."

"it is good."

On the 37th, the words of Zhang Wei were succinctly answered, and then the sound of the mechanical list sounded slowly.

"No. 001, an agent of the junior era.

The minimum requirement for the junior agent businessman era mission: 10 gold leaves.

The number of gold leaves held by the target: 430 pieces.

No. 001 completes the task and awards the primary epoch task reward: 10,000 pieces of second-order element crystal, and one unit of third-order mental recovery medicine. ”

Third-order mental recovery pharmacy: For the third-order spiritual evolutionary, the mental power of the loss can be quickly restored. It is only applicable to the third-order spiritual evolutionary. The lower the level of the evolutionary mental power, the shorter the recovery time.

The second-order element crystal pair is now Zhang Wei, but it is nothing at all at this time, but the mental power of this unit is extremely important for the present Zhang Huan.

However, the main event is still behind, and Zhang Wei concentrates on listening.

"Because you currently hold 430 gold leaves, trigger the hidden advanced permission promotion conditions.

Automatic promotion to become a senior era agent.

No. 001, congratulations!

Mission Completion: 143 below to issue hidden promotion mission rewards, please wait a moment. ”