MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-v2 Chapter 479 Spatial turbulence

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Genius 壹 second remember "』,.

In the cracks in space, darkness, silence, and crisis.

However, Zhang Wei, who was in a coma, did not know his current situation at all. His current consciousness was completely lost and he was in a state of paralysis.

The spirit is dry and the body is riddled with holes.

In this state, there is still a life that is also a **** of heaven.

However, Zhang Hao’s good fortune can only be everywhere.

A hurricane was inexplicably scraped, and a stream of space was coming in the direction of Zhang Wei.

If you are caught a little, there will be no residue left.

Fortunately, the speed of this space is not very fast, and it is not specifically to find Zhang Hao trouble, but Zhang Wei is just on the road it travels.

Seeing that the turbulent space in the hurricane is getting closer and closer, Zhang Wei has no intention of waking up and is unaware of the upcoming crisis.

He was hurt, too heavy.

The fourth-order power of the tomb, and his original realm is more than the fifth-order, a random attack is enough to kill the third-order early stage of normal strength like Zhang Wei.

If it is not the soul of the soul, the fire phoenix is ​​used by the king of war horses to awaken Nirvana with its most primitive light, blocking the most sharp and powerful forces at the forefront; if not because Zhang Wei’s own mental shield is the most defensive in the spirit awakening ability. A strong one; now Zhang Wei, even the qualification of the fourth-order space power under the Yuan Rui block is not qualified.

Zhang Wei has no intuition, but there is still a life of consciousness in his body.

Blood vine lotus!

It has been trying to wake him up after Zhang Wei's coma, but it is all in vain. Now his consciousness is wrapped in chaos, and even the **** lotus roots with his parasitic relationship can't pass the sound out.

There is no way.

After seeing awakening, Zhang Huan had no hope, and he extended out from Zhang Wei’s left arm and stared at the turbulent space in the upcoming space.

Fortunately, Shou Teng Lian and Zhang Wei are parasitic, do not need to follow Zhang Yi's will to do things, or they will encounter this situation, but also have powerlessness.

The action of the blood vine lotus is cautious, and the movement is too large, for fear of breaking the fragile body of Zhang Wei.

It tried to slap a piece of its own branches into a space not far away, very cautious, and its perceived instinct for danger made it have to wait.

The turbulent space in front of me seems to be like a wild beast from a sleeping, not angry!

The closer it is, the blood vine lotus has a bit of doubt, it actually feels a familiar power on it.

Its intelligence is normal, but it is too late to think too much about it. If it feels more for a while, it will be able to find this breath with surprise. It also has it in the body.

It is the annihilation power of the mother gourd!

Yes, the space inside the mother-in-law is self-contained. This independent small space is used to decompose the blood of the mutant beast and turn into the purest energy.

Although the mother-in-law hoist is now integrated with it, the two are actually somewhat independent. It was the agreement that was reached when the annexation was made. The blood vine can borrow its power and depend on each other, but they are also independent, so the blood vine Lotus did not react in the first moment.

The branches of the blood vine lotus were broken down by the violent power in the moment of touching the turbulent flow of the space.

It was painfully retracted to the vicinity of Zhang Jian’s body.

What Wu Tenglian doesn't know is that this is because it has the same breath in the body. If there is no such relationship, it attracts the attention of the turbulent space. Now it has been turned into an ashes together with Zhang Wei.

The power of space is the most violent and unstable, and its controllers dare not say that they can control its power 100%.

Space, coexist with time, is the supreme rule of the world!

Although I didn't notice the breath, the original direction of the turbulent flow of this space was toward Zhang Wei's position. Even if it was not attracted, it slowly moved.

Time passes by, and the space turbulence is only the last distance from Zhang Wei!

However, the blood vine lotus is powerless. Now it is nothing but nothing. It does not give it the place to leave. It can only float like this. It is anxious to the extreme but can only watch the danger closer and closer to itself.

Just in the midst of this millennium, the body of the blood vine has suddenly had something strange.

The mother-in-law has emerged from the body of the blood vine, and it is silently sharing the blood energy in the blood vine, but now it is also aware of the crisis of life and death.

It is now symbiotic with the blood vine, and if there is no more reaction, it will die.

The mother-in-law hoist opens its two gourd mouths, from which it begins to release the annihilation power of its body. Whether it can win or not, it must fight for the final struggle.

However, when the blood vine lotus and the mother-in-law hoist were prepared to resist the turbulence of the space, the turbulent flow of space that had been moving at a constant speed actually stagnated, seemingly hesitating.

It felt the space of the space released by the mother gourd. It was not noticed because the power of the blood vine lotus itself was too weak to attract its attention, but now it is the original power released by the mother gourd. Finally let it be aware of it.

After a few seconds of stagnation, this space turbulent, actually rubbing Zhang Wei's position, leaving!

It actually turned away!

Yes, it mistakes the breath released by the mother and the gourd as the same kind of breath!

Difficult to die!

Zhang Wei and the blood vine lotus they survived!

But despite this, the turbulent flow of space completely destroyed the calmness of Zhang Wei’s location, and Zhang Hao was directly blasted out of the space crack!

The blood vine lotus made every effort to open the blood vine cage to guard Zhang Zhang's body that was about to be broken. When it crossed the space crack, it was once again attacked by space power, and the surface of the blood vine cage was continuously lost.


In the underground river a few hundred meters below the sand flowing outside the capital city of Ordos, a space crack opened, and a group of black shadows fell heavily into it.

It’s the Zhang Huan wrapped in the blood vine cage!

Now the surface of the blood vine cage is worn away with only the last thin layer, but fortunately, it has escaped from the space crack.

Now the blood vine is also very weak, and the dark river is extremely turbulent, and can not grasp the attachments around.

Several attempts, all because the prominent rock has been washed out by the dark river, can not bear the weight of Zhang Wei and the momentum of the water flow, the blood vine lotus hand off, the comatose Zhang Wei directly with the underground dark river Was washed away without any precautions.

The blood vine lotus used the blood vine cage to continue to protect Zhang Wei's safety, but after such a series of toss, the current Zhang Wei, the breath is getting weaker and weaker, and the body function is declining.

Now Zhang’s body is like a bucket that has been leaked. His vitality is constantly going out and cannot heal itself.

When the vitality is lost, it is when Zhang Hao completely disappears.

Zhang Wei, I am going to die.

If Zhang Hao died, it can't live alone.

Blood vine lotus seems to be caught in a huge struggle. The only way to save Zhang Wei is, but its current intelligence does not allow it to do so.

Because the cost of this approach is itself.

Feeling the Zhang Wei, who was guarded by himself, the will of the blood vine lotus was finally decided.

It began to scatter its own roots of wood into Zhang's body. The powerful roots of the wood system forced Zhang Hao to return to life, which was able to maintain the vitality of Zhang Jian's death.

After doing all this, the will of the blood vine lotus suddenly began to disintegrate.

The consciousness is slowly blurred, and its last glance is Zhang Yan’s frowning face.

Then, completely dissipated in this world.

It sacrificed its own will and completely integrated its body and Zhangye. This blocked Zhang's broken body, blocked the place where the leaks were made, and saved his life.

Now that Zhang Jian’s body is still short, consciousness is still unable to recover.

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Drifting for a long time, I don't know where it drifted, Zhang Hao heavily sinks to the bottom of the water.

After a while, a sturdy rattan poked his head out of Zhang's arm and silently guarded him.


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