MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-v2 Chapter 473 a chance

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Genius 壹 second remember "』,.

Zhang Wei still decided to take the plunge and try to unlock the mental shield, looking for opportunities, even if it will directly bear the mental attack of the tomb blood, it is generally better than the current warm boiled frog.

"Yuan Rui, you protect yourself, don't let the fire phoenix attack the tomb, I am afraid that he will sneak in. When you have no defense ability, it will be tricky to be killed when you get back to the carbine."

Zhang Wei gave Yuan Rui a voice before the attack, lest he would wait for something to happen. Zhang Wei was afraid that she would let go of the guardian of the soul of the fire, to the character of the tomb, and said that it would be a chance to Rui killed in one fell swoop.

If there is no Yuanrui that has entered the second-order peak, if it is not because of the existence of the soul phoenix, it has already ended with two other spiritual evolutionists. Zhang Wei does not want her to make anything stupid.

"Wait for me."

After the news was finished, Zhang Wei’s mental shield collapsed on its own!

Before the tomb blood did not have time to react, he quickly rushed to Yuanrui and held her hand in the palm of his hand. The spirit of the two quickly merged.

In fact, the superposition of mental power is extremely difficult, but because the constitution of Yuan Rui is very special, it is the evolution of the healing system. All her energy is very close to others, including mental strength.

Coupled with her relationship with Zhang Wei, the relationship between the two is not a hindrance.

This is the first time that Zhang Wei was promoted to the third stage, and the first time he merged with Yuan Rui, and Zhang Hao did not know what would happen.

However, the third-order mental power, even if it is the strong capacity of Yuan Rui, he is not sure whether it will cause any damage to Yuan Rui.

But the only thing that may cause damage to the tomb blood is the soul of Yuan Rui!

Only this one way!

If you don't do it, they will die, so it's better to fight!

This is the ultimate method that Zhang Wei thinks. In the face of the power of the tomb, there are very few attacks that can be effective.

The moment when Yuan Rui and Zhang Huan met each other, they did not need mental communication, and they understood his thoughts. Without a hesitant look, Zhang Wei set his beliefs.

"I don't think you ran out of the tortoise shell, and asked for a blessing from your own woman?"

Her phoenix does have some extraordinary things, but it is okay to take care of her, and I want to bring you. You too underestimate my strength. It is simply delusional.

Then solve your problems, let you be a bitter, I will play with this new best perfect material. Your expression is really uncomfortable. ”

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The sound of the tomb of the tomb of the tomb was ringing in the ears of Zhang Hao. Under the attack of Ha Chimu and the blood vine lotus, he was still quite capable, and it seemed that there was still room for it.

But I don't know why, he has a strong sense of disgust towards the existence of Zhang Wei and Yuan Rui, giving him the feeling that he can threaten his own existence.

Every time Hashiki’s axe was smashed, he was smashed by the blood of the tomb, and the blood vine lotus did not play against him from any angle, but only temporarily held him.

The blood of ordinary people is red, and the blood of the tomb of the tomb is squatting down, but it is somewhat black.

This time, the spiritual shock wave has been turned into all black. It seems that Zhang Yu and Yuan Rui’s life have been taken together. He did not keep his hands.

Zhang Hao no longer hesitated. When he saw this black spiritual shock wave, he felt that he was imprisoned in the same place. He only waited quietly for death.

He tried his best to infuse the mental power into the soul phoenix surrounded by Yuan Rui, and the expression of Yuan Rui was instantly painful.

Before Zhang Wei's mental strength, she was able to accept it because it was the second-order, the quality and quantity were within the acceptable range, but now Zhang Wei's mental quality and quantity have far exceeded her.

The huge load was added to Yuanrui's body, and the fire and phoenix on her body made a scream of overwhelming.

Still not?

Zhang Wei looked at Yuan Rui's face with a painful expression, and his heart hurt so hard.

It seems that I still think a lot more, and the power of the third order is not what the current Yuanrui can bear.

Zhang Wei has a hunch that as long as the attack of the tomb blood comes down, Yuan Rui and him without any defensive means will have to die and will seriously hurt the coma.

Seeing that the black spirit wave is about to sweep the body of the two people, the soul of the soul is finally moving!

Bounced out from Yuanrui and greeted the black spirit wave of the tomb blood straight!

Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief, so it was a success!

The current Yuan Rui is extremely weak, and the healing energy in her body repairs her body independently, but the effect is very small, and her face is pale without a trace of blood.

The two men stared closely at the two mental attacks that collided in the air, holding their breath and not having the strength to speak.

"Uncle, will we win?"

Relying on the worry of Yuan Rui's face on Zhang's shoulder, she clearly knows the condition of her body. The same attack she has no ability to release again. If it fails, it is really dead.

"I will win."

Zhang Wei’s tone is not as confident as ever. He can’t feel it himself, but he was discovered by the sensitive Yuan Rui. The uncle who has never lost can lose this time.

However, Yuan Rui’s idea is very simple. Even if she is dead, she is very satisfied with Zhang Wei’s death.

Yuan Rui looked at the thin face and muttered to himself. "If it wasn't for Uncle, I might have died in that small warehouse. My luck is really good, I met you."

Zhang Wei listened to the soft voice of Yuan Rui, and his tone was firm.

"What do you say, you will win!"

The soul of the fire and phoenix seems to have heard the voices of the two people. After stalemate with the black spirit wave of the tomb, they began to purify the power and remove the filth.

But this time it hit an opponent.

Because, in this black spiritual wave, all are evil, and it is extremely difficult to purify.

It is resentment! It is pain! It is death! It is fear! It is greed!

All human negative emotions are combined and filthy, so we can positively counter this soulful fire with the power of judgment.

One is pure yang! One is purely filthy!

Therefore, even if the fire phoenix thoroughly purifies it, it will not be able to replenish with a clean soul, so there is no circulation, and it can only be continuously lost.

Looking at the purification process of the soul phoenix is ​​extremely difficult, although it seems that the fire phoenix has the upper hand, but Zhang Xin's heart has sinked heavily.

Even if it is the last to win, the damage that can be caused to the tomb is negligible.

But they have only one chance.

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