MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-Chapter 10 Agent task

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Seeing that Zhang Wei was in meditation, the words on the 37th turned and said with a smile. "The only thing I can say is, so tell me your answer now, will you be my agent?"

Now these words spoken from this humanized thirty-seventh mouth have once again blasted the pot in Zhang Xin’s heart, and his mind lingers one after another question for a long time.

The original Era caravan is a partner of people behind bliss. themselves, who are they?

He mentioned dozens of spaces, not just this one test site?

And the knockouts, is the real name of the zombies outside? Are all monsters a level 1 level knockout?

Thinking only happened in a short moment, Zhang Wei looked at the 37th, decisively nodded, and said with certainty, "I am willing."

It seems that he is very satisfied with Zhang Huan's decisiveness. On the 37th, he gently licked his long hair and smiled. "I know that you are a smart person."

"Then, the epoch contract is signed, the merchant ring is bound, number 001, and it is deposited in the caravan archive."

Zhang Hao’s ring finger suddenly appeared a dark and simple ring. Before he saw more eyes and what was different from his previous one, the sound of the thirty-seventh sounded again.

"The era of the Rubik's Cube, open."

I saw the thirty-seventh innocent robe swaying. A small cube flew out of his long sleeve and hung in the air, shining with magical light.

After a second, the Rubik's Cube stopped the flow of light on the surface, and the original white light column suddenly shrank, injecting all the energy into the Rubik's Cube. The magical ray of the instantaneous air is soaring, and the volume is getting bigger and bigger, covering the position of the two.

The Rubik's Cube is hollow and transparent, and Zhang Wei feels like he is wrapped in a fantasy bubble.

Everything around Zhang Wei disappeared, replaced by a messy starry sky map.

On top of his head, under his feet, all in all directions, he became a vast sea of ​​stars. Every star in the distance is clearly far away from him, but Zhang Wei can clearly perceive their respective uniqueness.

It is a miracle!

This time Zhang Zi is really stunned.

This is the first time Zhang Hao has enjoyed this treatment. In the following ten years, he is just a list of a list projection and a cold robot like the thirty-seven and he traded. But he once heard the merchants with the top number mentioning an ear, and they described it as conservative.

It seems that the stunned Zhang Min, an aboriginal, has become accustomed to it. On the thirty-seventh, he smiled and made a move that made Zhang Hao completely dumbfounded.

I saw the 37-year-old big sleeve in front of me, and the palm of my hand stretched out smoothly from the cuff, gently gripping, facing the direction of his palm, and a burst of vibrating sounds.

Zhang Wei also looked in the direction along the sound. He suddenly found the stars there, and they actually smashed toward Zhang Hao.

Looking at dozens of **** to attack themselves, Zhang Hao subconsciously wants to flash, but found that they disappeared in an instant. When he looked back, the stars just turned into a small planet, lined up between the two.

"Now is the first day of the new era, you should not know what Yuanjing is, how to collect it, so you should only be able to start the trading of the goods in the era.

I will give you a brief introduction to the specific process of the task.

All trainee agents are four gold leaves as the starting capital for the transaction. You are my first acting merchant and enjoy a 20% discount on the initial transaction, but you are still the first agent of the entire test site at the 47th, so you are entitled to a 50% discount on the initial transaction. ”

This time, Zhang Wei finally knows why the top-ranking agent merchants can only cover the sky in the early days, which is not a starting point. We must know that although the epoch businessman will not say it, the first eclipse goods transaction is definitely not profitable.

Gently, on the 37th, I will hand in two lavender planets that were originally in many planets. I will tell Zhang Wei, "This is Luoyang Peony, a bunch, worth a gold leaf, a quantity of ten.

The other is the Yellow River carp, one, worth half a gold leaf, the number is twenty.

You can consider all exchanges, or leave some gold leaves as a backup. After all, you should also know that business is at your own risk, and the bottom line for your mission is to ensure that at least the escaping regional goods sold by me are at least Ten golden leaves, and the longest time limit for a mission is half a year. ”

The thirty-seventh gave Zhang Wei the time to think, but Zhang Xin’s heart had already blossomed and couldn’t wait to say, “If you want to change it, I will change Luoyang Peony, eight bundles, all in exchange.”

Who is Zhang Wei? An effort-oriented businessman who survived the chaos by data statistics and experience accumulation, coupled with his remorse for his first wrong choice, led him to remember these for a long time, what goods in the early days of the new era Selling well and where to sell.

When the later generations came to him, there were only two bunches of Luoyang Peony Core left on the 37th. He only dared to get a bunch. The other ones just bought two yellow river carp, leaving a gold leaf. as a backup.

Because at that time, he was scared by the mechanical cold voice of the 37th, and his heart was really bottomless.

But in fact, other businessmen have done this in order to avoid risks. It was only when Zhang Wei went through the hardships to reach another nearby area and saw the purchase price of Luoyang Peony. The regret was really unbearable.

Although there was no loss trading in the early days of the new era, the profit of Luoyang Mudanui was more than double the principal of the Yellow River squid.

So this time, he suddenly took the majority of the Luoyang Mudan Rui stocks on the 37th. However, if the four merchants in the Luoyang area knew what he was doing, and then knew the profit of Luoyang Peony, they should cry.

Although he was very puzzled about Zhang Huan's decisiveness, after all, he did not tell Zhang Hua that his first business was stable and profitable, but he did not ask anything on the 37th. He was as always a professional when he talked about trading.

"Well, the golden leaves have been automatically deducted, and the eight bundles of Luoyang Peony are placed in a fixed middle position. You can use your mind to look at it yourself, but the Jiyuan regional goods are not in the Jiyuan store, you can't get it.

As for other things, including the epoch general cargo, you can access each time twice, which is considered the welfare of the agent. ”

In Zhang Min’s head, he thought about looking at the ring. Sure enough, his mind was directly immersed in the ring, and the space inside was several times larger than his original one.

In the center of the ring, quietly placed eight elegant Luoyang peony, surrounded by a golden mask, but Zhang Hao is clear, this is only the local aura condensation.

"Well, you should understand your mission. As for the general cargo of the era, you should not be able to redeem it now.

Because it was the early days of the epoch, I will always open the epoch shop until my five agents are in place. However, it will take a month to open the store for the same person again. You can also collect Yuanjing during this time and then come to me for trading. ”

The voice of No. 37 made Zhang Hao recover his mind and listened to him silently. Zhang Wei coughed and said, looking straight at the thirty-seventh.

"As you mean, if I have Yuanjing now, those GM general goods, can I redeem them directly?"

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