MTL - The Great Desolation: Read the Holy King, Extract the God Statue To Suppress Prison-Chapter 586

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Chapter 1254 I'm a guy who can catch up, but I can't feel his breath, even staying here is useless.

Regarding this sudden change, Chen Changsheng never imagined that a cold light flashed, and the Holy Soul Sword also slashed away at this moment, but his blow was still in vain, and the aura of the dragon veins around him also disappeared at this moment. Without a trace.

When that power disappeared, he and the blood master froze in place. The two of them spent so much effort, but they still failed to leave the other party behind.

But now "July 17" is not a time to waste time. When the cultivation base was mobilized, the two of them were chasing after them at this moment, but soon the blood lord stopped again and put his eyes directly on the shelter. , This guy's speed is very fast, and he can just take advantage of it.

When he saw it, he couldn't help fighting a cold war, and inadvertently turned back a few steps, but now he has no room to refute, the strength of these two is too strong, even if he can escape, the inside of the body Dao breath is not allowed.

After a stalemate, he moved forward directly, and the cultivation base on his body also spread out at this moment.

But when he stopped, there was a hint of embarrassment on his face. Although he was fast enough, he couldn't feel the breath of the dragon veins.

"I'm a guy who can catch up, but I can't feel his breath, even staying here is useless."

The reason why I say this is to hope that the blood lord can make a way for himself. He originally cultivated in that sarcophagus with peace of mind, and he would be able to break through directly after a hundred years, but after these two guys appeared, his plans were completely disrupted. , Now not only is he unable to cultivate, but he has to work hard for these two guys.

After hearing his words, the blood lord had a faint smile on his face, raised his hand slightly, and a dragon scale appeared in front of the shelter.

Seeing this scene, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned for a second. The two of them had used all their strength just now, but he had never seen the blood lord even plant a dragon scale.

But now is not the time to think about this at all. When the cultivation base was mobilized, he directly stepped aside, and then watched the shelter performance. This guy must have hidden a lot of strength as a monster.

Looking at these two people's eyes, Bifeng's face condensed slightly, and he swallowed the scale in one mouthful. As soon as he swallowed it, a layer of blood light shrouded his body, and then he directly turned into a residue. Shadow chases forward...

Seeing that he went to the front seat before, Chen Changsheng and the blood master were also hurriedly following up at this moment. Although they couldn't keep up with this guy's pace, they were not far behind.

When the three of them stopped, a dragon shadow flashed in the distance, but the shadow didn't last long and disappeared without a trace.

At that moment, Chen Changsheng saw something shining with dazzling golden light, but he couldn't be sure what it was, and he had to be full of energy here.

But before the three of them could react, a roar of 5.0 could be heard from within the mountain range. Then, two dragon shadows, one yellow and one blue, appeared directly on the sky.

Seeing this scene, Chen Changsheng froze in place, he never thought it would be like this, but now he didn't have the chance to hesitate.

He originally thought that there was only one dragon vein here, but he didn't expect to find two at one time, so it couldn't be wasted.

Chapter 1255 The strength of this dragon vein is beyond his estimation, and he doesn't dare to be tough with it now

Seeing him rushing forward with mobilizing the cultivation base, the blood master is not ambiguous, and the moment the cultivation base is mobilized, it directly turns into an afterimage and rushes upwards.


There were bursts of tearing sounds, and the two of them were directly shaken back to their original places, but the two dragon shadows above the sky were unscathed.

When he raised his head and looked up, Chen Changsheng's eyes showed a hint of gloom. The strength of these two guys surprised him, but he and the blood master should be able to suppress them.

18 After looking at the blood lord, the two of them turned into two afterimages and rushed forward. At the moment of rushing forward, the two of them directly exuded the cultivation base, and the surroundings were also surrounded by terror at this moment. shrouded in blood.


At the moment when the blood was still hot, there was an angry howl from above the sky, and then the surrounding space trembled for a bit, and the sword shadow emanating from Chen Changsheng also shattered at this moment.

Chen Changsheng had never imagined this sudden change, but before he could react, a huge dragon head appeared directly above his head, pressing down instantly, and he was also forced to fall from the air at this moment.

After seeing the blood lord standing on the side, an ugly look flashed on his face at this time, how could this guy Chen Changsheng become so vulnerable, this should not be Chen Changsheng's strength.


At the moment when Chen Changsheng fell, he directly drew his sword and slashed, and the blood sword in his hand also slashed forward at this moment. And he fell from the sky at this moment.

When he looked at the two dragon shadows in front of him again, his expression was a little solemn, and there was a killing intent in his eyes at this moment. Even if he and Chen Changsheng worked together, they could only solve one of them.


Just when the two of them were thinking about it, the dragon shadow in the sky rushed down, and a huge dragon tail also slammed down at this moment.

The shelter on the side was also thrilling. Although he didn't do it, he could really feel the power in it.

As soon as he fell, the ground beneath his feet was directly split open, and Chen Changsheng was also shaken back a hundred paces at this moment. As soon as he stopped, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and the Holy Soul Sword in his hand also burst out at this moment. Jianming.

"It's really two tough guys!"

Although he dodged it with this blow, the powerful spare power also made him a little breathless, but now is not the time to talk nonsense. He stepped forward and waved the Holy Soul Sword directly. The sky was also slashed by a sword light at this moment, and when it fell, the surrounding space was also shattered at this moment, and the two dragon shadows were also swallowed into his sword light at this moment.

Looking at the scene in front of him, a sneer instantly appeared on Chen Changsheng's face, but he didn't mean to stop at all. When the cultivation base was mobilized, he turned into an afterimage and rushed forward again.


The sound of tearing came out, and the ground under his feet shook a little. When he stopped again, the bodies of the two dragon shadows had dissipated a lot.

Noticing the cultivation base he was exuding, the blood master couldn't help but be stunned for a second. This guy was so strong. If he had known this, he shouldn't have made a move just now, leaving it all to Chen Changsheng.

Chapter 1256 Helped me so much, you deserve this power

But it has already reached such a point that he can't say anything more. He stepped out, and the blood sword over there was directly submerged into the body of a dragon shadow, and then the dragon shadow was directly absorbed as much as possible.

Noticing the cultivation base he exuded, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned for a second, but the next one would not be the blood master's turn. The cultivation base mobilized him directly and took a step forward. The aura of the world is also here. Spread out in an instant.

This should be just a clone of the dragon vein. After absorbing these powers, the two of them moved directly towards the mountain range.

As soon as it stopped, Chen Changsheng was stunned by the scene in front of her. There was actually an ancient palace here. Although it was dilapidated, she felt a hint of danger in it.

Just when he was in a daze, the blood master had come to his side, and his eyes were placed on the two beads on the palace.

"This should be the dragon vein we have worked so hard to find."

When the voice fell, he directly raised his hand, one of the blue beads floated in his hand, and another dragon vein appeared in front of Chen Changsheng at this moment, with golden light all over his body, and there was an unknown power in it.

After staring at the dragon vein in front of him and looking at it for a while, a faint smile appeared on Chen Changsheng's face, and his cultivation base was adjusted. When he left, the dragon vein directly merged into his body, and he also felt a very strong feeling at this moment. The power of comfort, this power is stronger than what he has encountered before, but he is not affected in the slightest.

Could it be that there was a hint of envy on Bifeng's face standing aside in this scene? If he could get this power, he would be able to soar now, but he couldn't speak at all.

He was not the opponent of the two of them. If he talked more, these two guys would probably be very rude. Now he can only watch the blood master Chen Changsheng absorb the two dragon veins.

Although they had absorbed this thing, the two of them did not refine all of this power, and there was a hint of loss on Bifeng's face at this time, but before he could react, a blue light appeared directly on his face. before.

"You have helped me so much, this power is what you deserve 〃'."

As soon as these words came out, Bifeng couldn't help but be stunned, but soon a trace of excitement flashed on his face. When he turned around, he absorbed all the power. The power of this dragon vein is very powerful. With the help of these powers, he can even Improve a hundred years of cultivation.

After the aura on his body stabilized, Chen Changsheng directly looked into the distance. He had already arrived here. This palace should not be wasted. Go, but before he took a few steps, the blood lord pulled it back directly.

"." Your kid is going to die. You can feel the danger inside even standing here. Isn't it a death sentence to go in like this? "

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng also came to his senses at this moment, but he would not leave so willingly.

(Zhao Dezhao) "You can't just leave now. There must be treasures here. If you don't go in and take a look, you and I will miss this opportunity."

As soon as the voice fell, the blood lord directly set his sights on Shefeng. This guy took advantage and the speed was very fast. There should be no problem in entering.

When he saw this, Bifeng directly fought a cold war, and instantly retreated a hundred meters away. Although he is not strong, he can also feel the danger inside, and if he enters, he will die.

Chapter 1257 I can't see the trajectory of your life, can you tell me why this is

But now he has no chance to hesitate, the blood master has already released his cultivation base, and Chen Changsheng on the side is also watching a play, and he has no intention of helping.

After some thought, Bifeng gritted his teeth, turned into an afterimage and rushed forward. Staying here is a dead end, and there may be a chance to breathe in.

Seeing that he had disappeared, the blood lord also put away his cultivation base at this moment. Since this guy has already gone in to inquire, there is no need for the two of them to waste time, just watch it here.

With the passage of time, a loud noise came directly from the 717 of the palace, and an invisible coercion spread at this moment. Feeling this power, the expressions of the two of them became ugly at this moment.

Just as Chen Changsheng was about to move forward, an afterimage flashed past, sheltering from the wind instantly appearing in front of the two of them. At this moment, he was already bruised and gasping for breath.

"I advise the two of you not to go in. It's too dangerous here."

After hearing the words, the expressions of the Blood Lord and Chen Changsheng also darkened at this moment, and they could feel the aura inside even when they stood outside. It must be true (bifa) and dangerous here, but coming here, Chen Changsheng also didn't want to go home empty-handed.

After some thought, he directly said to the shelter with a flat face: "Tell me what you just encountered in it? Let's see if I will change my mind."

Although the speed of sheltering from the wind is very fast, his strength is not enough. If he joins forces with the blood master, there may still be a battle in it.

As soon as these words came out, Bifeng's expression darkened. He never thought that Chen Changsheng would be like this, but he was also doing things for others. As for what happened to this guy, he didn't want to care.

"There is an old guy with extremely terrifying strength. I didn't see his face clearly, but..."

After talking about it, he didn't know how to go on. Chen Changsheng didn't listen to his persuasion, even if he said too much, it would be nonsense.

Seeing the expression that flashed across his face, Chen Changsheng smiled lightly, and the Holy Soul Sword also changed at this moment. When the cultivation base was transferred, he immediately turned into an afterimage and rushed forward. Since this The guy can't tell, so he'll go in and see for himself.

As soon as it stopped, an invisible pressure shrouded the surroundings, and the blood lord appeared beside him at this moment, how could Chen Changsheng be allowed to do such a thing alone.

When the cultivation base was mobilized, the two directly set their eyes in the distance, but before they could react, a very ethereal voice came from the hall.

"Who is coming?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and a layer of blood energy spread out to the surrounding at this moment. The strength of the guy in front of him was definitely not low, and he felt that he had to be careful.

But what he didn't expect was that the cultivation base he exuded broke apart in an instant, and then an old man appeared directly in front of him.

Although the other party was very secretive, the aura on his body was also extremely terrifying. When he looked at Chen Changsheng, a sneer flashed across the old man's face.

"I can't see the trajectory of your life, can you tell me why?"

When he said this again, there was a trace of greed on the old man's face, and his internal cultivation also burst out at this moment.

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng's face showed a hint of confusion. He didn't know what the other party was saying, but he felt danger in this person.

Chapter 1258 We have neither injustice nor enmity, why do you want to stop me?

But before he could step back, the old man directly put his hand on his shoulder, and an invisible force locked him at this moment.

Under the suppression of this power, he didn't even have a chance to fight back, and the Holy Soul Sword in his hand was also making bursts of sword sounds at this moment, but the old man didn't care about it at all.

"Your destiny should be blocked. It's normal for me to not see it. I can spy on it for you, but I don't know if you want it or not."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng froze in place for a moment, but before he could react, a picture gradually emerged in his mind.

A golden palace standing above the sky, surrounded by cultivators, one of them was wearing a golden armor and a golden crown standing on the hall, but when he saw the face of that person, he thought about it. There was a sharp pain, and the picture shattered at this moment.

When he opened his eyes again, the expression of the old man in front of him became very ugly, and the hand that had just dropped stopped in the air.

"How is this possible? You can't..."

The old man's words had become incoherent, and there were a few more shocks in his eyes. After a while, a few fears flashed in his eyes, and he took a few steps back.

Seeing his appearance, Chen Changsheng was really puzzled. The picture he just saw should be the work of the old man in front of him, but why did the other party become like this.

"Senior! Can you tell me what happened just now?-"

As soon as his voice fell, the old man couldn't help but fight a cold war, and there was a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

"Don't dare to dare, I'm not your senior. You two took all the treasures here. I'm already a remnant of the soul, and there's no need to guard the pile of broken things."

The voice fell, and his figure disappeared at this moment. Only Chen Changsheng was left in a daze. He had no idea what the person in front of him was thinking. From what I saw, it seemed that something terrible had happened to him.

After some thought, he directly put his eyes on the Blood Lord, but before he could open his mouth, the Blood Lord spread out his hands indifferently.

"Don't look at me with those eyes, I don't know why."

After speaking, he directly mobilized Xiuwei to move forward. Since the old man just now spoke, the two of them are welcome here.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

After a while, the Xuanyuan spar inside was taken away by them, but just as the two turned around, an afterimage flashed in the distance. Although the other party's speed was very fast, it was still captured by Chen Changsheng. to the eyes.


Without any hesitation, he directly mobilized the cultivation base to chase after him. This person was not the one just now. When blocking the path of the afterimage, the Holy Soul Sword flashed a cold light at this moment, and this person in front of him was just a remnant soul. , he wanted to kill it with no effort.

Noticing the cultivation base he exuded, there was a hint of embarrassment on the face of the remnant in front of him, and he inadvertently took a step back.

"We have neither injustice nor enmity, why are you blocking my way?"

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