MTL - The Great Desolation: Read the Holy King, Extract the God Statue To Suppress Prison-Chapter 581

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As soon as he fell, he was directly knocked back thousands of feet, a sword mark appeared on his arm, and the Holy Soul Sword in his hand trembled at this moment.

Looking at his embarrassed appearance, a sneer instantly appeared on the man's face, and his cultivation base also radiated at this moment.

"I advise you to stop doing this useless struggle, and obediently become the nourishment of Lord Hades~ Wouldn't it be better."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng's face showed a hideous look. The strength of this old guy was indeed beyond his estimation, but he would not give up.

At the moment when the cultivation base was injected, he jumped directly from the ground with an afterimage, and the Holy Soul Sword in his hand also slashed away at this moment. He hadn't used Soul Slash for a long time. He just tried this thing today. power.


A tearing sound came out, the space in front of him was directly divided into two, and the ground under his feet trembled at this moment.

The man had never imagined this sudden blow, but now was not the time to hesitate. After being knocked back, the black long sword in his hand was directly thrown out, and it pierced Chen Changsheng's arm with a single blow.

After seeing the blood lord on the side, there was a hint of gloom in his eyes, but now he can't get out at all. The strength of these guys is not as good as himself, but they have been avoiding and completely restricting themselves here.

"It's a bunch of tough guys."

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After staring at the few people and looking at them, the blood master's face flashed a ferocious look, and when the surroundings were mobilized again, a blood sword was directly transformed in his hand, which was slashed with one blow, and a hundred and ten sword shadows came directly from The sky fell.


There were loud noises, and the sight around them became extremely blurred at this moment. When the smoke dissipated, the few people were seriously injured, and hundreds of scars appeared on their bodies, but before they could respond, The figure of the blood lord has disappeared here.


When he came to Chen Changsheng, he didn't hesitate at all, his cultivation base was transferred, and he left here with Chen Changsheng. The two of them couldn't be in love here. This guy definitely came prepared, and if he stayed with him, it would be impossible for him to win. Not the slightest benefit.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, the old man's eyes flashed a gleam of darkness. He thought that he could take down Chen Changsheng today, but now it seems that he has greatly underestimated the strength of these two, but these are not important. , as long as Chen Changsheng is in this Xuanyuan world, he can find it.

"Send someone to me to check the movements of the two. You want to see people in life, and you want to see corpses in death." And.

Chapter 1231 Don't talk yet, how could you be hurt so badly?

The voice fell, and the figure of Ji Dao rushed out directly beside him, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the blood master and Chen Changsheng also came to a jungle at this moment. The cultivation base exudes, which directly hides the breath exuded by the two of them.

At this moment, Chen Changsheng was seriously injured. If those guys were to find him, he would not necessarily be able to keep them.

After sizing up, he directly mobilized his own cultivation base and sent it into Chen Changsheng's body in an instant. With the introduction of his cultivation base, Chen Changsheng's injury also stabilized a little at this moment.

However, at this time, Chen Changsheng was very weak, his face was pale, and the aura on his body was extremely weak.

Seeing him like this, the Blood Lord's complexion instantly turned black, and he said solemnly, "Don't fall asleep, you guy."

At this moment, he is also very anxious, if there is something wrong with this long guy, he can really be blamed.

As soon as the voice fell, a shadow appeared directly outside the cave, and the person who came was Chen Changsheng's master Yun Feng.

Seeing Chen Changsheng's appearance, Yunfeng's expression darkened directly. When Xiuwei was mobilized, he instantly put a white pill into Chen Changsheng's mouth. He didn't know what was going on, but he kept Chen Changsheng now. Longevity's life is what matters.

"Go outside and watch me, and don't let anyone come in to disturb 〃'."

The voice fell, he directly crossed his legs into meditation, and the cultivation base on his body also poured in after that. After hearing the words, the blood master's complexion froze, and he turned around and appeared outside the cave. Those guys must still be looking around. He can't give these guys a chance.

"Cough, cough, master..."

With the injection of power, Chen Changsheng also opened his eyes at this moment. The moment he saw Yunfeng, he was slightly taken aback, but before he finished speaking, Yunfeng interrupted him directly.

"Don't talk yet, how could you be hurt so badly?"

After hearing the words, a wry smile flashed in Chen Changsheng's eyes. He believed too much in the guy before. Although there were several dikes, he ignored his strength.

With the passage of time, the sky has gradually dimmed, and at this time Chen Changsheng's cultivation has recovered 30% to 40%. When he stood up from the ground, Yunfeng directly handed a bottle of medicinal pills to his hand. .

"In the next few days, you will take care of your injuries here, and the troubles outside will be handled for you by the teacher."

The moment he finished speaking, a killing intent flashed in Yun Feng's eyes. Chen Changsheng was his own apprentice, and it was not his turn to bully others here.

When the cultivation base was released, his figure disappeared directly here. As soon as he came outside, he saw three figures standing in front of the blood master. There was a sneer in the eyes of the other party, and the breath on his body was also very strong. Full-bodied.

Seeing the arrogance of these people, the Blood Lord's expression lit up, and just as he was mobilizing his cultivation base to move forward, Yun (Zhao's) Feng appeared directly beside him.

"." These guys are still me. "

The moment he finished speaking, he turned into an afterimage and attacked forward, and the strength of Martial Immortal also burst out at this moment.

"Boom boom boom..."

There were loud noises, and those few people didn't even have the strength to fight back, so they were directly killed here.

Looking at the corpses that appeared on the ground, the blood lord's eyes were filled with shock.

Chapter 1232 Being able to discover me, you are indeed not easy, but you may not be enough

Only at this moment did he realize that he had greatly underestimated the strength of this Yunfeng. Although the paths of cultivation were different, the opponents were indeed terrifying. Just a single blow would kill all these guys.

After beheading these people again, Yunfeng did not put away the cultivation base, but looked up at the sky directly, and a roar sounded at this moment.

"Since you're here, don't hide it in the dark!"

As soon as the voice fell, the previous old man appeared directly in front of him. When he looked at Yunfeng, there was a dull look in the other party's eyes.

He originally thought that there were only 700 Chen Changsheng and blood masters in this place, so he came here with great fanfare, but now it seems to have exceeded his expectations, but what about these? All he wanted was Chen Changsheng, and he didn't care about these people.

"It's not easy for you to be able to discover me, but I'm afraid it's not enough for you."

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of figures appeared directly behind him, and most of the opponent's strength was at the peak of the return path.

Hearing the noise outside, Chen Changsheng's expression condensed, and his cultivation base spread out at this moment. Just as he moved his cultivation base to move forward, Yunfeng's voice instantly entered his ears.

"Today, I will let you take a good look at the strength of being a teacher."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng couldn't help being stunned for a second, but when he looked up and looked out, he found that the old man who had just spoken had been pressed to the ground by Yunfeng, and the breath of the other party was also at this moment. All dissipated.

Seeing this scene, the blood lord couldn't help but be stunned for a second. Yunfeng's strength is only Martial Immortal, why can he kill this person directly.

But now is not the time to hesitate. He has to watch this battle carefully, and when he spreads his cultivation base, he directly appears on the sky, and Yunfeng is also red-eyed at this moment, those guys are not at all. dare not enter his body.

There were loud noises, and in a short while, the people just now all fell to the ground. Although a few people did not die on the spot, they were already terrified at this moment. The strength of this Yunfeng was stronger than they expected. Supposed to be a little scarier.

Seeing that those few people still had the last trace of breath, Yunfeng Liansheng flashed a sneer, and when the cultivation base was mobilized, he directly slammed his palm upwards.


As soon as it fell, the ground beneath his feet was torn apart at this moment, and the bodies of those few people also dissipated at this moment.

Although the trace of blood in his eyes was very short-lived, it was still caught by the blood master. At this moment, he also realized that something was wrong. What Yunfeng just performed should be a forbidden technique of the blood sword. This thing consumes himself. life to enhance strength.

Just when he was still thinking, Yunfeng's voice suddenly entered his ears.

"You should be able to see the power I just displayed, but you have to keep this matter a secret for me. An old guy like me has not lived for a few years, so you have to leave a little thought for future generations."

After hearing the words, Blood Lord was stunned for a moment, and then nodded solemnly. He knew that Yunfeng was trying to protect Chen Changsheng, and he had already looked down upon his own life and death.

After some conversation, the two of them also walked towards the cave at this moment. The holding ring left by these people contained a lot of cultivation resources, which could just help Chen Changsheng recover.

Chapter 1233 Don't look at me with this look, I don't know what happened to your master's strength.

As soon as the two of them stopped, Chen Changsheng stood up directly from the ground, and his eyes were always on Yun Feng. His master's strength was only Martial Immortal, how could he be able to display such amazing combat power.

This really shocked him, but after looking at it for a while, he found that he couldn't see anything.

Just when he was still puzzled, Yunfeng said with a straight face: "As a teacher, you can see the strength of the teacher, the trouble has been solved, you can cultivate with peace of mind, presumably they will come soon. ."

After he finished speaking, Yunfeng also stepped aside at this moment. He had consumed a lot of energy in the battle just now, and now he has to seize the time to restore his cultivation base.

After he didn't get a reply, Chen Changsheng directly aimed his gaze at the blood lord, and the blood lord was also taken aback when he saw him, but he quickly explained to him: "Don't look at me with this look, you I don't know what happened to the master's strength."

Since he had already agreed to Yunfeng, he had to keep this matter a secret, and he would never tell Chen Changsheng about that forbidden technique.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng had no choice but to give up. Since the other party didn't want to say it, he had nothing to ask.

In the next few days, he has been silent in his cultivation, and he has obtained the inheritance of the old man before. He must absorb this power as soon as possible, and he does not want to be as embarrassed as today.

As time passed, the aura in his body became stronger and stronger, and he was about to cross the threshold of the Heavenly Dao. As soon as he stood up from the ground on this day, there was a lightning bolt in the sky.

Feeling this change, the Blood Lord's complexion froze, but just as he was about to mobilize his cultivation base, Chen Changsheng had already appeared above the sky. At this moment, all his cultivation base had been distributed, and he let those thunder dots mix with him.


As soon as he fell, he was directly knocked back thousands of feet. As soon as he stopped, there was an extra blood in his mouth, but he did not give up, and when he got up from the ground, he rushed away again.

After obtaining the inheritance of the old man, he already knew how to break through the Heavenly Dao Realm. To reach the Heavenly Dao Realm, there is only one way to go, and that is to force his body to reach the limit and the growth of his soul and state of mind.

Looking at the thunder and lightning in the sky, the blood lord on the side couldn't help frowning. He was also sweating coldly for this guy Chen Changsheng. Died on the spot.

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Just when he was worried, there was another loud noise from the sky, and an afterimage also fell to the ground ruthlessly at this moment. At this time, Chen Changsheng's body was stained red with blood, and there was nothing on his body. complete place.


But what surprised him was that not only did Chen Changsheng not panic, but a sneer appeared in his eyes.

"Hahaha...comfortable, this is the strength I need."

A strange sound sounded, Chen Changsheng once again mobilized his cultivation base to rush forward, and the temperature around him also dropped to freezing point.

Seeing his appearance, the blood bead was also a bit shocking. This guy could not be a cultivator, but he quickly dismissed the idea. The murderous aura in Chen Changsheng's body was very heavy, and any force could control it. How could the mere thunder and lightning be able to control him.

With the passage of time, those forces in the sky have also dissipated a little at this moment.

Chapter 1234 Your kid has improved a lot, but I'm curious how you did it?

As soon as those powers dissipated, Chen Changsheng also fell heavily to the ground at this moment, his body was completely cracked at this time, his complexion was pale and bloodless, and a gust of wind could blow him down.

Looking at him like this, the blood master's face was slightly solemn, and he stepped out and appeared directly in his hand, and the power was injected into it at this moment.

This guy Chen Changsheng is really desperate, if there is no one here, he is afraid that "Seven Zero Zero" will directly fall here.

With the injection of his cultivation base, Chen Changsheng's aura has also stabilized a lot at this moment. As soon as he stood up from the ground, a faint smile flashed in his eyes, and he saw him raise his hand slightly, and a sword light instantly moved forward. Standing and leaving, this time he did not use the Holy Soul Sword.

Seeing the cultivation base he exuded, the blood lord's eyes flashed with shock, Chen Changsheng's strength has increased so much.

After putting away the cultivation base on his body, Chen Changsheng turned around with a faint smile on his face. Although he did not break through to the realm of heaven, he could be regarded as the true peak of the mirror of return to the Dao at this moment.

"Your kid has improved a lot, but I'm curious how you did it?"

He was indeed shocked by Chen Changsheng's improvement. Back then, it took him a hundred years to ascend to the Dao of Returning Realm, but Chen Changsheng was too fast.

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng smiled lightly, and explained to him directly: "Actually, I'm not really a mirror of heaven, it's just that that person has inspired me a few times in the inheritance."

The moment they finished speaking, the figures of the two of them also disappeared at this moment, and the subordinates of Hades will never give up, so they don't have to waste time here.

When they came to the top of a mountain, the two of them instantly burst out of cultivation, and at this moment, Yunfeng appeared directly beside him. At this moment, he also felt that Chen Changsheng had improved, but he still had worried.

But just when Chen Changsheng was about to move forward, that Yunfeng stopped him at once, and a white light spread to the surrounding at this moment, seeing his actions, the blood lord also had a little doubt in his eyes.

"Don't be in such a hurry, you have to think about the way out before doing things."

The moment he finished speaking, Yun Feng directly suppressed his own cultivation. These guys were numerous, so he had better be careful here, and Chen Changsheng and the Blood Lord were also closely following at this moment. ........

When the three stopped, there were dozens of figures in front of them, and the aura on the other party was very strong.

After scrutinizing it, Chen Changsheng directly transformed the Holy Soul Sword. He didn't want to waste time with these guys, but before he could do it, Yunfeng's figure had already appeared in the distance.

His actions were unknowing, and those few people had no chance to react at all. A few blood lights spilled out, and the few people who were just standing in front of them just fell down with their legs weak, and even the slightest strength to fight back. No.

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