MTL - The Great Desolation: Read the Holy King, Extract the God Statue To Suppress Prison-Chapter 574

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After he finished speaking, he directly radiated out his cultivation base, and a ray of blood spread to the surroundings at this moment.

Chapter 1199 No one has dared to threaten me for so many years, if it weren't for these few years, you probably wouldn't even be able to find the body

Noticing the cultivation base he exuded, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned for a second, but just as he turned around, he immediately felt the darkness in front of him. When he opened his eyes again, his figure had appeared above a firmament. There is a gazebo in the distance.

The distance between them seemed short, but for him it was thousands of miles apart. Just as he was thinking about it, the old man's voice rang directly in his ear.

"By any means to get here, I will pass on what I have learned in my life to you. Even those guys in Xuanyuan World can't be your opponent."

As soon as these words came out 687, Chen Changsheng instantly became interested, and when he was mobilizing his cultivation, he turned into an afterimage and walked forward.

But he didn't expect that the closer he got, the more difficult it became, and the pressure around him became stronger. After a while, he stopped and his head was wet with sweat.

When he looked up, there was a hint of embarrassment in his eyes, but he didn't want to give up just like that. When he tried to mobilize the cultivation base, he took a step forward, but when he took this step, the breath on his body instantly dissipate.

After some struggle, he finally stopped (bifa), and at this moment, the old man's voice sounded directly in his ear.

"Getting here is not as easy as you think."

When it came out, he couldn't help but be stunned for a second, and there was a dignified look in his eyes on the matter, he knew it wasn't that simple, but he didn't want to just give up.

In the next few days, Chen Changsheng had been mobilizing his cultivation base to make a breakthrough, but in the end he failed, and he had been staying here for several months without knowing it.

On this day, when he stood up from the ground, there was a gloom in his eyes, and he stepped out in one step, instantly turning into a sky and slanting forward.

And this time he was only an inch away from the pavilion, but he was still blocked by that force, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

At this moment, he is no longer as impetuous as before, but is looking for answers seriously. He found that in the past few months, his strength has been greatly improved, but it is still poor. heat.

On the other side, outside the virtual world, a figure appeared in front of the old man, and there was a sneer in the other's eyes.

"If you are interested, hand over that person, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."

After hearing the other party's words, a sneer flashed in the old man's eyes.

"No one has dared to threaten me for so many years. If it weren't for these years, you probably wouldn't even be able to find the body."

When the voice fell, his figure disappeared immediately, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the other party. I saw that he raised his hand slightly, and directly knocked the man to the ground with one palm, and the other party didn't even have the strength to struggle. , was instantly beheaded by him on the spot.

When the few people standing in the distance saw it, a trace of embarrassment flashed in their eyes. They did not expect this old man to be so terrifying, but now they are thinking about these times.

Without any hesitation, they directly released the cultivation base, and left here after a turn.

They came to look for Chen Changsheng, not here to die. The strength of this old man has greatly exceeded their expectations. If they continue to stay, there is probably only a dead end.

Seeing the eagerness of those few people, the old man's eyes flashed with a trace of disdain.

Chapter 1200 Don't be nervous, it's just a matter of his mood now, and it's not difficult to break through.

When he put away the cultivation base on his body, the old man couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that he is really old, and it took 50% of his strength to kill that guy."

After he finished speaking, his figure immediately disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Chen Changsheng, but Chen Changsheng had already fallen into meditation, so he didn't bother.

Looking at the cultivation base exuding from Chen Changsheng's body, a faint smile appeared in his eyes, this guy was much stronger than he expected.

After scrutinizing it, he directly sent a ray of blood into Chen Changsheng's body. With the maintenance of this power, Chen Changsheng could better utilize the power of the blood god.

A few days later, when he stood up from the ground, a gleam of blood flashed in Chen Changsheng's eyes, and his figure appeared a hundred meters away at this moment.

After merging the power of the blood **** to one third, he has now successfully broken through the gate of heaven. Every time he takes a step, the sky here is shaken a little bit. Go outside the pavilion, where the old man was sitting at that time.

Seeing the breath emanating from his body, a faint smile flashed in the old man's eyes, and he directly handed a cup of tea to him.

"You guy surprised me a little bit. In fact, you broke through very quickly, but it's just that it's a little bit less interesting in this state of mind."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned for a second. He didn't know what the old man meant, but he could feel it. After the improvement, his strength has indeed skyrocketed, but this - to him Saying it is not enough.

"I also hope the seniors make it clear!"

"You have to know how to be sure of yourself. In fact, your strength is not weak. Even if you are the current blood master, you can't make two moves now."

As soon as he said this, Chen Changsheng was also shocked. He never thought that it would be like this. The blood master's strength was not as simple as the way of heaven.

"I know you are confused, but this thing has to be taken slowly. The exercises you have cultivated are all excellent, so I can't help you. Next, you will concentrate on your practice here, and you will have it someday. Great progress."

As soon as the words fell, his figure disappeared directly from here. As for whether Chen Changsheng could understand or not, he could not control it.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Although he was puzzled, Chen Changsheng was also exuding his cultivation at this moment, and a layer of blood flashed out, instantly covering his body.

And the old man also appeared in front of the blood lord at this moment. As soon as he stopped, the blood lord gave him a respectful salute, and then said with a solemn expression: "His talent is definitely not low, but those guys keep coming to him for trouble, so…"


Before he finished speaking, a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes. If he hadn't been a clone now, how could he remember those people in Xuanyuan World.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a matter of his mood now, and it's not difficult to break through."

After he finished speaking, there was a slight smile in the eyes of the old man, and then a force in his hand sank directly into the blood master's body.

"I think I sealed your power back then, and now it's time to give it back to you, but whether you can control it depends on you."

The voice fell, and there was a dignified look in the blood lord's eyes. At this moment, he felt that his entire body was shaking, and his strength was further improved. This strength came directly from the soul and.

Chapter 1201 You can only rely on yourself now, your strength has been greatly improved, but this state of mind is still a little less meaningful

When the layer of blood light on his body was dissipating, his soul had also completely adapted to this body. When he raised his hand, a layer of blood light instantly dispersed towards the surrounding fire.

Seeing that the strength on his body has been greatly improved, the old man laughed lightly, and the breath on his body was also put away at this moment.

"I had no choice but to seal your power back then. I hope you can understand. Now you have grown a lot, and now "Six Eight Seven" doesn't need me to be around. After he improves, I will go into seclusion directly."

After hearing the words, the blood lord's face sank slightly, and the breath on his body was also withdrawn at this moment. This person was his master back then, but the other party didn't like this fight, so he has been living in seclusion in this blood world.

The reason why he let Chen Changsheng go was a helpless act. There were more and more powerful people in Xuanyuan World, and he didn't want Chen Changsheng to fall directly here.

When he came back to his senses, the old man had already moved forward, and his voice was also reaching the ears of the blood master at this moment.

"It can change the status quo of the entire blood world, but how to choose depends on you."

As soon as these words came out, the blood master couldn't help but be stunned for a second. He didn't know what his master meant, but these words made him suddenly think that since he knew Chen Changsheng until now, this guy seems to have never walked the ordinary road.

After standing up from the ground, a faint smile appeared in Chen Changsheng's eyes, and the Holy Soul Sword also changed at this moment.

With the guidance of the old man, his current strength has been greatly improved, and now even if he is a strong returner, he can still fight.

Just as he was happy, the figure of the old man appeared directly in front of him, and after staring at him again, a faint smile flashed in the old man's eyes.

"You kid surprised me, but it's not enough. If you want to play against those guys in Xuanyuan World, your strength is still a little short."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng immediately put away the expression on his face. He thought that he would be able to fight at this level, but now it seems that it is not enough.

Without any hesitation, he directly bowed forward and said solemnly to the old man: "I also hope that the seniors will teach me how to improve."

The moment he finished speaking, his figure disappeared directly here, and when he reappeared, he had returned to the palace at that time, and at this moment, the old man's voice sounded in his ears... ..

"You can only rely on yourself now. Your strength has improved a lot, but this state of mind is still a little less interesting."

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng was also stunned, he didn't know what was going on, but now it seemed that he could only rely on himself.

The moment he saw the blood master, there was a touch of shock in his eyes. He really improved, but why did the blood master make rapid progress.

Noticing the expression that flashed in his eyes, the blood lord smiled lightly, and then said with a straight face: "What you see now is my peak state 5.0, although the strength of this body is a little weaker, but overall It's okay to say."

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng was also stunned for a moment, but soon he put his eyes away and said with a gloomy expression, "I can't wait for them to come to me, so I want you to go to that Xuanyuan world with me. "

As soon as these words came out, the blood master was stunned for a moment, and his face darkened a little at this moment.

Chapter 1202 Talking big but you have to pay a price, it seems that your strength is not very good

He had thought about this problem before, but he never put in practice, after all, those guys are too strong, but now he is no longer afraid.

When the cultivation base was released again, he and Chen Changsheng had already appeared beside the space crack, without any hesitation, the two of them were willing to go out there directly.

Chen Changsheng was going to solve his own troubles, and the grievances between him and that divine general should also be ended.

The moment they stepped on the crack, there was a gloom in the eyes of the two 18 people. This place was even more terrifying than they expected, especially the power floating around was not something they could deal with.

But now is not the time for nonsense. If the time spent here is too long, neither of them can leave here.

After walking through the crack for a while, the two of them both saw a ray of light, and then moved forward directly.

As soon as they passed through, there was a touch of shock in the eyes of the two of them. This Xuanyuan world is completely different from that blood world.

But now is not the time to appreciate it. Just when the two of them were in a daze, an afterimage had appeared in front of them.

A streak of golden light flashed, instantly surrounding the two of them, and at this moment, the afterimage also revealed the real face.

"I never thought that you would find this place. It seems that there is no way to deal with it without killing you today. Your body is not bad. If you don't mind, I would like to make use of it."

As he spoke, a sneer flashed across the man's eyes, and the breath on his body also burst out at this moment.

But he did not expect that just as his voice fell, a sword light flashed, and he had appeared a hundred feet away. As soon as he stopped, dozens of cracks appeared on his body.

When he raised his head to look at Chen Changsheng again, there was a dull look in his eyes, but Chen Changsheng would not give him a chance to react.

Since this family was here to trouble him, he wouldn't let him leave alive, he stepped out, a figure instantly appeared in front of him, and a sword light also resigned at this moment.


A streak of blood spilled out, and the man's body fell from the air at this moment. When he fell, there was still a trace of unwillingness in the other's eyes, but it was too late to say anything now.

Although he didn't kill this guy, he had no strength to fight back. When he looked at Chen Changsheng, there was an ugly look in his eyes, but now he had no chance to retreat.

"You have to pay a price for talking big. It seems that your strength is not very good."

The moment he finished speaking, he and the blood master directly mobilized the cultivation base to walk into the distance. Now that he has dealt with this person, he has to leave here quickly. He doesn't want to be targeted by some guys.

After coming to a town, the breath of the two was also hidden at this moment, and it is better to be restrained here.

After looking around, a trace of doubt flashed in the blood lord's eyes. He found that it was not the entire Xuanyuan world that was the enemy of Chen Changsheng. These people here were not even one-fifth of his strength.

At this moment, Chen Changsheng noticed something strange, and after looking at his blood master, the two of them turned around and walked towards the distance.

After arriving in a no-man's land, Chen Changsheng's expression turned cold, and the Holy Soul Sword also changed at this moment.

Chapter 1203 Their own people don't do anything, but they give generous rewards, and I just do some cultivation

When the cultivation base was released again, a hundred and ten sword lights instantly appeared in the sky, and his figure also appeared on the sky at this moment.

"You've watched me in the dark for so long and haven't planned to come out. Do you have to ask me to invite you?"

As soon as the words fell, those sword shadows also slashed down at this moment, and then a beautiful shadow appeared directly in front of him.

"It turns out that you discovered me a long time ago. It seems that this hiding place is still a little hot, but it doesn't matter. I will go back to study when you are dead."

As soon as he said this, a ferocious smile flashed in his eyes, and the breath on his body also burst out at this moment, but before he could move forward, a sword light slashed out, and instantly pierced his arm, and He was also shaken back by a hundred meters at this moment.

As soon as he stopped, a crack appeared on his arm, and the sword light was only an inch away from his eyebrows.

When he looked at Li Chen again, he directly put away the expression in his eyes, and then changed a big knife in his hand at this moment.

"It seems that it is reasonable for them to value you. If it were me, I should have no trouble in the future."

When the voice fell, he directly turned into a sky and attacked forward, and dozens of rays of light also slashed down at this moment.


As soon as the blow landed, the vision around him became extremely blurred, but he didn't expect that his blow didn't hurt Chen Changsheng.

"You dare to be presumptuous in front of me even at your speed."

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