MTL - The Great Desolation: Read the Holy King, Extract the God Statue To Suppress Prison-Chapter 566

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Chapter 1163 That's how you repaid me when I saved your life back then, so there's no need for you to keep it.

Seeing this oncoming blow, Chen Changsheng's expression changed drastically. The three of them didn't lose much. If they couldn't stop this blow, they would definitely die.

At this critical moment, the figure of Chilong pressed down, and the four people who came to him were instantly shaken back, but there were also several blood-red wounds on Nazhilong's scales.

After blocking it, Chilong's face was slightly pale, and there was a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth. When he looked up, there was a ferocious flash in his eyes.

But this time he didn't make a move, instead he said to Chen Changsheng with an ugly face: "It's very difficult to deal with with your strength. If you add a blood master, it will be different."

What he said was not a joke. At this moment, he and Chen Changsheng were both seriously injured. If they dragged on like this, they would not get any benefit at all, and they might even be killed by this guy.

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng's expression became a little dignified. He didn't know the truth, but now the blood master is being held back by the **** general. Although the **** general has been suppressed, the blood master can't get out. The trouble in front of them can only be dealt with by themselves.

After some thought, he turned directly to the giant python, and said solemnly: "You hold on to these people first, and I'll go and help that guy."

After hearing the words, Chilong's face sank, and the aura on his body also burst out at this moment. Since Chen Changsheng has already spoken, there is no need for him to waste time. He stepped out and his figure appeared thousands of feet away.

Seeing him swooping down suddenly, the faces of those people froze, and the cultivation in their bodies also burst out at this moment.


A streak of blood shone out, and the Chilong was instantly shaken back, and the cultivation base radiated also dissipated at this moment, but when he stopped, Chen Changsheng's figure had disappeared.

Those people were also puzzled by this sudden change, but when they turned around, they found that Chen Changsheng had already stood in front of the divine general. Cut away, and a hundred and ten sword shadows are also distributed at this moment.

Seeing this oncoming blow, the **** general's complexion changed dramatically, and the spear in his hand also stabbed forward at this moment.

As soon as he fell, he was directly knocked back a hundred meters away, and there were cracks on his body at this moment. He never thought of this sudden change.

When he looked at Chen Changsheng again, there was a ferocious look in his eyes, and the long spear in his hand also flashed a cold light at this moment.

When he sent out the cultivation base, he did not rush forward, but set his eyes on his blood master. It was impossible for Chen Changsheng to hurt himself. It was nothing more than that this guy just moved his hand. .

Noticing the expression flashing in his eyes, the Blood Lord's expression turned cold, and he returned directly to Chen Changsheng's body.

"." It's hard to deal with him in my current state, but it's different with you. "

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng directly gave up the dominance of his body, and then a layer of blood light and shrouded his hands above his body, and the Holy Soul Sword (Wang Lihao) also turned into a blood sword at this moment.

"That's how you repaid me when I saved your life back then, so there's no need for you to keep it."

At this moment, the blood master's face was very cold, and he stepped out, and the blood sword in his hand was also slashed forward at this moment.

Seeing this oncoming blow, the **** general's complexion changed dramatically, and he directly stabbed his spear, but his strength was still not enough, and the spear shadow he emitted also shattered in an instant, and then he was directly shocked back thousands of feet. far.

Chapter 1164 This is your body, you always have to deal with law enforcement, you can't fight like this.

As soon as he stopped, the long spear in his hand shattered directly, and a sword light also pierced through his weighbridge at this moment.

When he looked up, a meaningful smile flashed across the god's eyes, and he was unmoved by these injuries.

"It seems that you are still the blood master of the year, but now you are different."

I saw a flash of blood flashing in his hand, and a figure appeared directly in front of you. Seeing the figure appearing in front of him, Chen Changsheng's complexion changed dramatically, this guy actually brought the body of the blood master.

At this moment, the blood lord's complexion is also a little ugly, which is indeed beyond his expectations, but he does feel unusually strange to this body now.

"You left on the same day. This body will last for a hundred years. In order not to waste it, I turned him into a puppet. I just don't know how strong it is. I just let you try it today."

The moment he finished speaking, the puppet swooped forward, and a layer of blood light appeared on top of Chen Changsheng's head at this moment.

At this moment, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He had lost the dominance of his body now, but the Blood Master couldn't let go after all, and the blood sword he had just raised was also withdrawn at this moment.


There was a loud noise, and the surrounding sky was shaken a bit, and Chen Changsheng's figure had also appeared a hundred meters away. Although it was controlled by the blood master, he could feel pain in his body.

"Since you don't want to do it, then I'm welcome."

Seeing their passive appearance, a hideous smile flashed on the **** Jiang's face, and he knew that the blood master would not do anything. After all, he had cultivated this body for a hundred years.

Seeing the puppet in front of him attacking forward again, Chen Changsheng didn't hesitate at all this time. After struggling, he directly gained the dominance of his body.

"Since you don't want to do it, then I'll help you."

The voice fell, and the Holy Soul Sword was also slashed downward at this moment, and a sword light spilled out in an instant (bifa) to retreat the puppet.

Although he blocked it, his complexion became extremely solemn at this moment. The defensive ability of this puppet was indeed beyond his expectations. He was barely affected by the blow just now, and this puppet only appeared on his body. A shallow scar.

"You really think that his strength is only this. It took him a hundred years to cultivate his body back then, but he never thought..."

After talking about the account, the **** general did not continue talking, but stepped aside with a cold face, with the blessing of the puppet, and now he doesn't need to shoot at all.

Golden lights flashed across the sky, and after they stopped, Chen Changsheng's head was wet with sweat, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth at this moment.

"This is your body. You always have to deal with law enforcement. You can't fight like this."

At this time, he was also a little anxious, and he couldn't let both of them fold here for a body.

After hearing the words, the blood lord's face darkened slightly, and he had made up his mind secretly, and then said solemnly: "Attack his back, there is the weakness of my body."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng no longer hesitated. When he swung his sword and attacked, a layer of blood shrouded all around him. Since he already knew the weakness, he didn't need to waste time.


A streak of blood spilled out, and the puppet was directly shaken back by him, and the moment he stopped, the blood on his body also dimmed a little.

Chapter 1165 I have one more thing left here, which may be helpful to you.

The divine general had never thought about this sudden change, but now was not the time to think about it, because Chen Changsheng had already appeared in front of him, and the Holy Soul Sword in his hand had also slashed down at this moment.

Seeing this sudden blow, the **** general's complexion changed dramatically, and the moment his cultivation base was mobilized, he directly submerged into those sword shadows.


There was a loud noise, and the **** would be immediately retreated. He was seriously injured. He had no power to fight in front of Chen Changsheng, and Chen Changsheng had the blessing of the Blood Lord.

Noticing the expression that flashed in his eyes, Chen Changsheng's expression turned cold, and he waved the Holy Soul Sword in his hand and walked away.

During the battle just now, that puppet had lost its last strength, and now in front of Chen Changsheng, he had no strength to fight.

Seeing that the general situation was over, God Jiang's expression condensed, his figure turned, and he disappeared here. Before leaving, he also took the blood master's body back.

Seeing him leave suddenly, Chen Changsheng's expression was a little solemn, and he waved away to chase forward, but before he could walk a few steps, the blood master appeared directly in front of him.

"Although he is injured, he is not something you can deal with!"

When he said these words again, a gloom flashed in the blood lord's eyes. The strength of this divine general was much stronger than that of a hundred years ago, and Chen Changsheng chased him to a dead end.

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng's face brightened slightly, and the breath on his body also calmed down a little at this moment, and several people who fought with Chilong also left at this moment, but one person was still half a beat, and was instantly slapped by Chilong. swallowed.

Seeing this, the other few people did not hesitate at all. Lord God Jiang has already left, and they must be dead here.

With the departure of those few people, the blood energy surrounding them also dissipated without a trace at this moment.

"Your body has been taken away by him, we..."

He didn't finish his words, but directly set his eyes on the blood master. He didn't say much about this kind of thing. After all, he had to look at the blood master's attitude.

But he didn't expect that just as his voice fell, a shadowy smile flashed in the blood master's eyes.

"Since he is willing to take it, then this body will be handed over to him, but I can't guarantee that there will be any accidents. I still have one thing left here, which may help you."

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

As soon as these words came out, a trace of doubt flashed in Chen Changsheng's eyes, but he quickly took his eyes back. The blood master had already spoken, so he didn't need to worry about it anymore.

Without any hesitation, he directly mobilized the cultivation base to move forward. When he stopped again, they had appeared on a huge magic circle. a lot.


After sizing up, Chen Changsheng directly moved his cultivation base out, but before he could walk forward, the formation began to shake violently, and then faintly walked out from the blood mist. figure.

Seeing the person who could appear in front of him, he couldn't help but be stunned for a second, but when he was about to swing his sword, the blood master raised his hand to stop him.

"He is a clone that I stayed here that day. Although the strength is only half of the original body, it should be enough."

As soon as the voice fell, he directly turned into a **** light and attacked forward, and instantly disappeared into his body.

Chapter 1166 You can take whatever you want here, but whether you can control it depends on you

As soon as he entered, a layer of blood light spread directly to the surroundings, and an invisible micro pressure also appeared around at this moment. Chen Changsheng was also stunned by this sudden change, but without hesitation, he directly placed Xiu Xiu. Out for mobilization.

With the release of his cultivation, the pressure that appeared on the top of his head also loosened a little at this moment, but it still made him a little breathless.

After a few breaths, the aura emanating from the "Sixty Seven Zero" blood master was also suppressed at this moment, and the moment he opened his eyes again, a sneer flashed across his face.

"Although this is just a clone, I also need time to recover, so..."

His words were not finished, but Chen Changsheng also understood the meaning of this, and when he drew out the Holy Soul Sword, he appeared directly in the distance.

As time went by, the aura on the blood master became stronger and stronger, and an unknown force was rushing into his body.

Noticing the cultivation base exuding from his body, Chen Changsheng made his voice a little dignified, and he found that the blood master was indeed not simple.

Standing on the ground is actually blood, a sneer flashed directly on the bamboo chain, and the aura in the body also spread out at this moment.

"It feels really good to find my body, but it's just a little bit mean."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned for a second, and then a wry smile flashed in his eyes. Although it was just a clone, the blood lord's strength was much stronger than himself.

"Since you have found your body, then we don't need to waste time here, why not..."

Before he could finish his words, the blood lord shook his head, waved one hand, and a stone gate rose to the ground in an instant.

Seeing this change in the distance, Chen Changsheng's eyes flashed with shock. He had no idea why he was here just now.

"Go in with me and have a look. There are treasures that I have accumulated over the years, and maybe they will be of some use to you."

Chen Changsheng was stunned for a second when he said this, but he quickly put away the expression on his face and waved his sword away in an instant. Since the blood master has already spoken, there is no need for him to waste time here. .

As soon as he stepped in, he felt an invisible pressure, and there was a layer of blood around him.

Seeing the silky expression on his face, Xuezhu smiled faintly, waved one hand, and the blood mist surrounding it disappeared directly......

As the blood mist dispersed, what appeared in front of him instantly made Chen Changsheng stunned in place. At this moment, he realized that the things he had seen before were too ordinary.

"You can take whatever you want here, but whether you can control it or not depends on you."

As soon as these words came out, a trace of doubt flashed in Chen Changsheng's eyes, but as he walked forward, he felt dozens of eyes staring at him.

Although he couldn't feel the breath of the other party, this time his gaze gave him a few eggs. After some thought, he directly waved his sword away, and then came to a blood sword. Blood was collected.

But before he could mobilize his cultivation, a ray of blood appeared directly in front of him, and the blood sword was also taken off at this moment, and his hand stabbed directly towards him.

This sudden change made him never think of it, but now where is the time to think about it, and then he directly slashed with his sword. Although his sword light was knocked down, he was also shocked back a hundred steps at this moment.

Chapter 1167 It seems that your kid's charm is not bad, he will take the initiative to recognize you as the master and make good use of it.

After stopping, a crack appeared directly on his arm, and the blood sword didn't mean to stop at all, and flew forward in an instant, but this time before he got close, the blood master waved his hand. Just drop it down.

After being knocked down, the blood sword sent out bursts of jingling, but this time he did not continue forward, but returned directly to its original position.

Seeing that his attack had stopped, Chen Changsheng let go of his heart. If he started this time, he would definitely not get any benefit.

Noticing the expression that flashed in his eyes, the blood lord smiled lightly, but with a wave of his hand, the two swords appeared directly in his hands.

"Most of these things I have collected here are spiritual, and what you have just seen at 18 has existed for thousands of years."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng couldn't help being stunned for a second, but he quickly took his eyes back and directly tentatively struck the sword over there into his hand. He still had some doubts about this thing, but he didn't want it give up.

Just as he stretched out his hand, there was another sword sound from the sword body, but this time, before he could make a move, the blood master calmed him down with a glance.

Seeing this scene, Chen Changsheng was also stunned, but soon he grabbed his hand directly. As soon as he approached, he felt an invisible blood energy rushing directly into the body, and the blood sword was also a little bit. of dissipation.

Seeing this sudden change, his complexion changed dramatically. This power seemed to be eroding his cultivation, but just as he looked up, the blood lord's expression was flat, and there was no sign of nervousness at all.

"Don't be so nervous, he really wants to turn against the guest, but he still can't do it with you."

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