MTL - The Great Desolation: Read the Holy King, Extract the God Statue To Suppress Prison-Chapter 562

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Seeing the backs of the two of them leaving, Chen Changsheng's expression froze slightly. This brief meeting also made him feel a little bit reluctant, but he knew that this was not the time to talk about this, and he didn't want Xiaomin to be with him all the time. in the protection.

"Don't think so much, we should go to the blood world next."

Hearing the voice of the person in question, Chen Changsheng smiled faintly, and the cultivation base on his body also radiated at this time. What this person said was not false, and he could not stay here any longer.

When he stopped again, he had come to a very remote ancient town, and when he took a closer look, there was no one here.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

But before he could react, the person in the body appeared directly in front of him, and the surroundings were also shrouded in a layer of blood at this moment.

"There is a teleportation formation that has been abandoned for a long time. Only through this place can you enter the blood sword."


The sound fell, and the blood emanating from the surroundings condensed directly towards his feet, blood lights flashed, and a magic circle appeared directly under his feet.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Chen Changsheng couldn't help being stunned for a second, but he didn't hesitate. When his cultivation base was mobilized, his figure immediately disappeared from here.

As soon as he entered, his face darkened. This place was more dangerous than he expected. The power emanating from all around him was so frightening that he could hardly breathe. If he continued to stay here, he would be very Might die here.

But he didn't understand his reaction, and he immediately felt the darkness in front of him, and his cultivation was also shocked at this moment.

"Forget that you don't have a special body, let me do it." And.

Chapter 1146 It's up to you to perform, didn't you talk about your battlefield?

This was the last sentence Chen Changsheng heard when he lost consciousness. The moment he opened his eyes, a layer of blood shrouded his face, and after standing up, he could smell a very strong smell. blood.

After some thought, he stood up directly from the ground, but to his surprise, the blood in his body actually resonated with this place.

Although these powers are very strong, they can also affect the mind of "Six Five Three". When the blood gas was used in the body, he directly mobilized the cultivation base to block those powers from the outside.

Just when he was still desperately suppressing these forces, an afterimage appeared directly in front of him, and as soon as he stopped, he took a greedy breath on the convenience.

"It feels good to be back."

Seeing his intoxicated appearance, Chen Changsheng didn't know what to say, and then he immediately said indifferently, "We've already come here, so what should we do next? You don't want me to stay here all the time. Stay here."

He knew that this was the territory of the guy in front of him. He was the overlord here at the time, so there must be a lot of good things left.

As soon as these words came out, the afterimage hurriedly put away the expression on his face, and finally cleared his throat.

"I would like to introduce myself. This is the blood world. Everyone here respects me as the blood master. You can also call me that."

After hearing his words, Chen Changsheng rolled his eyes nonchalantly, and then suppressed the cultivation base on his body.

"Don't waste your time, you and I are here for a purpose, what should I do next?"

"We've only just arrived here, and it may take a few days to get to my palace, so let's rest there first."

After getting his reply, Chen Changsheng didn't waste any more time here, he stepped out one step, and instantly turned into an afterimage and left.

After stopping, his complexion froze, and his cultivation base was also lowered a little at this moment. It is better to restrain a little here. He doesn't want to be targeted by others when he first came to this blood world.

Seeing his cautious appearance, the blood lord smiled faintly, waved one hand, and a burst of blood energy instantly slammed forward.

"When you get to my place, you don't need to be as low-key as before. They have to bow their heads when they see me."

Seeing his arrogant appearance, Chen Changsheng didn't know what to say, he always felt that things were a bit complicated......

But now is not the time to think about this, just when the blood master general's cultivation base is exuding, dozens of figures have appeared in front of the two.

Seeing these people appearing in front of him, Chen Changsheng's expression froze, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Just as he was about to release his cultivation, the faces of the people in front of him froze, and the aura on his body erupted at this moment.

"Who would dare to do it here?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng couldn't help being stunned for a second, but soon he made a pistol gesture to the blood master.

"It's up to you to perform, didn't you talk about your 5.0 games?"

He doesn't have so much thought to waste it here now. As for what the blood lord should do, it depends on the other party's performance.

After hearing Chen Changsheng's words, the man couldn't help but be stunned for a second, but he had just said something, and he couldn't refuse it now.

The moment he mobilized his cultivation base, he appeared directly in front of those few people, and a layer of blood energy also shrouded upwards at this moment.

Chapter 1147 They may be newly cultivated. After all, I have been away from here for a hundred years, and it is normal not to know each other.

Noticing the cultivation base he exuded, the people in front of them couldn't help but be stunned for a second, but soon there was a ferocious flash in the other party's eyes, and the aura on his body also burst out at this moment.

"You dare to be arrogant in front of us with your remnant soul, and I will make you pay the price today."

One of them flashed once on his face, and the cultivation of positive energy exploded instantly, and a long spear also cut through the sky at this moment.

Seeing this oncoming blow, the Blood Lord's expression froze, and a ray of blood shot towards the sky in an instant. As soon as the blow fell, the gun shadows that came to him also shattered at this moment.

The man was a little stunned at the moment just now, but he exuded an attack and it broke apart like this. When he looked up at the blood master, there was a dignified look in his eyes.

But before he could react, an invisible pressure appeared in front of him, and then his whole body fell from the air.


After a loud noise, the ground under his feet was cracked, and he was stomped on the ground by the blood master, and his entire body was stained red with blood.

"You dare to shout in front of me just because you are such a thing. Today, I will let you know what it means to be outside the sky and there are people outside the world."

Although his voice was dull and unpredictable, the blood energy on his body had long since dispersed, and once he hit the man, he lost the last trace of fighting spirit, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

When the other people saw this, a trace of embarrassment flashed in their eyes. The blood lord's strength was a little more terrifying than they had estimated. Although it was only a remnant of the soul, they were still powerless in front of him.

Noticing the expressions on their faces, the blood master smiled coldly, and a layer of blood mist instantly hit the sky.

Just as this blow was approaching, those few people did not hesitate at all, and directly mobilized their cultivation base to retreat a hundred meters away. At this moment, they already felt the danger and did not dare to stay here.

Although the speed of their escape was fast, they still couldn't escape this. As soon as the blood lord's attack fell, those few people were directly swallowed up.


With a burst of heart-piercing screams, those people fell to the ground one after another, some strong people still had a breath, but most of them had lost their vitality.

"You dare to shout in front of me even with your strength."

After he finished speaking, there was an extra layer of blood in his hand, and those few people were also swallowed up at this moment.

Noticing the cultivation base he exuded, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned for a second, this guy is a bit fierce, much more terrifying than he expected.

After paying a few people to deal with it, the blood master directly put away the cultivation base on his body, and when he turned around, a faint smile flashed in his eyes.

But before he could open his mouth, Chen Changsheng sneered: "Didn't you say you have the final say here, why are they still going to kill you!"

As soon as these words came out, the blood lord's face instantly darkened, and he never thought it would be like this.

"They may be newly cultivated. After all, I have been away from here for a hundred years, and it is normal not to know each other."

Having said that, he also vaguely sensed that the meaning was wrong, that his cultivation had greatly improved, and he still had a chance to kill.

The people who go out from here, although the killing energy is very decisive, but they will not be so fearful like these guys.

After some thought, he and Chen Changsheng both left here, and now there is no need to waste time.

Chapter 1148 I don't know who you are, our blood master has an order, all outsiders will be beheaded here

As soon as he stepped into the town, Chen Changsheng's expression became solemn, and he found that dozens of people were secretly watching the two of them.

Just as he pulled out the Holy Soul Sword, the blood lord's voice sounded directly in his mind.

"Don't be so excited, if they dare to come, they will kill him directly."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned for a second, but she was also suppressed at this moment. Since this guy has already spoken, there is no need for him to continue wasting time.

When they stopped, a very primitive palace appeared in front of the two of them. Seeing this scene, Chen Changsheng's eyes flashed with a hint of confusion. He didn't know what this guy meant.

But before he could open his mouth, the blood master directly broke out the cultivation base, and a layer of blood energy also shrouded forward at this moment.

"The guards here haven't come out to see me, do you want me to invite you?"

A icy voice sounded, and the whole town was shaken a little, and at this moment, an afterimage appeared in front of him.

Seeing the person appearing in front of him, Chen Changsheng's expression froze, and the cultivation base on his body also burst out at this moment. As soon as this person appeared, he felt a hint of danger.

As the blood energy dissipated, a figure came out of it at this moment. As soon as it appeared, a trace of doubt flashed in the other party's eyes.

"Who are you? Why do you dare to call yourself the blood master here 〃'."

After hearing the words, he couldn't help but be stunned for a second. He didn't know what to say at this moment. He had only been away for half a year. These guys actually...

After thinking of this, he shook his head helplessly, and the breath on his body also spread out at this moment.

"Since you don't know me, then you don't need to keep it. I'll send you away now."

A layer of blood mist directly enveloped the man's head, and the surroundings were also filled with a layer of murderous aura at this moment.

At the moment when he released his cultivation base, the aura in the human body also burst out at this moment.

"You are wild here, you are still the first person, and now I will send you away."

The sound fell, and a long spear was directly transformed into his hand, and the spear shadows also attacked forward at this moment.

Seeing this oncoming blow, the blood lord had to avoid it, but a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"You want to hurt me even with this level of attack."


After a loud noise, the ground beneath his feet shattered at this moment, and the spear shadows that had just arrived in front of him shattered directly. The guardian also stepped back a few steps at this moment. A look of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

This person's strength is even more terrifying than he estimated, and he is likely to be directly killed again. Although he has some fears in his heart, his cultivation base has not been put away.

After pushing him back, the blood lord did not continue to do anything, but took a step forward and said with a cold expression: "." I wonder if you really don't know me, or if you don't know me. "

He still has absolute certainty (Wang Lihao) about his identity. He doesn't believe that the guy in front of him really doesn't know him.

As soon as these words came out, the man's face condensed slightly, and the breath on his body was also suppressed a lot at this moment.

"I don't know who you are. Our blood master has an order, and everyone from outside will be killed here."

As soon as the voice fell, the cultivation base on his body broke out again, and he stepped out in one step, and the hundred and ten gun shadows scattered in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the Blood Lord's complexion also darkened.

Chapter 1149 You don't have to accompany me on adventures, after all those guys are here for me

But before he could make a move, a sword light flashed across the man's brows, and after he stopped, a sneer flashed in Chen Changsheng's eyes.

"It seems that they are determined to kill you."

Now he can see it clearly. It's not that these guys don't know the blood master, but they have other plans. Presumably there is a new master in this world.

After hearing the words, the blood lord's complexion became very ugly, thinking that he would be able to recover when he returned here, but he did not expect that someone had plotted against the entire blood world, but now wants to kill himself.

After some thought, he directly put away the cultivation base on his body, and then threw a ring in the man's hand in front of Chen Changsheng.

When he saw what was inside, a trace of doubt flashed in Chen Changsheng's eyes, he didn't know what these blood-red 653 crystals were, but before he could open his mouth, the blood master said with a flat face, "This is this place. A cultivation resource that is useful to you."

After hearing his words, Chen Changsheng no longer hesitated, and he put away the ring with his backhand. He can't use the inner alchemy of monsters for cultivation all the time, it just happens to be for his own use.

After collecting this thing, the two of them left here directly. I thought they could be arrogant here, but now it seems that they don't dare to stay here.

Because those guys had already learned the news, sooner or later he would be in danger if he stayed with the blood master (bifa), and when he came to a no-man's land, Chen Changsheng directly hid his cultivation.

Just as he was staring at the battle, the blood lord's voice rang directly in his ears.

"You don't have to accompany me on adventures, after all, those guys are here for me."

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng's expression froze slightly, and then he said calmly, "Now that you tell me this, even if I leave here, they will never let me..."

He didn't finish his words, but shook his head helplessly, he also wanted to go, but now where can he go in this situation.

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