MTL - The Great Desolation: Read the Holy King, Extract the God Statue To Suppress Prison-Chapter 554

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When the voice fell, he directly stepped forward and took a step, the figure disappeared instantly, an afterimage passed by, and a hundred and ten gun shadows swept towards Chen Changsheng in an instant.

Seeing that this blow was approaching, Chen Changsheng's expression condensed, the Holy Soul Sword in his hand instantly shot up into the sky, and his body was also shrouded in a layer of blood at this moment.

At the moment when these blood energy radiated, his figure also dissipated a little at this time, sword lights flashed, and the gun shadows around were also shattered at this moment.


There was a loud noise, and the place where he was standing just now was directly shaken into a big pit, and the ground under his feet was also cracked at this moment, but now is not the time to think about this, and he stepped out and raised his sword directly. And go.


Dozens of sword lights slashed out, directly taking the old man back a few steps. As soon as he stopped, a few sword marks appeared on his body, but his attack was not enough for the old man.

Without waiting for a response, the long spear in the man's hand shot straight into the sky, and at the moment when dozens of spear shadows condensed, the figure of the old man disappeared at this moment.

Noticing these powers appearing in the sky, Chen Changsheng's expression condensed, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes. As he stepped out, his figure appeared thousands of meters away.

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With the collision of the two forces, the vision around him became extremely blurred at this moment. When the dust was falling, both he and the old man were shaken back a hundred meters away.

After they stopped, cracks appeared on the two of them. When they looked at Chen Changsheng again, there was a dignified look in the other's eyes.


He had felt that Chen Changsheng was not strong enough before, but he never thought that Chen Changsheng would be able to compete with him.

He originally thought that after passing the six trials, Chen Changsheng would restrain himself, but now it seems that he thinks too much.

Just as he was thinking about it, Chen Changsheng's figure disappeared immediately, sword lights flashed, and a layer of flame ignited directly on the holy soul sword.


An afterimage passed by, and the holy soul in his hand gradually penetrated directly into the old man's body, and the flame was also dispersing toward the four sides at this moment.

After stopping, a sneer flashed directly in his eyes, and the breath on his body also spread out at this moment.

Chapter 1111, defeat me next, you can leave this city of order, but you may die when you fight me

He used the method of burning the soul. The old man in front of him had the strongest strength, but he did not cultivate the soul. Under the attack of Soul Chopping and Soul Burning, it was impossible for him to have the strength to fight back.

Noticing the expression that flashed across Chen Changsheng's face, the old man's expression froze slightly, and the spear in his hand stabbed forward.

But he didn't expect that just when he raised the gun ring, the cultivation base on his body was directly shaken, and the long gun he just lifted "623" fell heavily to the ground at this moment.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help frowning, he didn't know what was going on, but he felt even more that Chen Changsheng was not simple.

Just as he was thinking solemnly, Chen Changsheng said with a calm expression, "I can be considered to have passed this test now."

He has no intention of continuing to waste here at all, and the old man has just opened his mouth, this seventh trial is to defeat him.

After hearing the words, the person in front of him couldn't help but be stunned for a second, and then he put away all the cultivation bases on his body.

"Congratulations on passing this emperor's seventh trial."

When he said this, his face was slightly solemn, and the shock in his eyes was deeper than before. After speaking, his figure disappeared at this moment.

After dealing with this person, Chen Changsheng immediately moved his pace. Seeing this, he would be able to get out of here very soon.

But before he took a few steps, an invisible coercion dispersed directly towards the four sides, and the figure of the previous middle-aged woman also appeared in front of him at this moment.

Seeing the cultivation base exuding from his body, the middle-aged woman smiled faintly, and the cultivation base on her body also burst out at this moment.

Noticing the cultivation realm he exuded, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned for a second, but soon his cultivation realm exploded, and a cold light flashed directly on the holy soul sword.

It is definitely not a good thing to be able to appear here. Although the person in front of him has been in contact with him before, but now it is different from the past. It is definitely not a good thing for this person to appear at this time.

Before she could open her mouth, the middle-aged woman in front of her faced a faint smile and said, "I didn't expect your progress to be so fast. If you defeat me next, you can leave this city of order, but I have to tell you. , you may die when you fight me."

The voice fell, and the murderous aura swept away directly, and the surroundings were also shrouded in a layer of blood at this moment......

Seeing these forces appearing around him, Chen Changsheng's expression froze, and a cold light flashed across the Xuanzhen Sword in his hand. The strength of the person in front of him was unfathomable, and it was also his last battle.

Taking a step forward, the aura on his body radiated directly, and a hundred and ten sword shadows instantly condensed in the sky.


One after another sword light flashed, and those sword shadows also drilled into those blood energy at this moment, but he did not expect that just as his attack approached, the figure of the person in front of him disappeared.

When he came back to his senses again, a hand was lightly placed on his shoulder. As soon as the hand was put down, Chen Changsheng 5.0 shivered involuntarily, but before he could react, he directly Was shaken back thousands of feet away.

As soon as he stopped, a cobweb-like crack appeared on his body, and his complexion was also pale at this moment. When he looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him again, his expression was slightly condensed, and there were a few more solemnities in his eyes.

This person's strength is even more terrifying than he estimated, if he is tough with him, it will definitely be a life-and-death situation.

Chapter 1112 Didn't you get an inheritance? That power is enough for you to break through to the realm of questions

The middle-aged woman who saw the expression flashed across his face gave a cold smile, waved one hand, and an invisible pressure immediately dispersed.

At the moment when these powers were deployed, his figure immediately disappeared, an afterimage passed by, and he appeared directly in front of Chen Changsheng.

Without saying any nonsense, he directly slammed Chen Changsheng's face with his palm. Under this powerful force, the shadow of the sword that Chen Changsheng had just radiated immediately shattered, and he seemed to be broken at this moment. The stringed kite directly retreated a thousand feet away.

As soon as he stopped, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Chen Changsheng's mouth, and his complexion became much paler. The Holy Soul Sword in his hand let out bursts of jingles, and a pain was also felt in his body at this moment.

Now he also truly realizes his own inadequacies, and he has no power to fight here. Before this person was hidden too deeply, he didn't realize how much the opponent's strength was.

Seeing the expression flashing on his face, the person in front of him smiled lightly, and the cultivation base on his body also restrained a little at this moment.

"The strength is good, but it's still a little too hot. I don't have to kill you, but I only give you three days. If you can't improve, don't blame me for being rude."

The voice fell, his figure disappeared at this moment, and the surroundings were also enveloped by an invisible force at this time.

Feeling the powers appearing around him, Chen Changsheng's expression condensed, and there was a little more solemnity in his eyes at this moment.

After some thought, he directly took out a few pills and took them, and then he crossed his legs and started to restore his cultivation. He only has three days now, and he might really have to die here.

When he stood up from the ground again, his cultivation had recovered a lot, but at this time his complexion was still very ugly. In three days, he would not be able to meet a woman until he was promoted to the realm of asking.

Just as he was thinking solemnly, the voice of the person inside his body rang directly in his ear.

"Didn't you get an inheritance? That power is enough for you to break through to the realm of questions."

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng couldn't help being stunned for a second, but soon a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, how could he forget this thing.

Without any hesitation, he directly transferred the cultivation base, and the inheritance he had obtained before also appeared in his mind at this time.

With the emergence of these few strands of power, the breath on his body became more and more turbid, and he was also pulled into the world of consciousness at this moment.

Here, he saw the scene he fought before, and the embarrassment when he was injured. Looking at it, his complexion became solemn, and he found that he was able to capture a lot of deficiencies.

Although he has reached the middle stage of Heavenly Immortal, he has not fully exerted his strength, otherwise the old man before him would have no power to resist in front of him.

With the passage of time, the sky has gradually dimmed, and Chen Changsheng is actually unmoved at this moment, the aura on his body is getting stronger and stronger, and after a while, he is directly enveloped by a layer of golden light.

When he opened his eyes again, there was a flash of excitement in his eyes. As soon as the Holy Soul Sword came out, a sword light instantly slashed into the distance.


There was a loud noise, and the sky was also divided into two at this moment, and then the entire City of Order trembled a little.

Looking at the sword mark left in front of him, his expression became slightly solemn, and he moved his cultivation base again with his backhand.

Chapter 1113 I still remember the set of exercises I passed on to you before.

He only has three days to improve now. Although he has just had an epiphany, these strengths are still not enough.

Without any hesitation, he directly jumped to the cultivation base again, and a sword light flashed out, and he was also shrouded in a layer of blood at this moment.

At the moment when his cultivation base was released, the two inner alchemy also appeared in front of him at this moment. Although he had condensed two inner alchemy very early, he only found out now that these powers he did not put them away. Fully grasp.

After staring at the two inner pills in front of him and looking at them for a while, he directly mobilized his cultivation base again, blood flashes flashed, and the two inner pills in front of him immediately began to blend, but they did not intend to merge.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but be stunned for a second, but before he could react, he directly felt a sharp pain in his body, and then a **** light shot into the sky instantly.

On the other side, when the middle-aged woman saw the strangeness in the trial ground, her face became a little dignified, and with a flash, he appeared directly in the distance of the trial ground.

Noticing the cultivation base exuding from Chen Changsheng's body, his face was slightly solemn, and a gloom flashed in his eyes. He had always felt that Chen Changsheng was not simple, but he did not expect that Chen Changsheng had already condensed the double core.

This kind of strength is also rare in a century, and few people know about these cultivation techniques. Chen Changsheng was able to cultivate them, which is enough to prove that it is not simple.

After scrutinizing him, his complexion was slightly condensed, and his eyes were also a little darker at this moment. If Chen Changsheng's identity is really not simple, then his killing him will definitely lead to some disasters.

But now is not the time to think about it. If you want to get out of the city of order, Chen Changsheng must defeat him.

On the other hand, Chen Changsheng's cultivation has also made great progress at the moment. Although he is only at the peak of Heavenly Immortal, he can definitely fight against the powerhouse.

As time passed, the aura in his body became stronger and stronger, and at this moment, the person in his body appeared directly in front of him.

"The speed of your progress is really fast, but these are still not enough. I still remember the set of exercises that I passed on to you before"'."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng couldn't help being stunned for a second, but soon he turned his back to joy, and directly pulled out the Holy Soul Sword, a cold light flashed, and hundreds of sword shadows condensed directly in the sky.

He didn't expect that at the moment when he released his cultivation base, the sky was directly shrouded in a layer of dark clouds, and then several lightning bolts were about to move at this moment.

Seeing these strange appearances in the sky, Chen Changsheng's expression froze, and he stepped forward, turning into a sky and attacking forward.

Just as he was attacking forward, the lightning dots in the sky also fell at the moment, and in the blink of an eye, the sword shadows he exuded were directly swallowed up.


There was a loud noise, and the ground under his feet was also torn apart at this moment (Wang Haohao), and the sword shadows he radiated also dissipated at this moment, and as soon as he stopped, he was smashed by the pole. Thunderbolt package.

When he looked up at the sky, there was a dignified look in his eyes, and this power was more terrifying than he expected.

But now is not the time to think about it. If he wants to pass these eight trials now, he has to use this set of exercises to the extreme.

After some thought, the breath in his body dispersed again.

Chapter 1114 Don't be so impulsive, these forces are still difficult for you to resist

But this time, before he could rush, the person beside him pulled him back, and then a red light directly enveloped the two of them.

"Don't be so impulsive, kid, the higher your strength, the stronger these thunder tribulations will be."

After hearing the words, a trace of doubt flashed in Chen Changsheng's eyes. The cultivation base that he had just exuded was also lowered a little at this moment. He didn't know what it meant.

Sword shadows flashed one after another, and cold light flashed directly on the holy soul sword, but this time he did not attack forward impulsively, but took a step back.

As soon as it stopped, the surroundings were enveloped by an invisible pressure of 623, and those few thunderbolts also fell at this moment.


A loud noise came out, the ground under his feet was torn apart, and a deep pit was directly slammed into the position where he had just stood, but he avoided the blow.

Although he avoided it, under this powerful pressure, he couldn't help but take a step back, and the Holy Soul Sword in his hand trembled at this moment.

After some thought, he directly suppressed the cultivation base exuding from his body, and at this moment, the thunder and lightning gathered in the sky disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

Looking at the scene in front of him, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but now is not the time to think about it, and then he took out a few pills and took them directly.

"Let you not be so impulsive, these forces are still difficult for you to resist now."

When he spoke, there was a dignified look in the man's eyes. Chen Changsheng's progress was indeed much faster than he expected.

It's just that the power of these thunder tribulations has greatly exceeded his expectations. If Chen Changsheng were to be stubborn, he would definitely not get any benefit.

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng's expression became a little dignified, and then he asked directly, "Why did your practice cause a catastrophe?"

He is also very puzzled by this power, and this time the power is completely trying to kill him.

(bifa) After hearing the words, the face of the person in front of him froze, and he fell into deep thought. It wasn't that he didn't want to say it, but his cultivation at the time didn't have such a big impact.

Noticing the two shots that flashed across his face this time, the doubt in Chen Changsheng's eyes intensified.

But before he could speak, the person beside him said with a solemn expression: "For the time being, don't practice this exercise, I'm afraid you will die here."

He didn't find out the reason for this, so now he didn't dare to jump to conclusions, the voice fell, and his figure disappeared at this moment.

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng also fell into contemplation, but now he had no choice. After some thought, he directly turned the pair of pills out.

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