MTL - The Great Conqueror-Chapter 519 See fellow fellow

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519 fellows see fellows (for monthly tickets)

"It's time for the five of you to get married, and whoever remembers to tell me, but first declares that if anyone robs a civilian girl, I'll take his skin!"

After listening to Zou Liang's words, the five brothers also looked at each other and wondered how to answer.

Zou Liang ’s heart of gossip is burning. "As the wolf king, you have to set an example for the development of the wolf race. It is best to marry other races. Do not always stare at your three acres. a little."

"Who will look at us." Haihou scratched his head.

The Wolves have always been at the bottom. In fact, they also like the beauty of the aristocracy, the girls of the Wolves ... How to say, it is not that the Wolves have no beauties, but just sleep all day and worry about life. The girls in the United States are also tortured Discount, let alone elegance and etiquette.

"Oh, don't worry, it won't be long before everyone's opinion of you will change."

There was a smile on the corner of Zou Liang's mouth, and his fate finally had some meaning in his hands. The reason why he asked about the marriage of the five wolf kings was also to integrate the wolf tribe into Mengjia, and they were always so isolated. It is also not conducive to the development of Snow Wolf Town, and even the development of the Wolf Clan.

Although intermarriages are ancient and antiquated, it is undeniable that, like beauties, they are enduring tricks.

"Let's go and have a drink!"

Not long after I left the inn, I saw a nice restaurant. Generally, the pub is for adventurers. The grade is lower and the wine is relatively inferior. The restaurant is more comfortable and the wine is better.

Zou Liang and his five brothers came to the restaurant's entrance. The two big characters "Griffin" and the ancient characters used were very domineering.

The group of six people was fairly well-formed, and the messenger immediately arranged the location. Zou Liang ordered the second floor, ordered a few dishes, and traveled long distances. The five brothers were also tired, and they drank some wine to relieve their fatigue.

The waiter wanted to pour the wine, and the air domineer brought the altar over. He waved his messenger to leave, and poured himself a bowl. The air dozer drank it, and nodded for a while. The landlord nodded. Only filled Arthur's glass.

The Fox waiter couldn't help muttering a few words, what to pretend to be, like a big man, a Bill, with a few coyote men, really funny, but the visitor is a guest, just pay for it.

Zou Liang raised his cup. Generally, pubs use bowls. It's a bit uncomfortable to hold this cup.

"You worked hard along the way and did it."

Zou Liang said, the five brothers also drank one drink at a time. Although the cup is not small, it is still not very good.

"Let the waiter replace the bowl."


The air fighter beckoned and called the waiter, "change to a bowl."

"Ah, sorry, sir. We are a high-end restaurant here. We don't drink with a bowl."

The waiter of the Fox clan said that the country guy from there came to the Lion Roar Restaurant to drink with a bowl.

The eyes of the air domineer stared round and round. The dogs looked at the lower ones and didn't know who was in front of them.

Zou Liang waved his hand. "Forget it."

The air fighter sat down indignantly, and a surprise sounded from the adjacent table. A hot Rhine girl looked at Zou Liang.

"You ... Are you Arthur?"

Zou Liang is also a stunner. Is he so famous now that everyone can recognize it here? This world is not the kind of information age at the time. It is calculated that the name reaches the level of the pope. Not many people can recognize it.

"Did you live on Anrow Street in Jerusalem, your father was a blacksmith, and you have a stupid younger brother named ... Ou ... Onist, right!"

The Rhine girl patted her chest with a little surprise. Obviously, she did not expect to meet her fellow in the province of Shenxing.

Zou Liang also froze for a while, looking at the girl did not respond, in his memory does not seem to have such a number of people.

"I am Arthur, you are ..."

"I'm Sister Lilia. Remember, you lived across from your house. At that time, you and Ernest often came to play with me. Later, our house moved away. Really, I haven't seen it for many years. It's up! "

Lilia said in surprise.

Zou Liang felt a kind of tearful meaning when the fellow saw the fellow, but he did not have a clear impression. It probably belongs to Arthur's previous memory, which is too long, but guessing can also guess that the original Arthur Shiyou is a bit secretly in love with others. The Rhein girl in front of her is really good. Although not very stunning, she wins and looks good. She also seems to have a lively personality, and she must be full of appeal to Arthur at the time.

"Lilia, don't you introduce us?" A Rhein man, about twenty-seven, stood up and said.

"Introduce you, this is my boyfriend Jie Shi, who runs a jade shop in Yamai City, and that is the deputy head of the Howling Mercenary Group, Leulte, our friend, both of our business. Thank you for his care. "

Called Lerte is a snooker in his forties and very proud. Zou Liang didn't like triangle eyes much, and it was even more futile to look at the picture.

"Arthur, Lilia's neighbor when she was young, didn't expect to meet here."

Jie Shi feels good, at least very polite, and Zou Liang is also very polite.

"It's not easy. Welcome to Amai. Although there is anything I need to talk about, Lilia moved to Amai very early. It's the first time in many years that I have met a friend from my hometown. I don't know how long to stay, I choose a time to treat. "

Jie Shi said very enthusiastically.

Lilia also laughed. "Don't be polite with him. His family is very tight. By the way, Arthur, what are you doing now, who are these?"

The five wolf kings are all expressionless and habitual. After two destructive trainings, their expressions are not very vivid.

"My friend, this time I will stay in Amai City for a while, but not long. I will get together when I have time. It seems you are happy and happy for you."

After a period of contact, Zou Liang also seemed to find a vague shadow from the memory. At that time, Lilia was the eldest sister in the vicinity, covering the Arthur brothers. Later, I was afraid that Arthur's loneliness was also due to Lilia's departure.

"Whenever you have time, be sure to meet, and rarely meet old friends!" Lilia said, holding Jieshi's hand.

Jies obviously also hurts Lilia, and nodded, "Here is the guest, give us a chance, you also know Lilia's personality, if you ignore her, my life will be miserable, if Brother Arthur Stay longer and you can attend our wedding. "

It's been a long time since I met such a hospitable person. Zou Liang couldn't resist it for a while. Forget it, it's equal to returning to Arthur.

"Okay, as long as I'm still in Yamai, I will definitely participate!" It was not embarrassing to face a enthusiastic fellow who wanted to refuse.

"Jie Shi, your family also has a head and face in Yamai. If you invite him, your father will be unhappy."

They kept silent and didn't look at Arthur's Llethe innocently.

I don't know if it was because he became the main sacrifice in red. Zou Liang does not mean to care about small people at that time. It is probably really a level improvement and a broad-minded, but just smiled.

"Brother Jie, it's nice to meet you, even if you're in trouble, but congratulations, the gift will be delivered."

Zou Liang said that the King of the Earth and others had long been staring at the guy who didn't know how to live or die.

Jess was a little embarrassed. "Brother Arthur, don't mind, Leerte is this temper. Come, I respect you."

"Yo, this is not Jess, and your little beauty."

As soon as the sound sounded, the expressions of Jess and Lilia became cautious, and Leulte stood up.

A young Tago young man appeared, and Jess stepped forward, "Florer, what do you want to do!"

Fowler opened his mouth wide and laughed at the followers behind him. "You said if this guy had a brain problem, of course, I went to the restaurant to drink, otherwise, what else can I do? Since it happened, let your chick accompany me to drink Have a drink! "

At that moment, the blue veins on Jie's face were all angry. For any orc, this was the biggest insult. If he had teased his fiancee in front of his own face, would he still use it to meet people in the future.

But Lilia grabbed Jess and said softly, "He's deliberately insulting you, let's ignore him."

Talking about pulling Rajes back to his seat, and didn't say hello to Zou Liang, he was obviously afraid of involving them.

"Viscount Fowler, give me face." Leulte stood up and said.

Zou Liang also knows that such a young age is the Viscount. At least some people in the family are the Earl. I am afraid it is still the powerful one, otherwise it will inherit so smoothly.

"Ah, it was the deputy commander of Leerte. It's a big face, and while staying, it makes the young man unhappy, and the good days of your roaring mercenary group are over."

Fry snorted, apparently a mercenary regiment was not in the eyes of others.

Lerte's triangle eye twitched, but he put up with it, this man ... he couldn't afford to offend.

"Lilia, I haven't seen it in a few days, it's more watery, come over and have a drink with me." Fowler didn't put Jess in his eyes at all.

When people around the restaurant saw this liveliness, they also talked about it, and Fowler also deliberately wanted to get a lively and decent face.

After listening to a few miscellaneous sentences, Zou Liang also roughly understood that this Fowler belongs to the external department of the Monta Eris family, that is, responsible for making money. The existence of any family requires a huge fund base, and Fowler This is the case with Montaris. His father is the spokesperson of the Montaris family in the province of Grace. Recently, Fowler also became interested in the jade business, because the large construction of Dolan City undoubtedly requires a lot of decoration, which involves a lot of large Family, jade demand soared, and Jieshi family obviously became a competitor.

In Mengjia ~ ~ the normal competition is very small, eating big and small, this has troubled the Jieshi family, and the Jieshi family is of course somewhat related. Now it is in a time of competition, but I am afraid to support Not long after, the other party has been making excuses, Lilia grabbed Jies just to be afraid of his impulse.

"Liya hasn't seen this. Why are there two tables? Come here and have a drink together." Zou Liang laughed.

Lilia hesitated, and quickly winked and motioned to leave the matter alone. Zou Liangquan didn't see, "Today is Brother Jie's treat, how can I toast, don't be upset by the flies."

Lilia was completely stunned, finished, finished, really bearish temper, now it can be a big trouble.

Fowler laughed. He had been in trouble for a while, but his grandson was so bearable as a tortoise.

"Boy, I really have you, and you all heard it, knock me all his teeth out!" Fowler waved his hand, and the beaters behind him had been choking for a long time.

[... see the fellows in the 519 villagers (for monthly tickets) ----......] @! !!

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