MTL - The God of Sky & Earth-Chapter 2515 : Tower Battle!

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Immediately, Faye raised an eyebrow, and condensed, "Not found, doesn't mean I don't have it! Maybe this clue belongs to my God Yaxing domain?"

After stunning God, Nan Ke's mouth lightly hooked, but unfortunately said: "I didn't expect that the righteous Faye would also have selfishness? God Yaxing has already prepared, let's say, what do you want?"

"I want to do whatever you want!" Faye said lightly.

Suddenly, Faye's body air erupted, and he looked up at Nan Ke, "The man behind you wants to be resurrected, why don't I want to open the realm of the gods and taste the taste of being a god?"

"The fissures of the Chaos Demon Realm have you been there before?" Nan Ke's eyes were instantly gloomy.

Hakuba's eyes flickered, and a slight unrecognizable wave flashed in the depths of her pupils, but she didn't reveal it. She put her hand on the green room and continued to walk.

"Xuanyuan Qiange is really looking for me! Is this feast today to kill me?" Su Yi groaned in his heart.

Suddenly, Nanke laughed wildly and stared at Faye, "He has to let me find you, but it seems so! Master Qiange thinks you are indispensable, but in my opinion you are just a idiot to die!" "

Turning around, Faye said softly: "It turns out you have Xuanyuan Qiange behind him! In fact, he just wants someone who can help him! I can give anything you can, and I can give too much! Tomorrow Master Let me attend it for you! "

Nan Ke stared at Faye closely, and seemed to be not surprised by what he said. "So, do you think you can replace me?"

"I'm standing here now. You can't open this clue, can't you explain everything?" Faye Tiger's pupil hidden the murderous power, hiding behind Su Yideng's heart.

Both Nanke and Faye are the same as I thought in advance.

Nanke and Xuanyuan Qiange want to open the realm of the gods, Xuanyuan Qiange wants to resurrect by the hand of Nanke, and Nanke also wants to ride the Dongfeng to the top of the realm of gods and become a true god.

Although he does not know what kind of means Faye is in, Faye also wants to be the supreme god.

Right now, the two confronted each other, and Su Yi's mind was running wildly how to rescue Yun Jing.

In fact, because Faye could be close to Tianzhen in Muzhen, Su Yi hoped that Nanke could conquer Faye.

While thinking about it, Nan Ke screamed again, "I don't care if you are Chaos Demon Emperor, I will die in my hands today!"


The next moment, Nan Ke's vast dark purple vortex flashed out, and a gloomy voice came from behind him.

"Master, this is the Chaos Demon Emperor!" Nan Ke said respectfully.

"It's you?"

In the whirlpool, a mute voice, like sandpaper, came out, and the terrifying coercion spread all over the world.


The retreating Faye is only a hundred meters away from Su Yi. The sound of waves in the vortex is violent, and the gloomy energy is overwhelming.

"Good coercion! Is that Xuanyuan Qiange?" Su Yi was shocked.

In the vortex, a distorted human face gradually appeared, and a pair of yellow eyes slowly opened, just like a swamp, it would sink into it.

"Evil Emperor? It's been a long time!" Xuanyuan Qiange stared at Fa Ye, slowly speaking, like a soul cry!

Suddenly, Faye shivered and looked at Nanke and Xuanyuan Qiange unnaturally.

In the next instant, Zhou Kong had a thick and solid earthy yellow energy coiled on his legs, as if a huge boulder was pressed on his heart, and Faye straightened up.

"I'm not a demon emperor, you have to think of me as emperor! Today, you must die in Nanke! And you, the unshaped guy!"

Faye coldly, with his eyes picking, a breath of mighty domineering rushes around him, which is completely contrary to what he just caught off guard!

Su Ye and Nan Ke were shocked at the same time by Faye ’s violent momentum. Phantoms flickered in the vortex, Xuanyuan Qiange's voice was cold and hoarse, "Not a demon emperor? Who are you?"

Suddenly, Nan Ke was full of vitality and radiated, and whispered, "Master, he must be the demon emperor! He has been to the Phantom Star Realm, and he can get close to the wooden town of Tianshi! We kill him! Tomorrow will be out Zhentian Stone, the realm of the gods will reappear on earth! "

For a long while, Xuanyuan Qiange glanced at Faye, "Catch this man alive! He must be alive!"

"Why?" Nan Ke wondered.

Hearing that Faye was also frowning, stepping back slowly, Su Yi, who was hiding in the corner, froze in his heart.

Xuanyuan Qiange didn't find himself to kill himself. Is there another hidden feeling in Xuanyuan Qiange?


The vortex disappeared, and the figure of Xuanyuan Qiange disappeared into the air, leaving only one sentence, "If you want to become a god, just follow me!"

Suddenly, the purple light was extinguished, and the green light was sprinkled on Faye and Nanke. At the same time, their eyes trembled and the killing spree came out!

Looking at each other in the air, one second later, before the green house, Faye and Nanke looked at Yun Jing in the room at the same time, and then they were bursting out of breath!

"Hey! \"

The two changed their faces at the same time, like a shocking energy burst out, and the entire Liuyu Tower suddenly shook!


The two volleyed into each other's palms, and the fiery flame around them fought together like fierce beasts.

Just listening to a violent explosion, the whole cyan channel stretched out from nowhere!


As the space expanded, the turquoise light in front of it also widened, and Su Yi, who had quietly left, shivered.

In front of them, both of them have the Five Elements of Yuan Tianjing, and they are extraordinary.

From this point of view, these six desire towers can also be said to be a heaven-grade treasure, such a fierce impact, even they can be accommodated.

The endless space spreads out, and the energy of Muzhen Tianshi floods Zhoutian!


Nanke supported the ground with one hand, and slowly stood up from the ground. The opposite Faye stood upright like a rock.

Suddenly, the corner of his eye was lightly hooked, and Nan Ke's eyes were blank, "I didn't expect you to hide for so long! I just watched!"


Taking a deep breath, Faye Tiger's pupil flickered, and the pale yellow **** pattern flashed in his eyes, and an overwhelming burst of breath from the whole body suddenly rose!

"Bang, bang!"

Three consecutive bangs, the earth dragon rises on the ground, the violent earth property energy is no longer hidden, the sky is empty, the sky is full of smoke, the momentum is magnificent!

"Elysian God Realm has been prestigious for a long time in the stars, and my God Ya is not in dispute, but it does not mean that we do not have this strength! Nanke, it is only me who can produce this Six Deities Tower today!"

"Six dragons are earthy!"

With the roar of Faye, six earth-shaking dragons roared out, coiled behind them, and the mighty power seemed to swallow the sky!

The sound of a sonic boom rang out, six dragons emerged in unison, and the wooden energy of the trees was instantly dissipated, and Nanke shot out from the smoke quickly!

Read The Duke's Passion