MTL - The God of Sky & Earth-Chapter 2483 : Yun Jing's whereabouts!

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woman! Domain owner Nanke?

Hearing here, Su Yi's heart flashed by. Did Nan Ke hide Su Yi?

Foliage is the master, and the inevitable woman is Yun Jing!

In this way, the leaves and the mother ’s capture were also very much related!

Thinking of this, Su Yi's heart was beating wildly, his hands clenched into fists, listening carefully.

Above the void, Ye Yan, who had heard the words, paused, and said immediately: "I see, my brother is well educated, I will report to the master of Nanke Yu!"

Immediately, the void oscillated, and Faye disappeared.

Fu Ye was lost for a long while in place, listening only to the cold voice of Su Yi coming behind him.

"Cover leaf, did you catch Yunjing!" Su Yi's pupils were blood red, cold light burst, and her hands were wrapped with vitality.

Looking back, there was a wave in the leaves and eyes of the covered leaves, and the sound became crisp and clear, "What do you know?"


Judging from the response of the leaves, it has been determined that Yunjing was caught by the leaves.

Suddenly, Zunyuan Supreme Power started to run, and Su Yi turned into a ball of fire and rushed to cover leaves instantly!


Su Yi's breath exploded wildly, the electric light flowed, and the surging combat power turned into a violent wind and bombarded the cover leaf.


Seeing that Su Yi came really, the breath was violent and fierce, and the covering leaves frowned, stepping on Xuan Zang, just like Su Yi's fierce attack through the leaves!


Void trembled, the light burst out from the small house, and the fierce burst of sound directly cracked the space.

The two were fighting in the air at high speed. At this moment, Su Yi's tragic destruction of the star and the mysterious fire crystal urged at the same time.

"Are you crazy!"

The Vietnam War was more and more shocked, and Su Yi's amazing leapfrog ability shocked Ye Ye's heart.

In the face of Su Yi's life-threatening style of play, Fu Ye didn't fight back, but just gave in.

As Su Yi said, the leaves also have a natural affinity for Su Yi.

Looking at Su Yi's resolute and hateful eyes, the leaves of the palm spread out, pushing Su Yi fiercely back!

At this moment, Su Yi was very close to himself, and the two instantly attacked the cliff from the valley!


The blood demon kills the sword, Su Yi draws a crossed sword wave in front of him.

Sword swept through, the mountain behind it burst instantly, revealing a desolate and ancient atmosphere of terror!

Under the desolate and desolate atmosphere, Su Yi's body is filled with fire, and the overbearing and breathless atmosphere is like a rock, which cannot be shaken!

"You don't have to go in!" Fu Ye gave in for the last time, angrily.

Su Yi raised the blood demon to kill the Excalibur, the huge Sword Spirit swept waves of swords, the scarlet rays swept away, and Xiao's horror breath added a bit of killing.

"I have to go in? You have caught my beloved from Tianman Realm. I have to go in?"


If the wild beast comes out, Su Yi's whole body is filled with a desolate and desolate atmosphere, the mysterious arcs flow around, and the ghost of the emperor behind him has condensed!

The pupils of the gods are unfolded, and the fire light splashes!


Hearing only one blow, Su Yi blocked the sword directly on His Holiness.

The sparkling fire was reflected on Su Yi's hateful face, and the ripples in the heart of the leaf were clear.

The overlying leaves were pressed by Su Yi on the mountain, and the two were separated by an epee, facing each other, showing a strange look.

The whole body was flaming with flames, Pentium's war intentions condensed, and the leaf-veiled gauze was opened directly, and a delicate and exquisite jade face was revealed.

"You came from Tianman Realm?" Fu Ye's mouth trembled, and she seemed to remember something.

Su Yi lowered her eyebrows, staring fiercely at Fuye, "Yes! I came to find Yun Jing, and said! Why did you catch her!"

"She was called Yunjing ..." Fu Ye lowered her brow, then looked at Su Yi and said, "I'm the master of the star domain, why do you say I caught her!"

"Where does she know what the realm of the gods is!"

Suddenly, Su Yi froze and his complexion changed.

On the same day, Tiehun Xun said that he was rescued by Yun Jing's Muzhen Tianshi.

Muzhen Tianshi was left to Yunjing by his mother. Muzhen Tianshi belongs to the realm of gods. Natural Yunjing is also related to the realm of gods.

"..." The leaf-covered face was expressionless, looking at Su Yi, and there was a faint ripple in his eyes.

"Tianman Realm ... but how is it possible! Tianman Realm, can there be such a coincidence?" Fu Ye shook his head, his eyes fell on the epee.

"If you don't let go, I promise you will never see Yun Jing!"

Suddenly, Su Yi returned to God and took back the blood demon to kill the Excalibur. The distance between the two was only one punch away, and the fragrance was diffused.

"Will Yun Jing appear at the Masters Conference?" Su Yi asked.

Foliage was silent for a long while and whispered, "Will ..."

"Take me there! I will also attend the Master Conference!" Su Yi hurriedly.

Suddenly, Monarch's eyes were covered, the space of Yuan Tianjing pushed Su Yi far away, the demon dragon war **** armor cleared, and the golden dragon flickered.

"Let's go! Yun Jing's life has changed your life! I can think that I haven't seen you!" Covering Ye Tingting, she looked at Su Yi, who was white in the distance.

Su Yi twitched at the corner of her eyes in pain, and the leaves have been giving in. If you take a shot, don't want to mention Yun Jing at this moment.

However, if you come to the extraterritorial area for Yunjing, how can you give up!

"No, I want to see Yun Jing! Without Yun Jing, there is no difference between death!"

Suddenly, the leaves were a little lost, and this persistent look seemed to have been seen somewhere. Yao nose moved gently, and said coldly, "I can't do it if I say no! Hurry up and leave if I haven't changed my mind, and return to your heaven! Don't come back! "


The leaves disappeared, leaving only Su Yi alone.

It turned out that Yun Jing was caught by the covering leaves, as well as the mother!

Yes, the leaves must know where the mother is.

The waves surged in his eyes, and Su Yi swallowed a bottle of spiritual fluid and rushed to the door of Xiaoshe.

Time passed, five hours passed quickly, Xiao She's sky turned scarlet, strange and magical.

When the leaves came out of Xiaoshe, Su Yi was still standing outside waiting.

"Don't leave, aren't you really afraid of death!" When Su Yi saw, Ye Ye didn't know where the anger came from, and it was turbulent.

Suddenly, a violent wind rose suddenly, and within the cover of Ye Mei's heart, a mysterious cluster formed by an orchid emerged.

Suddenly the earth trembled for no reason, a breath that made any soul in the world shake the world!


Feeling this coercion, Su Yi took three steps back in a row and plowed a half-meter-high groove on the ground!

Wrapped in dirt, Su Yi still did not change his face, the blood on the corner of his mouth continued to flow, his face resolutely looked at the leaves.

"Take me to the Masters Conference!"

"Impossible!" Without any hesitation, Fu Ye answered immediately.

"I have to go to the Master Conference! I have to save Yun Jing!"

"Who did you save?"

Read The Duke's Passion