MTL - The God of Sky & Earth-Chapter 2478 : His Holiness Leaf!

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Speaking of the forbidden area, everyone present was immediately excited. Is this forbidden area accessible only to the domain owner? Is it going to make an exception today?


For a moment, all the half step Yuan Tianqiang who was present stepped lightly, blowing a fierce wind on the spot and breaking away!

"Teana, we will go back! I can't lose to the boss too! I will teach you some tricks by the way!"

Hearing that Su Tianque was as happy as Meng Shengen.

I am a peacock family. Although I have the blood of a phoenix, it is far worse than the true **** Phoenix.

It is better for a little handsome to give instructions than to practice for years.

Suddenly, three waves of fire swept across the sky, the ripples of space opened up, the people were moving, Su Xiaoshuai also left.


Inside a palace exuding dreamlike charm, the surrounding Sanskrit chants, and the female voices circle back and forth in the depths of the dome.

The faint energy filaments in the space swept around, and everywhere was filled with a fragrance of grace and luxury.

In the deserted hallway, a pair of long, bright white legs were standing in the corridor, and the faint light in the air was blown away by a woman's incense like a tulle.

"Da da!"

No one has been in the quiet hall for a long time. The arrival of the woman seems to break the peace that should have been here.


As if the female laughter circled, the woman slightly raised her head, the laughter above nine days came to an abrupt halt, and was instantly replaced by bursts of cold air, and soon disappeared.

A closer look, the woman is wearing a purple shirt, mopping long skirts with a glorious starting point, and a little fairy-like posture, beautiful figure, huge waves, elegant and peerless!

At this moment, the women's eyes are covered with a thin layer of gauze, holy and elegant, and the eyebrows on the eyelashes are gentle, more like a distant spring smoke, without a little warmth on earth.

When she walked to a beautifully carved stone facade, the corner of the woman's mouth moved lightly, and as she was preparing for the jade hand to knock the door of the house, an elegant voice came from within the stone door.

"What are you doing here again?"

The woman paused slightly, her lips lowered, and whispered softly at the pattern on the stone door, coldly: "What? Shouldn't I come to see my sister?"

"Sister? Do you still recognize me as an older sister?" The girl inside Shimen sounded a little hoarse.

The woman said softly: "My sister made a mistake and my sister paid it back. If my sister still blame me, I will have no regrets!"

Having said that, turning to the enchanting posture, Bi sleeve Yingying floated for a while, the woman raised her legs and walked back.

"Foliage, do you know what love is?"

After a pause, was the woman dubbed Covered Leaf silently condensed, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and a cold voice came out: "Don't say something that I don't have and can't have!"

"Da da da!"

Fu Ye took a few more steps, and the female voice inside Shimen became hastily. "Is that girl ok last time? What did Yu mainly do to her?"

"Just do what you haven't done. If you don't do it, there will always be someone to do it! Just like I have to bear what you didn't do!" Fu Ye sneered.

Suddenly, there was an inexplicable sound inside the stone gate, and the heartbreaking roar sounded through the cold palace, and the woman cried, "You can't! You can't! She was the one I managed to save back then! That was The only thing I care about that place! "

"Don't you break! By the way, you have a son, you have a husband! You still have what you call love!"

At that moment, there was a loud percussion within Shimen, and the woman cried, "You promised me that as long as I return, I will never go to them!"

"I promised you! But if he were to come, don't blame me! By the way, I'll tell you an unfortunate news that you brought back the name of your girl who is chanting every day!"

"Su Yi!"


Within Shimen was suddenly quiet, and the leaf-covered black pupils fluctuated slightly, leaving the palace immediately.

"Why! Why is it like this!"

Inside the stone gate, after the leaves have left, the sad cry cries through the entire dream palace, and the voice of the Yingying Yanyan outside the door keeps on, and the door is full of grief and sorrow!


Sword King domain.

When Su Xiaoshuai retreated, Su Yi was still retreating.

"Human beings are in trouble, what a half step! Tian Tian is too poor!" Su Xiaoshuai cursed.

His demon realm is ninefold, and further practice is directly the demon realm. When the demon realm is considered to restore one half of the original strength of the Phoenix true god.

If Su Yi is not in mind, Su Xiaoshuai will definitely find a place, practice with concentration, practice directly to the highest level, and rush to the realm of the gods to find out what happened in the ancient times.

"Master Xiaoshuai, but after two days of retreat, it has become so great!"

Feng Kuangyi felt the horror of Su Xiaoshuai, and he could not help but tremble in his heart. He was even more convinced that these two people would surely cause great movements in the whole star domain!

"When the boss comes out, we are ready to go! We will deal with the matter of the realm of the gods." Su Xiaoshuai said in a deep voice.

I stunned God in the place, thinking about it, nodding Feng Jian, nodded, and said softly, "If the Lord can be useful to the Sword King Starfield, despite the order, it is inevitable!"

"You guys have the **** spirit of that year, just a bit less domineering! More tempering, I will keep the Blood Sword Temple for you!"

"Thank you, Lord!" Feng Kuang was overjoyed, rubbing his hands, completely like a younger brother!

At this moment, over a dense forest in the forbidden area, hundreds of strong men with a height of more than six and a half steps around the sky form a ring.

For Su Yi coming from the thin aura field, the nine-level promotion of the Yuan Realm to a half-step Yuantian will directly affect the future martial arts foundation.

Therefore, Feng Kuang Yi Jian specifically ordered that he should not guard blindly, and always pay attention to Su Yi's changes in his body's aura and his strength to adjust the power of the law.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth suddenly opened up to devour the destruction of all things in space, and the huge vortex gathered in the air, as if to tear the sky and the earth apart!

"Is it the boss!" Su Xiaoshuai said in shock.

Suddenly, Feng Kuang's face became gloomy instantly, pulling Su Xiaoshuai to look behind him.

Behind the void behind, the mysterious rays of magic are descending like Brahma, and within the huge radiance that connects the heavens and the earth, several super strong shadows are emptied!

The first person was the Supreme Priest, who was wearing a purple cloak. Four black shadow warriors in black robes, three times taller than ordinary men, held palm black rods and stood behind them.

"Sword King Star Realm, Lord Revered Leaf!"

Ten sounds flow, ten words are ten sound waves impacting the heavens and the earth, between the tearing of energy, the space ripples break down, and under the light, God is magnificent!