MTL - The General’s Cat Always Wants To Climb Into My Bed-Chapter 63 Elopement (1)

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The white love orchid is full of tombstones, the woman in weeping is wearing a black dress, the back is straight, the shoulders are slightly trembled, and it can be seen from the air from afar. Smell the other's grief.

"The assassination of the murderer of the Crown Prince has still not been found."

After the white flower, she showed a young and beautiful face. She wiped the tears in her eyes with a light blue handkerchief. After a long silence, she was resentful.

"Is the suspect already identified?"

"Yes," the visitor was somewhat hesitant. "According to our exclusion of all the information, we came to the conclusion that..."

"who is it?"

"Shen Zhifan, once a mech player, also known as KK... adults should have had a relationship with him."

Olivia's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it. He couldn't help but hold his mouth, and the pale pink lips were bitterly restrained.

"How could it be him!"

When the people came silent, they didn't know how to comfort. At this time, a young and slender young man came from the side and wore a black formal suit. He passed straight to Olivia.

He gently gripped Olivia's shoulder from behind.

Olivia fell in his arms, as if he had sought the most trusting reliance, and the sobbing of the cockroaches was as pitiful as a homeless kitten.

Even if the director of Olivia was sexually awkward, in the face of losing his brother, it was still a sad little girl.

"His Royal Highness should not be too sad..."

Olivia held out a hand, and the voice still whimpered, but apparently had been restrained.

"You go ahead, let me and I walk alone for a while... I want to talk to my brother again."

The words should be said: "I also have some words to tell the Crown Prince, I will take care of you instead of him."

The tombstone was a lot of time in front of the tombstone, only echoing the girl’s suppressed voice.

"His Royal Highness, are you okay?"

When the people left, they took a step back and looked at Olivia slightly.

He will not comfort the girl.

The sad little girl opened her eyes: "Oh, not very good, it is very hard to laugh."

Speech: "..."

Olivia turned his back and looked back at the two tombstones in front of him. There seemed to be no emotion in his eyes: "In fact, when he was very young, he was not bad for me."

Miao Wei looked at Olivia, but Olivia did not seem to be going to continue, as if everything was in the air.

She converges on the teasing smile, just standing in a complicated and quiet way.

"Right," Olivia returned, "Shen Zhifan is in your brother?"

The words were silent: "I don't know very well, my brother seems to be very busy recently."

"Then we will be very busy, public will be held, the reporter will deal with it personally," Olivia looked up. "The ceremony is also fast."

The words were raised in amazement.

She never talked again, letting the wind blow through her black skirt, but she said clearly that she had a very grand flower.

Open on the ruined ruins of the empire.


"Speaking general, this is just a routine."

The young officers were a little bit, and there was some sweat in their foreheads. Looking back at the big men in the governing department, they dared to take the courage to face the man in front of them.

He faced the eagle eagle, the pillar of the empire.

The displeasure on the face of the words overflowed quickly: "If I remember correctly, the one you are investigating lives in my next door."

"Yes, yes," the young officer tried to straighten his tongue and said in a breath. "But there are signs that the adults and the gentleman have some personal relationships. In order to prove the innocence of the adults, please support the work of the adults."

"Your thoughts are very interesting," he said, bowing his head and taking out a pen. "When you treat your own rivals, is it so sympathetic?"

"This..." The young military officer was already very embarrassed, and he went back to seek advice.

But the words took a step back: "Even if it's not logical, please come in."

The smile of the big man in the board of directors is fast and stiff: "The generals are innocent and arrogant."

The general raised his mouth and made a smile that was equally false: "You have a good reputation."

When the young officer passed by him, he took up the courage: "Adult, we absolutely believe in you. I used to hate Richard next door."

Speech: "..." Oh, it seems that this is also a young man with a story.

After all, it is the point of the generals. Most people don’t dare to turn around. They just walk through the scenes. The home of the words is clean and simple, almost as if they are not eating fireworks.

By the end of the day, the words had been smashed with a cup of black tea, and the legs were fed with freshly raised fish in the bathtub.

"Excuse me, adults."

Nothing was searched, and the young officer bowed to him.

With a sip of tea, there is still no expression. He is still stereotyped like a stone statue of the millennium.

"It's ok."

When the room was quiet, the words put down the black tea, hesitated for a while and then poured a cup and walked to the second floor.

The youth has turned back from the opposite side, and the hands and feet are neat.

"Is it all right?"

Shen Zhifan is somewhat worried.

Yan shook his head.

Shen Zhifan said with a sigh of relief: "That's good, I have been very careful."

"What are you going to do next," he said, handing him the teacup. "You can't hide for a lifetime."

Shen Zhifan smiled bitterly, and the light outline was unexpectedly soft: "Maybe... If there is a chance to go to the country of machinery, where is the softness."

The words were silent, "What about me?"

Shen Zhifan said: "You... me, I..."

His reaction did not seem to have considered him at all. He said that his heart was sinking, but he did not reveal: "Nothing, do what you want to do, see the people you want to see, I will not restrain you."

That is to say, he turned around a little bit.

"Are you angry?"

The young black-haired man suddenly felt helpless and touched his hair.

"No." The words are ready to go downstairs.

Shen Zhifan followed up and said something incoherently: "Well... I mean, after all, you are the empire of the Empire, Ferdinandia is dead and there will be many things, and the Union..."

The words are faint: "Oh, that's right."

"Please don't be angry," Shen Zhifan wants to bite his tongue. "If there is a chance, I will come back. No, I mean I can go later, no, I..."

"I am not angry."

"But you are getting faster and faster!"

The words stopped, and I turned back. "I am going to feed the cat."

Shen Zhifan licked his lips. "Well, as long as you are not angry, then I am going to see the Princess Olivia. You remember to eat on time."

Speech: "..."

Hey, he is really angry!

Read The Duke's Passion