MTL - The General’s Cat Always Wants To Climb Into My Bed-Chapter 25 The secret of Shen Zhifan (3)

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The diary is very thick. Shen Zhifan feels that when he opens it, he is a little scared. It is just a diary, but it seems to be opening an inexpressible history. .

Not so exaggerated, he slowly calmed himself.

The first page is a 28-year event, five years ago, and the handwriting is very messy. Obviously, when he wrote it, his mood was very unstable.

"Today is the first day I came here. The challenge table here was designed very high. When I walked into the first game, I saw that a mech was directly thrown down and folded into two halves."

"From this point of view, combined with the books I read in the past few years, I can conclude that the people inside are probably not living, but no one cares that he can't live."

"I heard them shouting, those audiences...should be the audience, their emotions were ignited to the highest, and they took the money directly into the station. The sky was full of rain under the banknotes. It was so beautiful... but no The person noticed the loser who was folded out in two, and their eyes were gathered on the stage."

"Mr. Gerry said that it is the strongest mech of this underground machine. It is three consecutive championships. You can buy the entire interstellar orphanage with one month's income."

"In fact, income is second to me. I just want to survive. My sister's back is burnt. I don't know what people are doing. There is a big chunk of red. I hope it will not stay, but maybe She is very small. She thought that I didn't know, and I didn't intend to tell me. I knew that she was trying to understand things, but she didn't know that it made me feel that I could do nothing. I can't let her stay in that place."

"As Mr. Gurry said, those in the dark are searching for my tracks. I am struggling, there is no way to engage in any bright and professional career... It sounds pathetic, isn't it?"

"When I passed by, the boy sold me a diary. He said that I should need this. His clothes are very ragged and look very pitiful. I have no pity for other people's qualifications and habits, but I still buy them. If I die tomorrow, at least my sister will still get a pension. If it is not dead, then this diary may still have my handwriting tomorrow."

This is the first of this diary record, and the first day that Shen Zhifan stepped into the underground machine field. He had not seen it well before, or he would not have reached this step.

Seeing the past that I have experienced in the past but forgotten, it seems to be looking at other people's stories. Unfortunately, it is a deeper and more incomprehensible sorrow than watching other people's stories. Others will only be light and high in the upper ground.

It turned out that I was really walking to the end of the road.

Shen Zhifan suddenly felt that there was an indescribable fatigue, and he suddenly remembered that the sharp pain he had touched when he touched those buttons was made at that time.

It should be the end of the road.

Shen Zhirou is also very bad, but she is not willing to tell him. After announcing two sentences, it has passed. Shen Zhirou’s arrogant little girl, has been slowly polished into a dead stone by this kind of day.

However, there are still some words that Shen Zhifan did not understand, such as "Those who are secretly searching for my traces", who is searching for his trace?

Why can't he work in a bright and professional career?

Shen Zhifan slowly turned to the second page.

"I have survived. The weather is very good today. I stared at the sunshine outside for a long time. My eardrum is still ringing now, as if dozens of bombers are falling beside me, I can hardly hear anything. I couldn't sleep at all. The doctor in the underground told me that there was no big deal and left, but it seems to be bleeding now."

"But I am not dissatisfied, I feel lucky, at least I survived."

"Unfortunately, the person who died on the opposite side was a bit miserable. His neck was connected with the mech, and he looked like he was younger than me. When he died, the ribs were interspersed, and the whole person was twisted and soaked in the blood. Feeling sick and spitting for a long time, now the whole person is very prostration."

"I am scared, and suddenly there is a fearlessness."

"If you want to go to the benefits, if you die tomorrow, your sister will get more pensions."

This is the next day, Shen Zhifan's mind flashed a battle in confusion, and there sounded some poor battles.

The two young boys, perhaps all of them, are only seventeen or eighty years old. They are fighting here for tomorrow, and then they have paid a huge price. Life is worthless. The audience in the audience is as cold-eyed as watching the mime. Laughter and again, their deaths are not a little dignified, and the decayed old banknotes hurriedly bury the blood.

Shen Zhifan’s throat moved slightly, and he even felt the pain in the eardrum. He turned to the next page.

"I am alive today, but my ears are still very painful and I can't hear anything."

"The bad news is that the doctor said that I have to go and have a look. If I don't look at it, I may be embarrassed. The good news is that I have two consecutive victories and have a week of rest."

"But I can't go back to see Shen Zhirou... I may not be able to see her for a long time, at least until I don't have a good personal sample, she will see me like this, I will cry out, I don't want to Let her cry."

"Niya is very good to me. She is carefully banding for me. I am wrapped in the mummy of the ancient history book. I still feel very fun when I look in the mirror. This makes me laugh at Niya. She still dropped two tears for me... She is a good girl, but unfortunately I can't accept her heart."

"I am here today, I hope I will be alive after a week."

Wrapped into a mummy... Shen Zhifan’s mouth raised a somewhat helpless smile, and the bitterness of the young man’s death was also said to be quite interesting.

The third diary was not a week later, and the date was only three days apart.

"I bought a very interesting thing today. It is really memorable. Look, "Mechanical Eagle", my god, I can find it from the warehouse that sells diary children. He said that he admires me. I pick one."

"Cough, of course, I chose the person's book. Others haven't been attractive to me anymore. Really, now I think it's a little angry, I found out that the Mechanical Hawk before I saw it. So many things are simply nonsense, no wonder they can only sell and sell in such small broken places, lie to us such children... After I settle down, I also want to publish mech magazine, I will sell more than Mechanical Eagle is good."

"In addition, I also have the first fan. Well, Aibo, who sells diaries and old magazines, has been grabbing my first fan with Niya. Haha, they said that I will be red, because I am not only powerful. And handsome, although I am still in the bottom position, but I believe in me... Hey, they are very cute people, which makes my mummy life a lot more interesting."

"The days of the game are getting closer, I am a little scared, but it’s not a day to live."

Read The Duke's Passion