MTL - The Gate Of Good Fortune-Chapter 1475 Nalan's excitement

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Lin Lin’s eyes are bright, although this woman is not weaker than the gray-haired woman in front of her, and she knows how to dress up. A white dress looks more ethereal. Let a kind of life only be far-sighted, once you have smashed each other in the near future.

"Who are you?" At the same time as the woman in the white dress, Lin Lin asked. After asking this sentence, Lin Lin felt that it was wrong. This woman's cultivation should be higher than him. Otherwise, how does he look a little fuzzy?

"Excuse me, the friend said..." Lin immediately changed his attitude and took a polite moment.

A lot of spectator monks around, after seeing the woman in this white dress, quietly retired, apparently very jealous of this white skirt woman.

"You still don't deserve to ask me..." The woman in the white skirt said coldly. After she finished, she stopped looking at Lin, and turned to Lan Shu.

"Shang Shi." The ice cold on the woman's face finally faded, revealing a soft smile.

"Ru Xue, how are you..." Lan Shu looked at the woman in front of her eyes with amazement. She did not expect that Nalan Ruxue would appear in this place.

Not only that, but Nalan Ruxue’s strength seems to be much stronger than her.

At the time of Lezhou, Nalan Ruxue was far less powerful than her, and now her strength is far less than Nalan Ruxue. Life is really impermanent.

Lan Shu always thought that her cultivation progress was fast, and the opportunity was good. This will break through the eternal for more than 100,000 years and step into the plastic world. The realm of Nalan Ruxue is obviously much higher than her.

"Shang Shi, I didn't think I would see you here. It's too unbelievable." Nalan Ru Xueyu said, recalling the teacher who no one dared to approach in the past.

Now Lan Shu is in front of her, but her strength is much lower than her.

"Ru Xue, is your cultivation already?" Lan Shu completely could not see the strength of Nalan Ruxue, only to feel the vastness of the vastness of the sea.

Nalan Ruxue did not conceal. "I got some chances at Taisu Market. It is already a complete reunion. I am leaving Taisu Market to prepare for the road."

In the eyes of Lan Shu, she showed some unnaturalness. In this world of the strong, in the face of Nalan Ruxue, she did not know how to call it. If you call Ru Xue, I am afraid that something is wrong. If she is not called Ru Xue, she is even more awkward for her predecessors.

Nalan Ruxue seemed to see that Lan Shu’s uncomfortable, quickly said, “Sister Sister, I am going to re-establish the anti-ice sect in other circles. Are you willing to go with me?”

Lan Shu looked puzzled at Nalan Ruxue. "Is it too bad for Taisu? Why go to other circles?"

Nalan Ruxue hesitated for a moment, did not explain the real reason, just said, "Taisu is now a bit broken in the rules of the world, I want to go to a more perfect place, I heard that the rules of Taiyijie are perfect, and now it is better. Once upon a time."

Lan Shu did not directly answer Nalan Ruxue’s words and asked again, “Do you know the news of Ningcheng?”

Nalan Ruxue nodded. "Know, even if you ask a person casually, the other party knows who Ningcheng is. Taisu Dao Ting was established by him. The order here is set by him. In Taisu Ning Cheng is not a name, it is a symbol..."

Speaking of the fact that Nalan Ruxue sighed in the heart, she did not want to stay in Taisu, just because of Ningcheng. But she went to Taiyijie, can she leave the scope of Ningcheng?

She has been to Taiyijie, where it is the same as Taisu, and the name of Ningcheng is also a symbol. Unfortunately, her strength is still too weak. Before she did not meet, she did not have much choice.

"Ah..." Lan Shu’s eyes showed a surprise. In the four stars, Ning Cheng is a legend. I did not expect to come to Taisu, Ningcheng is still so famous. She did not look at the wrong person, but the pearl always shines.

Nalan Ruxue saw the surprise in the eyes of Lan Shu, and she sighed in her heart. Sister Sister, if you like Ning Cheng, I am afraid that you will be like me, and eventually you will get nothing but loss or loss.

Thinking of this, Nalan Ruxue suddenly picked up Yan Yan. At that time, she and Yan Yan were the same beauty of Le Chau and Ti Lian. Why does Ning Cheng want to choose Yan Yan instead of choosing her Nalan Ruxue? At the time of Taisu Market, she took Ning Cheng and asked for love, and Ning Cheng refused her so heartily. It is in the snow and ice, and a few women can like the woman in the ice and snow like her? Where is she doing enough?

Where is Yan Yan better than her? If it is on the skin, she is even better than Yan Yan. But today, Yan Yan can be accompanied by Ning Cheng, her Nalan Ruxue can only stay away from Taisu.

Lan Shu looked at the unwillingness and anger in Nalan Ruxue’s eyes, and asked in confusion, “Ru Xue... Do you have anything?”

Ru Xue called no more than before, Nalan Ruxue changed too much. If it was once, facing the forest with weaker strength than her, I am afraid she has already started.

Nalan Ruxue came back to God, and the cockroaches in his eyes disappeared. He said, "Sister Sister, if you can, I suggest you leave with me, don't like him..."

Lan Shu slightly frowned, "Ru Xue, what do you say? Ning Cheng is like my brother in my eyes."

Speaking of Ningcheng, Lan Shu’s heart calmed down. Ning Cheng’s strength should be far stronger than her, but when she went straight to Ningcheng, she didn’t have so many awkwardness in her heart and felt very normal.

"Sorry, Sister Sister, because I like Ning Cheng, so..." Nalan Ruxue’s eyes glanced and the tone of speech became lower and lower.

A sister, than the teacher who has always been called, let Lan Shu feel closer. It is the awkwardness of Nalan Ruxue, and it is much smaller.

Lan Shuyi Lanalan Ruxue, "Ru Xue, let's find a place to sit down and talk about it."

Nalan Ruxue saw that there were too many people around, and nodded quickly, and walked out of the mission hall with Lan Shu.

In the back, looking at the forest where Lan Shu and Nalan Ruxue left, after all, they did not dare to go to Nalan Ruxue. He saw it, Nalan Ruxue is very famous here, and Nalan Ruxue is much stronger than him.

"Sister Sister, although I am not afraid of the forest, I can't do it to him. The name of his family's unbearable water is indeed very large, so large that it can affect the many powerful people in the sky." Snow and Lan Shu walked into the next stack of the family and said.

Lan Shu became more and more confused, but she did not ask Nalan Ruxue.

Nalan Ruxue did not wait for Lan Shu to ask, and explained, "The water was only because of the participation of Ningcheng Big Brother at the same time, and I got a third place. His fame is so great. Sister Sister, you can imagine the establishment of Taisu Dao Ting, and you have gained the prestige and reputation of Ning Cheng, the first of the sacred yellow days. Don’t look at Lin Lin’s arrogance. If Ning’s brother is coming, he’s afraid that the atmosphere will not dare. Give a cry."

"In this case, even if you moved the forest, it doesn't matter?" Lan Shu finally asked.

Nalanjo’s eyes once again reveal the kind of bitterness. “Ningcheng may have forgotten me for a long time, and he will rarely appear. Even if the water-bearing people killed me, Naranjo, he might I don't know if there is such a thing. Cheng Chengshui himself is the strongman who stepped into the third step not long ago. Just call someone alone and you can kill me."

Lan Shu’s heart is not so happy, she feels that Ning Cheng is not such a person.

Nalan Ruxue didn't seem to care about Lan Shu's unhappiness. She still said, "...I was suffering at the same time as Yan Yan. As a result, we found a transmission array from Taisu. I will travel to Taisu Market. The opportunity gave the Yan Yan, and then I was living in the edge of the sea, but I did not think that I saw Ning Cheng appear there..."

Nalan Ruxue’s eyes are hot, "Sister, do you know? In the moment I saw Ningcheng, there was an impulse in my heart. But Ning Cheng’s plain and unwavering attitude made me feel like Was poured a bucket of cold water...

Later, he took me to Taisu Market. He took me to the ice rink... I asked him for joy in the snow and ice. At that time, as long as he was willing, I would never leave him. And he turned down me.... I hate him for being indifferent, and I can no longer continue to go with him. I took my inheritance and left him, and I have never seen him again..."

When it comes to this, Nalan Ruxue is getting more and more excited, and her hands are a little trembling. "Sister Sister, Yan Yan, you know that she is just like me. What is stronger than me? Why Ningcheng is going to be Like her, don't like me? I am alone in the snow and ice, but Yan Yan can follow him..."

Looking at Nalan Ruxue is getting more and more excited, it seems that she does not vent her heart, she is difficult to herself. Lan Shu also sighed and interrupted Nalan Ruxue. "Ru Xue, although I don't know what happened between you. You know, if I choose, who would I choose?"

"Who?" Nalan Ruxue finally came back to God, still can't help but ask.

Lan Shu did not answer directly, but said, "I heard that on the rule road of Lezhou in the you have to indulge others to kill the Ningcheng, which is low, and it is Yan Yan who stood up and stopped others. Hands-on..."

"But Sister Sister, at that time, I didn't know Ning Cheng at all, and both sides had misunderstandings. How can this be mixed up?" Nalan Ruxue explained quickly.

Lan Shu shook his head. "Ning Cheng saved you, but you misunderstood him. Ning Cheng did not do anything to Yan Yan, but Yan Yan stood up and helped, this is just something that was reflected by something else. Ning Cheng’s temperament I understand that he is a sensible person, and this has nothing to do with whether or not he misunderstands."

Nalan Ruxue was silent, and Lan Shu meant that she understood. In other words, if she and Yan Yan were easy to get along with, Yan Yan would not misunderstand Ning Cheng.

Lan Shu continued, "This is only a small matter. I heard that in the blood river and mountains of the rule road, Ning Cheng saved them from coming out. Yan Yan jumped in without hesitation, just to find Ning Cheng. Also, When Yan Yan came out of the rules road, her mind was unclear. But when her sister wanted to move Ningcheng, she just said a word, who moved him, who I killed." Mobile users please visit m.



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