MTL - The Gate Of Good Fortune-Chapter 1 Life-threatening

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"Dangdang...", a rusty iron door was opened, and the remnant of the iron gate was blocked by the surrounding ancient buildings.

After a dozen breaths, a young man with his head in his head was dragged out of the iron gate by two jailers with their arms around. The young man who pulled his head seemed to have no breathing, and even the bones were thin and only bones were left. From the **** and tattered clothes on his body, I can see what kind of wreckage and torture the young man suffered.

"嘭" This thin man was thrown on the ground by two jailers, splashing some dust, and then no movement.

"Is this kid supposed to die?" A chunky jailer stared at the young man who was on the floor and did not move.

Another jailer snorted. "It should be dead. Who told him not to know how to live and die. He dared to be rude to Miss Jane. Now it is good, not only is Ningfu annihilated, but he is also free. It is a deserved."

"Old club, talk carefully, let's drag him out and deal with it." The chunky jailer quickly sighed.

Hearing the pudgy jailer, the jailer named the old club involuntarily shrank his head and went to pull the man who had no breath on the ground and prepared to tow away.

At this time, a somewhat weak voice shouted on the side. "Two big brothers, I want to take my husband."

The two jailers who spoke only saw a woman wearing a coarse linen on the side. Although the woman was wearing a coarse linen, she could still see her grace. The only regret is that her face has been disfigured, covered with slightly messy hair, making people reluctant to look at the second look.

Both jailers recognized who the woman was, and this is one of the two remaining lives of the Ning family.

The whole family of Ningjia was copied. The only thing that lived was Ning Gao, the old housekeeper of Ningjia, and the woman in front of her. Ninggao was the butler of Ningfu. When Ningfu was ransacked, he left Cangqin to have something to go abroad, so he escaped. And this woman is the daughter-in-law of Ningfu, and the wife of this thin man who has just been thrown out of jail, called Ji Luojun. She was because she stayed at the 2nd Academy of Cangqin and escaped.

Of course, this is also because Jiluo and Ning's family are not related. The reason why she married into Ningjia is because Ningjia and Jijia are the world, she and Ningcheng have been detained since childhood. Only Ji Jia did not fall in the most inexplicable way, and finally there was only one disfigured Ji Luo. Even so, Ning Cheng’s grandfather, Ning Hongchang, still took Ji Luozhen into the government. Prepare to wait for Ning Cheng to really gather gas, then let the two get married.

It is a pity that Ning Cheng’s qualifications are extremely poor. It has been impossible to gather gas for many years. Not only that, but he’s not guilty of the destruction of his appearance. Fortunately, as a homeless wife, Ji Luozhen has always been obedient and never said anything. This time I came back from the college and learned that Ning's family was destroyed. She came to jail on the first time. Originally, she wanted to ask if Ning Cheng could come out, but she never thought that Ning Cheng had no breath and was thrown out of jail by the jailer.

Ji Luozhen saw the expressions of the two jailers. Before the two jailers spoke, they took out a dozen silver coins and handed them over. "Two big brothers, my husband has gone, I..."

"Okay, OK, let go, it’s ugly to die here." The chunky jailer put away the silver coins and said with an impatient wave.

They had to deal with the body of Ning Cheng, but they couldn’t think of someone to deal with it, and they gave silver coins. Of course, they would not refuse this good thing.

When Ji Luozhen heard this, he quickly put Ning Cheng back up, speeded up the speed, and soon disappeared from the prison door.

"If this is not disfigured, it is also a beautiful human embryo." Looking at the back of Ji Luo, another jailer threw the silver coin in his hand and said in a judgment tone.

"Don't talk nonsense, that Jiluo is also a person of Cangqin Second Star Academy. Even if it is ugly, it will not be us." The short jailer patted the shoulder of the jailer and took him again into the iron. door. With another loud bang, the iron gate closed again.


Ning Xiaocheng smelled a very good smell. He opened his eyes and saw a white neck at first sight. The next moment, Ning Xiaocheng reacted. He was carried by a woman, and the fragrance was sent from the woman carrying him.

No, he remembered that after being rejected by Tian Muzhen, he was in a very bad mood. As a result, he went the wrong way and went alone on the elevated. Then Huang Mang, who was drawn in the sky, hit him, and then... there was no more.

Could it be that he is still not dead? What exactly is going on?

Ning Xiaocheng just thought of this, all kinds of information rushed into his mind, he was born again.

What surprised Ning Xiaocheng was that his body that was born again was originally called Ning Cheng.

The reason why he was astonished was because his original name was Ning Cheng. Just because he often had a nightmare, that is, he saw that he had come to a very strange place, was concealed in jail, and then suffered from torture. Although it was just a dream, Ning Cheng still changed his name to Ning Xiaocheng.

Unexpectedly, he turned to Ning Cheng, and he was really born again in the environment of his dreams.

Ning Xiaocheng wanted to raise his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, but the woman carrying him looked back and did not have much to say.

"Sorry, I have no strength to walk." Seeing this woman looked back at herself, Ning Xiaocheng said with some apologies. Let a woman carry it, he is really uncomfortable.

"Ning's family is gone, you are very lucky to be alive." The woman's tone is calm, it seems that even if Ning Xiaocheng is really dead, she is also a calm attitude.

Ning Xiaocheng was silent, and he had just sorted out some piecemeal information. He should now call Ning Cheng again, which is the unique one of Cang Qin Guo Ning's family. Call Ning Cheng to Ning Cheng, anyway, he was originally called Ning Cheng.

Ningjia is a medium-sized aristocratic family in Cangqian, but the people are thin. Ningcheng’s parents went to Mango’s waters to find spiritual objects when Ningcheng was very young, and then they did not return. Ningcheng has been following the grandfather Ning Hongchang in the Cangle City, the capital of the Qin Dynasty.

Although Ningfu is large, there are not many people. Ningcheng certainly became the first person in Ningfu, and Ning Hongchang never had Ningcheng. All the bad things that Ningcheng did in Cangle City were taken down by Ning Hongchang. Cangle City is full of Wang Gonggui, Ning Hongchang is also a veteran of the Cang Qin State, but compared to those of the Wang Gonggui, it is still a little worse.

Finally, one day, Ning Cheng provoked the scorpion that he could not bear. He even offended the simple pearl of the Qin Dynasty's Jane's family. Don't say that the Jane family is untouchable, that is, the simple fiance of the fiance, Yingying, and the Ning family can't afford it.

Ning Cheng thought of it and sighed. The result he couldn't afford, of course, was put in jail. Grandfather Ning Hongchang tried to save him, exhausted his connections and family wealth. As a result, he was not saved, but instead took the whole Ning family into it. The news was that his predecessor was known from the mouth of the jailer. It can be said that Ningjia is also because he was destroyed.

After Ning Cheng clarified these things, he once again sighed in the heart. There is no reason in this world. Whose fist is big and who is the truth.

At the same time, he also understands who this person is carrying. This disfigured woman is his fiancee, called Ji Luo, some similar to the children on the earth.

Ji Jia is a foreign resident of Cang Qin State. Because Ji Luo’s grandfather and Ning Cheng’s grandfather have a good relationship, the two helped Ning Cheng and Ji Luo to set up a doll. Later, Ji Jia’s inexplicable fall, leaving only a disfigured Ji Luo. However, Ning Hongchang, the grandfather of Ningcheng, still received Ji Luozhen from the Ning family and prepared to wait for Ning Cheng to gather gas to help the two get married.

Ning Hongchang indulged Ning Cheng on other things, but he never gave in on the matter of his death as a wife. The original Ningcheng was very dissatisfied with the disfigured Ji Luozhen. He often did not fight immediately. Fortunately, Ji Luo was rebellious and never refuted Ning Cheng.

And Jiluo is different from Ningcheng. She is qualified and can practice. Not only that, but with the help of Ningjia, he entered the Cangqin Second Star Academy and is already a three-tiered monk. In the Qin Qin Kingdom, as long as they are able to cultivate, they are called monks. Once the monk has cultivated to the fourth layer of gas gathering, the status will rise straight.

At this time, Ji Luozhen had already carried him into a very low black stone house. Although the black stone house is low, the area is not too small, at least there should be. There is even a small courtyard with a deep well in the yard.

"How was Ningjia destroyed?" Ning Cheng suddenly asked again. Even if it is related to himself, Ning Cheng must also clarify this matter Although he guessed that Jane and his family did it, he had to ask some questions.

"Why do you ask me if you do it yourself?" Ji Luojun simply replied, and put Ning Cheng down.

After she finished, she poured a glass of water and fed it to Ningcheng. Then she said, "I will go to the water to bathe you. Some things will be forgotten. You know it is not good for you."

Ning Cheng watched Ji Luoqi go in to boil water, and did not continue to ask, he understood the meaning of Ji Luozhen. With his ability, the more you know, the faster you die. Even if he doesn't know anything, it is another matter to be able to survive in this place.

I don't know if Ji Luozhen added something to the glass of water. After Ning Cheng felt that the glass of water had been drunk, the whole person recovered some strength.

Ning Cheng sat on the old wooden couch, and thought of his own situation in his mind, and later thought of his sister Ning Ruolan. At the same time, he really did not understand why Tian Muzhen was like him. According to his understanding of Tian Muzhen, Tian Muzhen was definitely not the snobby girl.

(The first month of the new book has restrictions, it should be kept within 200,000 words, otherwise it will be kicked out of the list. The fifth is as much as possible, at least two chapters per day. Once the new book is over, our update will go up. Thanks to the lord Zen Buddha floating red, and the lord StAdMax continues to float red, the strongest end of the day was updated yesterday, plus to wait until the new book month has passed, the fifth remembers the next two.

The update time starting tomorrow, the first chapter around 12:00, the second chapter around 19:00. The new book still needs to request referrals and collections to support our creation! )

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