MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 71 Will be away from the sixteenth

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The road is a mountain road in a valley, located in the east of Tianshui.

According to legend, this road is the place where Wen’s ancestors of Wenshan became famous in the war. Hundreds of years ago, he and an ancient beast were fighting for nine hundred and eighty-one days, and eventually killed him. This ancient beast is a strange one. Punish the good and the evil, chaos the evil, love the people who are upright and loyal, and give the beasts who are evildoers.

Of course, whether this legend is true or not, or the descendants of the descendants of Lushan Wen’s family are exaggerated for the ancestors of the deification, then there is no evidence.

Under Jinlintai, Wei Wuzhen turned into an alley in Lanling City, saying: "In the poor road. Let's go."

When the warmth was sitting in the lane for a long time, the words immediately rushed out. At the bottom of her feet, Wei Wuzhen held her with one hand and proposed: "Do you want to rest, I go alone."

Warm and busy: "No! No! I am going, I must go!"

After the fall of Lushan Wenshi, the warm sword was also confiscated like other Wen’s monks. Therefore, after Wen Ning disappeared, she almost ran to the Yunmeng from Lushan with a pair of legs, and she had never looked at her eyes for a few days. At this moment, she was almost not adult.

At that time, Wei Wuzhen was carrying Jiang Cheng and saying goodbye to her. The warmth said: "No matter what the outcome of this battle, you will not be in the same relationship with us from now on. Two clear." In the eyes.

However, just the day before yesterday, she glared at Wei Wu’s hand, and he pleaded in front of him and pleaded: “Wei Wuwei, Wei Wuzhen, Wei Gongzi, you help me. I really can’t find it. To someone who can help, you must help me to save Aning! I can't help but find you!"

The pride and self-confidence of the original did not exist.

Wei Wuzhen also knows that she decided not to worry about Wenning, nor did she persuade them. The two quickly rushed to Tianshui County.

After the signing of the Japanese levy, the land that the family had divided up, the one that Lanling Jinshi got the most, and the Tianshui area was also included in them. The singularity is the place where Wen is famous. After hundreds of years of reform, people have changed from a steep road to a singer and sightseeing. The high cliffs on both sides of the original mountain road were engraved with the traces of the life of the great sages. After Lanling Jin’s takeover of this place, naturally, the glorious past of these Lushan Wen’s pasts could not be kept, and reconstruction was under way. The meaning of reconstruction is to cut the alpine strokes on both sides, clean them up, and engrave new totems.

Of course, in the end, we must also change the new name that can highlight the bravery of Lanling Jinshi.

These big projects naturally require a lot of hard work. The coolie's candidates, in addition to the low-order low-to-dust, the hard-working monks in their lifetime, the civilians of ordinary people, and more, the prisoners of the dogs who lost their families after the shooting of the sun.

Several supervisors walked through the valley, sipping them to drive these heavy men and prisoners. The warmth rushed in, and the sights collided on the tired face of every gray-faced face. Several supervisors noticed her and said, "Which one are you? How is it?"

The warmth was blocked by them, and they said, "I am looking for someone, I am looking for someone!"

She wears no clothes, no family, or a low status. A supervisor waved his arm and said, "I want you to find someone or find someone, go! Don't go..."

Suddenly, the voice stopped short.

He saw a young man in black and walked behind the young woman.

The young man gave birth to a bright and handsome face, but his eyes were quite cold, staring at him, staring at him involuntarily shuddering. Soon, he found that the young man was not staring at him, but was staring at the iron that he was waving in his hands.

Wei Wuzhen saw that the irons in the hands of these supervisors were exactly the same as those used by the former slaves of Wenshan. They were just the shape of the top inserts. They changed from the sun to the petals, and the eyes were cold, but still not Vibrant. In the valley, suddenly he took the center of his heart and vacated a large piece of land.

Many supervisors and ordinary low-ranking monks recognized Wei Wu's face. Instead, few of the prisoners of war recognized him and saw the feelings of his waist.

But on the battlefield and Wei Wuzhen met opponents, only one end - the whole army was annihilated, and counted as a murderer.

Therefore, the person who recognizes his face is now his subordinate.

Others dare not stop, warmly looking for and shouting: "Anning! Aning!" The voice was fierce, but no one answered. I ran all over the valley and didn't see the traces of my younger brother. I warmly grasped several supervisors and asked: "Have you sent a few monks from Wen's family these days? There is a stuttering person inside, you guys. Have you seen him? Who saw him?"

Several supervisors face each other and play hahad for the first one: "All the prisoners of war here are gentlemen of Wen's family, and they are sent every day. They are here..."

Wei Wuwei said: "Is it all here?"

The supervisor was just laughing hard.

Wei Wuwei said: "Okay. I am alive, and all are alive here. So, what about the other?"

The warm body swayed.

The "other" as opposed to "living" is naturally only "dead."

The governor did not dare to say anything, but had to bite the scalp and bring them to a wild forest after the valley. He did not dare to face Wei Wuzhen alone, and ordered another seven or eight people to follow up, and the road was vast.

In the depths of the wild forest, dozens of human figures are thrown in the horizontal. Some have already sent out a rotten stench. In this regard, Wei Wuzhen is used to it, and warmth is completely unnoticed. They turned over in the corpse and quickly turned to Wenning, who was still squinting.

Wenning's ribs were knocked down halfway, and the blood on the corners of his mouth had condensed into a dark brown, motionless.

The warmth still does not give up, shaking and catching his pulse.

After a long while, I finally cried out.

She cried and twisted, and the original sweet face wrinkled into a ball, became ugly and hard to see. However, when a person is truly sad, there is absolutely no way to cry.

In front of the only brother's stiff body, the proud film she insisted on did not stay.

Wei Wuzhen stood behind her and said nothing.

On the road, the warmth told him a lot. After the signing of the Japanese, their situation has become more and more difficult. Whether they have participated in the war or whether they have killed anyone, they must be monitored every day, and they are being manipulated and scorned at any time and place.

Wen Qing and Wen Ning have a cousin who died, and the cousin’s grandmother was also labeled as one of the “Warm Dogs”. Although she is too old to work as a prisoner, she has another tossing method to deal with her. It is for her to walk around and go to the Wen Jia battle flag, which has been torn and ripped and painted with blood red crosses, to humiliate herself, and to be "introspective".

The only son of the cousin was only two or three years old. The closest is the grandmother. If she is away from the old man, she will not be able to take care of her. She has to tie the little grandson to the back with a cloth strip. An old man trembled, and a child was ignorant of her back. One old and one small, struggling to hold a high flag, squatting back and forth on the roadside, taking a two-step break, putting the flag down, seeing someone approaching, and quickly picking up the flag, for fear of being When people find out, they blame for trouble.

On that day, Jin Xun night hunting, chasing an eight-winged bat king, came to their detention in the corner of Lushan.

The eight-winged bat king has no ghosts and is fierce. When he hides, he can't find it. If he doesn't hide, he can't deal with it. Jin Xun is anxious, just happened to meet a few Wen Jiamen students who came to see the vision. Jin Xun regarded them as the bait to be sent to the door, indiscriminately, forcing them to bear the yin flag to attract attacks.

Warm-hearted doctors, her students follow her, never only save people without killing. Wen Ning is also because of his weak temperament, and he dare not recruit violent people. His men are almost as honest and honest as his monks. He has never done anything harmful. There are only a few dozen people left in this one. Wen Ning saw the danger of life under the door, and rushed out and gold to tell the truth, dragging and pulling, the eight-winged bat king ran, and Jin Xun was furious, and ordered the ministry to take them away.

These days, the temperament of running is almost mad, but it is still late, and even the last side of the younger brother has not seen.

Warmly crying too fiercely, fainted silently.

Wei Wuzhen lifted her from the ground and let her lean on her chest. Close your eyes and open it after a while, saying: "Who is this person killed?"

His tone is neither cold nor hot, it seems that he is not angry, but is thinking about something. The supervisor named the first one was lucky and said: "Wei Gongzi, you can't talk about this. No one can dare to kill people here. He is working on his own and accidentally, rolling down from the mountain wall and falling to death."

Wei Wuwei said: "No one dares to kill people? Really?"

Several supervisors have vowed to say: "Thousands of true!"

“Nothing false!”

Wei Wuwei smiled and said: "Oh. I understand."

Immediately, he answered slowly: "Because it is a warm dog, the warm dog is not a human. So, ‘no one here dares to kill people’, this is what it means, right?”

In the mind of the Dudu, I just thought about this sentence, and I was stunned by him. His face was white. Wei Wuxi said again: "Or do you really think that I can't tell how a person died?"

The supervising workers were dumb, and finally began to find that the big things were not good, and there was a hint of retreat.

Wei Wuzhen maintains a smile and says: "You better confess immediately, who killed it, and stand up yourself. Otherwise, I would rather kill the mistake and not let go. All kill the light, this should not be. The fish that slipped through the net."

The scalp was numb and the back was cold. The superintendent said: "Yunmeng Jiang and Lanling Jinshi are orthogonal to each other, Wei Gongzi can't you..."

Wen Yan, Wei Wuxi looked at him and said: "You are very courageous. Is this threatening me?"

The supervisor was busy: "Don't dare."

Wei Wuwei said: "If you refuse to say it, let him identify it yourself."

As if waiting for him for a long time, a black figure stood up stiffly.

Read The Duke's Passion