MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 61 Wind evil thirteenth

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"Ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Wang Lingjiao screamed and sat up from the bed. The gentleman who was reading the letter at the table patted the table and angered: "What are you calling in the middle of the night!"

Wang Lingjiao gasped for a few breaths and said: "I... I dreamed of the surname Wei, and I dreamt of him again!"

Wen Wei said: "He has been thrown into the mass grave for more than three months. How do you still dream about him? You have dreamed several times!"

Wang Lingjiao said: "I... I don't know why, I always dreamed of him recently."

Wen Hao originally looked at the letter and looked upset. She didn't have time to pay attention to her. She didn't even bother to comfort her like she used to, impatiently saying: "Then don't sleep!"

She got out of bed and rushed to the gentle table, saying: "Wen Gongzi, I... The more I think, the more I feel scared. I think... Did we make a big mistake at the beginning?... He was thrown into chaos In the funeral, will it not die? Will he..."

The blue veins at Wenyu's temples are not only jumping. "How is it possible? How many batches of monks have been sent to clean up the burial posts before our family? Have one returned? He was thrown inside, I am afraid that the bodies are now rotten." After a round."

Wang Lingjiao said: "It’s terrible to die! If he really turns into a ghost, he comes back to us..."

She said, both of them remembered the day when Wei Ying fell, the expression, and shuddered.

Wen Yan immediately retorted: "It is impossible to die! The person who died in the mass grave will be locked up. You don't scare yourself. I didn't see that I was bothered!"

The letter in his hand was smashed into a ball, and he went out and hated: "What is the sign of the day, the **** shoots the sun, wants to shoot the sun down? Dream!"

Wang Lingjiao stood up and carefully poured a cup of tea on him. He thought about the good words in his heart. This is what he said: "Wen Gongzi, they can also be crazy for a while, Wen Zongzhu must be able to ......"

Wen Wei said: "You shut up! You know a fart! Get out, don't bother me!"

Wang Lingjiao’s heart was wronged, and there was some hate. He put down the teacup, finished his hair and gauze, and went out with a flattering smile.

As soon as she went out, the smile on her face collapsed and opened a paper ball in her hand. When she came out, she quietly picked up the letter that Wen Yan had thrown out. I wanted to see what the news was and make him so hot. She didn't know much about her literacy. She went up and looked at it for a long while. Finally, she guessed that this letter is: The eldest son of Wen Jiazong, Wenxi’s eldest brother Wen Xu, who was led by one of the heads of the chaos, also took the lead. The demonstration before!

Wang Lingjiao was stunned.

Gusulan was burned, Yunmeng Jiang was destroyed, and there were countless other large and small families being suppressed by various kinds. The rebellious sound was not without, but the voice of resistance was quickly suppressed by Lushan Wenshi. Three months ago, when the four countries of Jin, Nie, Lan and Jiang formed an alliance and took the lead in chaos, they did not care what they did when they hit the banner of "the sign of the sun."

Wen Zongzhu spoke at the time. Among the four, Lanling Jinshi is the root of the grass. At the moment, everyone is indignant and angry, and he is also involved in the crusade. He also follows one, but if he loses, he will soon understand that he is asking for trouble. I’m not going to come back and hold the warmth of my family’s thighs and cry out. The Qinghe’s family has the courage and arrogance. It’s just easy to fold, not long-lasting, no need to start, and sooner or later die in the hands of oneself; Gusulan is burned. After a defeat, Lan Yuchen transferred the library to return to his home. He was just a junior who couldn’t look down on anything big; the most ridiculous Yunmeng Jiang’s, the squandering of the Manmen’s sect, left a little smaller than Lan Yuchen. Jiang Cheng, a stinky boy who is not stinky, has no one under his hand, and dares to call himself the owner, raises the flag and crusade, and summons the new students while crusade.

In short, eight words: not climate, not self-reliant!

All the people standing on the side of Wen’s family took this shooting as a joke. Who knows, three months later, the situation has not developed according to the road they envisioned!

There are many places in the river, Yunmeng, and so on, and they are lost. Today, even the eldest son of Wen Zongzhu was beheaded. Lushan Wenshi - Is it true that the number of gas is exhausted?

Wang Lingjiao was uneasy for a while in the hallway, and he returned to his room with a restless mind, and his eyelids had been mad. She rubbed her eyelids in one hand and pressed her chest with one hand, thinking about her own retreat.

She is with Wen Yu, and it is almost half a year. Half a year, it is already the limit of Wen Yu’s time for a woman to fall from love to boredom. She thought that she was different and could stick to the last one. However, the recent impatient and increasingly impatient performance has told her that she is no different from other women.

Wang Lingjiao bit his lip and thought about it. He knelt down and pulled out a small box from the bottom of the bed.

This small box is the property and treasure that she managed to search for when she was with Wen Hao for half a year. Property can be spent, treasure can be self-defense.

Although not reconciled, this day has finally arrived. She wants to count how much stock she has, and pulls out a small key from her belt. When she unlocks the door, she swears: "Hey man, you oil. □ Jing is dying sooner or later, aging mother does not have to wait for you, aging mother. Still happy, you hurry to die...ah!"

She fell to the ground.

Just now, she opened the box for a moment and saw what was inside.

There is no treasure that she cherishes, only a child with a pale skin and curled up in a box!

Wang Lingjiao was so scared that he screamed, and could not move his legs backwards. She is often locked in this box. She has only one key and she is wearing it. How can there be a child inside? She can't open it once a month. If she hides a child, how can she not know? How can this child live? !

The small box was kicked over by her, the box was tipped over, and the bottom of the box was facing her. There was no movement for a long while.

Wang Lingjiao's legs trembled and climbed from the ground. I wanted to look closer and look at it, but I didn't dare. My heart said: "There are ghosts and ghosts!"

She is very poor, and there are ghosts that can't be dealt with, but suddenly I think that here is the supervision, the outside of the gate and every room are covered with a symbol. If there is a ghost, Fuxi will surely protect her and rush out. , she uncovered the plaque outside her room and put it on her chest.

With Fu Wei blocking her chest, she seemed to have taken a reassuring pill, squatting into the room, looking for a forklift rod and using it to turn the box over. There are neatly tidying her treasures, there are no children at all.

Wang Lingjiao sighed and took the fork and smashed down. He was about to start counting. He suddenly found that there were two white lights under the bed.

That is a pair of eyes.

A white child was kneeling at the bottom of the bed and was looking at her.

Wen Hao tonight is the third time I heard Wang Lingjiao’s scream. His heart is more flamboyant. He said: “Stupid people! Amazed, the **** can’t make Laozi less trouble?”

If it weren’t for these days, the intelligence situation would not be optimistic. For the time being, I couldn’t find a new beauty. I was afraid that I would find the assassin sent by the chopped family. It was not clear and reliable, and I couldn’t miss a warm bed. He had already let this woman roll. Far. Wen Wei said: "Come on! Tell her to shut me up!"

No one responded. Wen Hao kicked a stool and angered higher: "Where are people going to die!"

Suddenly, the door is wide open!

Wen Wei said: "I told you to let the monk shut up, not letting you enter..."

He turned back and the second half was stuck in his throat. He saw a woman standing at the door of his house.

The woman’s nose was slanting, and the five senses seemed to have been broken up after being shattered. The two eyes looked at different directions, the left eye stared at the obliquely upward, the right eye stared at the obliquely downward, and the whole face was twisted. Not a look!

Wen Yu spent a lot of energy, only to recognize her with her a lot of gauze. This is Wang Lingjiao!

Wang Lingjiao squeaked and approached him a few steps, reaching out: " help me... save me!"

Wen Hao shouted and pulled out his new sabre. A sword smashed the past: "Roll! Get out!"

Wang Lingjiao was smashed into his shoulder by a sword, and the facial features were even more distorted. He screamed: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Wen Qilian even dared not pull back, took a stool and smashed towards her. The stool smashed into her back, and Wang Ling swayed, squatting down and kneeling on the ground. It seemed to be swearing to someone, and the tongue was unclear: "...sorry...sorry...forgive me, spare me. I spared you..."

She licked her head and blood flowed out of her seven scorpions. The door was blocked by her, Wen Yan could not rush out, but had to open the window and shouted heartily: "Warming! Flowing!"

Wang Lingjiao on the ground has picked up a stool leg, frantically stuffed into his mouth, and smiled and said: "Okay, good, I eat, I eat! Haha, I eat!"

The stool legs were so smothered by her!

Wen Yu soul flies, is about to jump out of the window and flee, suddenly found that in the courtyard, in the moonlight, standing a black figure.

at the same time.

Before Jiang Cheng stood in the woods, he noticed that someone was approaching and slightly headed. The person came in a white coat, and put on the amount of money. The streamer was lightly swayed behind him. His face was white and jade, and he was very handsome. Under the moonlight, the whole person seemed to be covered with a faint glow.

Jiang Cheng said coldly: "Blue Erzi."

The blue forgetting machine looks awe-inspiring and swears: "Jiang Zongzhu."

After the two people greeted each other, they had nothing to say, and they took their respective monks and silently defended the sword.

Two months ago, Lanshi Shuangyu and Jiang Cheng made a surprise attack. From the gentle "teaching division", the sons and sisters who were collected by the children were taken back and returned to the original owner. Three poisons and dust are returned to their respective hands.

Blue forgot the light-colored eyes and swept the other sword in the waist of the river, and turned back.

For a long while, he looked straight ahead and said: "Wei Ying has not appeared yet?"

Jiang Cheng glanced at him. It seemed strange that he suddenly asked Wei Ying and replied: "No."

He looked at the waist casually and said: "When he comes back, he will come to me. When I appear, I will return the sword to him."

Not long after, the two men with a group of monks rushed to the monitoring of Wen Yu's hiding, preparing for the night attack. Not yet entering the door, Blue forgot to look at the machine, Jiang Cheng frowned.

The yin is overflowing and the grievances are lively.

However, the symbols on both sides of the gate are intact. Jiang Cheng had a gesture, and the monks he brought with him spread out and fell under the wall. He waved three poisons and attacked the sword and slammed the door. Before entering the door, the blue forgetting machine's gaze swept over the symbols on both sides of the gate.

The sight of the surveillance is extremely fierce.

In the courtyard, the ground is full of dead bodies. And not only the courtyard, but also the flowers, corridors, wooden fences, and even the roof are full of dead bodies.

These corpses are all dressed in the flaming robes of Yanyang, and are the students of Wen’s family. Jiang Cheng turned a corpse with three poisons and saw five or six blood marks hanging on this pale face. He said: "The seven bleeds."

Blue forgot to stand on the other side and said: "This is not."

Jiang Cheng walked over and found that the body was turned upside down, and it was completely unrecognizable. The yellow bile in the mouth was scared to death. At this time, a man under his command said: "The lord, after seeing it, all died, and the death of each corpse is different."

Hanging, burning, dying, cutting throat, and sharply dying... Jiang Cheng listened, Sen Ran said: "It seems that tonight's mission, there are other things to help us complete."

Blue forgets the machine silently, and takes the lead in entering the house.

The warm room door was wide open and there was only one female body left in the room. The female corpse was light and thin, and the mouth of the stool was half-slipped. It was because of the forced want to swallow the legs of the table to kill himself.

Jiang Cheng turned over the distorted face of the female corpse, stared for a while, sneered, grabbed the stool legs, slammed into her mouth, and smashed the left half.

He stood up with red eyes and was about to talk, but he saw the blue forgetting machine standing in front of the door and staring. He walked over and looked at the blue forgetting machine. He saw a yellow-colored Zhu Zi's symbol attached to the door.

There is nothing wrong with this sign, but if you take a closer look, you will find some subtleties that are uncomfortable.

Blue forgets the machine: "More."

The paintings of the town house Fuxi have long been memorized in their hearts. However, there are a few more in this cinnabar that symbolizes the dragon and the phoenix dance. These are the ear, which changed the texture of the whole spell. It now looks like this spell on the door, like a person's face, is smiling!

After monitoring the corpses that were not found in Wenyu and Wenxie, Jiang Cheng speculated that they must have fled in the direction of Lushan, and immediately withdrew the abandoned surveillance squad and pursued the sword. Blue forgets the machine but first returns to Gusu, and the next day he catches up with Jiang Cheng.

Blue forgot to take out the last spell and said: "This character has been reversed."

Jiang Chengdao: "Reversal? What is reversal?"

Blue forgets the machine: "The usual spell, exorcism. This character, evil."

Jiang Cheng slightly stunned: "Fu Fu - can also provoke evil? Unheard of."

Blue forgets the machine: "It's really unheard of, but after testing, it does have the ability to call the yin."

Jiang Cheng took the note and looked at it carefully. He said: "Just add a few strokes and reverse the function of the whole spell? Is this artificial?"

Blue forgets the machine: "The total number of four strokes added is painted by human blood. The entire town house symbol of monitoring and control has been changed. The trend of the pen is the same person."

Jiang Chengdao: "Who is this person probably? In the famous people of the family, I have never heard of anyone who can do this kind of thing." Then he said: "But no matter who he is, the purpose is to be consistent with us - killing the dog !"

The two went north with the intelligence. Every time they passed, they could hear the tragic death of the dead. None of these corpses were Wen’s monks wearing Yanyang’s flaming robes, and they were all of a high grade. However, all the deaths were fierce, and the pattern of death was numerous, and they were all exposed to the crowds. Jiang Chengdao: "Do you think these people are also killed by that person?"

Blue forgets the machine: "The evil is very heavy. It should be one person."

Jiang Cheng said: "Evil? In this world, can there be more evil than Wen dog!"

After catching up to the fourth day of the night, the two finally caught a trace of warmth in the vicinity of a remote mountain town.

There are two floors in the station, and the horse is on the side of the building. When Blue Forgot and Jiang Cheng arrived, they just saw a tall figure rushing into the building and locked the door. The two of them are afraid of tempering and repairing in order to get it. It is inconvenient to hit the grass and start the snake. Instead of entering the door, they turn over the roof.

Jiang Chengqiang endured the hatred of the sky, rubbing his teeth, staring at the tile seams and looking inside.

Warmly rushing into the air, holding a figure in his arms, dragging his feet to the second floor, putting this person to the table, and then rushing to the window to pull down all the curtains, covering the air, this is only Going back to the table, I lit up the oil lamp.

The faint light illuminates his face, still pale and cold, and there are two thick blacks under his eyes. Another person at the table, wrapped in a sturdy body, even his face covered in a cloak, like a fragile sly, shivering, shrinking in the cloak, gasping, suddenly said: "Don't light! Wan What to do if he was discovered by him!"

Blue forgot to raise his head, and Jiang Cheng looked at each other, both eyes are the same doubt.

This person must be gentle, but how does the gentle voice become like this, sharp and thin, not like Wen Wei?

Warming down the stream and looking for things in the sleeves, said: "Don't you light it, he can't find it."

Wen Hao screamed: "We, we ran so far, ran for so long, he, he should, can't catch it!"

Warm and indifferent: "Maybe."

Wen Hao angered: "What is maybe! You have not escaped, you are not running fast!"

Warming the flow: "You have to take medicine. Otherwise it will be dead."

Said, he suddenly opened the gentle cloak.

This time, two people on the roof are slightly stunned!

Under the cloak, it is not Wen Yan’s sly Zhang Yan, handsome and greasy face, but a bald head with a bandage!

The bandage is peeled off layer by layer, and the skin of the bald person is exposed. This face is covered with uneven burns and scars, making him as if he is cooked, ugly and ugly, completely unable to see the shadow of the former person!

Take out the medicine bottle by temperature, first give him a few pills, then take out the ointment and apply it to the burn on his head. Wen Yu has a sore throat, however, the gentle flow: "Do not cry, otherwise the tears will make the wounds fester, the pain is even worse!"

Wen Hao had to bear the tears, even crying can not cry. Beside the swaying fire, a bald-headed man with a burned face fangs his teeth, and his mouth emits a strange grotesque sound that will extinguish and faint yellow. This scene is really an unparalleled horror.

At this moment, Wen Hao screamed and said: "Flute! Flute! Is it a flute?! I heard him playing the flute again!"

Warming the flow: "No! It's the wind."

However, Wen Hao was already scared to fall to the ground, screaming, and warming up and holding him up. It seems that there is something wrong with Wen’s leg and I can’t move around myself.

Warmly flowed him to the medicine, took a few buns from his arms, and handed it to him, saying: "Eat. Continue to hurry after eating."

Wen Hao took a bite. Upon seeing it, Jiang Cheng remembered that he and Wei Wuzhen had escaped from the day, and they couldn’t even eat a dry food. This situation is really unsatisfactory! He was full of joy, his mouth raised, and he laughed silently.

Suddenly, Wen Yan seemed to bite something, showing a terrible look, throwing the buns out and screaming: "I don't eat meat! I don't eat! I don't eat! Don't eat meat!"

Wen has handed one more and said: "This is not meat."

Wen Wei said: "I am looking for me, when will I come back to me?"

Warming the flow: "According to this speed, there are still two days."

He spoke very honestly, never exaggerated, never made a fake, but this honesty made Wen Yu painful, dumb voice: "Two days? Two days?! You look at me now, what is it like? Wait another two days What will I look like?! Useless things!"

The warmth of the stream suddenly stood up, Wen Yu scared and shrank, thinking that he wanted to escape, and suddenly knew that he was afraid. All the guards died in front of him one by one. Only this gentle flow was his last suspicion. He quickly changed his mind: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, you can't leave me, as long as you can. You take me back to me, I let him promote you to the best guest! No, no, you saved me, you are my big brother, I let him recognize you into this sect! You are my big brother in the future!"

Warmly gazing at the direction of the stairs, said: "No."

Not only did he hear it, but Blue Forgot and Jiang Cheng both heard it. The footsteps of the stairs from the station, a little footsteps.

Someone is stepping on the steps step by step and going upstairs.

Wen Yan's face all over the burned away the original excess of blood. He shivered and extended his hands from the cloak, holding his face, as if he was afraid of excessive, trying to cover his eyes and protect himself. And the palms of both hands are bare, and there is no finger!

咚, 咚, 咚.

The man slowly walked upstairs, dressed in black, with a long body and a flute around his waist, carrying his hand.

The blue forgetting machine and Jiang Cheng's double handles on the roof were pressed against the hilt.

However, when the man walked up the stairs, smiled and looked back, he saw the blue forgetting machine of the face of Zhang Mingjun, and widened his eyes in disbelief.

Read The Duke's Passion