MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 111 Forget the twenty-third

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Wei Wuzhen and the Blue Forgot Machine ran out of the distance and did not see others chasing them up. They finally decided that Lan Qiren had no idea what to expect them.

Wei Wuqi rides on the back of the little apple and says: "There is nothing wrong with the two sides. It’s just like this."

Looking back, I forgot to nod and blued the small apple's rope and took it.

Everyone's business can only be solved by each person. Even if the brothers are like Lan Yuchen, the current blue forgetting machine can't help him. Comfort is powerless and everything is in vain.

Wei Wuxi silently stared at the feelings in his hand and inserted it back into his waist again.

When they left, Wei Wuxi looked back at Wenning.

Wen Ning rushed to him and smiled and shook his head. That is very clear, and I don't plan to go with them. This is the first time in so many years, Wenning did not follow him all the way, and had his own decision. Wei Wuzhen guessed that he probably had something he wanted to do.

This is exactly what he has always hoped for. After all, Wenning is not really his servant. He will have his own way one day, but it is really a sad day.

Now with the side of him, only Blue has forgotten.

Fortunately, he wants to accompany his own person, and only blue forgets the machine.

Wei Wuzhen patted the hips of the apple. The cockroaches on the body, the bulging sacs, filled with apples, are about the food prepared by the blue family's juniors. Wei Wuzhen took out an apple from the inside and sent it to his mouth. He stared at the side of the blue forgetting machine, and wiped a sip, which was exceptionally crisp.

The little apple saw his apple being shamelessly stolen, and he was so angry that he slammed his hoof. Wei Wuzhen didn't take it easy, and it was a few slaps of the palm, and the apple that had not been eaten was stuffed into its mouth. Suddenly said: "Blue Zhan?"

Listening to his tone is different, Blue forgot to look at him. Wei Wuzhen stretched out his right hand, lifted his chin, leaned over and put his lips up.

After a long time, Wei Wuzhen was separated from him a little, the eyelashes rubbed his eyelashes and whispered: "How."

Blue forget machine: "..."

Wei Wuwei said: "Why don't you ask me why suddenly?"

Blue forget machine: "..."

Wei Wuwei said: "Would you like me to sing a one-man show?"

Wei Wuzheng used to say: "Well, then I said it myself. I just wanted to do this. You..."

The voice did not fall, and the blue forget machine suddenly grabbed his neck with his backhand. The action was rude and pressed Wei Wu's head down. The two men re-in one place.

The little apple was frightened, and even the mouth of the chewing apple was fixed, and it was as quiet as a raft.

Abandoning the small apples in the same place, after the two men wrapped around a bush, Wei Wuji violently pushed the blue forgetting machine down on the grass.

There was still rain in the grass in the beginning of the shower, and the white clothes that had forgotten the blue, but the white clothes were quickly taken down by Wei Wu. He whispered: "Don't move."

Wei Wu's neck, between the lips and teeth, are fresh grassy breath. Blue forget the fuselage is a cool sandalwood. He squatted in the middle of the blue forgetting machine legs, and kissed the forehead of the blue forgetting machine.

Eyebrows, nose, cheeks, lips, jaws.

Throat knot, collarbone, heart.

The roads are undulating and devout.

[Great Harmony of Life]

Blue forgot to go to kiss him carefully, the action is a bit clumsy. Wei Wuqi opened his eyes, opened his mouth and let him go deeper, stalked the tip of his tongue for a while, and vaguely glimpsed the brand under the clavicle of the Blue Forgetting Machine.

He put his hand on it and covered the scar. He said, "Blue Zhan, tell me, is this also related to me?"

Silence for a moment, Blue forgets the machine: "Nothing. I drank too much at the time."

After Wei Buzhen, who had not washed the blood, returned to the mass grave, waiting for him was a three-year confinement. When the retreat period expires, the first thing I hear after I come out is that the heavens are well reincarnation, the good and the evil are finally reported, and the Yiling ancestors finally die.

In the whole mountain, I found some days in the mountains and plains. I couldn’t find anything but a high-burning coma in the tree hole that was burned in half by the fire. Even a bone, a piece of minced meat, a weak soul.

On the way back to Gu Sulan, Blue forgot to buy a pot in the town of Caiyi.

This is the first pot he bought back, and the only pot he has to drink.

The wine is very fragrant, very mellow and very spicy. I can probably understand why that person likes it.

Drink the wine he has drunk.

Suffered from the injuries he suffered.

After the waking up, the blue forgetting machine did not remember, but the chest had already had one more scar with the brand that Wei Wuzhen left at the bottom of the Tuoba Xuanwu Cave. The warehouse where the Wenshan collection of Laoshan was stored was also opened. All the students looked at him with amazement and shock.

Lan Qiren looked very sad and angry, and eventually did not blame him. In the past three years, whether it is scolding or punishing, there have been enough.

He sighed and did not oppose the decision of Blue to forget to leave Wenyuan.

This wound has been frozen for thirteen years now.

[Great Harmony of Life]

Finally, I tasted the evil consequences of my own planting. Wei Wuzheng deared to him and kissed him without any dignity: "Two brothers, you will do well, leave me alive, let’s come to Japan, continue next time, hang up and continue No? I have spared this young child today. With the light of the mighty, the Yiling ancestors lost and lost, and they lost their lives and went to Japan to fight again."

Blue forgot the forehead with a slight blue veins, a word, a word, a very difficult and authentic: "... really want to stop ... you ... shut up, don't talk..."

Wei Wuwei said: "But I have a mouth, I just want to talk! Blue Zhan, before I said, I want to go with you every day | bed, you can not be heard?"

Blue forgets the machine: "No."

Wei Wuwei said: "How can you do this. You have not refused anything before."

Blue forgot to smile, said: "No."

Seeing his smile, Wei Wu’s eyes are bright again, and there is a glimpse of ecstasy. I don’t know where I am.

However, he was immediately stunned by the action of this spring-like smile. The hands clenched the grass and screamed out: "That four days, it will not work for four days, and four days will not work for three days!! !"

In the end, Blue forgot the powerful and slamming ground and concluded: "Every day is every day."